Shining light on the unanticipated

JANU:   The Light is a revealer of the Truth of Life. It is not to be manipulated or colored in any way by bias or preference or condemnation. It is to be honored and respected for its nature. And each one’s observation based on their own powers of discernment is the result. So be it. Challenges and opportunities revealed. Solutions revealed. Outcomes owned. Wisdom gained. Experience is the teacher. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Sharing wisdom with other worlds/realities

JANU:   The request for focus is sharing wisdom between other worlds and realities. There are two models for that. One is direct, one incarnate being to another. And the other is indirectly, by way of the wisdom of the subtler realities of Life or, we might say, wiser beings, spiritually.

Direct sharing does occur but not everywhere. In this dimension of physicality, the distance between those less mature helps ensure the maturity of sharing. The Family of Life, you see, has many levels, including many levels of maturity even in physicality. So, when pursuing sharing of wisdom (LINK to 26sep24), allow for it to take different forms depending upon conditions. We have enjoyed, in our journeys, several of these that have occurred when appropriate,* but there is much to be considered. We acknowledge the interest and the wisdom of such but must respect the wisdom of its implementation. The essence of the inquiry may or may not have a recognizable response. Similarly, when each person contemplates communication with another, evaluation takes place on the merit.

Develop maturity through sharing with your own True Nature that understands protocols. Explore one’s own motivations or inquiries. Namaste.
Oct. 17, 2024                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

*Some examples are First Contact, Lanto, and  Life on Other Worlds & Beyond


The nature of wisdom

JANU:   Enormous strides are achieved through application of wisdom. That wisdom evolves with the rest of life. Experimentation through experience brings understanding that supports wisdom. What is wisdom, then, when considered as a guide for embracing life and its potential?

Wisdom supports outcome, the nature of which is the result of choices. Wisdom is knowing a measure of how creation works, how change works, how evolution works, how life moves. Wisdom brings decision to be made. It can be challenging, depending upon preferences. And wisdom can examine these as well. Clarity of thought and perception can be an illusion with a lack of wisdom. The nature of what is being considered pattern-matches with the applicable wisdom to be employed. Wisdom has narrative, not just prior to decision-making but during the engagement of life as potential unfolds. So, employ wisdom as a continuous reality.

Discernment is a byproduct of wisdom. They go hand in hand. So, how does one observe wisely? By opening to possibilities without preference. Perceiving life not only as it is but as it can be, in any direction, simultaneously. Wisdom gains clarity, as does observation, when listening and observing more than speaking. Profound listening on many levels is a worthy achievement, not just with the ears but with all that you are.

One can touch life directly with faculties beyond a current awareness. Allow these to reveal themselves as your life touches other life. Be conscious as more than you’re aware of. Be conscious as the Truth of Life, carefully and with guidance from within. Condemn nothing. Embrace the beauty of life and its eternal nature. The life that you are is in harmony with more of life than you know. Namaste.
Sept. 26, 2024                                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The role of patience in awakening

JANU:   We are exploring life and its wisdom. The evolution of humanity seldom takes into consideration the evolution of everyone’s True Nature. This is a so-called team effort, with one part more conscious than the other, temporarily. The wisdom of life is continuation in a realization of its potential in so many ways. The journey of the True Nature in the human consciousness is evolving.

The True Nature has the patience the human personality seldom does. It has to learn that, and its merit. The sense of urgency comes from the result of the veil isolating identity to one sojourn. When one compacts attention into limited time, many opportunities go by unnoticed. Life is richer than most realize and coexistence of its elements requires much patience to engage.

Consider carefully impatience and limited identity. Allow awakening of the consciousness, in every direction. So much is omnipresent to be awakened to. No need to create what already exists. Be an explorer of life, as well as an enricher. Namaste.
Sept. 1, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: Choose your life wisely

JANU:    Peace seems to be an overused word with confusion as to depth, meaning, and true power.  As one observes humanity and today’s human environment and social realities, it’s not easy to see vast examples. One asks the question “Why is there so much anger and struggle for power and dominance, when working together for mutual benefit could create so much more that benefits everyone?”

From one point of view, it has to do with enlightenment, awakening to the larger life, not only of humanity but individually as well. Humanity’s potential is coupled inextricably with its true nature. Everyone has present within themselves larger, simpler, more powerful, and constructive understanding as to the nature of their own life and Life itself.

When one observes another or themselves gaining a moment of true understanding and freedom, the joy is obvious. When one gains power over others, power that takes and consumes, revelation is not the same. But that scenario seems more available when one is angry, frustrated, and impoverished, than the beauty and power of the inner and larger life, a loving life with patience, tolerance, and love.

How does one, then, embrace the difference, to the benefit themselves and others? By desiring it more than anything, recognizing its significance an unlimited possibilities. Seeing results little by little that bring encouragement and inspiration. Choose, with wisdom that evolves, the life of your desires and all that goes with it. The inner life is filled with simple solutions that are powerful, not complications or manipulations but a light of clarity. Easier to reveal to others, mostly by example.

The Family of Life, so to speak, in its way, is eternal, omnipresent, and evolving. Choose wisely. Your choice is not alone. You are loved. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2024                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: The power within

JANU:   The term ‘inner power’ can easily be misinterpreted to resemble the unenlightened  pursuit of power. True power is not limited to some vague and mysterious and elusive inner reality. It is at the heart of everything and universally present. Your existence is testimony to this. Some call it the ‘flow of life.’ True power creates, resolves, brings clarity, continuation, evolution, peace, solutions, harmony. The source of true power is Life itself. And what isn’t Life?

The illusions of power can obscure this reality for they do not require awakening harmony with all life and they are short-lived and have a price. True power is always available, costs nothing but allowing. When conflict and confusion and frustration are present, opening to the power within, so to speak, and allowing it into your consciousness brings simplicity to complexity. And simplicity touches more of life, brings clarity to see through confusion and the illusions of external power. Obedience, servitude, cost, compromise are not the attributes of the results of true power. False power does not bring joy, peace of mind, happiness to all that it touches. Recognize the difference by the results.

At this time, many are looking for leadership. Use this to find wisdom in those who would lead. Call upon the wisdom in your own True Nature as an example. You are more than you know, but the knowing is there. Choose your life wisely. Namaste.
Aug. 14, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


A foundation for exploring more of Life

JANU:    Exploring the Larger Life, as has been requested, includes exploring one’s identity. In other words, who or what is doing the exploring? This says a great deal as to what can be explored. Our collective wisdom conditions our explorations in this way. It calls for patience and patience varies as well, according to the moment and the capabilities.

Our combined reality includes associations with many different types of wisdom; therefore, our exposure to these is wisdom gained from the Larger Life and others. So, you see, our journey together in this direction includes the wisdom of many. We do not evolve in isolation. This explains, in part, the desire to share, for we benefit from the sharing of others and all of life benefits. The effectiveness of sharing is guided by the wisdom, wisdom from experience and observation. Your incarnate brothers and sisters apply in this way, so see them in this way and with the respect due.

There is wisdom everywhere, on every level, to one degree or another, in one form or another. Exploring the Larger Life includes exploring a larger vision, a larger wisdom, a larger consciousness. Share with others in both directions. Consider this with wisdom. Namaste
June 5, 2024                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


A commitment to Life

JANU:   Encompassing possibilities in awakening, in engagement, in outcomes at many times feels like wondering about not only potential but today. Let us assume, then, that as potentials they are real and Life is the source of them all. So, how does one then engage any one of these and bring about a clear understanding as to their nature, availability, and status?

It is done so by a commitment to Life and to its fulfillment. The chips will fall and be fertilized by these commitments. And, of course, opportunities engaged in sprout new ones and life goes on. But its portrait evolves as Life renews and the opportunities flow. Committing to Life dissipates fears, distrust, anxieties, doubts. The focus is commitment to Life’s unfoldment and enrichment. It fills the empty spaces.

So, make a commitment to knowing, to discovering, to overcoming, to growing, to expanding, to succeeding, and to wisdom. Love it all into your life, now.  Namaste.
May 15, 2024                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The role of identity

JANU:   Identity, the exploration of, is an attachment to variations on a reality. Personal identity can expand beyond the manifestation of a singularity, life beyond that limitation. Identity reaches into the depths of the mystery of Life when it encounters borders, one thing versus another in description and purpose. The nature of which succumbs to limitation under the perception of diversity, differences, isolated existence for the purpose of exploring the depth of life patterns.

Let us reach then into the so-called mysteries of Life, understanding their nature, their coexistence, that which builds opportunities and challenges of discovery and realization. The fluid nature of reality allows for constant flow, change, combining, reconstruction, dissolution, and enrichment. Owning in consciousness in this manner reinvigorates openness to discovery, the possibility of complexities and interactions, starting over, re-examination, stirring the pot of Life, so to speak. Timelessness  when realized is reality where realizing its reality allows for deeper exploration of possibilities and existence. Re-incorporation of past journeys into new relationships and new adventures invigorates life as never before on any path of discovery.

We reach into these things to understand, to gain wisdom, to refine meanings. Why not, then, incorporate these into a scheme of life of constant evolution, depth, and new purpose? In other words, explore Life as far as it will take you into timelessness. Namaste.
Apr. 23, 2024                                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

The question of identity and identity shifting is a recurrent one. Two other journeys most related to this one are Mastering the Many Faces of Identity (LINK) and The What and Why of Identity. A compilation of journeys on this topic is Identity within Awakening


Living in the moment

JANU:   Many steps to wisdom, to enlightenment, to understanding. Participation in the evolution of life. Creativity. Service. Living. The intellect seeks out complexity, details, technology. The heart listens for feelings, emotions, a different kind of knowing. The True Nature allows with an intimacy into the nature of being. Coexistence. Past, present, and future and their interactions. Their mutual benefits are in understanding based on simplicity and infinite diversity.

Embracing the moment is a process of unfoldment, allows for peaceful experience. Embrace life as a continuing unfoldment of being. Living in the moment has profound depth. Many live in the past and future and miss many revelations of being. How many are conscious of the fullness of any moment ? Being of timeless consciousness is limitless and in harmony with Life in motion. Namaste.
May 8, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross