The Middle Way

JANU: We are responding then to your query as to purpose and meaning in the presence of the dichotomy of life of so-called good and bad, constructive destructive. Where does a person hang their hat and why?

From the larger point of view, Life allows the dichotomy, also allows the middle way. Neither extreme in the dichotomy of good and bad is the answer. The middle way allows for balance, compromise, mutual agreement, give and take, building a foundation to proceed with–that can deal with successfully–the dichotomies of life, yielding evolution, wisdom, maturity, insight, understanding, and the capacity to embrace the full reach of life. So, in answer to your query, ask the question, “What is the middle way?”

The middle way understands and embraces, bringing resolution to the full spectrum of life. Neither good nor bad, but profound in capacity and love for the opportunity to succeed. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2017                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This concept was first introduced about 6 months ago as The Middle Way.

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The collective genius of humanity

JANU:    We are portraying for you, if you will, the scenario of heredity. The dreams and hopes and visions of so many will coalesce into a future quite unlike the entanglements of the moment. Part of the key to this is the awakening of humanity to their true power, their true genius, their capabilities as co-creators led from within, creating from that wisdom their destiny.

Many are concerned as to the future of humanity’s existence on another world. With time and distance being insurmountable, there is more than one way to travel, you see. Humanity has the potential to overcome these physical realities, but moving to another world to start over, so to speak, is not the reprieve anticipated. Awakening is. Where will you find the wisdom to make these changes successfully? You will find it within you, the larger you that already knows your potential. Researching existence only within the framework of time/space will limit you to it. Reality is so much larger than that.

Humanity has all the resources it needs from the Earth to create a bright future, once it awakens to use those resources more wisely. What seems like insurmountable obstacle can turn around in a moment when a different path is understood and a more conscious humanity moves with it. Life patterns do not have to run their course, so to speak. They can be replaced with a vision and understanding of a better way. The collective genius of humanity awaits. Namaste.
Sept. 25, 2017 B                                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a new series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.   (Add appropriate set) contains all prior attunements in this series.


Wise counsel

JANU:    Reaching into the depths of the so-called mystery of life, let us turn our attention to the cauldron of life, stirring the pot, so to speak, and exploring what is brewing. Many changes coming, many creations, many modifications. Life re-creating itself, on many levels.

The pot stirring, so to speak, is done by the consciousness of so much of life and its creations, beings if you will, interacting, experimenting, exploring, creating. The function of this stirring is to activate potential into manifestation. Even those at peace, with a growing divine understanding and involvement stir the pot, if you will, in many different ways.

Attempting to disabuse people of their perceptions, what some might call misperceptions, interferes with their freedom to explore their own potential. So finding points of agreement, with sensitivity and caring, one can gently inspire a deeper understanding of their experience. This is wise counseling, our brother, helping Life fulfill itself by way of its many creations and elements of consciousness. Sharing your growing understandings in this way, with care and patience, is part of the oneness that is the Truth of Life. Namaste.
Sept. 6, 2017 B                                                                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


Cycles of Life

JANU: You ask, “How large is the Larger Life?” Life is in cycles, our brother. The Larger Life referred to is the current cycle. Even life renews its expression, its presence, its journey, its evolution and outcomes. So even the term ‘Larger Life’ is in motion. However, the journey in this cycle plays its role in experience and wisdom for the continuation of these cycles of life. There is a thread, you see, connecting all cycles of life that is a theme full of oneness. Oneness in principle and purpose and potential.

You ask if there is consciousness or continuity not limited by any one cycle of life. There is, our brother, but cannot be described in these limited words. Most of the content of a cycle of life is beyond words.

Wisdom is gained through experience. So how does one then experience most fully their journey in any cycle of life? By awakening to the experience, its full depth and breadth, and its potential. The awakening of humanity is essential; otherwise the life cycle continues to replicate itself in smaller cycles until fully experienced by the consciousness of life by those that walk its journey. Awakening is the clearest path to the full experience of living through the cycles of life. This is why ‘awakening’ is the theme of these journeys, to become more conscious of the Larger Life that you already are.

Now, the grand experiences that are most useful to you do not come with a sign advertising their merit. Follow your instincts, your intuition, your inner guidance when choosing whether to or not engage an opportunity, for there is a part of you that understands potential and its expression through opportunities. Enjoy awakening. It is a rich path of discovery, realization, and an evolving consciousness. It enriches the cycles of life. Namaste.
Sept.15, 2017                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross
This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 31 contains all prior attunements in this series.


True Peace, a key to loving

JANU: Peace is a key reality, our brother. It belongs in the forefront of every endeavor. Regarding life from this perspective opens so many doors or thresholds, so to speak. Some would say love is the key. It is, our brother; however, without peace its full meaning is unattainable.

You ask, “What is peace, then, that makes it so important?” It is divine balance, our brother. True Peace brings evenness of mind and balances all so-called agendas and motivations and brings symmetry and depth to understanding. What expressions of life do you perceive without judgement, free of bias, all of the hidden truths and elements intimately without condemnation? Seeing everything for what it truly is. No good or bad characterization; just ‘isness’ and understanding.

Can you see your own life and all of its elements in this way? See the wisdom behind everything, how and why life continues, no matter what. Watch the peace of a plant growing from seedling to fruit and to seed again. Everything has its cycle of beginning, ending, and rebirth. One way or another, life continues.

True Peace is a key, our brother, to loving. Namaste.

Aug. 18, 2017 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 29 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Leadership and the destiny of humanity

JANU: We are fixated on the task at hand, that being commensurate with reaching into the destiny of humanity. What we see here is an elongated or prolonged version of the Renaissance of human history to begin again but the theme has changed. Mutual benefit is the theme for human endeavors.

The voting attitude for national leaders will change. No longer relying on rhetoric but evidentiary quality of leadership skills and insightful appraisal of their consciousness. In time, the accuracy of this as demonstrated will lead to a more fluid term-in-office time frame. Votes of confidence by enlightened leaders with a history of leadership successes will modify terms in office to be ratified by the people. A process of checks and balances will ensue with nothing taken for granted.

Let us remember that the destiny of humanity brings about a temperament of insight and understanding from within. Rhetoric is not the way to the confidence of the people, but wisdom that the hearts and minds can recognize. We will say no more on the subject but move on to new venues in the destiny of humanity. Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2017 B                                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 29 contains all prior attunements in this series.


An overview of these journeys

JANU: We are summing up, then, these journeys as an overview. We consider these tantamount to the leveling, if you will, of the seemingly chaotic ups and downs of life for many into a more understandable and a little more predictable progression up the ladder of consciousness and the serenity of achievement and fulfillment of destiny.

Now, our manner of awakening is only one of many, but becoming more conscious enhances the gaining of wisdom and elevates the contribution to life and each other. Let us say this, our brother: we are not suggesting an end to the challenges of life but an elevation of the experience, the reality, and the possibilities. Do not confuse ‘confusion’ with ‘being unaware of what lies ahead.’ One seems without direction and purpose. The other is filled with a growing purpose, sense of commitment, and anticipation of discovery into a larger life. A journey of journeys, you see. To this end we serve, in one way, humanity. There are many other opportunities as well.

So continue to reach into the depths of consciousness, potential, and realization, being filled with a love of life, its beauty, its magic, and its wisdom, its love with and beyond understanding.
June 21, 2017                                             Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 25 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A string of pearls

JANU: Relevant to our journey lies the perception that all is well. This fundamental truth of being is a prerequisite and a precursor for letting go of the limitations of old patterns and embracing the new. For the conviction of these things puts the consciousness at peace and all is well, our brother. We are progressing nicely.

These breakthroughs in understanding are treasures that add value to your perceptions of everything. They are a string of pearls, each with a hue of their own, adding light to your circle of life. Choosing to learn and to grow and to serve life brings freedom to these journeys. Choosing wisdom is choosing wisely. Life is so rich with opportunities for creative involvements, one is blessed by them. Cherish these. Allow them to be yours. Share them with life and more will come.

These journeys are a treasure waiting to be discovered and understood. No, you are not alone in this. Many enjoy these journeys and bring their own contributions. Namaste, our brother.
May 4, 2017 B                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 22 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being both teacher and student as one

JANU: ‘Sailing into the wind’ seems to describe our current adventure, but that’s what the learning is, our brother. Reaching for the Truth as you embrace it is the balance of intent and desire. Being the master of your journey, of your destiny, includes many things. Peace brings the grace to embrace them.

Life is graceful in its nature, and grace is adaptable to the circumstances of awakening. Grace allows for the diversity of life without judgement and is always loving in its nature.

All that you are learns together and Truth reveals its beauty, its symmetry of being, its wisdom. You are learning that journeying does not always include conversation. Direct understanding and experience more the theme here. These journeys into what has seemed obscure in the past reveal the truth of the circumstances and conditions of incarnate life. Teacher and student are one in the truth of your nature. You are Life itself. Namaste.
May 4, 2017                                  Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 22 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Memories and wisdom

JANU:    Memories show patterns of living, the building blocks of consciousness in the life. Always with you, coming to the surface, in droves at times. What do they serve you as? What to do with them? Many are episodes you prefer to forget. To do so, our brother, is to deny your existence. Yet they still keep coming, triggering emotions that are re-lived. Choose instead to absorb the wisdom they contain and cherish the wisdom. For that is their legacy, that you carry with you as you make choices in life and engage new experiences.

The wisdom we speak of is growing understanding of the dynamics of life. Cause and effects. Creativity. Redemptions. Merits. Seeds planted in the lives of others as well. They reflect the tapestry of life, interconnectedness and influence. Choose to seek and understand the wisdom of these. They reveal much. Be grateful that they linger with their opportunity to grow and evolve. They are part of the richness of living. No matter the memory, our brother, all of living has the gift of wisdom-gaining. Wisdom brings peace of mind and a growing sense of eternity, the flow of life. Namaste, our brother.
Apr. 13, 2017                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Owning memories is an earlier journey along these same lines.