JANU: Outwardly Ukraine is the point of interest. Inwardly, the evolution of humanity, its survival, its awakening is at stake. Loving and caring for each other is humanity’s path to freedom. Hold this focus. Own it. Be consistent, persistent, and adaptable. See this blessing in motion. There is power in this. Fundamental, basic, primal during this human experiment. There is wisdom behind the veil and wisdom overcoming it. Awakening is a process with persistence, commitment, and process. We are all part of this. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2022 B Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
Tag: wisdom
Service Protocols
JANU: Responsibility for outcomes lies in the integrity of causation. By this we mean: the motivating forces of life in motion to have self-interest that pertains to preferred outcomes. The nature of service can be understood in this way. One must be conscious of motivations, preferred outcomes, integrity. Let us assume that, for the moment, these elements are embraced outcomes of life patterns, creative forces, unlimited diversity. Like outcomes are less certain, for there are considerations, movements, that are unknown to the one who serves. Consequently, life patterns with motivation must be employed with respect for unknown influences and potential.
Consider this carefully when considering service. The inherent wisdom available must be present and respected. Namaste.
Feb. 7, 2022 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
Subtle realities and service
JANU: Enormous powers exist more subtly. Such it is with your own Nature, for the more subtle your consciousness the less effort to initiate the motion of life. The more complete the peace, the deeper the relationship with the forces of life, of expression, of creativity, of being.
Challenges in the veiled existence create the desire to reach deeper into solutions and the meaning of life, the meaning of existence. Challenges do not occur on their own. They are part of the movements of life, the connectivity, the interaction of life patterns, patterns of expression, intent and desires. Greater power and influence calls for greater maturity of wisdom. There are consequences to everything. Consequences are manageable, but they are a constant. Even wisdom exists in degrees that are changing.
Without guarantees, life is still lived. No need to condemn one’s self with what some would call mistakes, shortcomings. Life is like an experiment to see what works through application. We are all free to embrace change. A great service is to be kind, understanding, patient, and to inspire. Namaste.
Feb.4, 2022 B Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
A living tapestry
JANU: The Dance of Life can also be understood as a living tapestry of life, made up of countless life patterns that are in motion. This tapestry pulsates, moves, evolves, continues, and realizes potential. A living tapestry, beautiful to behold, rich with resources. Loving, understanding, always embracing. This includes all realms.
The True Nature is part of this as a contributor and is never alone for the tapestry and the Nature sustain each other. Sensing its presence replenishes. Mutual absorption has a vitality. Wisdom through experience permeates this and can be drawn upon with integrity. Consciousness expanding; expanding identity realization; endurance; diversity; countless journeys of exploration. Everything changing. Even truth evolves, including love, taking on larger and larger and deeper meaning. Being in harmony with life enriches. Namaste.
Dec. 23, 2021 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
Evolving the incarnate and larger life as one
JANU: Identity expansion seems to fly in the face of the common veil experience. But from the larger point of view the veil experience flies in the face of complete identity shifting. Both are natural, but one is the creation of larger reality for a purpose. The desire to move beyond it can have several motivations. One is freedom from challenges of the veiled experience.
Another is to return to the memory of a larger life and its advantages of insight, wisdom, continuation, knowingness, and freedom from limitation. But one serves the other, you see. The opportunity is to facilitate their cooperation in service to each other as one reality. The misperceptions of the veil experience as to full identity. Thin the veil, which supports a perception of the larger life. The process supports a growing wisdom and maturity of this relationship. Thus the awakening process. Finding and maintaining peace during this awakening process while incarnate is an evolving opportunity to understand and experience these realities as one.
The so-called miracles of life have always been available but the wisdom to use them through experience is part of the journey. Applying what’s gained in these journeys is the demonstration of what has been gained. Being at peace minimizes reversals and confusion. Let us proceed. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
JANU: Tolerance is a good beginning in the healing of human relations. Imbalances in the living experience of societies bring frustrations, fears, and anger. People are driven to extremes of behavior watching their families suffer in deprivation and abuse. Governments struggle with intolerance, lacking insight into wisdom. The pressures against peaceful survival, problem solving, and the lack of hope make the future seem dark. The challenges in living with environment, disease, and weather seem to pile upon each other and are out of control. Self-determination becomes lost and hides perception of the beauty of life. People become intolerant of each other, which is transferred from lack of control for environment into circumstances.
A life pattern of tolerance goes a long way towards perception of possibilities, solutions, and concern for each other. Tolerance is a beginning but much more is needed. The power to create solutions in life is within each one, to varying degrees. Encourage each other to experience that power, peacefully. It is deep within and ever present. Encourage people to love themselves. It is hard to give to another what you don’t own. Namaste.
Nov. 12, 2021 B Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
A larger consciousness through peace
JANU: We are encouraged, then, by the momentum being gained although subtle to your consciousness. Turning the tables, so to speak, on the confusion of life behind the veil. But wisdom was gained through the experience, and still is. Life is life, whether in or out of the body, as is consciousness. Being at peace allows for current experience of these realities, for peace is without bias or preference.
Misperception is the product of confusion due to ignorance, unfocused imaginings. Focus for the conscious mind, incarnate mind, is mostly one focus at a time. The larger life consciousness is simultaneous awareness, synergisms, coordination, collaborations, systems of life, a coordinated sense of identity, an orchestration of perceptions and understandings in tune with the symphony of life.
Ponder this larger reality. Own the freedom. Be at peace.
Nov. 11, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Being more conscious
JANU: Being more conscious leads to being more involved with the evolution of life, in whatever form it may take. Consciousness is not inert. It is part of the one.
What is the role, then, of consciousness? Being more aware, understanding more deeply, having a greater and more diverse capacity to enrich life. It involves laying a foundation of balance, of wisdom, peaceful in nature, loving, enduring, being a partner with and of creation. An eternal relationship with being. Maturity is part of this, a growing maturity. Understanding, seeing the beauty of life itself, that nothing is insignificant.
Nov. 10, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Wisdom of True Nature on the Path
JANU: Unencumbered by the physical sciences, the journeyer freed from the limitations of the so-called ‘laws of life’ can be involved with understanding and experiencing the Larger Life in ways not described by physicality, social conditioning of the perception of life, of what’s possible and supposedly what’s not. One can build the foundation for embracing the Truth of Life not described by these. Exploring reality without a frame of reference relies upon intuitional insight of the True Nature. When exploring this way, a less limited foundation for understanding is slowly being built, but can be a challenge for the conditioned human experience.
So what does, then, one focus upon when entering into these journeys? One focuses upon the wisdom of the True Nature and that of Life itself. Being more conscious is a desire fulfilled by these journeys, with unpredictable rewards. Awakening builds upon awakening. Achievements in consciousness build on each other, opening the door to unanticipated insights.
This is true for the True Nature as well, you see. The desire for awakening, exploration, discovery is not limited to the human journey. As your identity expands to include your True Nature, your perceptions evolve. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross
Our relationship with Earth & its creatures
JANU: The Dance of Life, humanity’s relationship with the Earth. There are other worlds who are discovering relationships with life through the creatures of their world and each other with rewards, a revolution in consciousness, by being sensitive to the living things in nature.
Animal ‘whisperers‘ of the Earth find joy in this, for there is intelligence in all of life. Not limited to words but by direct knowing, shared experience, and inherent wisdom of each. Compare not the creatures of your world with humanity’s interpretation of intelligence and wisdom. Life can be understood and experienced through all its creations. Choose any creature; respect its place in life; and desire to share awareness of each other’s consciousness. The Dance of Life is everywhere. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross