JANU: For this morning’s journey, may we assume the position of explorer once more and reach into the fabric of life. The patterns of color, light, the currents of life are a tapestry in constant motion, evolving and morphing, if you will, into unique realities. It is well to see the human existence, a lifetime, in this way. Nothing fixed, permanent, concrete, except life itself, which is changing but always present. Choosing to see your life in this way frees you from dominance of any one pattern. Dominance in the sense of limiting your awareness of countless possibilities and the freedom to choose them.
As you build towards your future, allow this flexibility in your perception, in your plans, in your expectations, and even your achievements, for they can be seen on so many levels, in so many ways. The theme here is flexibility in your relationship, not only with your life but with your nature as well, your perception of your nature. And as you achieve this, allow this in others, in your appreciation and understanding of their life.
Now, patterns can be built and sustained but not natural for them to remain so, for the life that they are is in motion. Flexibility and stability co-existing as one, allowing for each other, depending on each other. Not just physically, but your thinking as well, your emotions, your philosophy and perspective, and what you hold true in the manifested life.
Many with beliefs hang on to them as anchors in a troubled sea, but are inflexible until forced to see differently. But even in this scenario, much is learned, experienced, and wisdom gained.
Consider your relationship with the reality of being flexible, changing and in motion, understandings that come and then are replaced. Your greatest strength and peace is to be in motion with life, adapting, perceiving in new ways as the revelations arrive, adaptability and the strength it offers. Now, flexibility is not suggested as changing with the wind or by the whims of others, but with wisdom and the inner guidance of who you truly are. Consider this carefully as being added to the principles of life that you value. Namaste.
Jan. 5, 2016 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross