
JANU: We are pointing our eye, so to speak, in the direction of ‘sainthood’ and what that means.

Now, as a dispensation of religious institutions, many of the qualities that qualify one for sainthood are exhibited, and have been for millennia, by individuals who do not even know of the term but live their lives peacefully and in obscurity. What is this but a label to attempt to understand and describe qualities of consciousness and behavior?

There are servants of life who live in this manner all over your world. These individuals are worth knowing and honoring and supporting. Servants of the Light inspiring and awakening to the Truth of Life beyond words. They are living their True Nature. This does not mean that they are engaged in saintly pursuits every day, but their Light comes to the fore when it is called for, when it is useful, when something inspires them to love another.

One need not be aware of this in an individual but be grateful that they exist and live their lives as they do. Male and female, our brother. Even children enter your world with these qualities. There are those in tribes you call ‘savages,’ primitive, that have these qualities. Not trained at all by religious institutions but by life itself. They are referred to as ‘the wise ones’ and ‘the gifted ones’ and, at times, crucified for their good works by those who do not understand. They are Christ-like, but do not mention it. Attention is not their goal. The joy in helping is their reward.

In your thoughts and your prayers, wish blessings for them. Namaste.

July 30, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The sunny side of life

JANU: We are taking a look at the sunny side of life, so to speak. As one begins to attune to and communicate with beings on other worlds, in other realities, and one’s own True Nature, apply this same reality to your neighbor—yes, even to relatives—and find that there are wondrous associations to be had. Entertainment enjoyed at the cinema portraying fictional and non-fictional life scenarios is no substitute for the limitless associations and portrayals of life that exist everywhere, supported by foundation of individual integrity.

Your consciousness transcends time and space; therefore, many realities of consciousness are accessible directly. Many wondrous journeys exist. Get to know your community of life, a grand resource for understanding and developing your abilities to communicate. Do not limit yourself to words. English is not a universal language, but direct knowing is. And your own consciousness can translate meaning.

Making your world of consciousness ever larger gives you perspective on the elements of life. Your own challenges and confusions and misperceptions are seen in a new way. As one travels from one’s own familiar and comfortable environment to other countries, other cultures, your perceptions are modified, expanded, and deepened. See your own life in a new way. See another’s life through their eyes, their experience, their victories and challenges. Touching life in this way is rewarding, and we don’t mean just physical life.

Become a more conscious being. Your faculties will expand and new ones appear. Enrich your life with the richness that is everywhere. Let the wonder and awe, curiosity and joy in living and discovery of a child be yours as well. They are hungry to absorb, emulate, embrace more and more of life. That child lives within you, our brother.

This is the sunny side of life that enriches, restores, and brings warmth to your outlook. And a commitment to discovering your own True Nature exists this way. A healthy and wondrous way to begin your path of oneness and service to life. Growing in this way is indeed service, for it enriches life for everyone. Namaste.

Aug. 3, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the wonders of life

JANU: This evening we speak of wonders. Have we considered the wonder of living? Consider the wonder of it, its merit, its richness, its continuing from one moment to the next. What is that magic that keeps the flow of life flowing?

How conscious are you of your own spirit, and all your sojourns and journeys in between, and associations in and out of incarnation?   Can you summarize all of your experiences in this sojourn? Can you identify your own growth and changing perspectives? How more thoroughly and deeply do you understand another, including yourself? When you question life, do you understand the answers? Can you communicate with someone who is unconscious, hovering outside the body?

Can you be quiet enough to understand an animal or other creature? What is the language of life, beyond words that limit your understanding? Have you communicated with another being on another world? Can you explore an uninhabited planet and understand its nature? Is the Solar System alive to you?

These are only beginnings of inquiries into life. Even the inquiring is a wonder. Do you understand that life is evolving with you and through you and by you and you are part of the wonder? There are many wonders, our brother, and we will continue to explore them together. Namaste.

July 30, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Two brothers-two worlds-one plan-one lesson

JANU: This evening’s journey represents a ‘tale of two cities,’ so to speak, reaching into the archives of understanding. Let it be remembered that this story existed on two worlds, neither one of them being the Earth.

There were two brothers, not biologically but spiritually, that incarnated with the goal to find each other and communicate. This seemed to go well until one became distracted and found it easier to focus upon the incarnate life. The other attempted in vain, having remembered the commitment, and did locate the other brother and knew of the other’s distraction and life. Never communicated as such, these two brothers. But the one who remembered the commitment and found the brother served the other for the entire sojourn with encouragement, inspiration, and some guidance. When both had passed on, so to speak, they found each other again and found humor when understanding what took place. The understanding they took from this, that their communication took place but not as they had designed.

The currents of life are many and control of these is unpredictable. So be aware of and alert to outcomes that may differ from your plans but still have merit. Be open enough to understand life is always in motion and it takes patience and commitment and an open mind to understand it as it happens, and beyond. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 5, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Living a graceful life

JANU:    This morning’s journey sees humanity in a larger way, not just in personalities, behavior, egos, and the self-created conflicts, but in the peace and freedom to be they nurture within. Humanity has within their potential graceful living, generosity, the capacity to transcend all the limitations of incarnate life, many of which are perceived in a very limited way. Humanity has the capacity for perfect health at all times, a longevity of their choosing. Their True Natures are eternal, so can the thoughts be, also.

Needs for living can be met in a more profound way through creative manifesting, postulation, and the nurturing of the Earth, not by altering Nature, but by allowing the body to adapt to it harmoniously. The processing of foods leaves much to be desired. The understanding that natural vitality in vegetation is what needs preserving on the way to the marketplace, you see. Unpolluted air and, yes, pure water, these are not miracles of understanding. They are well-known but ignored for the sake of profits. The obsession with power, by way of economics, is an illusion of power.

A larger view of life, destiny, potential, and its wonders is within the capability of humanity. The sharing of those who can perceive a brighter future can change perspective for those who may need a nudge into their greatness. Loving all you can be and the life that affords it is a worthy focus. Humanity’s destiny includes all of this. Reflect this in each day and the changes will come. There is genius within you. Embrace it. Namaste.

Aug. 8, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Loving humanity unconditionally

JANU: You have asked to understand and experience the nature of the love that exists for humanity, no matter how outrageous or brutal some can be. It is the kind of consciousness that can forgive and love oneself deeply. As a shared experience with others, the love that forgives without condemnation or recrimination. The love that sees potential and nurtures it. The love that understands and touches the deepest part of a person’s true nature. The love that understands oneness profoundly. The love that does not perceive right or wrong and is always at peace with the journey of life.

There is plenty of brutality in the world, meanness, manipulation of others, cruelty. Practice manifesting this love, exploring its potential, not to agree with or disagree with behavior, but to see beyond that and all that is involved. Practice these things, our brother, not in theory but in life. Namaste.

July 28, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature of life

JANU: The nature of life is no small subject, but simple in its profound simplicity, in its True Nature. Simply stated, life is. What it manifests, what it becomes is far more complicated, diverse, and ever-changing. So when focusing upon the nature of life, realize that you are talking about the principle of being. Even its potential for diversity is growing.

The nature of life is beyond description with words, our brother, for words are designed to describe the realities of life, not its essential nature. They can only hint at a direction of reality, and that is ‘being.’ But you see, even the nature of life is before ‘being.’ Even ‘isness’ is a limitation.

How does one, then, embrace freedom from time/space? For wherever you look, the statement of ‘where’ suggests position. Even among so-called dimensions, it suggests hierarchy, structure, form. Your journey through a singularity hints at this, that the true nature of life has no size, or shape, or limitation. All of that comes from life and exists at one with life. Even time and duration and antiquity and future are products of life. How does one describe non-creation?

The purpose of this exploration is to reveal to the finite mind that it’s awakening, that the primary source of being is at profound peace, and the peaceful life we encourage, the peaceful consciousness we encourage, is a measure of that. And it is easier to perceive that all endeavors are part of the one life. It is possible to have a fundamental perspective of a reality of infinity, timelessness, limitlessness, and oneness. It keeps the door of inquiry open, the yearning for connection being fulfilled always, a growing understanding of love that has no limit, a profound peace and a sense of being that continues.

Life finds no fault with you. Only love you have yet to fully understand, but still benefit from and emulate and embrace. No matter what you become, what path you take, life finds no fault with you. Nothing to forgive. Be at peace, and namaste.

Aug. 9, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The presence of life

JANU: We are settling in then for a period of adjustment to engage a finer reality of life, enhancing the sense of scope to the reality of presence. Life does have presence, and it takes many forms, each one a unique experience.

Perceiving experiences as forms and expressions of life helps one appreciate its magic, its Truth, its unlimited presence and unlimited True Power. In a very real way, you loved yourself into being as an expression of life and its all-pervasive reality. You are the evidence of this reality, as is everyone else. As is your sense of being separate from, disconnected from other expressions of life. Life’s nature allows this limited perception and the experiences it brings. But, understand this, all of these are known in the presence of life. You never love alone, or think alone, or speak alone, or discover alone. You are never alone. Never have been, or will be.

You created your being to experience life as life. Life is not limited to spirit, but includes all manifestation and all unmanifest. In time, consciousness will embrace individuality as part of everything. So, you see, in this sense you are the physical, the non-physical, and everything else, all at the same moment. Life cannot be separated from itself, whether you are aware if its connection or not. By example, many of a religious nature accept the point of view that the Christ left the physical body and is gone. But that consciousness is not gone. It is present as part of the True Nature of everyone and was before it was incarnate. The essential nature of that reality is part of everyone. It is life, manifest and unmanifest.

Much to be understood about the truth of oneness. And we are all one. Namaste.

July 31, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A new perspective on oneness

JANU:    We are beginning once more to approach life from a different perspective, a ‘back door,’ if you will, to convention. For this morning’s journey, we are in repose, so to speak, listening to life’s message, which has always been here. And the message is to allow the fullness of life to be your experience. Not so much one specific understanding, but the natural richness of its presence. Life is, and so are you, and oneness allows universal intimacy. And we have that same intimacy, our brother, as life journeys through us, its true power, its flow, its richness, and its eternal nature.

We are already one with whatever is sought. The challenge is to let go of the perception of separation, which is a temporary reality in the larger life. Being one with your True Nature is the path to this experience. Be one with the answer to your questions. Let go of limitations to your understanding. Let go of unconsciousness, sense of distance and time. These are the illusions of incarnation, but are not required. Allow the cloud to lift, the darkness to dissipate, and embrace freedom.

This so-called ‘back door’ to being one with all of life is really the ‘front door,’ you see, and is not a door at all. Misperceptions from the incarnate isolation cast the illusion that you cannot possess the answers to your questions. We, as a complete being, enjoy the freedom to be one with all that we are and, through that, one with universal understanding. Not at distance, but always present. Be at peace with this, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 7, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to a more conscious connection with life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us consider, on the path of awakening, the journey of conscious connection with more and more of life. Animal pets, and wild animals, with direct connection that not only reveals their nature to you, but your nature to them. See not so-called intelligence, as interpreted by humans, as a barrier to intimacy. Humanity considers themselves the most intelligent creature on the Earth but do not often demonstrate it.

One need not see the presence of a creature to communicate with it. Learn to sense their presence, their consciousness. Allow the touching of each other according to each one’s capacity. Forget not that the Earth is such a creature, and one can have intimacy in this venue as well. The Earth has countless opportunities to become more aware, with more profound understanding, and the opportunity to serve and uplift life is always there. A plant has a consciousness, as does a tree. Every level of life, every type of life is an opportunity.

It is one thing to observe a creature, or any other life form, and quite another to connect with it. Now, this intimacy is not limited to creatures. Planets and suns have their realities as well. It is all life, our brother. Life is an open book; one only needs select the right page and become one with it.

You ask, ”How long should this process take to be realized?” The time is completely up to you. Your anticipations and perceptions and freedom of response and sensitivity are your choice. There are no secrets and neither are you. The illusion of separation is an illusion by choice, to help you focus on your individuality, your existence, without distraction. But, in time, our brother, that becomes a limitation to a larger life. Life has much to teach and you are part of the curriculum, you see. Be a good student and allow the rest of life to learn about you. You’ll find great peace in this as you partner with life. Namaste.

Aug. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross