Shifting identity

JANU: We are exploring further possibilities on these journeys. The unifying consciousness of the totality of being is another threshold of larger adventures.

Advancing the reality of True Nature consciousness reveals that incarnate human existence has many possibilities beyond the birthing process. For those of sufficient consciousness, manifesting a life in the human experience is accomplished in different ways. The so-called ‘walk-in’ is one. Manifesting a physical existence is another. An existence where appearance and disappearance, moving in and out of direct experience in the physical allows for a freedom to explore many unknown realities of varied experiences.

The identity becomes more flexible, adapting to various interests and explorations. Serving life becomes more varied and effective. The whole understanding of identity expands. The question “Who are you?” has deeper meaning. Identity is still a challenge in perception shortly after leaving the body. More than just who you are as a human being and your True Nature. Many other possibilities for exploring more of life.

This is part of awakening. Identity can shift in a moment, not limited to one sojourn, if you will. The question is not “Who are you?” but “What do you want to be?” Even the word ‘who’ is a limitation.

So let us explore the reality of this, as you continue to expand your identity. Selective but more inclusive at the same time, you see. Namaste.
July 24, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 28 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A time of quickening

JANU: We are breathing life, so to speak, into the freedom of communication. What we see here this morning in the density of material life is a systemic change in the Earth, in the flow of the colors of the spectrum of life moving more rapidly as they change. There is a stirring in the consciousness of the planet, a quickening, if you will, between the Earth consciousness and the human consciousness, as well as other creatures. There is a tightening, so to speak, a focusing of coordination and the evolution of humanity in consciousness is more actively linked with each other. On the larger scale, this change, this quickening, is in harmony with the solar centered system of worlds.

These quickenings come and go, and are part of the pulse of life everywhere. There are the quieter times, the slumbering so to speak, for reflection and assimilation, for rejuvenation. And the quickening times for the creativity, interaction, and coordination of the flows of life. This is such a time. A growing interest in many things, sorting out those that draw you into deeper involvement and contribution.

Communications such as these is one such focus, or can be. Involvements can be larger than one individual. But networking, cooperation, and coordination of interests are rewarding and build creatively grander opportunities that will persist. Awaken then to deeper interests, imagination, and the creative flow that expresses your True Nature. Develop a growing harmonious relationship with the life around you and what is to come. Anticipate the flow of life revealing so much more. Namaste.
Mar. 31, 2016                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


May we all journey together

JANU: For this evening’s adventure, let us embark upon a path that retains the essential nature of life with purpose. The range of possibilities is beyond number, for wherever there is life, there is opportunity. And what is purposeful depends upon the conditions. Shall we say that the conditions that these journeys are responsive to is when consciousness calls out for understanding bringing reason to the thought process, to the emotions, and the nature of others. For understand this, our brother, the True Natures of people are in proximity of communication and mutual support. This we attune to this evening. And there is an affinity for the awakening of consciousness.

All over your world, there are those who wish for a better life but do not see a path for achieving this. They only see a tradition of ‘not knowing.’ What we support this evening is the path to awakening. The many insights you have gained are the result of this. And it is a process, our brother, of the quickening, the inflow of insights, of understanding, the application, the assimilation, and the grander freedom to explore not only the creations of life but your true identities.

Reaching then into the flow of life, helping people understand and open to who they truly are. What grander empowerment can there be? Vistas unimagined await humanity and the consciousness of their True Natures. May we all journey together and live the Truth of Life. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 22, 2016 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The inclusive nature of awakening

JANU: Welcome, our brother, to the journey of a lifetime: the awakening to your True Nature and all that that includes. Some would call it an altered state of consciousness. More inclusive than altered, for even the human consciousness, the human journey, is included.

As one awakens, one includes more and more of the Truth of Life in their awareness. And not only their awareness, but their engagement. This truth has two faces, if you will: the inclusive nature of your own consciousness and the inclusion of you in the larger life. For there is a collective consciousness of everything some call ‘oneness.’ Speaking with one voice, living with one consciousness, being one with everything and every no-thing, brings a perspective to your relationship with life and life’s relationship with you that has no secrets but the wonder of realization of potential. What some would call the ugly side of life, of human behavior, is measured by and exists within the beauty and wonder of it all. This is the perspective of the awakening consciousness and the nature of the life that continues on.

Challenges are part of the mix. Open your heart and your mind to the rewards of these. Be confident always in the substance and nature of the flow of life. Engage and embrace everything in this way. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Being at peace with your lifetime

JANU: The focus this morning is finding peace with your sojourn. Taking the larger view of the most intimate details brings perspective and value to everything you’ve experienced, the performance of a lifetime. Identifying with the larger you allows this to happen. The merit in this, our brother, is the ownership of a life’s experience but not being owned by any part of it, in the sense of restricted to that moment of identity. Leaving you free, even while incarnate, to learn the truth of your existence, your being, bringing sensitivity and depth of perception of the lives of others as well. Formalities of the body, the emotions, and the mentality are enhanced, allowing for a better connection with who you are in the midst of the layers of living.

Find peace with all you’ve been and done. Owning your life instead of being owned by it is the difference, our brother. See it as heritage with meaning, experience with wisdom, contribution with love. Fullness mixed with patience, time mixed with timelessness, existence with the truth of beingness. Finding peace and acceptance with your life is the Light you seek. Namaste.
Mar. 17, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The many elements of awakening

JANU: Rambunctious does not describe this current approach to journeying, but methodical and careful consideration do. So, as we nibble away, so to speak, at accomplishments, let us be even-minded and lighthearted, organized yet flexible, and spontaneous. Always ‘at peace’ and open. Each faculty supports the others, as does each journey. As in composing music and in a symphony, so many elements involved. Not only the consciousnesses, the physical dexterities, the development of instruments, the decisions on composition, the many coordinations, relationships of notes and sounds, the music, but the inspirations brought to those who listen and participate, the lifting of consciousness, the many layers of energy imparted and impressed. This is awakening, our brother, fine-tuning.

Everything is for a reason, whether understood yet or not, and draws on the experience of so many. Puzzle pieces are unique yet they fit together with others and are part of a larger picture. Each one is needed, as are the experiences of the journeyer. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Mar. 8, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See March 21 posting for more on individuality and uniqueness.


Life beyond the veil

JANU:    What we see first here is a more spontaneous response to living situations, not only in your understanding, your awareness, but your relationship with others and their needs. Humanity in general is constantly seeking enlightenment. Life is very confusing in many situations. Many play a game of society, posturing image for impression with others to fit in and for advantage, yet secretly longing for pure understanding to the nature of life, their own existence, and wisdom. Very confused as to what love is and simple happiness seems illusive. Representing a more natural way of existence through constant attunement or awareness as to the nature of life can be an inspiration for those looking for understanding or answers to their questions. Not from you, but from within their own True Natures, Life itself. And that is what this is about, in part, our brother. A natural existence of understanding and awareness, a knowingness within your being untapped so to speak, always. No sense of aloneness and being lost in the sea of life.

This connection we speak of that you inquire about is not abnormal. It is uncommon. But more people tap into this from time to time in their lives than they realize. You can inspire them to be better at it, so to speak, for it to be more reliable and available. Every insight need not be recorded but taken within to your foundation of understanding.

We see developments here, not only in understanding but utilization of faculties in the application of energies and consciousness, promoting healing, peace of mind, a strong sense of inner strength and confidence, a natural happiness and sense of humor, recognizing absurdities and enjoying play. Much to explore and accomplish and, yes, master.

The veil, our brother, was never intended to be permanent or eternal. Only a tool to help one focus on the incarnate life, only for as long as needed. More and more are nearing the end of that journey, to find guidance within to carry them further. All of these and more: faculties, facilities, and gifts of life to be explored. Understanding and experiencing a direct connection with the rest of life is a grand journey, for life is rich and has much to offer itself in the coming together. Many systems in your physical bodies have a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship. All the parts of life have this as well.

Becoming one in your consciousness, in your experience, is enriching. Developing this way of life while incarnate as well is full of wonder and so-called miracles. Life is magical, our brother. The scope and depth of the journeys cannot be fully foretold. But the promise is real and so is the fulfillment. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out Pure Beingness as well as the previous three postings to get continuity of this process.


One does not awaken alone

JANU: The development of the ability to open to full consciousness is on its way. Changes such as these, our brother, are best accomplished in a measured way, and the adjustments to be made while maintaining a central core of sanity and balance. We would have you see this with patience, commitment, confidence, and faith in the Truth of Life, the truth of your own nature.

What you are achieving has been achieved by others and longed for by many others, in one way or another. One does not awaken alone,   although it seems so at times. You are part of the Family of Life and are supported and welcomed. We are not here to disrupt a tradition but to be in harmony with it. As you have said, “Steady on,” our brother. Namaste.
Mar. 16, 2016 B                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The miracles of life

JANU: We are reaching, symbolically, into ‘our bag of tricks,’ seeming magical and illusive to most. But they are not, our brother.

Opening the bag and reaching in, one finds a peaceful consciousness that seems unlimited. A growing understanding of the nature and elements of many planes of existence. The power of the understanding of truth that is in motion. The power of perfect understanding, the perfect moment or juncture in someone’s life. A so-called ‘sweet spot’ in consciousness that triggers the revelation of so much. The magic of inspiration, illumination, and a balance in the presence of everything. And open-mindedness, with discernment and growing depth of perception. And vitality.

The goal here is not to bypass life and its challenges or opportunities, but to own them, the master of the journey. So you see, our brother, not tricks at all but the miracles of life. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2016 B                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Pure Being and True Peace

JANU:    What we discuss and observe here this morning has to do with the bending of the so-called rules we have allowed for journeying. We are moving beyond this, our brother, into a region or realm of life more universal, more inclusive, more cosmic in scale. The so-called protocols you refer to for engagement are left behind. There is no protocol to be, for the beingness we engage is not limited by these. Life is, our brother. The so-called protocols exist to structure creation, manifestation, wisdom-gaining, and continuation. ‘Being’ is not described by these, or defined. This is true freedom, that was always the core reality of all of the journeys of life and, yes, the understandings.

The peace we speak of is not a protocol, but a constant reality and the nature of being. A life of any creation, our brother, is the essential reality of beingness. Being at peace is ‘being.’ Being at peace is one with everything. Your human consciousness is part of this. Your True Nature is this. Thank you and namaste.
Mar. 15, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Refer to Pure Beingness  for background.