Experiencing the power of listening

JANU:    The power of listening extends to the power of communication, which extends to the sharing and evolution of the Truth of Life. We must begin with these things as foundational on the quest for awakening.

Life expression can dominate this side of the coin. Reacting to challenges, life expression is not listening. The challenge is to get your attention, to inspire listening to gain understanding and wisdom. For, understand this, that Life is listening to you, which inspires the challenges, you see, providing opportunity to grow. One doesn’t gain information by demanding it. Demanding is not listening; it is projecting agenda, preferences, limitations. It is not listening. How can one learn and evolve when only expressing your own agenda? All they hear is themselves.

Developing, refining the power to listen—the experience of listening—strengthens one’s relationship with Life, to a degree not achievable without it. Being at peace, as previously stated, eliminates the filters for clearer listening—filters of preference, bias, closed-mindedness. For clarity, peace is the harmonious relationship of all the systems of your being and their relationship with the flow of life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2021                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding relative existence

JANU:  Relative existence means there is a correspondence throughout life on every level: thoughts, feelings, inspirations, insights. It begs the question: Is there such a thing as completely independent new thought, unique, or is the new thought a composite of influences from relative existence, on one or more levels? The next question: Does it matter, as long as new thought is part of the one Life? It plays its role. The nature of relative existence can be useful in understanding the appearance and evolution of life expression.

It also begs the question: How effectively do we listen to each other? Do we listen to influences, life patterns, progressions, creativity, change? How often do we become inspired and, in a moment of inspiration, stop listening and start processing? Can we listen and process simultaneously? While listening remains unbiased, open-minded, unfiltered, do we listen to the processing of others to understand them better and be of service more effectively?

When observing the recording of others, printed or otherwise, can an evolving consciousness still benefit from a recording that is not changing? Can past and present relate to each other in the midst of a changing present?

The answer to all of these questions is ‘Yes.’ Life is not one thing or another. It is one thing and another. The past and the present are one and are the source of progression into the future. Through the future, the past and the present are connected. Relative existence is everywhere, in all of life. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2021                                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The vitality of life in motion

JANU:    Life in motion being elastic, meaning there is give and take, modifications, alternatives, interdimensional realities coexisting yet unique. This applies to your own being. Being connected with coexistence and life in motion means that one is, as well.

And how does that reveal itself? Every moment is a little different. Any relationship changes. Any attitude evolves. Even colors shift in perception and reality. Health and well-being exist in this way. The value of currency is never constant, globally changing in value from one economy to another.

Life that is not in motion must be called something else, for life is not stagnant. Some expressions of life are more stable than others, but still in motion. Self- examination of understandings, attitudes, preferences, realities of the sojourn are not always the same. So, when reaching for understanding of some aspect of life, one is sampling only a moment of reality.

So, what is a foundation for understanding for moving forward, for further exploration? The foundation is at peace with change, not only in life around you but the life that you are, your own Nature. Being sensitive to this brings sensitivity to the vitality of all of life. These changes include rehabilitation, rejuvenation, evolution, applied simplicity. A reality of harmoniousness but still vital.

Experience the vitality of change. Perceive your own physicality in the same way. Vital rejuvenation, some call healing, but always in motion. Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2021                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Taking a position or allowing change

JANU:  Position in life has interdimensional attributes. “What does this mean?” you ask. When one is said to take a position about anything, they tend to see themselves as representing a reality of significance to them. People can share positions for a moment, but even the sharing reveals differences. Perceiving yourself as taking a position can be a limitation in the midst of the flow of life and reality. Pondering the position with introspection allows for processing, comparisons, so-called fact finding and evidence. Taking a position on the validity of change, relativity, connectedness, timing, and relative existence allows for perceptions that can relate to others for a moment.

What this reveals is the wisdom in allowing, seeing the truth of everything for the moment. Understanding reality brings about a lessening of fear about perceptions of instability and change. What is there that is permanent, to hang on to, and why the need for things to stay the same? Change challenges flexibility, adaptability, new thinking, new understanding, and profound perception and understanding that never stands still. So where does that leave ‘taking a position’ in the common sense? The wisdom of change and the ongoingness of life allows for evolution, realization of potential, discovery, and new vistas. What is the relationship between ‘taking a position’ and adapting to change, which is the flow of life? Namaste.
Aug. 6, 2021                                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the nature of coexistence

JANU: Interdimensional reality functions by way of coexistence. Little understood by way of the incarnate experience. What does it mean to ‘coexist’? When all are connected and there is one Life, what is coexisting? The one Life has countless expressions within its reality. Even the so-called dimensions are expressions of life, the one Life. Exploring the meaning and reality of ”all is one” is little understood or owned by way of conscious understanding and experience. How can we all be one yet unique in so many ways? Understand that each one’s existence is a unique expression of the oneness, for the diversity of expressions is the collective of life. And Life evolves through these. And these expressions leave an impression in the body of Life, some might call a recording that can be read, known, and re-experienced.

To be continuously conscious of the evolution of all its expressions is beyond the scope of that portion of your total being that is conscious behind the veil, meaning conscious awareness is incomplete. Therefore, resolving some of the issues, the queries, is left unanswered seemingly and determined to be beyond understanding.

Awakening is returning to a more conscious state of being beyond incarnate parameters of consciousness. The conscious mind is impatient and perceptions of life are based upon one sojourn, unconscious of processes of life that are much longer, involve so much more, and interact with the Larger Life. You ask, “Why is this so? What purpose does it serve? Why does this condition of existence seem to be bypassed to varying degrees by a few?” These conditions of existence in the incarnate life are not permanent. They are fluid and in motion, for all of life is in motion including the veil experience.

Awakening brings consciousness more fully into this flow through desire, commitment, and peaceful pursuit respecting timing, process, and relative existence with the rest of life. Interdimensional reality explores this, which is the result of a commitment to awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 4, 2021                                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Overview of interdimensional reality

JANU: Assembling our thoughts, we come up with the nature of our reality, which has common elements with others, yet unique here or there, as with others. Your quest has been the understanding of the structure and process of existence, not just for beings but for the elements of life and their nature. To examine this, one must at times move beyond words and limited perception to embrace direct experience. So let us continue in this way, bringing about revelation.

Time and space coexistence, understanding, and experience opens the door to relationships that are co-dependent, mutually beneficial, that exist as one in a larger reality, a larger perception. The veil isolates a limited consciousness. That portion of consciousness is most comfortable processing one understanding at a time. Embracing the Larger Life moves beyond that. Therefore, one must employ a measure of the larger consciousness that relates to coexistence, simultaneous realities.

These five elements of interdimensional reality that have been given* are one example. They coexist, mutually beneficial and, when embraced, can lead to larger reality of coexistence. Now, the True Nature operates in this larger way but occasionally offers glimpses of insight beyond the veil limitations.

We have spoken of process and timing. Being at peace is comfortable with this and allows for complex insight to be metered into glimpses of the larger reality. This process serves the incarnate consciousness with opportunities of evolutionary awareness and understanding. All is not achievable in one sojourn, but the quest is beneficial to the True Nature. Be at peace and namaste.
Aug. 3, 2021                                                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: The five elements of interdimensional reality to be explored in this current series are: relative existence, communication, insight, energetic densities, & timing and process.


Conscious union, with agreement

JANU: Agreement with the principles of existence moves one beyond just observing reality, but flowing with it, evolving with it, understanding with it. Agreeing with the rest of your being unites it as one with the human experience.

Yes, there is timing and process to this. When in harmony through peace, one does not create impediments but opens to purpose and fulfillment of potential. Past, present, and future become united as one. Understanding evolves with the flow of life. One experiences a sense of oneness with all that’s understood.

Timing and peace and process are intertwined and are merged through expression. We are one. Namaste.
July 28, 2021 P                                                                              Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence explored

JANU:    Relative existence is part of a range of understanding and experience having to do with the origin and destiny of all existence. Exploring these realities is a challenge to common human consciousness but is not unachievable when desired and committed to. We are exploring the fundamentals of existence, not necessary to survive the human journey, but can contribute to mastering it, which has benefits beyond.

Relative existence describes connectedness, mutual influence, creative intuition that communicates from one consciousness to another, at times unconsciously. Insights can be connected to the insights of others, or to life relationships past or present. Even potentials are not completely unique, for they are all connected in the flow of life.

Relative existence is experienced continuously without understanding its nature. Being in the flow describes or reveals parts of life touching each other on many levels. Attuning to these brings awareness and sensitivity to influences. Choose, sense, and be conscious of these influences. They are relative existence, flows of life touching each other in subtle ways not limited by time or distance.

Awakening includes this. Individuality coexisting with oneness. As one awakens and walks through life in this way, one understands the beauty of coexistence and its advantages. Even thoughts coexist with others, even beyond the limits of the human journey, as well. Namaste.
July 28, 2021 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Relative existence explores connectivity universally. The more at peace one becomes, the more conscious of relative existence with everything, reaching into the fullness of existence. Life exists in so many ways, in so many realities, in ways unrecognizable to the incarnate mind. But awakening is a revelatory experience and reveals more and more of reality, the nature of everything.

Life has potential, every aspect of it. Exploring one’s own potential is an amazing reality. One’s own potential is connected to relative existence, for everyone’s existence—everything’s existence—is connected through relativity. Patterned as life in motion, for all motion is comprised of relative elements touching each other, influencing each other, evolving connectively. Even thought follows this pattern. Inspirations, insights are connected in this way. Yet each element of life has its own potential and destiny. The combination of uniquenesses is the diversity of life, its power to exist and continue. Direct knowing  is an example of this.

Awakening is a process with many elements of timing. Serendipity is understood in this way. Challenges, opportunities, so-called miracles are the results of this, but life is so diverse, connection can be difficult to perceive. But less and less so, to the awakening consciousness. Relative existence is a vast, changing, expanding world of exploration. Be at peace, and namaste.
July 26, 2021                                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Focused experiences and direct observations

JANU:    Energetic densities, conditions of existence, all existence. The physical density has the characteristics of confinement, borders, due to the veil experience which limits conscious awareness of subtler densities. Be mindful that all densities coexist. The difference is conscious relationships.

Now there are many subtle influences involved in coexistence with these densities. Awakening to these brings involvement, intentional involvement. When observed interdimensionally, one can perceive nodules of interaction, of presence. Each can be perceived based upon their density and the qualities they bring to coexistence and influence. The human being in the larger sense operates in this way. There are those who have achieved some mastery, if you will, and demonstrate what seem to be magical demonstrations of miraculous ability. These indicate the gradual evolution of the human consciousness into interdimensional reality, with varying degrees of consciousness.

Subtler densities are not perceived in the same way as the physical. They are not based upon time/space, but present just the same. The interplay between densities is in motion. Conscious involvement can at times seem hit or miss and uncontrollable. This in part is due to lack of discipline and focus. Distractions are prevalent. So, the path of awakening  can seem inconsistent. Developing discipline and recognition of the properties of experience enhances consistency when attempting to expand and understand experience with a measure of control.

Practice attention on one reality and explore that reality. Observe enhancements and understandings. Namaste.
July 23, 2021                                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross