Conscious union & the nature of life 

JANU: These moments of life represent a kind of ambition to self-realize. Understand, then, the nature of life is to understand itself through creations and relationships. People do this as well, in their own ways. The question “Why?” is from those who have yet to own this reason for living.

Conscious union, spoken of often, is an intimate relationship with life and its reason for being. Or should we say: reasons?  One needs not attempt to create such an experience but to identify with and be in harmony with the nature of life. The phrase “being in the flow” is an example of this. Insights that are magically revealing are worth exploring for they reveal much to the open mind.

Realizing potential with the courage and commitment to manifest leads to more and more revelation, understanding, and identity expansion. The veil is not there to obstruct but to motivate and focus and explore, to ask questions and seek the truth. The incarnate life has potential that is richer than most understand and it is at one with the Larger Life. They coexist and enrich each other.

They truly are one. Borders are an illusion with a purpose. Identity is fluid to the open consciousness. Enjoy the revelations. Let them be part of your journey and see where they take you. Enjoy them. Namaste.
May 31, 2022 B                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Personal symbiosis

JANU:     Symbiosis exists between incarnate consciousness and the rest of the being. How can this not be true when the Larger Life and the incarnate life are one, each a part of the other? Opening the consciousness to the nature of this reveals something more than ‘anatomy as opposed to spirit.’ For physicality, with perceived boundaries and limits, exists through the presence of a larger reality. Perception of presence of the entire Nature opens the consciousness to the larger possibilities and variety of creativity as always being present.

Now, life communicates throughout its nature, but the language, so to speak, is diverse. The perception of structure and form in human language is limited. Consider how individuals communicate without words through a look, a motion, or feeling of shared understanding, and subtler ways yet. Do you recognize sharing understanding without limited structure and form happens through awakening? Be open to, sensitive to subtle powers of perception whether understood or not. ‘Deciding to know and then listening,’ when developed, seems only natural and easy.

The realization that your True Nature is you is an identity shift that brings liberation, freedom, and peace. Get to know yourself. Rely on who you are, where you are, and what you already know. Allow all of this to discover more and enrich life. Namaste.
May 4, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Embracing physical reality multi-dimensionally

JANU:    Animation of potential brings light to the nature of creation. Physical reality affords this, you see, for the Larger Life to realize the nature of potential. Now, creation has many realities of modification, cycles of existence, smallest to the largest by way of the elements of various densities and interactions. Much of the Larger Life is demonstrated in the physical universe.

Embracing physical reality multi-dimensionally attunes the consciousness to the subtler realities and their potential. The process of experiencing and understanding takes time to assimilate for the physical life has time and space as components. True Nature explores this as a direct experience by incarnation. The Larger Life is not limited by these qualities but understands them and embraces them, gaining wisdom through direct experience. Namaste.

May 3, 2022 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


What is consciousness & its capability?

JANU:    The nature of the inquiry acknowledges that, suggests that all of life is a consciousness evolving and fulfilling its potential. But what is this life, then, with this imperative to discover, in this way, its nature and its potential? In simplest terms, life is beingness in motion, to include all realities, all potentials, and all manifestations, no matter the reality, you see. Human consciousness is part of this, as an expression of potential, one of countless realities.

The question remains: What is life and is experiencing this? What is the source of potential?

The macro and the micro are one in the so-called Body of Life. Be not limited by the perceptions of this or that: boundaries, time, space, motion, relationships, outcomes. The challenge is to become absolutely still in a non-nebulous reality. Now, life manifesting in motion has difficulty becoming conscious of or as the True Nature of life, but here in existence is the proof of such existence. But can a creation truly know its creator and be conscious as?

A practical understanding and application of the nature of life depends upon perspective or point of reference. Exploration of this subject is a practical incentive to expand consciousness. Use this as a catalyst for discovery, for all of the Truth of Life and its potential and manifestation. It’s a challenge even for the True Nature and maintain even a semblance of stable sanity.

There is a point at which significant departure from identification with the manifestation of life can remove one from its existence. For the human realm or reality of consciousness is by design identified with an evolving consciousness on a journey of discovery without end. Have some forethought and insight into the potential for transition into alternate existence and resulting departure from the current one. Becoming conscious of the process of reality of the movement of life, of its potential and actualization is only a moment of conscious reality.

Continue to explore, allowing the nature of reality to be what it is and to grow with what it can become, a peaceful journey full of life. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2022                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The nature of communication

JANU:    Music, then, as communication must be understood in a different way than just entertainment. It is, after all, vibration and vibration takes many forms. What responds to vibration in the human being on various levels? By various attributes, the physical body does, emotions do, visual sense does, hearing does, and even taste can be influenced. How is this transmitted to meaning, understanding? Repetition of particular experience with each vibration is a beginning. Audible words influence in this way, which are vibration, patterns, with repetition associated with particular meaning, begins language communication. Art can influence in this way, as well. Music does, as well. Vibrational communication becomes more complex by employing several of these at once, in combination, forming patterns once more.

It is possible in consciousness, energetically, to stimulate in this way, once associations are made by the receiver and the sender. When this is accomplished, proximity physically becomes less important or necessary. But this takes practice. A kind of telepathy. Deception and ambiguity are more easily detected and more difficult to convey. Direct knowing can also be direct experiencing, to include meaning, intent, emotion, pain or pleasure, many human perceptions, that of animals as well, and other creatures. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2020 B                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of existence

JANU:  Relative motion can be interpreted without units of measure because, in the Larger Life, awareness includes the relative reality of another expression of life. These relationships reveal not only yours but the other as well, for they are connected in other ways than measuring devices. One can know the presence, relative position, and motions of another whether visible or not. All of creation has this property and the conditions of each can be experienced and understood.

You ask what terminology to use in describing these properties of existence without units of measure. These properties are not recorded with pencil and paper, so to speak, but in life patterns of energetic reality of many different properties. So, to determine that something does or does not exist or has this or that relationship or reality simply by observation of the five senses or any devices is limited and gives the illusion of real or unreal.

So, what we point to in this discourse is the reality that there is much more to the natures of existence whether the five senses detect them or not. This perspective has merit in other explorations of reality as well, and are worthy of exploration. Namaste.
Oct. 1, 2020                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


More on the Nature of Life

JANU: We are producing, if you will, an intensity of interest in the Nature of Life. Leaving the body is not necessary to accomplish this, for your dimensional experience is directly connected to the Nature of Life.

Exploring the nature of every existence in every reality is valid, purposeful, meaningful, productive. For some, living is a drudgery, not seen as an opportunity to explore. Exploring the nature of everything is illuminating, invigorating, consciousness expanding, and joy filled when using this to inspire others to find their truth. The True Nature of Life is expressed in everything. Love alone is vast beyond imagination. Peace is a bridge to join aspects of life into a stream of understanding, engagement, and fulfillment.

Each one has their story. Think how many stories there are, our brother. Each different yet with common themes. Common ground to be had in understanding when observed past the differences. The nature of your own existence is the springboard, so to speak, to be conscious of the stories of others. Life is rich and getting richer with every moment.

Choose to be in motion as you explore meaning and purpose. Let not today be only a rehearsal for tomorrow. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2018 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


What is the nature of Life?

JANU: The nature of Life is vaster than the human mind can grasp the totality of. Humans speak of existence but in a limited way, and of non-existence without understanding. What is Life, then, but everything and every no-thing?

Life is. Knowing a portion of it that applies to you is sufficient to nurture every interest, every endeavor, every evolving moment. So the question is less, “What is its nature?” and more to the point, “What expression of it are you part of and do you serve?” The life that you are understands this. Its nature is ‘to be,’ everything and beyond. Not in distance, our brother, but in potential. The collective of every reality is Life itself. Being grateful that there is life reveals more of it to you. The journey is the gift and that is the realization of the potential, the fulfillment of being.

Be at peace. Evolve. Be the life you are, and all that goes with that, you see, challenges, overcomings, revelations, and love in its infinite variety. Grow in understanding, in participation in the Family of Life, the Larger Life, in every singularity. Namaste.
Mar.15, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s note: This is a good example of the spiral nature of life. This seemed a good “new” series, only to get this response, and realize we’d done a goodly number earlier. The reader may wish to check out the category “Nature of Life.” 


Warmth in communication

JANU: Let there be known that your interest in enlightened communication carries with it a sensitivity to a balanced completeness. And, as you have noticed, one element of this in the presence of wisdom and intelligence is a warmth beyond the words. Underlying the words, a presence of love beyond words.

When exploring life, be aware of this quality intertwined with the wisdom, the information if you will. This speaks clearly of a pure consciousness at one with the truth and at one with you. Intellectuality without this has a coldness to it and only reaches your intellect, but you are far more than that and so is life. This quality is of value to be part of your relationship with others. This is the quality that truly connects one with another, beyond the words. It opens receptivity and trust.

This is the genius of life behind the wisdom and the power. It is the nature of life and of peace. Namaste.

Jan. 18, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: There is a fascinating element of life that perpetuates evolution, not to be analyzed in detail but to be understood as a compelling factor in the distribution and evolution of life. To evolve means to unfold, and life is unfolding. Everyone’s life is. Everything’s life is. What this unfolding includes remains to be seen, but it is the potential of life that is evolving. And the evolution builds the potential, unfolds it further, as does your own existence. No matter your perception of achievement or lack thereof, evolution continues the process. And that path continues to unfold. Even the seeming lack of achievement is an unfoldment. It is the learning. It is the wisdom gaining. It is the so-called trial and error. It is miraculous.

Evolution brings into view potential, and potential is another miracle of life. Pre-ordination attempts to describe the existence of potential, but it is too simple an understanding, too vague. Potential and manifestation co-exist. Evolution is as primary, as fundamental as potential. Evolution is Life in love with life. You evolve as Life loves itself, and you are Life. Oneness is spoken of so often, but how deeply understood, how intimately? We of the Brotherhood of Light are enriched every moment by this reality. The nature of this reality is that it be shared, inspired, supported, embraced throughout manifest life.

You ask what role brutality, violence, mis-emotions, destruction play in evolution. It brings balance, our brother, to those who prefer peace and love. It tempers the journey, requiring patience, understanding, and a view of life with a capacity to allow while maintaining integrity, even as Life itself does. The ‘middle road,’ our brother, is defined by the range of life. The ‘middle road’ understands both sides of the coin, centered in equilibrium, seeing the Truth in everything, not taking sides.

Jan. 12, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross