Life in motion

JANU:    Summarizing encounters, their progress towards conclusions as to the nature of significance and understanding, compounded by the seeming frailties of expressions of creation. Let us assume that there is an integrity of life that transcends fragility and confusions. So what does one hang their hat on, so to speak, to rely on, to fall back on, to start over from, and to build on? The nature of existence varies according to the existence, for how does one understand, relate to, and grasp life essence that has such potential. Other worlds and civilizations, other systems and subtler realities find the support they need to not only exist but continue.  Many search for cause for everything. The question being: What is the nature of every thing, every world, every reality?

Expressions of oneness exhibit infinite diversity. It appears to some that the Nature of Life and the creations are only connected beyond understanding. A limited point of view from a physical life. What we are suggesting here is the vision, a perception of the worlds being explored that what is sustained isn’t just the expression of creation but life in motion, no matter the form or the expression. Even understanding is not fixed, for Life is in motion and understanding must be as well.

So, when observing a society or a natural expression of life, think not in terms of only longevity and permanence and origination, but see Life itself in motion no matter the expression. For one’s consciousness to evolve, as well as understanding and wisdom and contribution to life, this perception we refer to contributes greatly to your own being in motion. So even sojourns that come and go are only the beginning and modifications of expressions of life in motion. Be not attached to these, or identified with them, but allow them their life and contribution. Ponder this. Namaste.
May 29, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Savoring the richness of life

JANU: Savoring the richness of life is a peaceful journey through its creations. Its diversity and its evolution are unlimited. Exploring other worlds is part of this, but not all of it. There are thoughts of cause, results, origins, purpose, reason, potential, timing, connectivity, relationships, timelessness, cycles, and pure being. These—and many more avenues of discovery, exploration, understanding—go hand in hand with exploring any part of life.

So whatever is explored, have a foundation of a larger reality of which the exploration is a part. Even perspective is evolving. The elements of life are evolving. The descriptors are evolving. Much to be learned from exploring worlds, for they reflect on your own and your journeys. A grand perspective to achieve is the reality that everything is connected in countless ways. And everyone, as well. Diversity and oneness coexisting in a symphony of Life and Light. Namaste.
May 27, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The Boween

JANU: Sensory interpretation of the conscious journey into union with the True Nature varies greatly, even in our own experience, not to mention that of others. The significant portion of this is direct knowing. Simply put, an experience of knowing. As the journey continues to the Larger Life and other realities, that same knowing plays its role. In conscious union, that knowing extends to more than the sojourn. In time, the experience of direct knowing becomes more natural, more confident, more familiar. So as the wisdom and experience of all that you are communicates with the Larger Life, direct knowing finds its place harmoniously with the object of the inquiry. In today’s case: the nature of the Larger Life as experienced through the sojourns of other cultures of other worlds. Let us continue at this time with that culture known as the Boween.

The Boween belong to a group that have moved from one world to another in their journeys of exploration. Their footprint exists, with similarities and differences, on seventeen worlds. Most, recently. The early ones over a larger period of time due to a lack of proficiency that has been gained. What they are discovering is that their existence, their aspirations, are shared with many in different ways, deepening their exploration of their own motivations and conclusions. They summarize, repeatedly, the context of these journeys and their conclusions shape their next journey, you see. They are becoming what might be called nomads of other worlds. And in some, a forgotten memory of traditions they originated.

So you see, other cultures from other worlds can be part of the original formations of new cultures and societies on other worlds. A responsibility they have grown in maturity to manage. They have gained the wisdom to allow these cultures their own path into their own futures and have gained from observing the realization of their potentials on these worlds. Such an adventure, on a smaller scale, can exist in your own cultures when wisdom matures to this point. That can be guidance from the Larger Life to sustain evolution in your own cultures. Much to be learned here. Much potential for growth and evolution of life. Be at peace and namaste.
May 25, 2023                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


What is your philosophy?

JANU: The interesting opportunity in exploring other worlds is growing understanding that they represent the Nature of Life, that seemingly invisible element of reality. Hard to describe but by exploring, understanding, and touching the creations of life, experience deepens to realize that all of this is life, not separate in any way. This is true for Earth as well, but exploring other worlds broadens the understanding and the appreciation of the diversity of life and how the systems of life support each other, create each other, and the people and beings who live it.

So, while exploring other worlds, put it in the perspective of Life itself. And what can you conceive of that is not life? All that is, all that will be, all that has been. Nothing lost, nothing forgotten. There are worlds emerging in consciousness discovering this, making it part of their philosophy of life. A valid question for each one: what is your philosophy of life and is it growing? Is it proving itself and your understanding of your own nature? Always question and wonder and open to a larger truth, which always includes more plus what has been gained. Namaste.
May 4, 2023                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A peaceful world with a violet sky

JANU:  Exploring other worlds is a necessity for the ultimate evolution of consciousness, for the consciousness of other worlds and the Earth’s are connected. Exploring through intuition and other means make possible these pathways of communication. To become conscious of the Larger Life, even in the smallest sense, enriches the potential of evolution, where everything is of the one life as well as realities beyond the physical. What adventure can be more profound than exploring these? And not only these worlds, but others as well.

We prolong the seeming entanglement of preparation to refine the exploring consciousness, better able to interface with and interpret new experiences, new understandings. These explorations are on your doorstep and the door is open. Let the light of the Truth of Life carry you through. Let us journey as such, even at this time.

There are worlds rich in one color or another, in optical appearance. One such is a rich shade of violet with elements of a purplish color. These hues are born of atmospheric elements deposited there by debris from space during cataclysms of other worlds, other bodies. This hue or color is viewed by inhabitants as the natural color of the sky and beyond, for what other perception is available? Yes, they are primitives by comparison, rich with traditions and beliefs, with adornments that reflect them.

It is a quiet culture, fairly passive. The colors of the topography are more placid. We see no large bodies of water. Their diet is atmospheric in the sense of the chemistry of the surface amenable to assimilation with little or no preparation. They are not human. They undulate across the surface and reach into large pockets of moisture that is not water. They communicate with each other through physical contact and body surface undulations that vibrate the atmosphere, as well as radiating impressions to each other’s receptors.

Not much for humans to relate to here, but life it is.

Their communication is more like music, full of variations in pitch, texture, color. Their evolutionary journey is quite unique. Science is not their forte, but consciousness is. They are creative and form groups from time to time to attempt communication with other realities. Very peaceful and they are not aware of our presence, an unwelcome disturbance. We leave them as we approached, in peace, wishing them well. Namaste.
May 13, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


More on conscious of and conscious as

JANU:    The theme today being conscious of and conscious as intimacy of life. Being conscious has at least two dimensions of which we speak. Study, research, observation are the beginnings of understanding. Being more and more conscious of life and its expressions, its creations, its relationships, and its potential can take lifetimes of pursuit and discovery. Carried to the next stage is to be more and more conscious as whatever your interests, pursuits, even conscious as who you are in your totality.

Bringing these two together causes an evolution, not only in perception but in being. Simultaneous realities overlap and are synergistic. Conscious of and conscious as are the keys. Simultaneous existences united as one, diverse and one, open the identity which has been one-pointed, locked in place, irrefutable, which is an illusion in the face of the Larger Life.

Identity shifting is a freedom of being that allows for exploration and intimacy with the rest of life. Identity fixation becomes the norm for those unable to be conscious as. It is a survival tool in an isolated consciousness. Exploring other worlds, other cultures, other species, other platforms of life takes on an intimacy of experience and understanding when identity can shift with being conscious as. The integrity of being is broader than one identity. Coexistence is a reality, more of a profound exploration. Co-identities as well.

Being unlocked from one perception of life inspires harmony among the systems of life, which is a peace not unlike life itself, with its diversities of expression, of coexistence and omnipresence. Expand being conscious of more and more of life and your own Nature and, at the same time, expand being conscious as the life that you are and can be. We are one and namaste.
June 26, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A spark of light in a dark tunnel

JANU:     To a glimpse a light while traveling through a dark tunnel, one must open their consciousness to the Light within them, for it has always been there, no matter how dark the journey seems to be. Many worlds are going through and have gone through this, you see.

Today’s journey brings us to such a one, whose light in the population has diminished for some time, in their perception. Encouragement is the key, whether in group or individually, and evidence of this is convincing. Be open to a dream, a vision, a moment of insight, to that which would give you peace, happiness, joy, whether in your own life or that of another. These are seeds from the Larger Life, which is your Nature. Serving yourself and others is serving Life, for they are one. Your resource for this journey is endless. It takes only one moment of light to open the door to understanding, solutions, successes, victories, strength, and a love that won’t be denied.

The Earth is such a world. Traveling the Larger Life serves humanity as well, for these sparks of light exist everywhere, only to be touched. So, touch a light by desiring it, placing great value in hope for it. Allow yourself the experience and remember those you’ve already had. The Larger Life is full of these. Take the journey to other worlds, including your own, and feel the power of true peace. Namaste.
May 22, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Peaceful world sets pace of changes

JANU: Progressing once more among the worlds of the incarnate life and those beyond. Today, let us embrace a world of a pinkish hue nestled in a cluster of galaxies but an isolated solar system. And this world is a captured world, born of the system but captured into orbit after formation. The pink hue is only significant in the sense that many worlds have a dominant cast and this one is chemistry based. The hue was acquired after formation and contributed to by the lives upon it.

A pleasant environment, peaceful, not beset with violent storms at this time. Its formation was otherwise. As a result, the consciousness and relationships of the inhabitants do not have a violent frame of reference. Let us bring into view the norms for this world. The sun is warm. The sky is clear. The atmosphere is still. Humans would find this boring and tedious, but the inhabitants on this world have, as a result, a more peaceful relationship with each other and with the creatures. The desperate need for survival is not challenged to the point where they struggle amongst each other to gain ground. Their sense of time is less limited, for there is no concern as to what tomorrow will bring to challenge them.

They challenge themselves to a degree. Their challenge to understand any dynamics of nature and their role within it. They are hypersensitive to nuances of change and therefore temper their desire to create and change in pace with the nature around them. Much of their existence is airborne. Still, their whole world in consciousness is their physical reality. Soon to come, nature will provide a stimulus to go beyond. Their transition from incarnate reality to its Larger Life is worth watching. Namaste.
May 18, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


World with rapid transition & rebirth

JANU:    Ownership of life contributes to exploring other worlds in the sense that we are one with the record of life. Life remembers everything and the opportunities to explore are born of the records and experiences of that to be explored. This includes our own path as well, you see, for there are no secrets in the Larger Life.

The world of interest this morning exists between two others in the same system. Between in the sense of distance from their sun. This planet revolves around its sun twice a day, in your days. It is quite small and rotates every thirty-six hours, has one moon which is part of its collective mass determining orbit and orbital speed.

This world decays more rapidly than the Earth, for its contribution to life exists in the form of transitional experiences. Yes, we mean the transition from physical to non-physical existence. It is time for mastering conscious incarnation and transition to the point where it is considered routine, therefore accessing and contributing to life in a more dynamic way. Though the realms—as you might put them it seems—include incarnate life, but the role incarnate experience plays in their overall life pattern contributes more directly through the conscious transitional experience to reach other realms. A whole new dynamic and relationship in life with the incarnate reality, more integrated with the other realities, you see.

Think in terms of this as an evolution in continuous consciousness. No longer the veil, you see. Less repetition of life journeys, gaining wisdom more continuously, exploring larger opportunities without interruption, identifying with neither reality. Their consciousness and the memories of their being seems a larger life on its own. Part of the beauty of life. Namaste.
May 17, 2023                                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A world mastering adaptability

JANU: This next world we approach is larger than the Earth. It is younger than the Earth. Its civilizations and nature are going through primitive stages that are quite different than the Earth’s history, for the environmental and natural conditions not only are different but varied. The accommodation for living is part of the growth process, the evolution in consciousness causing the major concentration of adaptive behavior. The storms can be intense and varied, from arid to much geographical upheaval. Physicality of any civilization changes with the tides. As these changes are so prolonged, physical adaptation is required.

The population, the inhabitants, are older than those of Earth’s but the challenges have been greater. As a result, the power to adapt has opened the door to a wider array of experience, wisdom gaining, and adaptive creativity. Earth’s population could learn much from understanding these changes and what it takes, for humanity on the Earth struggles with adaptation. The beings of this other world are mastering it; therefore, their researches, their quests in consciousness more easily adapt to other realities of life. And their adventures of adaptation move more in the flow of life, and they gain ground more rapidly.

In due course, their adaptation will minimize physicality dependency which will lead to new adventures of freedom to explore life. They have already visited other worlds in consciousness, and in their new lives, their new realities, their visits are no longer needed to be physical, the interesting combination of realities being explored in whole new ways. So, understanding the reality of adaptation, and the freedom and ability to do so, is one of the gifts of this observation. At the least, this understanding brings hope to potential, should this element of reality blossom on the human journey on Earth. Namaste.
May 12, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross