New Journeys

Equilibrium between desire and wisdom

JANU:    Equilibrium between desire and wisdom. Monitoring desire which can disturb balance is best accomplished by degree of peace. Uncontrolled desire is not peaceful and also is not listening. Our arrangement works when peace is not disturbed.

There is a difference between reaction and peaceful response. Being at peace in the presence of disturbances in society and the world is a challenge and an opportunity. Be not in despair when observing inequities. Focus on the alternatives and their possibilities.

Humanity would benefit from guidance and it is available from within. The self-created challenges put pressure upon the psyche to listen for an answer. Serve the awakening of humanity. Peace and balance, equilibrium, consistency, response and not reaction, monitor. Namaste.

Aug. 19, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence, conscious union, & service

JANU:    Coexistence of the realities of life demonstrate one Life with great diversity. Life creates its own building blocks, the bricks that make up the structure. And the bricks coexist, nurtured by the Larger Life.

When one feels alone, no matter how grand their pursuit, conscious union is missing. How does one recognize a conscious union experience and attune to it? Perception of a larger Life includes relationship with its diversity. Behind the veil, when one observes the struggles of another, they can choose to understand and experience to a degree with the revelation of understanding the experience of another, which is part of their integrity. The understanding does not necessarily mean agreeing with the circumstance. Empathy does not mean agreeing with or repatterning one’s truth. It means caring enough to be of service, not to control but be inspired by their True Nature.

Everyone is surrounded by opportunities to care and experience the insight that supports service. Remain peaceful with clarity of perception. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Unique gifts of people seen as magic

JANU: The wonders of the world demonstrated by a few* should be seen as normal manifestations under the right conditions, not as impossible. These demonstrations speak to this and condition the mind to be in harmony with them. Humanity is awakening, here and there, to varying degrees. Conditioning through experience brings a freedom of perception and expectation. Repetition brings refinement, increased effectiveness, and deepens possibilities, as with any repetitive expression.

The effect of these conditionings is a variation in grasp, timing, process, and evolution.  Any consideration of possibility that brings wonderment, joy, and an enthusiasm to explore, discover, and understand, is an evolution in consciousness and being. Focus on these discoveries. Allow them to be your experience and your understanding. Namaste.
Aug. 20, 2021 B                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 *Editor’s Note: for example, Dynamo or Mat Franco, who have a multitude of videos on Youtube.

Awakening to your own True Nature

JANU: The substance of meaning for each journey into the unknown for each one has to do with the organization of the elements of being to begin the conditioning process of listening to and relating to new understandings, shedding light upon current perceptions of what is commonly understood. Much of the sense of well-being and predictability can be confining. A liberated consciousness can see these perceptions for what they are. Projecting consciousness into the Larger Life builds a conduit, a momentum, a sensitivity to life patterns that seem new and revelatory.

Awakening covers much ground for there is much to cover. At first it seems a single journey, alone. This is the illusion of the veil. The Larger Life is rich with others exploring. The True Nature lives in this way and is your teacher, of which you are a part. Putting your attention upon your own True Nature builds connection. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2021 B       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Processing revelations

JANU:    The theme is ‘processing revelations on the path of awakening.’ Not just for the human consciousness but for the entire being. We are one in this, for the inner process contributes to future revelations and processing. Processing is a tradition and standard for evolution, not only the human journey but all journeys. Processing actively evolves so many resources in our Nature. It perpetuates life in motion. Processing brings clarity to thought processes, emotions, sense of purpose, and resolve. Processing becomes an invitation for those with harmonious interests and journeys to share insights, achievements, and wisdom. Processing quickens potential to be applied and realized. Processing has its own vitality and communicates with the Larger Life. One is never alone when processing the Truth, which is the Light of Life. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2021                                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The interplay of energetic densities

JANU: The interplay of energetic densities speaks of coexistence, collective reality, and that which comprises the creative expression of life in motion. Creativity is not just physical. It involves numerous realities and their interplay, depending upon the expression. Summoning these realities to perform a creative expression may not be accomplished through individual intent but by the focused desire for manifestation.

Life has creativity designed into it. Creative desire can exist multi-dimensionally. Humanity tends to perceive itself as the only mentally creative reality. In the physical life, creativity exists in all realities with dominant and subtle influences, depending upon the creation, you see. There is genius in this for Life is not a beginner in mastering of the expression of potential. And neither are individuals, nor the creatures of the world.

Laws of Life, so to speak, are the model of creation to the limited consciousness. Every law, so to speak, is in motion and elastic, and modifies to accommodate new ones. Once again, what does one hang onto as a foundation of stability in understanding? Hang onto Life in motion, the beauty of change, unrestricted tolerance for experimentation and wisdom gaining.

How vast and diverse the reality of Life is. It cannot be labeled, but can be explored, experienced, benefited from, enriched, identified with, understood more and more through evolution of consciousness called the awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2021 B                                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Energetic pattern recognition is possible

JANU: It is possible when observing others to sense the presence and patterns of their energetic densities, each one revealing their elements of expression. This applies to creatures as well, which you have done unwittingly. This is a form of communication, for the attention makes the connection which communicates.

Now, the sensing of energetic densities comes with a feeling sensation as to each one’s properties, as there is a relationship between one’s own and those of another in terms of connection. Much of the other’s reality can be sensed and communicated through. Remaining at peace during the experience is essential to minimize contamination of the truth of the experience.

These perceptions, these sensitivities can be applied to so-called inanimate parts of life, even when exploring the past, the records of which still exist. These records are part of Life and Life is everywhere and every when. There are no secrets. Why would Life hide from itself? Namaste.
July 30, 2021                                                                                  Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing the power of listening

JANU:    The power of listening extends to the power of communication, which extends to the sharing and evolution of the Truth of Life. We must begin with these things as foundational on the quest for awakening.

Life expression can dominate this side of the coin. Reacting to challenges, life expression is not listening. The challenge is to get your attention, to inspire listening to gain understanding and wisdom. For, understand this, that Life is listening to you, which inspires the challenges, you see, providing opportunity to grow. One doesn’t gain information by demanding it. Demanding is not listening; it is projecting agenda, preferences, limitations. It is not listening. How can one learn and evolve when only expressing your own agenda? All they hear is themselves.

Developing, refining the power to listen—the experience of listening—strengthens one’s relationship with Life, to a degree not achievable without it. Being at peace, as previously stated, eliminates the filters for clearer listening—filters of preference, bias, closed-mindedness. For clarity, peace is the harmonious relationship of all the systems of your being and their relationship with the flow of life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2021                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding relative existence

JANU:  Relative existence means there is a correspondence throughout life on every level: thoughts, feelings, inspirations, insights. It begs the question: Is there such a thing as completely independent new thought, unique, or is the new thought a composite of influences from relative existence, on one or more levels? The next question: Does it matter, as long as new thought is part of the one Life? It plays its role. The nature of relative existence can be useful in understanding the appearance and evolution of life expression.

It also begs the question: How effectively do we listen to each other? Do we listen to influences, life patterns, progressions, creativity, change? How often do we become inspired and, in a moment of inspiration, stop listening and start processing? Can we listen and process simultaneously? While listening remains unbiased, open-minded, unfiltered, do we listen to the processing of others to understand them better and be of service more effectively?

When observing the recording of others, printed or otherwise, can an evolving consciousness still benefit from a recording that is not changing? Can past and present relate to each other in the midst of a changing present?

The answer to all of these questions is ‘Yes.’ Life is not one thing or another. It is one thing and another. The past and the present are one and are the source of progression into the future. Through the future, the past and the present are connected. Relative existence is everywhere, in all of life. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2021                                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The vitality of life in motion

JANU:    Life in motion being elastic, meaning there is give and take, modifications, alternatives, interdimensional realities coexisting yet unique. This applies to your own being. Being connected with coexistence and life in motion means that one is, as well.

And how does that reveal itself? Every moment is a little different. Any relationship changes. Any attitude evolves. Even colors shift in perception and reality. Health and well-being exist in this way. The value of currency is never constant, globally changing in value from one economy to another.

Life that is not in motion must be called something else, for life is not stagnant. Some expressions of life are more stable than others, but still in motion. Self- examination of understandings, attitudes, preferences, realities of the sojourn are not always the same. So, when reaching for understanding of some aspect of life, one is sampling only a moment of reality.

So, what is a foundation for understanding for moving forward, for further exploration? The foundation is at peace with change, not only in life around you but the life that you are, your own Nature. Being sensitive to this brings sensitivity to the vitality of all of life. These changes include rehabilitation, rejuvenation, evolution, applied simplicity. A reality of harmoniousness but still vital.

Experience the vitality of change. Perceive your own physicality in the same way. Vital rejuvenation, some call healing, but always in motion. Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2021                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross