New Journeys

A oneness consciousness of service

JANU:   We are forming an aura of sorts conditioning the consciousness to serve a bit more universally, meaning the more fundamental realities of life. There are systems of life both independent in function and synergistic in their nature. What we serve this evening can be called, that which seems dormant to most but profound and universal to any so attuned, the Brotherhood of Life that acknowledges equal worth of essential nature.

Service in this understanding is more one of being at one with the essential nature of the life, which is the ‘beingness’ of that served. Difficult to explain in words of common speech, for common speech is not designed for this understanding. So as we identify, so to speak, that being served, it is its nature, its ‘beingness’ through which service takes place. The inherent wisdom of life guides or authorizes this and the service is loved into being.

There is a significant difference between “doing” service and “allowing” service. We will explore the latter, service not being an activity as such but an experience for that being served.

As we have said before, true service is a continuous reality. The role of the individual’s consciousness is to be one with it. For without this, how does one not interfere with the natural progression and the outcomes to be achieved? Life is aware of all conditions and concerns.

As you can see, becoming one with the reality of continuous service, the experience is one of moving with this flow of life. No longer just you and the object of service. Much to be embraced here in new understanding. Namaste.
July 11, 2013 B & July 18, 2013 B                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


True oneness

JANU: Let us engage then this evening an opportunity to become one with the first principle of service, that being a simple love for life, all of life. What does that mean, then?

When you truly love something, it is part of you, to the degree that you are incomplete without it. Now let us examine this. As a unique expression of life, can your uniqueness survive or exist separate from the rest of life? How then can one not be an expression of the one life? We come back again to the thought provoking understanding of oneness and individuality coexisting. Instead of just perceiving your being one with life, consider life being one with you. And how does that register in your consciousness? Life is one with you. And if this is true, how can the opposite not be true?

Most people reach for connection, aware only of their reach and lack of connection. Otherwise, why reach? But at all times, life is connected with you, and you are known intimately every second, every moment, even your capability yet realized by you. So, reaching for oneness consciousness is more a reality of allowing the memory that you already are, and always have been.

Your neighbor is your life. Your neighbor is life and is one with you, though unaware of it. Considering your neighbor as already being one with you, whether either one of you are aware of it or not, is worthy of consideration.

When you care for a creature and linger in the caring, the creature senses safety and well-being. Those that are troubled in your society and legal system would do well with some of this experience, for it would bring them a sense of connection with life and they might even be loved and valued without being beholden to any particular person.

This is service. This will heal the troubled soul and, yes, even a troubled leader bringing suffering to so many. This is exactly what the Master of Masters touched in the lives of so many. Namaste.
May 24, 2013 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Wisdom and leadership

JANU: We are surveying with you then that condition known as ignorance. A catalyst for confusion, lack of vision, isolation, aimlessness, conflict, and, yes, war. The hope for the future of humanity is realized in enlightenment as to the nature of any condition or circumstance. Common ground and individualism can coexist through enlightenment, meaning “to be in knowledge of.”

Wisdom is the result of knowledge applied to experience. So where is the wisdom in current human society? It exists especially when incarnate human embraces the Larger Life, for the repository of individual wisdom is owned by the True Nature and is in harmony with universal wisdom.

Humanity is gaining wisdom, but finds itself in a morass of confusion, longing for guidance but confused about the source of it. Trusting in elected leaders whose wisdom does not bear close examination, reflecting the collective consciousness of the electorate, you see? So leadership and wisdom are a team effort between the electorate and the so-called leaders. Unhappy circumstance is the creation of all involved, each in their own way, to their own degree. The same is true for positive and productive circumstance.

So choose, with the wisdom available, the collective consciousness you serve. Stand in your integrity. Be open to enlightenment. Awakening is a process, supported by commitment and courage. Namaste.
Jan. 30, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to revisitDiscernment in current challenges for more on this issue.


Choosing a life of many experiences

JANU:    Experience is the teacher as we progress along these lines of understanding. The nature of experience is being one with, being in harmony with, understanding the nature of everything and its principle, its progression and evolution, and its relationship throughout its reality. Experience is the memory generator. Memories for the purpose of reconnecting with experience, exploring more fully.

To experience life in all of its diversity brings mastership of consciousness and an affinity for every part of life. Service truly is ennobled through the intimacy of experience; the experience as a choice of intent, attention, desire, attunement, consciousness. Let not today’s experience be a duplicate of yesterday’s. That is stagnation, lack of motion. Change is life in motion, the nature of life. A valid ideal is to experience something new, giving more meaning and purpose to the ones already achieved, moving with the flow of life as it evolves and realizes its potential, the life that you are.

The Earth is part of this. Why not choose to experience it, intimately? Understand, relate to it, and serve it as part of life. The Wheeyah Code series refers to this as remembering how to communicate, be at one with the Earth consciousness.

There are many legacies in the skeins of time to encourage intimacy in a life of experience and awakening. Words are a kind of experience but oh, so limited. So much more to be revealed. No substitute for intimate experience and the wisdom that is revealed.

Choose to experience all that you truly are, for all that you are is connected intimately with the rest of life. Cherish every experience. Be grateful for the next. The journey is without end. Namaste.
Jan. 28, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of the Larger Life

JANU: Realize the tradition of so many in and out of incarnation enriching life with unending diversity, layers of beauty beyond imagination, and always creating. A beautiful existence that is unlimited, ever-changing, always new, full of wonder and possibilities. A co-creative life limited only by imagination and desire. True freedom to be, to become, and to share, to be inspired by so many. Bringing this freedom to the incarnate experience on Earth is a grand service. Not an easy one, but one that requires patience, wisdom, and love.

The essential nature of any being is part of the Larger Life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire each one to awaken more fully, getting to know who they are and the richness of their nature. This process is universal, not limited to humanity. As one awakens more fully, associations are renewed and developed and the incarnate journey is seen more clearly, along with its richness and creativity. Namaste.
Jan. 25, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Who are you?

JANU: Self-examination, then, is a key element in awakening, for the discovery of who you are and conditioning by society, others, traditions. For the question becomes: Who are you beyond all of these influences? What do you own from your own True Nature and its wisdom and capacity for experience and remembrance? Remembering that what we speak of is who you are, truly.

Who are you? Where are your values? What is your integrity? What is your model for being? What are the origins? An interesting opportunity to learn by growth through experience, appraising the models for living around you, parents and society. And what influence is there? Who you truly are setting the stage for experiencing incarnate life. More than “What do you believe in?” but “What do you know?”

As you engage your life each day, listen for, touch the source of your being for a taste of reality. Wiser decision-making gives wiser results. Choose to know who you are and all you have been. Namaste.
Jan. 25, 2019 B                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


An introduction to the Larger Life

JANU: We are reminding you again of the virtue of awakening to the truth of your True Nature with so many divine qualities that are an inspiration to the incarnate life. Let it be known that each one has, at the source of their being, everything needed to understand, engage, and enrich life, including their own. The fundamental power in relating to the larger You is true peace, peace that is in harmony with fundamental reality of life. Returning to loving who you are beyond the limitations of incarnate identity. Individualism and oneness with the Family of Life coexist in peaceful harmony. One Life with many lives as its nature.

Be not owned by the limitations of social consciousness that is not conscious of the Larger Life. People fear for their existence, for their lives, for their sustenance without realizing they have the innate power to create. Create their circumstance and their experience in harmony with their own larger life. People search for answers. Understanding exists for everything. There are no secrets in the Larger Life.

Desire to awaken more fully. Decide to know. Choose to serve life. Be at peaceful harmony with your existence. Be not afraid to love each other and be kind. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Blessing humanity

JANU: The point to be made this evening is that once you begin a task that incorporates service, there must be, from time to time, an acknowledgement that what belongs to service registers as blessing.

Service recognized as blessing becomes one with that which is served. And when blessing occurs, the server and the object of serving are one, connected, intimate to the point of mutual blessing. What is blessing, then, but life loving life as if it were its own? And it is!

So, for this evening’s service, let us bless humanity on its way to becoming a growing blessing for the larger life. Humanity has enjoyed its isolation, or its perception of it. But that is changing, for it has been known of and visited by other races, other worlds, other realities. Understand that humanity is far more than a species. It is a consciousness that has grown from the opportunities of incarnation, still struggling to find its way. There are many lights of consciousness throughout humanity with a clarity of vision of purpose and potential. So, you see, humanity has already begun climbing out of darkness. Everyone who embraces this raises the collective human consciousness and, with a loving heart, freely serves.

These journeys are a part of this. Be generous in your sharings, in the truths you are discovering. Let the blessing spread, whether one at a time or many. The result is the same. This is our service this evening. Namaste.
April 19, 2013 B                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The code and theme of service

JANU:    What then of this code of service, that belongs to an ancient tradition? It’s part of life from the beginning. Codes have to do with traditional conduct, authorized by all who participate, and the wisdom accrued. This code we speak of aligns those who serve in a tradition that includes incalculable diversity. The code speaks to motive, agenda, clarity, purity of thought, and yes, love–love for life and its destiny. And yes, this code evolves, meaning that it adapts to new thresholds of life. The code resembles the breath of life. It is a living thing, as a product of those in agreement with it.

Yes, another word for it is the ‘theme’ of service, with the strength of ancient tradition, universal qualities and commitment. So when serving, let there be an honoring of this theme, this code of service and the vast history it reveals to you, of the service it records, and the life it serves. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2012 B                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Service: Fulfilling purpose

JANU:    Enormous, then, are the responsibilities of service. Enormous are the forms that service takes. Purpose, then, belongs to the theme of life, rich in tradition, that focuses intent and need into one truth. And, of course, every truth inspires another. Being of service is predestined to expand consciousness, quicken understanding, and inspire. Rich indeed are the consequences.

All of life serves life. Service is not isolated in any way; it is universal. Giving and receiving is life in motion, constantly evolving and creating. What grander purpose for being than to serve life? The opportunities for evolving are as varied as the opportunities for service. Growing in harmony with life and its flow is successful living. It is the nature of these journeys and each one, the fulfilling of purpose. Namaste.
Jan. 10, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross