JANU: Urgency is the hallmark of impatience. Persistency and confidence are the hallmark of patience and due process. What we focus our attention on at this time is deliberation in the sanctity of the flow of life, resolute behavior in harmony with benevolent vision of leadership, and the integrity of those being led. A package deal, if you will, for the evolution of consciousness in a society. The Founding Fathers of this country were inspired by this. They had their own foibles, but a vision as well. A leader has little chance of success without those being led having vision, commitment, and desire in the same direction. So, as you seek leadership, seek it in everyone involved, so that wisdom may reign and individual creativity and talents may flourish and add their contribution to the evolution of life. Mold your desires for advancement with care. Namaste.
Dec. 27, 2018 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
New Journeys
Compromise & cooperation in gov’t.
Editor’s note: These attunements occurred 6 years ago, but certainly are pertinent to the political scene today. It might be helpful if more of us held this ideal for our national government.
JANU: Service this evening shall regard the coming months of politics in your country as an opportunity for those in power to demonstrate and remember the nature of cooperation and the primary reason for their existence at all, meaning the people and the nation and its service to the world. What we serve this evening is the learning and remembering and demonstrating of cooperation and reasonable compromise. Not the constant attack and diminishing each other through the quest for influence and power to keep their jobs. It has been done before, that the public, the masses, eliminated the jobs, the positions and the influence when dissatisfied enough. And it can happen again. Now, handled with wisdom, this need not occur again, for the recovery from this takes too long.
We will inspire the few who are open to this to become the beacons of compromise and cooperation, leaving behind the obsession of party politics. Compromise, cooperation, leadership, inspiration, example, and their respect and love for their nation and its people. These beings, when taken with this point of view, will be energized, inspired, and committed, and they will possess more than they can imagine of assistance. This we serve this evening. Let it be so. Jan. 23, 2013 B
JANU: This evening’s journey will include a dispatch of needed flexibility in the affairs of your government, meaning the U.S. government at this time. Rigidity has set in by the leaders of both parties and compromise has suffered. At this time, the nation of peoples and their individual authorities for their own lives is a stronger model for the continuation of your nation and your leaders have forgotten this. For many things, your nation has little need for the antics of your leadership, but in other ways their responsibilities, bestowed on them by the people, need to be met in a responsible way.
So, what we serve tonight is the idea and the creative genius inherent within flexible compromise. Without this, they will remain stalemated until the government and the people will force them. So that is our service this evening: flexibility and compromise, available to the consciousness of those leaders even as we speak. For the true power of leadership is based upon this, and they have demonstrated that without it, they are almost powerless.
Flexibility and compromise, for the good of the people and the nation. So be it. It is done.
March 6, 2013 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
Progressing human potential
JANU: Let us pretend for a moment that everything is as it will be. A progression, if you will, of current human reality further into its potential. What we see here has a possibility based on that potential: A more sublime consciousness, more at peace with the nature of life, incorporating many of these characteristics into the consciousness and the complex content of a mutually beneficial, collective society.
Science will be extended to include co-creative possibilities, not limited to current physical science. Life co-exists in layers, overlapping in many ways, including science. Terraforming is one element. Configuration of life in motion for preferred experimental outcomes, revealing many other possibilities on the way.
The arts having a revival as a more integral part of a well-balanced and productive society, revealing and inspiring perceptions and commitments to help create a better life for everyone.
Music produced not just with instruments or the voice, but co-creatively for direct influence lifting the consciousness. Frequencies, patterns, emotions, insights, enhanced faculties. A symphony of realized potential still evolving.
Joy, happiness, peace of mind, integrity, good will, service, and love of each other and self. A strong foothold in reality. What is their decision-making? Many of the vagaries of life are self-induced, mutually created with corresponding illnesses, confused thinking, and a closed heart and mind. An open heart and mind is a beautiful experience to behold; isolation from others diminishes; fear of the future becomes absurd.
A life filled with possibilities and the consciousness to create them awaits humanity in a larger way. Changes are coming but the potential is there. Awakening is happening. And the resources of life need only be embraced. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2018 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
For more on the concept of “progression,” expanding a current situation to its possible result, please see A Bright Future.
True Peace: in harmony with the flow of life
JANU: We are at peace in the flow of life. And what grander peace is there? How magnificent each one is, yet unaware. Rich then, beyond words, beyond limited perceptions, beyond confusion, beyond ignorance.
Experience a sense of richness having nothing to do with material wealth or human power, perceptions. Experience the freedom of richness. Experience the intimacy of conscious connection and union with any part of life your attention is upon. The richness of memories of all experiences from all sojourns, whether incarnate or not. Not only rich with blessings but the richness of sharing them, loving the beauty of each one’s nature into the freedom of their own.
The true power of peace is freedom to be. All of life coexists, including the so-called individual. Co-creation and co-existence. Diversity and oneness coexist, unique expressions of oneness.
A consciousness at peace, we are that we are. I am that I am. An inclusive identity, with unlimited integrity. Namaste.
Dec. 12, 2018 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
Opening to the truth of your Nature
JANU: We are encouraging the journey into the larger truth of your own Nature. It is true that patterns of life, of perception, have accumulated, filling a repository of limitation from limited perception, not only within one’s own experience but absorbing the experiences of others as normal. They are common, but not normal.
Opening to the larger truth of your Nature opens the consciousness to more unlimited life patterns of experience, memory, perception. One focus dear to many is their own physical, mental, and emotional health. Spiritual health being the least understood of these, but that is where the Light is, the truth of your Nature, the larger view, freedom from limitation.
So let us continue our journeys in this direction, promoting well-being, clarity of insight, and understanding, service through relationships and co-creativity, and serving the discovery of love for oneself and others. Loving oneself unconditionally, no matter what, is the journey worth taking. A phrase difficult for many is that ‘I love myself without reservation or condition.’
Love is the bond that holds life together. It is the vehicle of understanding, intimacy, nurturing, rejuvenation, and ongoingness. It is expansive, liberating, and freedom. Much need for this in the world at this time. Witness human behavior, from the small to the large. Where is love? A word used by many but to what degree is it owned, not as a symbol through a word, but as a reality in the life? Where is the peace and the freedom from anger? It lives within and is your Nature.
Many feel that what they sense with their five senses is what is real, and everything else is a fuzzy possibility, misrepresented by many for their own purposes. Conscious union is the path to awakening into your awesome Nature, a source of wisdom, compassion, and understanding. Let there be no mistake. This is the Larger Life and always has been. Return to what you’ve known before, and what you’ve known is who you are as well as the rest of Life. Namaste.
Dec. 11, 2018 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
Unlimited possibilities
JANU: Reality is in some ways what you make of it, for the Orders of Life are fluid and adapt to prevailing consciousness for the purpose of exploring possibilities. You recently considered quantum theory to describe larger than life reality, direct experiences. It is true, but not the whole truth of it. There is much more. A good beginning, though.
As you have considered before, through presentation of another, there is life not controlled by theory or laws or structure of any kind. All of these creations are for the purpose of developing experiences and exploring the possibilities without end, of life reality, coexistence, and presence. Life is realizing its own potential through its own creations, from which these possibilities expand. Realization without limits is not easy to place one’s mind in harmony with, but it’s an enriching pursuit. What then is ‘unlimited mind’? Unlimited possibilities, eternity, larger and larger truth that is evolving.
Conscious union, the path of awakening, includes identity of expansion into the reality of the totality of your being. Certainly not limited to the human journey. Anything beyond physicality seems vague, elusive, and indefinite. But understand this: it is real. It coexists with all that you are aware of at any moment.
Let us continue, then, reaching into unlimited possibilities. A larger consciousness absorbs wisdom through experience and wiser choices ensue about any part of reality on any level, including one’s own Nature, destiny, ideals, wonderings, and certainly relationships. Live in peace. Find harmony, meaning, depth, and wisdom through all of life. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2018 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
Integrity in conscious union
JANU: More than you realize, our brother, we are one. To begin with, your thoughts, desires, behaviors, relationships, and, yes, feelings or emotions are known instantly to the rest of your being. Effective embrace, conscious union with more and more of your Nature is a recipe for the end of the dominance of human ego and social consciousness, giving way to grander existence.
Evolution in consciousness, our brother, changes everything. It is true, the rungs on the ladder of change need not resemble each other. So making these changes takes courage, integrity and, yes, faith. Trust in the tapestry of life that is your own.
Integrity is the theme though these changes, the integrity of the being, of the True Nature. Your goal and your guide are the same, so let us bring into focus with greater clarity the true nature of awakening. Remembering more and more in the progression of understanding the intimacy with life as one identifies with it. Persistence will win out. Life itself is testimony to this. Namaste.
Dec 7, 2018 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross
The nature of perpetual existence
JANU: We are enumerating once more the need for collective conditioning of the human psyche for larger explorations of life while involved with the Earth venue. What we promote here is the beginning of transition into something larger than human-centered consciousness, restoring, then, the embrace of larger realities.
So if not human-centered consciousness, our brother, then what? Your interest in exploring other cultures on other worlds is in this direction and we concur. Exploring life beyond current identity is revelatory and proceeds along the lines of an open and fluid identity, allowing for intimacy with more than a limited sense of self. What’s in store for these explorations is a growing confidence in the more eternal nature of life, the ongoingness of life beyond sojourns.
Human consciousness has been, in some ways, imprisoned and obsessed with a smaller world. How can self-esteem be based upon limitation and still evolve and grow? Explore the sense of life within you, unlimited life that reaches into the breadth of its own Nature, which is still growing. Perpetual existence is not in physical form, our brother, but in the collective consciousness of diverse life.
We beseech you then to explore the cultures of other worlds and other realities. We are one in this and will proceed as you wish. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2018 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross
Larger understanding of individuality
JANU: We are welcoming the opportunity to begin a discourse in a new direction, one of many to come. This direction being the embracing of significant new developments in the progression of sponsored life. Now, by ‘sponsorship’ we mean the integrity and desire of the True Nature. More to be revealed in this direction that accounts for coming changes in the relationships throughout the being.
If you realize the significance of the diversity of the nature of individual existence, this portends an evolution in consciousness as to the diversity of the collective life. So-called individual beings are not completely individual, you see. There is, in a sense, an overseer, a reality of presence that transcends but includes individuality. So it is with each one, you see. This new direction is embracing and relating to this reality, which affords a synergism of the Larger Life in the consciousness of the so-called individual.
Be it known that the Orders of Life will be better understood and related to and engaged. We of the Brotherhood of Light acknowledge this, for it is part of our existence as well. Everyone is related in the Larger Life and is known to each one superconsciously. Allow this reality to reveal itself to you, our brother, and in due course we shall respond as will you. Namaste.
Dec. 5, 2018 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross
Precipitation and the law of attraction
JANU: Correct and proper is the premise that the law of attraction follows the attention. The one who reaches for their divine nature through the journey of awakening is beset with many blessings. Holding this ideal for self and others is on the one hand the path of enrichment, and on the other the path of service. A coalition of the two encourages enhancement of this direction.
The journey of life reveals potential through creating, not just physically, our brother, but in every way. Creating is a partnership with the flow of life and the creative forces involved with every manifestation, whether physical or not. Life and its creations are always beautiful. How can they not be, when appreciated for their intrinsic qualities and the presence of life they are imbued with?
One grand journey after another awaits the journeyer on this path. The courage and strength to embrace more of the Larger Life comes with the measure of Light that is embraced. If one falters, so to speak, or stumbles or becomes confused, reaffirm, reassert the law of attraction and the ideals desired. Be persistent as life always is. Witness the growing weed in the most barren of places, the harshest of conditions. Even the weed in the garden, our brother, has its beauty by what it represents. So it is with your cherished thoughts and desires, no matter how obscure or alone they may seem. Allow life to flourish in your experiences and embrace their progeny. Namaste.
Dec. 4, 2018 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross