Awakening to and enriching life

JANU:   What some call enormous responsibilities are quite simple in their nature. “To be” is to allow, become one with, to identify with a profound, basic, and elemental relationship of oneness. Awakening to the Larger Life occurs in this direction. The enrichment of life in this process is the realization of potential, not just your own, but of Life itself. We of the Brotherhood of Light, which we are, live these truths with simplicity, clarity, insight, and a growing wisdom. The invitation and opportunity has always existed. The love of life is an unending evolution of awakening. When observing others, see them as Life itself evolving. Freedom from identifying with limitation expands the consciousness and experience.

These truths, and more, exist as potential throughout life and each other. Be persistent. Continue. Every day, every moment is an opportunity and a challenge. They are gifts. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2024                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

What is awakening?

JANU: Where is the passion, then, to awaken? The joy of discovery, the freedom of understanding, the love of service, the enrichment of life? Awakening is a natural process, available to everyone. “Awakening to what?” many may ask. The Truth of Life, of one’s existence, of relationships, each other and the rest of life.

Awakening brings peace through revelation. It brings harmony to all the systems of life. No longer contradicting each other, but working together in harmony, every one of them evolving. There are systems of life beyond the physical body. Awakening touches them as well. Life without this is like a dream state, full of confusion, contradictions, misrepresentations, misinterpretations. Life can be exhausting, instead of invigorating.

True power is life in motion, evolving. What is the connection, the coexistence of everything? What is the reality? Who are you? What are you? What can you be? Deciding to know is a step on the path of awakening, without preferences in the face of the Truth of Life.

Simple joys, if only for a moment, have far reaching effects. They are a wonderful foundation for awakening. Find them in your own life. Inspire them in others. Namaste.
Sept. 2, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

See also: categories Elements of awakening, Footsteps on the path of Awakening and collections Awakening-a series, The Awakening of Humanity, Awakening into the Larger Life, Awakening and the Human Journey. Or just explore this website!


The role of patience in awakening

JANU:   We are exploring life and its wisdom. The evolution of humanity seldom takes into consideration the evolution of everyone’s True Nature. This is a so-called team effort, with one part more conscious than the other, temporarily. The wisdom of life is continuation in a realization of its potential in so many ways. The journey of the True Nature in the human consciousness is evolving.

The True Nature has the patience the human personality seldom does. It has to learn that, and its merit. The sense of urgency comes from the result of the veil isolating identity to one sojourn. When one compacts attention into limited time, many opportunities go by unnoticed. Life is richer than most realize and coexistence of its elements requires much patience to engage.

Consider carefully impatience and limited identity. Allow awakening of the consciousness, in every direction. So much is omnipresent to be awakened to. No need to create what already exists. Be an explorer of life, as well as an enricher. Namaste.
Sept. 1, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Mastering change through awakening

JANU:    The realization of the coexistence of challenges and evolution, the flow of life, opens the door to a deeper understanding of co-creation and these challenges to evolution. Awakening affords the opportunity to manage change, challenges, without waiting for the destructive hurdles that can ensue forcing change. So change in harmony with the flow of life is the key, through insight, understanding and acceptance.

The destructive side of challenges is cause and effect, from life patterns that have become fixed. Frequent inquiry into the need for change and the openness to understand it and embrace it is a more peaceful path in the flow of life. Learn the signs, the language of change: encouragements, the insights, and the desire. You are life in motion.

Challenge thoughts and desires of sameness, continuations of any one pattern in life. Become a conscious being in motion, not blindly but with insight and wisdom. Your True Nature is the doorway to achieve this. It is you. Awaken to the larger reality of being. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: Choose your life wisely

JANU:    Peace seems to be an overused word with confusion as to depth, meaning, and true power.  As one observes humanity and today’s human environment and social realities, it’s not easy to see vast examples. One asks the question “Why is there so much anger and struggle for power and dominance, when working together for mutual benefit could create so much more that benefits everyone?”

From one point of view, it has to do with enlightenment, awakening to the larger life, not only of humanity but individually as well. Humanity’s potential is coupled inextricably with its true nature. Everyone has present within themselves larger, simpler, more powerful, and constructive understanding as to the nature of their own life and Life itself.

When one observes another or themselves gaining a moment of true understanding and freedom, the joy is obvious. When one gains power over others, power that takes and consumes, revelation is not the same. But that scenario seems more available when one is angry, frustrated, and impoverished, than the beauty and power of the inner and larger life, a loving life with patience, tolerance, and love.

How does one, then, embrace the difference, to the benefit themselves and others? By desiring it more than anything, recognizing its significance an unlimited possibilities. Seeing results little by little that bring encouragement and inspiration. Choose, with wisdom that evolves, the life of your desires and all that goes with it. The inner life is filled with simple solutions that are powerful, not complications or manipulations but a light of clarity. Easier to reveal to others, mostly by example.

The Family of Life, so to speak, in its way, is eternal, omnipresent, and evolving. Choose wisely. Your choice is not alone. You are loved. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2024                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: The power within

JANU:   The term ‘inner power’ can easily be misinterpreted to resemble the unenlightened  pursuit of power. True power is not limited to some vague and mysterious and elusive inner reality. It is at the heart of everything and universally present. Your existence is testimony to this. Some call it the ‘flow of life.’ True power creates, resolves, brings clarity, continuation, evolution, peace, solutions, harmony. The source of true power is Life itself. And what isn’t Life?

The illusions of power can obscure this reality for they do not require awakening harmony with all life and they are short-lived and have a price. True power is always available, costs nothing but allowing. When conflict and confusion and frustration are present, opening to the power within, so to speak, and allowing it into your consciousness brings simplicity to complexity. And simplicity touches more of life, brings clarity to see through confusion and the illusions of external power. Obedience, servitude, cost, compromise are not the attributes of the results of true power. False power does not bring joy, peace of mind, happiness to all that it touches. Recognize the difference by the results.

At this time, many are looking for leadership. Use this to find wisdom in those who would lead. Call upon the wisdom in your own True Nature as an example. You are more than you know, but the knowing is there. Choose your life wisely. Namaste.
Aug. 14, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence and multiple realities

JANU:    Researching life does not suggest the intimacy of a direct experience: intimacy, coexistence, connection, becoming as. Exploring life similarly interpreted. Awakening and becoming is more inclusive. So let us become more of life, as we awaken to it.

Life is timeless, but includes it. It is ongoing but filled with cycles of existence, episodes of expression, creative outcomes, challenges and opportunities. This can describe an individual as well. Understanding your nature is an exploration in a larger identity. Identifying with life is a reality of coexistence. Letting go of one thing to embrace another is movement. A perspective of inclusiveness expands so-called identity into a reality not easy to describe in words. “We are Janu” speaks to this. Elements of consciousness coexisting as one, yet unique expressions of life as well.

Levels of reality are challenging to understand. Faith in their existence keeps the door open.  Not as blind acceptance but with a desire to be more. Allow this understanding to settle in and be revelatory. Namaste.
June 17, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


How to explore more of life

JANU:   Exploring life, drawing to our consciousness understanding. There are many branches of life to explore, any one being connection to another, establishing points of interest along the way. This may seem like a grab bag to some but, with enlightenment and experience, each is a pearl with many opportunities to realize potential. There are no dead ends, you see, only connections and diversity, all of which are evolving. Restorations of the patterns of living. Incarnate life comes to mind.

This seems a departure from common experience. There is a difference between ‘natural’ and ‘common.’ Both exist. The freedom of choice comes with awakening, and the removal of doubt, confusion, preferences that limit, for it matters not to the awakening individual. For awakening has many faces and rests in every part of life.

So open to engage, experience, understand more of life. It does not hide from you. Limitation self-created does the hiding. Let go of borders. Choose freedom. Life is everywhere. Engage it. Namaste.
June 15, 2024                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


An evolving perception of life

JANU:   Incorporate into our beings the sense of enlightenment. The peace that goes with union, the sense of urgency left behind. Timelessness and natural beingness and consciousness. No longer the struggle to blindly know, to speculate endlessly but to accept the larger reality of natural being. We are Janu and more, as we become an expression of the life that we explore, a symbiosis of evolution, the cadence of life in motion. With every aspect of being evolving, we are Life in motion. The discordance in humanity resists our physical life temporarily. To see beyond, through the moment, is the grander gift of awakening. To perceive in new ways the patterns of life and their interactions. The dynamism of vitality reaches into the crevices and dark shadows and fills them. Even perception evolves. See in larger ways. Process in a larger way. Identify and express your nature. This new freedom is in harmony with the truth you seek. Namaste.
June 13, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Exploring more of life

JANU: Prolonged absence from conscious connection with the Larger Life, larger than the incarnate life—and by ‘larger’ we mean more complete, more layered, more diverse—leads to dissolution or lack of clear answers, as one wonders about ‘why?’

There are processes within quiet memory of experience prior to the incarnation that brought wisdom—and still doto the True Nature. That flow of experience and awakening seems dormant, but it is not. One of the joys of awakening to who you are becomes a journey that never ends, whether incarnate or not.

You request exploring more of life. There is much to explore on your current incarnation. The physical life is a pattern of existence that coexists with the rest of life. Explore your current sojourn in coexisting relationship with the so-called Larger Life. See them as one, intertwined, mutually influencing and benefiting from each other.

So, you see, exploring Larger Life includes the physical life as well. No part of life is excluded when exploring life. They are all connected. Awakening to these connections enhances the journey. Wisdom has its niche everywhere. The journey you seek, the revelation, the wisdom, the understanding, is all inclusive. Namaste.
June 1, 2024                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

A series of journeys on this topic was begun in 2020 but was very short-lived. This is a new start in a better direction so it seemed pertinent to continue in the same category.