Awakening 13: Changes

JANU:    The awakening of humanity serves life in a significant way. It brings about, or triggers, is a catalyst for changes. Patterns of consciousness, living, and behavior of humanity are soon to run their course. Awakening opens the door of opportunities to many changes. The patterns of existence are in motion. The ones subject to time and space are in play. The ones that are not will be discovered, for awakening opens the human consciousness to the subtler and larger life.

As we have said before, awakening is a diverse reality determined by many nuances in the human psyche and motivations. Embracing change is a scary adventure for some who hang on to the seeming security of the status quo. That security is an illusion, our brother. Awakening sensitizes the consciousness to the changes that always continue, whether noticed or not. So embracing change, being open to it and more, is another key to awakening.

The ladder of life has many rungs; each rung representing conditions. Letting go of one to embrace the next calls for changes in consciousness, founded in commitment, desire, and faith in the miracles of life. Changing your identity from being human to being something more, much more, is a natural change that brings greater freedom, peace of mind, happiness, and a larger capacity and understanding of love. The more you are aware of who you truly are, the easier it is to love yourself and be in awe.

So what in your life are you ready to allow to change? Values? Relationships with other people, with materiality, with lifestyle, and the world you live on? Philosophies, points of view, perceptions, belief systems? And truth itself, or at least your perception of it? Awakening, our brother, changes everything. Change becomes your new security, your new constant. Even truth is evolving, expanding. Adapting to and embracing change is part of this.

Enjoy the journey. Marvel at the seeming miracles that life has in store. Be at peace with life in motion. Namaste.

Apr. 25, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 12: Happiness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each moment of opportunity to bring Light into the world of human consciousness. The Light we shine today has to do with stability of focus into innate nature.

The human journey was cast to be a precursor to a larger journey of creativity. When one sees only the seeming endless circles of human struggle, missteps, distrust, and greed, the vision for the larger life becomes obscure. Each would do well to refocus their lives, their attention on something greater than themselves, not imagined but real. And the reality, our brother, is the True Nature and its connection to everything.

Life is a community, a family if you prefer, of spirit beings, consciousnesses, ‘love centers’ if you will, for life is a loving reality without judgment, condemnation, favoritism, competition. It is a collaborative reality, living to encourage, to support all of its elements. Humanity has become fragmented and lost sight of the richness of such a life. Happiness is enhanced by the happiness of others. Choose what you would enrich life with and it will make you rich in unlimited ways.

Joy and happiness are the keys to creativity. A misguided life that finds refuge in leaving it can only find true peace in their True Nature. As you do, you understand that reality in others, drawing together in the truth of this. Just two individuals, reaching for this truth, committed to each other’s success, unlock their creativity. The phrase “when two or more are gathered” in the name of this, the Divine within. Life opens to their imagination, their creativity, their example. Be in agreement with someone, finding the truth within and through that reality the larger life. Larger than you can imagine, older than time, not limited to materiality, powerful beyond the popular meaning of the word.

This does not take the place of incarnate life, but fulfills it as it becomes a pure joy in its rewards. The Truth of Life brings together in one understanding the confusions of living without it. There comes a time in each one’s life when the thought occurs “Enough is enough. I know there is more to this and I choose to embrace it.” One of the marks of someone achieving this is their happiness, their peace of mind, and their brilliance of insight and understanding. This is everyone’s birthright and has always been available.

Be part of the illusion of the human experience in a more enlightened way. See the truth behind the truth behind the truth. Insight is ‘inner sight,’ our brother. Choose to see. The only limitation is what you impose. Choose life without limit, being free to embrace it. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 11: Others are going to assist in this series

JANU:    Wonderful news is in the offing, that being collaborations on this journey of awakening. The series is catching the attention of masters of this process and they offer their service, for this series has the promise of inspiring many.

To begin with, let us exam briefly this tradition of collaboration on this subject. The movement of the forces of Light and the evolving consciousness of humanity is far more than a private, individual journey. For awakening, when accomplished with a larger perspective of service, becomes more important, more significant as part of larger realities. There are many movements in consciousness that incorporate the awakening abilities of many, not just of Earth. The connections we referred to earlier are part of this. Those attending this evening have much to offer. Awakening exposes the individual to realities near and far beyond physicality, but physical existence is part of the larger experience, you see.

Your understanding of life will take on many new dimensions, perspectives, and areas of interest. Your immediate concern is the awakening of humanity, but these journeys will bring service to other beings as well. There are a growing number of awakened and awakening members of humanity around the Earth already a part of these larger concerns. One does not live alone, you see, only in their perceptions which awakening changes.

So let us proceed from this moment on with an openness to collaboration and the richness that brings. Namaste.

April 20, 2016 B                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 10: Serving life and being served by it


JANU: Awakening occurs gradually, intermittently, seemingly scattered moments of insight and awareness, triggered many times by circumstance and stimulated areas of interest. The consciousness of the True Nature is always present and sensitive to the desires of the human consciousness. The wisdom of the True Nature is vast indeed; therefore the response is measured and appropriate to the openness, the maturity, the nature of the desire.

The human experience allowed by the True Nature is part of its evolution; therefore, the results of it, even moment to moment, are valued. Allowing collaboration, partnership with your larger consciousness, the True Nature, is a partnership with the larger reality of who you are and your best interest is always attuned to. Awakening, then, you see, is a very natural reality and always in your best interest as the human aspect of your larger being. Understanding, wisdom, clarity, and engagement are qualities that can only serve your human experience. The perceptions of separateness, individuality, and borders of reality and association give way to understanding more of life and engaging it intimately.

It is your nature to serve life and be served by it. What human contrivance and perception is superior to this? Awakening reveals this to you. To serve each other and be served by each other is a natural bonding of a reality that already exists, but not well understood. That is the theme here, our brother, for this look at awakening and reveals so much of who you truly are and the nature of those you serve as well. Namaste.

Apr. 20, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 9: Connection

JANU: There are many forms of this process of awakening throughout the universe for the cultures and configurations of many vary greatly, as does their consciousness. So awakening can seem quite different on another world, in another reality. But the reality of oneness, love, collaboration, mutual service become more a composite of the larger life as a result. The message for this session is connection, conscious connection in a larger and deeper way. When one human begins to know intimately the reality of another, bonding can begin, intimacy, meaningful relationship, and identity sharing. So it is in the larger life. Becoming more conscious enhances connection with more of life and more of life connecting with you. For that’s what connection is: mutual contact, the revealing of each other’s consciousness, the qualities of being, and life involvements.

Of course, these experiences will challenge your human identity experience. When one is so anchored in a world of forms, boundaries, differences, connections are limited by differences. In the larger life, diversity is strength. As oneness with each other’s unique qualities brings understanding to be embraced and incorporated. This brings clarity to so much more of life.

When one asks the questions “Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where do I belong?” the answers to these involve connections. For being alone on a unique path is an illusion. Contributing to being connected with the larger life gives meaning to everything. These questions come from a human existence, conscious only of separation, being or feeling disconnected. Result of the veil, you see, chosen for a reason but eventually growing beyond the need for it as one begins to perceive the truth of the incarnate life and its origins.

The creation of a deity called ‘God’ by humanity is a limited approach to discovering the deity of their own being, their True Nature, and the larger Family of Life. The deity understanding has merit and serves in its way, but it is self-created and limited from a larger point of view. Nevertheless, it is part of life and one of life’s many miracles. Awakening does not negate the miracle of deity; it understands it and places it in perspective to something larger. It is humanity’s quest for something divine, larger than it knows. A valid quest, but awakening, our brother, is the path to this discovery and the realization of humanity’s dreams and desires for the Truth of Life.

Connection, consciously, is the beginning of mastership and true freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 19, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 8: Non-physical image of the True Nature

JANU: The graphic you have just seen (in meditation) is not symbolic but an actual representation or image of the collective consciousness of your being: global in general construction, with countless fine radiations of light in every direction. Each micro-fine radiation of light is result of many journeys of interest into the nature of life, including your own being. This is part of awakening. This is not a physical image, you see. It is energetic, but beyond that, in its reality. You have often wondered what you look like without a body. This is a beginning.

Your conscious human mind is generally one focus at a time. Your True Nature is unlimited.

You ask, “Where is this image?” It is not time/space, and neither are you. The duality of the human mind cannot embrace this. This is exploring and opening to reality beyond time/space. Walking this journey is transformational and will remember so much more.

Open slowly to this reality, and incarnate reality will have a larger meaning. Namaste.

Apr. 18, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.


Awakening 7: Passivity

JANU: This morning’s journey is the subject of passivity. By this we mean choosing an openness, being passive to the flow of life, of consciousness, the Truth of Life in the presence of preconceived perceptions, preferences achieved by social conditioning. In the awakening of consciousness, this foundation, this theme opens the consciousness to more unrestricted access to what is, beyond limitation. Now, understand this, our brother: limitation is a fluid thing, adjusting to capabilities of the moment and of potential in embracing more of life, more of the True Nature, more of the oneness with everyone and everything.

Passive does not suggest one without standards, ideals, values. It is one who can consider honestly something new to their experience, to their understanding. Certainly, this is part of awakening. No longer allowing the old understanding to block the new, at least during the moment of initial embrace. Integrity of the True Nature, when honored and cherished, is the measurement of the rightness of any new understanding. Your True Nature, your true integrity, your true being is your guide. And that guide is evolving as well, our brother, for its nature is the source of life.

Cosmic consciousness is a universal embrace of infinity, of unlimited reality. Now, the human consciousness is not used to such things, so awakening is a gradual reality, allowing for assimilation, understanding, processing, maintaining sanity, balance, and rationality. Passivity does not violate these, but allows them to grow and evolve, open to larger truths, larger life.

‘Standing firm in the face of reason’ is a tradition that keeps one limited. So consider carefully the path of awakening in the light of this understanding, and find peace in it. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 6: Finding solutions within

JANU: We are examining, with some for the first time, a sense of identity beyond being human. A valid question being “What is it that’s being human?” Bodies come and go but spirit remains. What does that mean? Your human experience or identity is but a moment in time, but your spirit goes on and on. What do you know of that spirit, its reality, its purpose? What are your human life experiences accumulated? Where is the wisdom that comes from these and how do you draw upon these to benefit each lifetime? Awakening is the answer, our brother, awakening to your True Nature, your spirit, the ‘you’ that continues on, whether in the body or not, the accumulation of many journeys in humanity.

Some might say, “Is it meant for the human consciousness to ever be aware of such things?” The answer is a qualified ‘yes.’ The qualifying being imposed by the reason the veil you have created continues as it is. Your True Nature understands this and is continuously present. At times in your sojourn, you have an inspiration to discover more, to grow, to gain understanding and wisdom, to participate in life more effectively, not just in function but in joy, happiness, and helping others. This is inspired by the truth that lives within you and is so much more than you imagine, and has always been who you are.

Waking up from a dream is a similar experience, except with this awakening you remember more and more. You see more and more clearly, and you understand why. Not only this, our brother, you become aware of so many others you have known, yet learn of so many more that are new to you. The human family has many strengths, as does your larger spiritual family. What you gain in wisdom and understanding through experience isn’t just for you. It adds richness to others who can benefit, for everything gained has many perspectives, all of which are true and explain more of life.

It is one thing to have questions that are insightful and thought provoking. It is quite another to get the answers, which lead to more insightful questioning and grander meaning for living. No life is lived in a vacuum, but the connections with the rest of life can be subtle and vague, depending upon the openness of your consciousness, your mind and your heart, and your desire to live more fully. When your heart goes out to the needs of another, a child or adult, why do you think the response is there? It is life connecting with life, as your True Nature is not only connected with you, but has always been you.

There are nudges here and there throughout your life to awaken, to understand, to connect. You need only allow it for it to occur. It is the natural way of life. There are life situations that seem to demand all of your attention and energy and understanding, making it seem as though ‘what more could you possibly take on?’ What you can take on, our brother, is wisdom, energy, confidence, clarity of mind, clarity of thought and feelings, the power to continue.

Understanding brings freedom. One does not feel free when confused and overwhelmed by the confusion. Choices in your life bring this about. Making wiser choices for better outcomes can be yours. Test this to find any truth that lives within you and apply it to your life. Namaste.
Apr. 15, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 5: Patterns

JANU: We are including in this morning’s journey patterns of awakening. There are rhythms in your life that attune you to realities. These are, for the most part, subtle but can be noticed and embraced more fully. There are pulses to life. Witness your heartbeat; attuning to it, you are aware of it all over the body. There are energy pulses to the patterns of life which can be sensed, engaged, attuned to, and replicated. Your own True Nature is a living reality. How else do you become incarnate and find harmony with other patterns of living?

Awakening is such that becoming conscious of its presence is part of engagement and the acceptance of its reality, becoming more and more aware not only of the presence but your true identity. This speaks of oneness. How, on the one hand, from human experience, people are to separate one from another and you have a unique identity, with borders. But oneness is a reality beyond borders and, in a sense, your life touches another, growing in the reality of being connected. How can you be an expression of the one life and not be connected with every part of it?

Recognizing patterns of energy, consciousness, of understandings, and contributions both given and received is ‘awakening,’ our brother. What then does one awaken to, when the process occurs, but all of the elements of life? It takes individuality, uniqueness, the modification of patterns, mutual influence, collaboration and cooperation, timing based upon harmonies created through individual and collective evolution, and creativity for life to continue. Being a conscious contributor to the flow of life and its unfoldment has a pattern that is powerful. Nothing you gain is separate from everything else. Every experience and opportunity is an expression of so many others. Many so-called original thoughts and creations were the product of many others, and they exist in the symphony of life that is being written moment to moment.

What is ‘awakening,’ then, our brother, but being conscious of all of the elements of life giving together, with their own patterns of existence touching each other. Consciousness is a choice to be directed, enhanced, modified if you will, and shared. Being at peace, true peace, with a patient and loving nature prepares you for harmonious relationships and journeys into exploring life. As you can see, awakening has many layers, many realities, and many opportunities. The journey of lifetimes. Whether incarnate or not, life continues. Namaste, our brother.
Apr. 14, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 4: How to begin the journey of awakening

JANU: We are acquiring as we may a conduit if you will of consciousness, of life flow into the awakening of humanity, bridging many obstacles self-imposed by humanity. What seems to be lacking in the human consciousness is any clarity on the power of choice and what to choose. Part of the purpose of these sessions is to answer the “What?” and the possibilities inherent.

How does one choose then something superior to what has been experienced or known, without knowing what that is? Focusing is an element of creating, so let us discuss how to proceed.

Focus, then, our brothers, on the unknown power within you. That presence of life that is your True Nature, in more real ways than you are aware of, is who you are. Not outside of your own true being, your own true identity. Your own repository of the experience and wisdom of lifetimes and the journeys between them. Countless associations. Victories in understanding and service. This and much more is who you are, and aware of options of choice. Seek to be revealed to you the larger life that you are and what you already know.

Have an open mind and heart. Be at peace, knowing with confidence that the answers are there. The only thing between you and those answers, our brothers, is the lack of faith that you can and the confidence to proceed. Let those revelations come to you. They are yours. You need no one’s permission to awaken. It is your birthright, your nature, supported by the love Life has for you. Happiness is a theme on this path. The power to choose is already yours by the authority of who you are. You are a co-creator. Allow yourself to create a larger experience, a richer experience, a life that includes service and the enrichment of others.

Much that seems unknown to you, and to those around you, is known by who you are. And even with this truth, there is much more to know. And with this knowing comes freedom. Choose to know the choices to be made and the power to create them. Love who you are without limit, whether you know who you are or not. The love opens the door that allows your True Nature to bring a light in your life, the Truth of Life. Be patient but full of expectation, yet all so near and has never been far from you. Good journeying and namaste.
Apr. 13, 2016 B                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.