The awakening life

JANU: We come together again as one in the consciousness. We support this journey of awakening. Coupled with awakening is living life. The evolutionary changes go hand in hand with the progression of awakening. They are one. So one does not awaken just for the sake of it, but as part of the forward motion of living.

Let us look, then, at a profile of the awakening life: A greater clarity of decision-making; of choices; of commitments and follow through; of explorations; of seeing, experiencing the beauty behind everything. The awakening life has a greater reality to it, a sense of presence and a growing connection and heritage with what life has been and is becoming. An awakening life embraces opportunities not perceived before. And yes, creates them as well, through the design of potential in the imagination, the creativity, the enthusiasm for living.

How often does one perceive each beginning of the day filled with expectation, wonder, and the marshalling of the consciousness, the energetic realities of being for engagement? Or is one day pretty much like another? Life allows either, our brother, and the power to choose which.

Understand this: the physical body, which is also an energetic body, responds to the consciousness. Feeling ‘pregnant with life’ supports giving birth to vitality within all the systems of the body, for they are needed, you see, to be in harmony to fulfill the designs, to live and create. The awakening life sees no limitations, for the realities of one element of life are connected to the realities of others. The physical body is not separate from spirituality. The physical life nurtures the spiritual life with experience. The spiritual life nurtures the physical life with potential, vitality, and limitless resources.

Love unites all of this, our brother. It is the constant. And because of the variety, the diversity of the natures of reality, so is love. What an adventure on its own, to discover and experience the range of the realities of love.

So how does one bring into focus in the moment such vast reality and possibilities? By exploring what lies before you in the moment, and plumbing the depths of that reality and what it is connected to, for life is revealed in the micro and the macro. How can it be otherwise? Becoming more aware of your own True Nature leads to this. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2016                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Why or why not awaken?  

JANU: Yes, some may say, “Why not awaken?” and others, “Why?” We should say this, at this time, “The choice is yours.”

Now, awakening is a natural evolutionary process. Marches on whether focused upon or not. The awakening process we speak of is the removal of impediments to awakening, a natural occurrence, the way an awakening life improves. The desire, so to speak, of your True Nature, of your consciousness becomes more realized. This is not an imposition on you, but a freeing of what lives within you, and by that we mean your quest to live, be, create, explore, and find meaning.

Life is a co-creative experience. The fields of creation exist everywhere, every reality, and your nature is as co-creator, and you are Life itself creating after its own kind. Being asleep to this is a freedom as well. A time to reconsider, start over if you will, explore life from a different perspective, or rest so to speak.

This incarnate reality is but a moment in the larger life, but a valid one. Instinctual revelations are guides patterned in your journey, sustained by the larger you. Elements of your True Nature exist throughout your incarnate life but are not recognized for what they are, taken for granted in most cases, attributed to the ‘mysterious unknown,’ considered unknowable. Everything is known, our brother, including you.

Many struggle for achievements based on the smaller life they’re aware of. Insights appear and are called ‘miracles’ and left at that, especially in unguarded moments. Longing to understand, many consider awakening and wonder how to begin. The truth is they’ve already begun by placing their attention on that reality.

The True Nature is not some far off thing but is at the core of your being. Every moment of your life is known and recorded. The True Nature misses nothing, but contains the wisdom and knowledge of all you have ever been.

We are attempting to paint a picture here of a portion of the life that you are. Getting to know yourself and to expand your identity to this larger reality is a good beginning. Many have gone on before you. As a matter of fact, you have walked this path before and may walk it again, should you choose to. When reviewing your memories, at times you say to yourself, “If I had but known, I would have walked a different path.” At times, the path you choose is to experience the experience of others, to understand them, or to understand more deeply the paths you have walked before, gaining all the wisdom you can from each opportunity.

Life has many layers of simultaneous existence, of reality. Incarnate life is only one. The questions of “Why or why not awaken?” have very large answers. Take the journey and discover them. Namaste.
Sept. 21, 2016                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

You may wish to read the initial attunement addressing this issue, “Why awaken?

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Choosing to be more conscious

JANU: Welcome to our world, so to speak, that door being always open. The central theme of our journeys is the awakening of humanity, supporting the process, inspiring change, the regaining of freedom. So much of what humanity reaches for is conditioned by past and present incarnate experience. Many would say the only evidence to go on. This is true when unaware of more of the larger life.

“So how does one gain that evidence?” you ask. By opening to it by way of the gifts, the capabilities of the larger you. Being unaware, consciously, of that reality does not mean it doesn’t exist, you see. You’re just unaware. But the connection is there. Where do you think the decision to incarnate originates? And where do you return to, when leaving the body? Some would say, “That is the end of everything.” This is living in darkness, our brother, and misses the point of the journey through incarnate life. Nothing in life is wasted or forgotten or dissipates into nothingness.

The evidence resides in your True Nature, our brother, through memory and record and wisdom gained. But it resides in the incarnate reality as well, the patterns of existence of physical life are imbued with these mysteries of life. When observing another, or any living thing, or any part of nature, there is an energy, a kind of consciousness, a presence of life, including your own. Some speak of wars, one type of energy emanation. There are others as well. There are organs in your body that respond to these, that participate in generating these. The evidence of the larger life is in every cell of your body, every energy structure, every intuition, every sense of presence, every idea, the insight that seems to appear from nowhere, every miracle large or small you are hard pressed to explain. It is so close, so near, yet so far away for many. But that is only perception, dear one.

What we are reaching for here is a sense of reality about how intertwined your existence, your consciousness, and your being is with the rest of life. Let not ignorance be the master of your consciousness. Choose awareness. Choose to live more fully. Choose to know and to understand whatever interests you. You are a Light Being experiencing physical life, but even that has its roots in so much more. Allow oneness to be your foundation for awakening more fully. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 9, 2016 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Building bridges

JANU: We are surveying with you your topics of interest in the human condition and its potential relationship with other worlds, its own unification for mutual benefit, and its emergence in consciousness as a collaborative body of life. What we see here, our brother, is what you anticipate: the discovery of the Truth of Life behind pettiness, conflict, violence, confusion. From one point of view, it seems as a waste of resources. And from another, an investment in the swing of the pendulum from one extreme to another, and the dichotomies in between.

The choice has always been with humanity to breach differences with cooperation. The bridge does not eliminate the opposite shores but combines them into a larger reality. Using resources to annihilate one another, not just physically but philosophically, spiritually, is a self-defeating expression of life. There are moments of genius, vision, insight, brilliance to understand and build so many bridges between differences that go by the wayside in the midst of mutual destruction. Now, beings are not destroyed, our brother, but opportunities and consciousness go unused.

What a worthy pursuit for investigation and discovery is the building of a bridge between differences and people and circumstances. The purpose of the bridge, you see, is to share resources, build confidence, allow each other’s truth to be and flourish and become stronger through the wisdom on each end of the bridge, you see. These bridges build the future based on the potential of consciousness. The ingredients, the elements of the bridge building are revealed in an understanding of what the bridge connects. That is the impetus, the catalyst. An awakening creative consciousness utilizes these for the potential of benefit is seen and anticipated.

It takes the circumstances and experiences of so many with differences to build the bridges into the future. A future that no longer looks like the repetition of the past, but a bright light to grow into. This is the purpose of awakening, you see, our brother. The bridges even include a connection between old understandings and new. Even within the individual, change is from something to something else and occurs with these bridges of flexibility, cooperation.

We encourage and inspire bridge building in each one’s life and the lives between people. There are many worlds waiting for and building bridges to other worlds, other realities, the fullness of life. Be a bridge builder. Begin with your own existence, your own understandings. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 7, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add Media set 5) contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being at peace

JANU: We are moving forward again with this series on awakening. We are not suggesting in any way, our brother, that awakening is a requirement for a productive and happy life, but awakening affords many opportunities otherwise. There is a human tendency to create a framework for living that is defined by timetables, markers of achievement or lack thereof, goals that must be met, and comparing one life to another which includes judging. The larger life, our brother, has no such requirements. Find peace in yourself and your life no matter what.

Being conscious through awakening to a greater degree provides opportunities for engagement and satisfies a natural urge to evolve, to grow and expand, to enrich understanding, and to serve each other, inspire each other into richer lives. In a sense, these journeys are journeys of your True Nature, the source of these desires to evolve, to learn, to serve. But the human journey is temporary. The wisdom gained is permanent. It adds to who you truly are.

The unawakened human mind tends to fragment its life in the limits of one sojourn, seldom planning or considering a larger perspective to include many on the path of evolving; therefore, the perception of time limits for achievement. This does not bring peace in the sense that everything is all right. Your life is acceptable to the Source of Life, no matter what. Your True Nature never condemns you. By ‘you’ we mean the human identity, the human personality ego. It is a temporary journey with opportunities. The part of ‘being at peace’ as recommended is the acceptance of this and allowing others their own freedom to be.

Happier times are coming, our brother, as more and more awaken to the Truth of Life. The choice has always resided with each one. The societies, the cultures, the national order, the military, all of these things are human choices. None are required, but all are allowed to fulfill their destiny of experience and learning. Wisdom is gained through living life and the choices that are made. And all choices, our brother, can be changed. Life adjusts itself, moment by moment, based on outcomes, desires, and choices, and opportunities presented through engagement. Leaders and followers in your society have chosen these courses and they can change from one to the other in a moment. None of this is permanent.

Be the captain of your life, of your course, your path, guided and inspired by your True Nature, the Divine within you. Be at peace. Namaste.
Aug. 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Understanding the journey of awakening

JANU: Awakening, our brother, is an inclusive journey. It is not a choice against incarnate life, but a choice to expand it. Your interests and desires become more diverse, with greater depth, layers of reality, and a greater capacity for well-being on every level. All of your resources at play. The integration of the incarnate life into the larger life, being already a part of it, but in consciousness, you see. The larger life seems a mystery, but the incarnate life has mystery as well, yet to be understood and experienced. We tell you these things to broaden your view. As you embrace another truth that broadens your view, life responds by connecting you with that view that you may explore it more fully and in ways that open you to other realities. A mystery, our brother, is only something unknown to the one observing. But everything is known.

Building a foundation in this way of understanding draws you closer to the realities you consider and are drawn to you. In time, the distinction between incarnate and larger life fades as all that you are, integrated in your consciousness once more, becomes your identity and your world. And by ‘world’ we mean the sphere of your understanding, the reality of your consciousness. It seems, in your memory, that much of your being beyond the physical life, and including it, you have been what some would call a ‘loner.’ There are episodes of this in your experience, whether incarnate or not, but it is your way of focusing without distraction. Once understanding is achieved, you share it with others. This is your path of awakening and you hold no patent on this, so to speak, you see. Just one of many approaches to observation, listening, and contribution.

So, you see, awakening is not just the purview of discarnate life. Its potential is present always. You ask if there is awakening in the larger life. There is, our brother, for why wouldn’t there be, if life is constantly evolving, expanding, and creating. So this journey of awakening while incarnate, and the lessons learned and achieved, serve well in the larger life as well, you see.

So the journey of awakening is ongoing, as is the journey of life. Making the transition from the body is not the end of anything, except that particular incarnate experience, and even the essence and memory of it lives on within you. So passing on is not a tragedy, in that sense, just life changing. As the commercial in your media says, or asks we should say, with a light touch here, “What’s in your wallet?” What is your perspective? What is your take on life, on your life? Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add appropriate set) contains all prior attunements in this series.


Opportunities through Earth life

JANU: This second phase of the awakening series, titled “Associations and Collaborations,” outlines to a degree that needed not only in understanding but in experience and the transformed consciousness that are in harmony with the larger life that the total you, the complete being, chooses. Make no mistake, our brother. The life and experience of all that you are, guided by the True Nature, is a choice and a wise one that grows and evolves with the experience and understanding that comes with it.

The True Nature that we are is ancient. By comparison, the human journeys are far more recent. Other incarnate experiences led to the human ones by way of the experience of other travelers of more recent association. By way of research based upon desire and interests, it became known that the Earth presents an opportunity for many kinds of service. And many have taken on the mantel of conscious integration of the larger life of each one merging with the Earth life, raising the consciousness of the world and that of the planet as well. By ‘world,’ we mean its population. Now, this service and its result benefits all the creatures of the Earth in many ways. And understand this, our brother, certain species of the Earth have asked for this assistance, in their way, for humanity has the potential to lift the consciousness and serve the evolution of the Earth and all that it includes. Anchored in physical bodies, they are one with the planet and deeply connected.

So, you see, the associations and collaborations of this series are demonstrated through these. Many such opportunities exist in this Earth experience. So, you see, the reality of the larger life and the True Nature are involved and are present. As you commit to and take seriously the awakening, give the same respect to the opportunities it allows.

Physical life and so-called spiritual life are one. Your human reality and so-called identity, and the rest of what and who you are, are one. We are one, our brother, and are on this journey in this way, as are many others. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2016 B                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Our choices touch each other’s lives

JANU: Pleasantries aside, let us focus upon, deliberate upon what some might call crucial elements or events in the awakening of humanity. There arise from time to time opportunities, some call choices, that influence the direction of a path undertaken. While humanity’s path of awakening is filled with such, this current American election cycle, to some degree, is one such. The issue, then, our brother, is not so much the candidates involved but the wisdom of the populace, the people they are intended to serve.

The process of awakening is not a sterile one, you see. It is rich with pivotal choices dependent upon inner values that draw upon the True Nature, whether conscious of it or not. In this instance, it’s the electorate and the wisdom of their desires for their future. And this decision-making is not just an influence on this nation, but the hopes and dreams of many looking for a better life around the world.

Decision-making, our brother, is never just for an individual, but for the lives an individual touches. We talk of the Family of Life, more real than you might suppose. Now this perception is not meant to stifle decision-making, but to temper it, to deepen considerations. A moment of pause for reflection. Now, as with any decision, our brother, and course chosen, corrections can be made, adjustments, modifications. But the need for these is greatly influenced by the wisdom of the choice to begin with.

This current election cycle is a test for the maturity of human consciousness for this nation. Make no mistake. Other nations want to influence the decision for their own benefit. This demonstrates the connection that we speak of.

So you see, our brother, awakening is a path not taken alone, but touches the lives of others. Everything is connected. Being conscious of this reality is part of the path, you see. The larger life exists, whether aware of it or not. So, when making choices, take a moment. Consider the impact or the influence your choices make. Make a decision and move on. Nothing is permanent, but everything matters. This view of life will serve you well as you touch the lives of others, and they touch yours. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 2, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Willingness to allow

JANU: ‘At will’ is the theme for this journey, meaning: “What are you willing to be? What are you willing to allow in changes in your life?”

When engaging the larger life, what role does your will have to play, and how does it engage and interact with the willingness of countless venues of life, beings, worlds, realities? Are you willing to have what some humans would call a small or insignificant role or do you require importance? How diverse is your willingness to be part of life? And are you willing to respect the will of another, even the flow of life? What are your desires, as opportunities become apparent?

Even this journey, our brother, evolves. Willingness is not static or fixed. It is very fluid. Listening to life, no matter how it’s portrayed or embodied, is as important as expressing your involvement, your being, your desires. Being compatible with the rest of life does not mean being invisible. It is still choices, our brother. And what makes a wise choice?

This understanding is worthy of consideration. When negotiating, counseling, making agreements, contributions, and new associations, allow listening and understanding to blend with expression and decision-making. Listening, our brother, includes far more than words or thoughts. It is an experience filled with sensations, impressions, responses, and touches all that you are. The human mind is dominantly binary, one thing and another. The larger life, the larger consciousness, the larger reality is a mixture of everything, with selected involvements and relationships and, yes, associations.

What we refer to here is a departure from consciousness with borders, limitations, individuality, separation to one with inclusion, breadth and depth far-ranging and adaptable. Not everyone can embrace this in the same way or at this point in their lives. But this is all part of life, our brother, that includes everything.

Whatever journey the consciousness is walking, see the beauty behind it and in its destiny. Your willingness and theirs play a role in the larger life. Be true to your example of being. Allow them theirs. Share what you may. Be as allowing as the flow of life. Embrace the larger life and its realities in this way. Namaste, our brother.
July 8, 2016                                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.



JANU: Breaking free of the limitations of pre-patterning is part of the nature of these journeys. As a marionette’s strings are pulled, these pre-patternings tug at you, influence your choices, preferences, and desires. Pre-patternings are part of the natural reality of being imbued with past experiences, relationships, tragedies, and success. Breaking free of these is in the sense of owning them, no longer controlled by them, in deference to your True Nature. Identification with these, mostly unconsciously, is a box of experiences that seems as your whole world. A difficult task for many, to let go of all they have seemed to have known, but journeying into the larger life makes this do-able, if you will.

The journey today is into the freedom of being, not so much continued pre-patterning but recognizing patterns and their alternatives. These tell a story of life, which is part of its richness, but the identifications with these experiences must be seen for what they are, freeing you to move in and out of these as you choose. The journey into the larger life is still the exploration of patterns of life, but in a different way.

You ask, “How does one identify with who they truly are?” By listening, our brother, to the voice of your True Nature. We are not speaking of words here, but perception. Freedom to be whatever you choose, in the manner you choose, to the degree and the duration of your choice.

These journeys, and others like them, are a beginning. Open to inner guidance, consciousness, and conscience. Allow your relationship with life to not be defined only by circumstance and the examples of others. When observing society, choose to understand what is at the core, what is behind, what is the motivator of everything, without preference, predisposition, or judgement. All of life is wondrous, but the expressions of it vary greatly. The pre-patterning that matters is who you truly are, what you truly are, the truth of your being. Namaste, our brother.
July 5, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.