Difference between individuality & uniqueness

JANU: Exploring and engaging the larger life is a significant threshold in the evolution of consciousness. Becoming aware of this means becoming aware as this, no longer identified just as an incarnate human but not eliminating it, either. When one is conscious as a provincial community member and then begins to travel the world, their perspective changes. Their former identity takes its place in the larger reality. And the larger reality is a larger identity, our brother.

So, as we move these journeys into the larger life, allow the natural transition of identity, sense of being, your role in life to evolve. You touch life and life touches you in new ways. Much of this you have done before. So much is memory re-awakening, but not limited to this. You will become aware of many you have known, and know you. There is both a personal and a universal reality here, co-existing. The need for privacy to survive the incarnate life, the human experience, becomes irrelevant.

There is a difference between individuality and uniqueness. Uniqueness does not mean ‘separate from’ but ‘one with, uniquely.’ Your hand is unique to the body but one with it. Living the incarnate life uniquely can be seen in the same way, for the truth of who you are is one with all of life. So, your place in life is unique and that uniqueness is part of the richness of life, as is everyone else’s. This understanding translates well into successful incarnate life, or any life, our brother.

So, you see, the larger life is far more than a phrase. It is a fuller and richer experience than individuality. Allow this into your thinking and your experience. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 25, 2016                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding more of your complete being

JANU: We are summarizing, if you will, that which portends to be an alliance within the True Nature of the elements of consciousness. These elements we speak of are the foci for the realities of being that you are. These alliances are powerful indeed, for they bring about, they bring to the fore neutral power. Not power in the human sense of a force for control, but power in the sense of harmony, cooperation, manifestation, creativity, and a more complete consciousness. The human ego is allowing the manifestation of the True Nature, a loving relationship in a reality of oneness. The incarnate life takes on deeper meaning and purpose, the destiny of everyone, in their own way, in their own time, in their own choosing.

The expansion of consciousness is not separate from you. It is you. What do you know of your being before incarnating, you see, and between sojourns? It still is, whether incarnate or not, waking to the fuller truth and reality of who you are. Some may prefer ignorance rather than the responsibility and the true power of knowing, and that is their choice. But the freedom of wisdom is wonderful indeed.

These are journeys, our brother, into a larger life, and they serve well. Namaste.

Feb. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Music of the Spheres

JANU: We are listening once more to the echoes of life, the eddies and currents, reflections, vibrations and movements some call the ‘music of the spheres.’ A symphony, indeed, constantly being written, developed, refreshed. This symphony, our brother, is not only heard in this universe but other realities as well.

Beyond most understanding, universes communicate with each other and this one is no exception. These communications extend well into the region of the consciousness of sentient life. One tends to hope one’s assumed understanding of their universe is the model for understanding others. They are as diverse, our brother, as life is in your own. The consciousness of this universe is not created solely on its own.

All of life is one, our brother. All of life gives and receives, one way or another. To understand, to experience this, we have suggested embracing humanity as a collective life, moving globally as one life, one consciousness of many. This truth is not limited to the human experience, you see, but exists in universes and subtler realities than physicality. The perception of living alone is perception, life mirroring consciousness. Moving from collective human consciousness as one body of life to that of that world’s and systems of life throughout the universe is not the whole story, you see, but the beginning of it. And the music of the spheres is an expression of this. Discordant tone is an illusion within a larger truth, for Life is not designed or constructed to annihilate itself but be one with all of its realities.

So, as you confront each challenge in life, see it and understand it and embrace it in this larger way. Absorb it and own it. It is part of life, part of living, and you are one with the power, the wisdom and, yes, the love, to be enriched by all of it. Walk through life this way, whether incarnate or not. Always be larger in consciousness than any circumstance. Remember, True Power is at peace. Namaste.

Mar. 2, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding limitation and freedom

JANU: The focus this evening grants access to what some might call a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the tapestry of life. There is wisdom in limiting revelation as to the nature of life. This wisdom has support from those who are growing in their understanding of it and its application. The human consciousness at this stage of evolution is ill equipped to handle more, for knowledge is power: the power to create and the power to destroy. But limitation is not meant to be permanent. Qualifying for more understanding is the journey. Many are on this path of revelation and their reluctance to gossip, if you will, is out of respect and a love of life, that all may benefit as they are capable.

Allow your growth, expansion in consciousness, to be in harmony with this wisdom, as so many have. Any understanding has its merit couched, if you will, in the accumulation of other truths. To reach for understanding of one part of life with no consideration for what it touches lacks wisdom. The little picture and the larger are one. When knowledge and wisdom walk together, all of life benefits.

One lifetime does not describe the path of discovery or the wisdom or the benefits. Enjoy the moments of discovery, the thresholds of understanding, and the glorious manifestations that are brought, grateful for it all and the systems of life that support it. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Living larger than human

JANU: You inquire as to the nature and content of an incarnate life while conscious as something more, of your True Nature. Many new abilities will be reserved for the wisest opportunity to employ. Most of the journey will be spent awakening to more and the wisdom that lives within it. Your associations beyond the Earth will increase, as well as those on the Earth. The creatures of the world will be known to you, and they will welcome your presence, for you will help enrich their lives. There will be those ready to learn more and so will you.

Life is rich with these kinds of opportunities. The True Natures of each one, including the creatures of the world, have their agenda to enrich their experience, to evolve. Your role will be to assist when requested, in harmony with life. You will learn of others well practiced in this, and capable of much more.

Learning and serving is continuous reality, always evolving. To describe what you ask is only a moment of understanding, for everything foretold is changing. Part of the wonder of life is not knowing in advance what is in store, yet embracing the future, continuing on, engaging life and serving as you may. What is the alternative but darkness, chaos, frustration? Leaving all of these behind for what they are, choose wisdom, freedom, and love. True power, true peace, true being. Namaste.

Jan. 6, 2016

Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Knowing life and allowing life to know you

JANU: You’ve been musing about the co-existence of the manifest and the unmanifest. This approach to understanding is more enlightening than the physicality perceptions of one thing being separate from another, a temporary illusion or perception of the nature of life. We spoke earlier of the creation unable to describe its creator, but when the consciousness extended to the creation begins to become more at one with its creator, the understanding comes, and not from the perspective of the creation but of the creator, by which the creation benefits in understanding.

Now, this process isn’t just ‘one moment and you’re through.’ It’s an ongoing process of realization, of oneness, of co-existence, and evolves into far greater understanding and evolution of the being. Imagine connecting with another species on another world in this way. The misperceptions, interpretations, and confusion of physical first encounter gives way to a deeper, fuller, natural connection and matching understanding for both parties, when so attuned. What would take generations eons of time is accomplished in moments.

Even within your own Earth, the animal and sea life offers vast opportunity for understanding, mutual respect, and mutual service. There is so much life on and in the Earth humanity does not understand. Becoming consciously one with any element of life enriches the observer and that observed. Have you considered allowing a creature of the Earth to know you? They are capable of this and it would greatly change your relationship. Many consider animals a resource, with some moments of companionship here and there, where a resource exists in mutual understanding, cooperation, and service that is unknown.

This evolution in human consciousness is not hidden, when achieved. All of life can know this and participate. Opportunities you could not plan become available. Life is rich beyond your dreams, if you but allow it and engage it. Take this journey in understanding and consciousness development. Encourage this in your children. They are more ready than you know. Help them have a lifetime developing this. The future is rich, full of promise and achievement. Namaste.

Jan. 4, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Nature of manifest and unmanifest

JANU: The physical attempt through math and other means to describe ‘nothing’ are approximations, estimates, missing elements of reality beyond their computations. But they do point in useful directions. They are like road maps on a journey, not describing everything but a practical usefulness for direction, but based upon space/time orientation. But most of life is beyond this or not limited by it. This is where direct knowing comes into play, being.

You ask, “Does the unmanifest have a source?” This is where the understanding of ‘source’ and ‘manifest’ comes into play as being one. In the finer truth, they cannot be separated. They are each other. Then the subject turns to ‘finite mind’ and ‘infinite mind’ and what is their relationship? Truth being, our brother, they are one, again. Different expressions of the same thing, suited to the tasks presented and sought. Time/space deals with exclusions, borders, where and when. That is the frame of reference. So the foundation for understanding the unmanifest is limited. Nonetheless, the unmanifest is true. So the manifest and the unmanifest are one. The unmanifest is reference in potential, the manifest is created to explore the potential, bring depth and richness to it, and expand the foundation for further exploration.

This consciousness grows into the oneness reality of superconscious and conscious mind. Added to it, becomes the ability to grasp each other. Needless to say, our brother, the dynamics and parameters of your consciousness and your life will change. Priorities expand. Life becomes more profound and meaningful. Namaste.

Jan. 2, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also post of Jan. 22 for preliminary discussion.


The journey of oneness consciousness

JANU: The choice for incarnation, our brother, was a conscious one, including the veil. The journey back to conscious oneness builds wisdom, character, serves life, enriches it. The physical universe or part of life one becomes part of is developed by these journeys of incarnation. The forms, the cycles of life generate so much needed by the flow of life, which is needed in turn by the journeyer.

The return to oneness consciousness does not mean that oneness discontinued for a time. It is always a part of reality. The return to oneness consciousness aids in applying all you have gained to wherever you are. Choices guided by a oneness consciousness, awakening to the larger life once more, are more in harmony with the evolution of life. One ‘listens for’ with more of their being, senses more fully the consciousness of others and the principles of life at the heart of everything. Returning to oneness awareness is more something you allow than create. It is the more natural reality of a more complete being.

A oneness consciousness can be sensed by others for the peace it brings in intimacy with life, a loving intimacy. The many colors and hues in the tapestry of life are revealed, rich beyond imagination. And there is life in all of creation. And one respects and understands the life in everything. No longer the unresolved conflicts in thoughts and feelings and emotions and experiences. Patience with yourself brings peace.

All life is connected. Becoming aware of this is a journey. Be patient with yourself and find peace and awareness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing who you truly are

JANU: Let us explore that path to enlightenment that each one has available to remember their journey into incarnation and their return to that which they already are. The passion to know, to remember, to experience, to restore the presence in the consciousness. Your True Nature, a miraculous development to be loved into being, into remembering. One does not have to leave the mortal coil, so to speak, but can embrace the larger truth, enriching the incarnate life beyond human imagination.

These journeys are meant to assist those who are ready. So much of life is ready to assist in this. Becoming aware of the larger truth of who you are changes how you perceive everything. It is one thing to be conscious of your oneness with life. It is another to realize why you chose to incarnate and who are ‘you’ that made the choice. Use the power of love to love who you truly are into your consciousness, into the life that you are leading. Find peace and fulfillment in this. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 11, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Remembering who you are continued

Be sure to check out yesterday’s post.

JANU: We are organizing the steps to be taken entering into a peaceful solution to the pull to awaken. Each one has this tug from within for conscious union. Years of struggle are not required, yet patience is. The conscious human mind imagines so many obstacles, trying to dominate the experience thereby prolonging it, trying to be the source of your identity yet being only part of it. Your true identity being only a hair’s breadth away. Allow the memory to return naturally as the truth of who you are, peacefully, lovingly, sanely. Your wonderful journey of joy and happiness. Namaste.

Dec. 7, 2015 B                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross