The diversity of life

JANU:    Trying on, for a change, our trajectory of inquiry to include other species of  life incarnate, in a sense, extraterrestrial. There are those that exist with human characteristics and those you would not recognize. And yet these are sentient beings with prolonged life spans. As a result, their evolution in consciousness and incarnate experience have a real wisdom pattern evolved in different directions by way of continuous opportunity.

Some telepathic with a lifestyle to match. Some see in a different light spectrum, relating to life in different ways. There are those very sensitive to energy and direct knowing. There are those in a state of peace, without wars and violence. There are those who self-levitate and the perspective that comes with that. And, yes, there are those who are aquatic and see life differently, using their fluid environment as a medium for communication and interaction. The point of all of this being the diversity of life is rich and extends beyond this universe. And there are those energetic beings where one universe is not a limitation.

What these all have in common is the nature of Life itself.  Beingness beyond identity is a reality. Identity is a rich field of opportunity to explore elements of life, at one under the umbrella of Life itself. Identity has the illusion of uniqueness, separation, isolation, and, with humanity, the competition for power and resources and control.

Life is so much larger than this, but includes this as well. Worthy of exploration is the question “What really matters and what is your relationship with it?” Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2022

Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Colonizing a new world

JANU: Seldom has there been more vigorous attempt to colonize a world filled with new adventures of potential and possibilities. This world we speak of belongs to a group, a cluster if you will, of stars and worlds 3.9 parsecs from the Earth. This world has been habitable for some time.

All of the beings who will populate, who will colonize this world are being transported there. Much of what has been learned from the human experience of the Earth will benefit this colony. We see an acceleration in evolution that will occur quickly compared to other worlds. The reason for this, our brother, is those who are awakening on other worlds will migrate there with a head start, so to speak.

Population density will be in the mere thousands to begin with but will soon grow, but not to the density of the Earth. The population will grow by design. This will be a population of enlightened beings, a kind of laboratory. Spontaneous pregnancy and birthing will eventually occur. These co-creators will manifest what they need, simply at first. Conscious beings outgrowing the need for the veil, you see. Much to be learned here. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Connecting with life on another world

JANU: Let us begin this evening by announcing a preference for that which is germane to connecting with other worlds in consciousness. A grand expansive experience for humanity and scientists and its so-called spiritual leaders is conscious connection with the Larger Life and that of the Earth. Now, understand this, our brother. There is more life that is of the Earth than has been realized, discovered, much less communicated with. But off-world reality sets the stage for a greater freedom to be one with the future not limited by the past. The past becoming better understood in the light of the Larger Life.

Connecting with another world’s beings is a conscious decision, the probability of which is supported by one’s own existence. Life does not place all of its eggs, so to speak, in one basket. There is a measure of redundancy everywhere to support continuation, evolution, and creativity. Acknowledging the presence of life elsewhere is in harmony with acknowledging the larger truth of who you are.

Allow yourself to listen to the story, the life story of another, whether your neighbor or on another world. Life is more connected than you realize. Time and distance are a small part of the Larger Life. Listen with an open mind, a gentle heart, and a love of life, including your own. Let understanding be your guide. Namaste.
Apr. 4, 2018 B                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Cosmology #2:   Unlimited perceptions

JANU: We are remembering when the images of life transcended human vision and began the exploration of possibilities of creation. Now, for many ‘creation’ means the physical universe, but that is only part of the story. Individually, how does one create anything, as co-creator? It begins with an insight developed by imagination, thought processes, experimentation in consciousness, drawing upon the natural realities of being. The application of this extends to realities that support creative impulse.

For most, the creative realities are defined by physicality. Other realities that are involved in creation represent gaps in understanding that the models of physicality reality seem unable to describe or explore. The new models of understanding will include a relationship, consciously, with these other realities that are part of creation, that coexist, that are needed for creation to occur. Each one’s own countenance is the result of coexistence of realities, some physical, most not.

Parochial views of reality will need to extend for more complete understanding of the nature of life. The dark matter and dark energy controversy in science, in cosmology, is one example. The linking of species into group consciousness, coordinating their existence and movement is another. The survival of the Earth these many years is not by chance alone, cosmologically speaking. Manipulation of realities on many levels play their role.

Understanding these influences will go far in determining or discovering other worlds in the universe that sustain life with varying degrees of intelligence. Humanity has the built-in desire to explore and discover, born of impulse beyond physicality. The fulfillment of this calls for unlimited perceptions as we explore through these journeys. This serves well. Namaste.
Sept. 5, 2017                                                                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out yesterday’s post for the beginning of this series.


Wholistic exploration

JANU:    Assembled then at this journey is a confluence of opportunities to excel in the area of insightful investigation into the nature of life beyond the limits of Earth. Of course, the term ‘life’ covers a broad range of reality. These opportunities are marked by their origins, which are many life realities. At this time, most of which are from this galaxy, a few beyond. Let go of the limited perception of time/space, for the nature of these opportunities transcend physicality.

Many life realities are growing in their eagerness to discover, reach out to other consciousnesses, other life emanations. Most do not realize, in the human world, how much they radiate. These radiations can be detected by others so inclined. The opportunities are responses to those detections, but one must be more attuned to these than many are. Even your scientists who search for other worlds, other intelligences, are moving towards this sensitivity, as they expand their focus beyond physicality, recognizing that life has many levels of existence. They will discover so much more.

On these journeys, we have taken advantage of this and will continue to do so. These subtler communications will lead to physical opportunities, once awareness is established. Traveling to other worlds is only a part of extraterrestrial exploration. Opening the consciousness to technologies beyond the borders of physicality will lead to physical explorations only dreamed of at this time. The employment of energies, forces, on other levels of reality will prove beneficial.

Yes, you might call this a wholistic approach to exploration. That is exactly what it is. Humanity is not the only species exploring. So explore as you see, eventually discover each other. Once again, we return to the significance of awakening. Let it be so. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 29 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Exploring life through its creations

JANU: We know of your appetite for extraterrestrial exploration. Much of it, our brother, is memory to you. The Earth experience is not the largest of your travels and encounters. Many of your involvements have been on moons of other worlds, some of which rival your Earth for habitable conditions. You have piloted craft and journeyed on them and even explored interiors, if you will, of distant suns. The shaping of a world, the manifestation of its existence and eventual configuration, is a science in itself.

There are much more than just comets and asteroids migrating from place to place throughout the universe. There are worlds, moons, suns, nebula, clusters, galaxies, cosmic particles. Virtually all of the building blocks of stellar objects exist and move through space. The design of the universe, physically and energetically, is a continuous unfoldment and evolution, even though it appears that creation such as your world and solar system are stable. This is a perception based upon limited experience, which many perceptions are based on. The duration of that manifest reality does not measure it as eternal, for the entire universe, our brother, is not eternal in its present state. Life is, through one form or another, one reality or another.

Your journeys through the universe have always interested you, for no two journeys are the same, you see. Even when revisiting, things have changed. The human journey is no different, you see. With a larger view, one can see this and prepare to engage it. So, examine perspectives, perceptions, preconceived ideas. If they are fixed, static, they soon have little reality, especially when you create them from the foundation of the limitations on one human journey, one sojourn. Your desire to explore the universe is a natural one. Discovering that the micro- and macrocosms are equally fascinating, rich with realities and ever changing.

Life is a constant. Nothing else is. Continue to explore and discover, for it reveals the nature of life itself, as do we, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 15, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Remote viewing of UFO

Note: This seems similar to other experiences with UFOs but for me was more direct, as my connection and relationship with Janu has changed to a more continuous contact. This is shared as an example of the changing evolution in journeying.

JANU: What is occurring here is revolutionary to what you’re used to in the reality of attunement configurations, you see. Adjustment is being made to receptors for the purpose of seeing, for much of communication is based on this element of awareness.

Features on the Earth can be viewed in this way and in real time, time not being a limitation. Questions like: Are there any spacecraft on the Earth at this time, whether physically visible or not?

There is one in southern California. More rectangular in shape than one might imagine. Rounded edges and corners. Metallic blue in color. Approximately thirty feet long by sixteen wide. Three feet in height. These are approximations. It gives off a soft pink glow and hovers just above the ground. Its function is to monitor certain energies emanating from the Earth, indicating stability and geological movement. It has been there approximately one week, between six and seven days. No, it is not manned. It is a probe and it controls visibility by bending light rays. It travels around the Earth, pinpointing anomalies and disturbances as well as normal flows. There is no ‘Mother ship,’ so to speak, in the vicinity at this time. It continually records and transmits information on demand.

This is only the beginning, our brother, a brief example. Much more to come. Much more to be developed and mastered. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See also UFO Examinations for prior experiences I’ve had.


Past life limitations

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:   I come to the point of choosing to know who I truly am and what my function is here now.

JANU: We have this one who seeks to truly know. This seeking on her part comes at a time in her sojourn when there is need for much inner support, clarification, and strength in the grasp of her true identity or being. This one we speak of this morning embraces no denial in the sense of sweeping changes in her life. However, there is some pattern of reluctance to embrace the power of it, the magnitude of it, the sweeping changes that take place in perception and perspective and the rules or models we have chosen to engage life by.

We would ensure you, dear one, that to make this transition, if you will, into a larger view, is one that is difficult for many for there is the clutching onto the familiarity of old perceptions even though restricting and limiting the engagement of that you seek. You surround yourself with familiar symbols and articles of your family’s past, your upbringing, your previous home environments. They come to you as cultural identity for the purpose of a sense of strength of heritage, connection, and continuation. There are nuances of influence in your perception of life and the changes you seek in understanding and identification that limit you in this comfortable setting of familiarity. Are you prepared to embrace larger understanding and reality and allow these symbols to take their place in memory in the history of your experience? Examine these symbols and see if they represent this larger understanding you seek in any way that you can perceive.

We build in these sojourns such patterns of ritual ongoingness that we seem to feel that this is our identity and to let go of it is to deny all you have built, leaving you with nothing. Let us suggest that you entertain for a moment who has been doing the building and the collecting and the careful arrangements of these symbols of traditional ongoingness. It is possible to broaden your connection with that limited, though comfortable, identity and grow to a degree. There is opportunity there but it will not satisfy the hunger for quickening and awakening that lives within you and leaves its impression in the vicinity of your heart energies, you see. There are qualities you have gained in family, in support of others, and in ongoingness of love and caring for others that can survive limiting identity with old ways. You move forward, dear one, not these symbols. We understand the difficulty of embracing this perspective. But the clarity of perception of the opportunities for the larger life in this sojourn is not easily grasped when the vision is so filled with old ways, old patterns for experience.

As to who you truly are, dear one, this is what we have been alluding to. You are the daughter of a noble in the vicinity of a galactic empire of the Noweda System. You were steeped in many traditions there as well, those arising from the trappings of authority, influence and the kind of power that permeates that societal reality, you see. You are used to privileged existence and, on a traditional level of experience, expect this to be. Your departure from this series of experiences, eventually arriving in your present sojourn, was to free you from needing these trappings, free you from perceiving the full range of life from only one point of view. The traditions you have accepted for yourself in this life, and the symbols you accumulate around you, are a shadow of this prior expectancy. This is your opportunity and soul’s calling, if you will, to finally let go and emerge in a larger way of understanding and freedom to embrace the rest of life. The difficulty you find in this challenge at this time is not only from your current sojourn patterns, dear one, but from the long tradition of expectancy of privileged connection, long before.

The transition we encourage and envision for you to consider is the privileged reality of freedom to be one with all life and the privileges of the past were no freedom at all, dear one, in this larger sense. They are illusion and this is your opportunity to see illusion for what it is. It is a temporary creation for experience. The experiencer whom we address, whom you are, is not identified by the experience. Your true being is not a privileged member of an order of society or grouping of consciousnesses. Your true identity is absolute free being, larger than all of these. The choice is simple, dear one. Own it all or be owned by a part of it. This is your choice and your opportunity to breathe freely once more.

There is more than enough love in the heart of your being to survive this challenge and there are those, such as this source speaking at this moment, who join you in loving support on your adventure and celebrate in advance your freedom. No creation and no journey is greater than or more powerful or as permanent as the true being you wish to know once more. Experience these many things in your life, but need none of them. Allow this simple statement to find its way to the truth of your knowingness. It is the key for you to unlock any experience, any sojourn, any challenge. There is so much richness and love and peace and understanding and connection with the limitless beauty of life that awaits your embrace.

It is our passion, dear one, that you know the truth and find freedom through it. And you are part of the richness we have described, the beauty of life, and as we know the beauty of life so we know your beauty as well. Continue your journey, dear one. The reward is beyond description. We wish you the peace and joy of it. Namaste.
December 17, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

See March 19th post for a slightly different response to the question of “Who am I?”

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Why the great pyramid at Giza was built

JANU: At first, our brother, the pyramid at Giza was built to represent an archaic principle of the foundation of the law of a sun god or deity by an ancient civilization not of the Earth. It is a leftover, carryover of an ancient culture and philosophy from another world. This culture identified itself as the ‘Bizzareen.’ Each representative of that culture that came to Earth was adept at this kind of construction and its purpose. Each block was formed according to a pattern that existed from previous constructions. The ability to manifest constructions from available material, not by mechanical means, is an art not possessed by native culture.

Four sided pyramids were not the only construction model. The number of sides varied, according to its purpose. You have been told there was another one like this on another world. There are a number of these, for that culture visited many worlds, and still exists on a few.

The so-called ‘laws’ of their sun deity had to do with the art of the ability to create, and not just pyramids, you see. But these skills were represented in the pyramid configurations internally. These beings would create an energetic reality exactly duplicating the assembled patterns for construction, and material was altered and re-assembled in that location through consciousness of high precision. This structure, when engaged in consciousness, allowed precise configuration of consciousness to manipulate energy, dematerialize and materialize.

So, you see, our brother, your earlier insight into its construction of being from the top down in fire, or what appeared to be, is explained. Thus the name ‘pyramid,’ you see.

Many accomplishments of creation were accomplished by way of this structure. The formation of the Earth, energetically, was aided. Other worlds have had this assistance. This structure is older than human knowledge. No equipment was used in its construction. It is far more than the physical construction. It is home to many types of energy which are linked to other worlds. Linking of consciousnesses involved in its creation is beyond human understanding. It was built to serve the Earth longer than humanity will have need of it. It is true that it was never designed to be entered physically, only in consciousness. Created by ‘fire’ from the top down, only not fire as most understand it. That was the appearance. You ask if it is still in use as originally designed. It hasn’t been, our brother, for some time. It could be re-built if needed.

There is much more to understand. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 4, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Perspectives on discovery

JANU: We enumerate, if you will, on the subject of past associations. Understand that past is reference to time/space associations. In reality, these experiences continue. Your off-world excursions are still with you and your current journey, from that perspective, is off-world as well, the Earth being one of many.

You have experienced worlds with skies of many different colors. Some were golden hue, others bright blue, others green tint. Cavernous worlds. Unstable worlds, geographically. Worlds that would be poisonous in atmosphere to your current body. And yes, a world like Earth, human-like beings, intelligence level much higher. A world more ethereal than physical. Another co-existing with silicon-based life, some adaptation to co-existence. Many not unlike Earth with societies in many different evolutionary stages.

Grand adventures await humanity, discovering these and interacting. The challenge here is the opportunity to advance cultures through interchange, but also interfere with cultural evolution by these influences. Much wisdom needed here and patience, for there are still many humans who would attempt to use this situation to advance their agendas, power, and wealth, at the expense of both cultures. Life is vast and diverse. The great distances between them has its benefit. This is why we encourage awakening the consciousness to attune to different parts of life, though physically separated. And even this requires maturity and purity of motive. But that is the nature of life: adventure, discovery, mistakes, corrections, wisdom gaining, and service. March on, but as wisely as you may. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross