Destiny and the flow of life

JANU: Let us progress this scenario of the awakening of humanity to include the course of destiny.

Human destiny includes more than technology, but the transfer of power from the external to the within. The power to create. The power to know and understand. The power to communicate beyond language. The power to be. These powers exist for the benefit of life and those who use them with wisdom. Human destiny includes the forthright attempt toward universal consciousness and the mastering of simplicity.

What is nature, then, but a creation? And what is unnatural, if everything is creation? Anything humanity builds or creates is from the one Life, the essential nature. Destiny is the manifestation of potential, with outcomes that allow for continuation. One tends to use the nature of Earth as the foundation for understanding what is natural. The so-called “Laws” of manifest life are mutable. Nature evolves, changes, and self-creates. So, can the destiny of humanity be based upon that which constantly changes and evolves? It has to be, you see, for that is the nature of existence.

So, what does one obtain from these observations? One obtains a growing consciousness into reality, hanging on to nothing to be inevitable or permanent in any way, yet worthwhile, part of the flow of life. You ask, “Why does the flow exist?” The flow is the change of life, the movement, the creating and re-creating, repetition that is never the same.

Your existence is life in motion. Your destiny is whatever you choose. That is the nature of a co-creator. Creation does not stop with any creation, you see. Understand your existence in this way and so-called anomalies are in harmony with the eternal flow. See your day this way, your life and your relationships. Namaste.
Oct. 24, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The duration of humanity

JANU: We are focusing, then, upon the duration of the human journey and its stages of evolution and thresholds of service. The duration of the human journey begs the question: What is human? A certain species, yes. An evolutionary path of consciousness, yes. A pattern of certain qualities in the larger reality of service to life, yes. A species unique but changing, but not only of the Earth.

Physical stature to become thinner and taller due to lifestyle changes, evolution of DNA, activation of DNA elements, changes in consciousness, and changes in environment. Humanity has already changed a great deal physically. The reasons for these continue. Colonies on other worlds present environmental changes. The humanity changes will find their way to the rest of the population, to varying degrees. So these explorations, you see, are not isolated in their influence.

Inner journeying changes perspective, understanding, and awareness of the self and its potential. This will continue on, our brother, for many millennia. The larger the experience and perspective, the less need for brutal conflict, selfishness, and personal empire building. The strength and well-being of the collective will be understood as individually and mutually beneficial. Enriching the whole serves the individual as well.

The accumulation of True Power and its expression will endure. Individuality and a sense of the wholeness of the collective continue harmoniously. In many ways, the reality of the collective finds expression and meaning individually. Humanity is adaptable to the varying experiences of other worlds, other beings, other life realities energetically and beyond. Humanity’s existence is already a product of these. The perspective of ‘this or that’ gives way to ‘this and that,’ becoming more. The joy of fulfillment no longer limited to personal gains or the illusion of wealth and ownership of possessions. Life becomes more fluid with opportunities and realities moving in and out and through the life. This serves the flow of life and the converse is true.

So, you see, our brother, humanity is more than the physical body and its current configuration. Life endures, evolves, serves itself.   Experiences beyond number line the path of the future of humanity. So the endurance, you see, is not defined by outcome but by the journey. Full of change, full of traditions that come and go, and full of beauty and love yet to be understood. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 28, 2016                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Peace, freedom and love

JANU: We are forecasting, if you will, and forming a deliberate attempt to inspire peace and freedom in the minds and hearts of people struggling to find truth in their lives, their True Nature, their purpose of being, their gifts of service, and their loving nature. These elements of achievement in the pursuit of these things are more powerful, more liberating, more illuminating than struggling, you see. Pursue, yes, but peacefully, with clarity, focus, openness, allow for the truth and a growing confidence in the abilities of your own True Nature, which is who you are. Pushing to achieve seems to have its rewards, but it limits you. Allow understanding, revelation, communication with life.

Your True Nature is talented, in harmony with the flow of life, contains the wisdom of so many journeys. Be the ambassador, the pioneer, the blessing for others by way of the peace and freedom of being. The answers and solutions to inquiries already exist. Frustration and struggle convinces you they do not.

Life is not designed to thwart you or keep you ignorant and in the dark, so to speak. It is designed to evolve, expand, create, grow, reveal. Its nature is harmonious, peaceful. Yes, the violence that appears in the formation of worlds, the destruction and the creating seem to fly in the face of this, but the purpose of these is understood peacefully, the peace that allows the flow of life to be at one with you. This is a flow of relationships, the currents of life.

There is a symmetry that includes far more than physical life. Every creation, every reality has purpose and conditions or parameters of its existence. One’s life can seem outside of this. That is a limited view, our brother. Simplicity at the root of complexity has endurance and reveals the complexity for what they are. Be not owned by these complexities of life, but understand them and the root of their existence.

Peace and freedom go hand in hand, and love does exist, our brother, for it holds all life together, all purpose, all destiny, all creation. The realities of love are a worthy journey of discovery. The love of human relationships is but part of the larger reality. Consider then the profound reality of simplicity, peace, and freedom on your journeys. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2016 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Profound simplicity

JANU: We are encouraging at this time simplicity in the face of many diverse challenges commanding attention. “What do we mean by ‘simplicity’?” you ask. Simplicity means the essence, the essential nature of any challenge, any circumstance or situation. The question is: ”What is the essential nature of what I’m dealing with?” That’s where the power is, the solutions that are larger than the challenge.

So, what is the core nature of any concern? It is a quickening of opportunity to employ your consciousness, your inner resource to reveal its character, its depth, its commitment, its sustainability. The experience of this is where wisdom comes into the picture, you see. Anticipate this approach of simplicity as being a very powerful one, more powerful than the apparent complexity of challenges. With this understanding, one can perceive each challenge as opportunities to develop the powerful simplicity of your nature.

This is not to say that simplicity is superficial. Quite the opposite. Simplicity is a channel or a doorway, if you will, for vast resources of the nature of Life to outpicture, to involve in the scenarios of life and bring wholeness to any opportunity. As you are applying simplicity to these journeys, they have the opportunity for greater depth, deeper insightfulness, and layers of meaning.

The phrase ‘profoundly simple’ reveals its meaning as reality. The exchange of understanding framed in this way becomes far easier and more complete. In a world or society that seems to thrive on force and so-called power, this understanding seems easy to reject. But these old patterns turn in on themselves. They are not sustainable without great effort. Profound peace is inherently sustainable, for it is in the flow of life. Instead of struggling and fighting for solutions, profound simplicity allows them. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Sept. 12, 2016                                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: We are beginning today’s journey into the known, for all that is, our brother, is known, even the unknown by way of its potential. Even your destiny is known by the conscious you; however, your destiny is more of a direction than its components. The wonder of it all is what you choose to include in it and life’s response to your creative intent. Certainly, your proven capabilities are a foundation for this, but your potential developments are as well. Why not explore these, through the path of awakening? Employing these in your desire to grow and awaken more fully enriches you.

You ask, “What is destiny, then?” It is a composite of life experience that grows with you. Destiny can be misunderstood as written in stone, so to speak. It is not. And neither is life. But it is built on fundamental principles, realized through the flow of life. As a stream has many eddies and currents, turbulences and mixtures, so has the flow of life. So you see, our brother, your destiny is created by you, the total you. It is a reality to be cherished and anticipated and developed and experienced, gaining wisdom.

You see how each flow of life, each so-called individual’s destiny is part of everyone else’s by way of the interacting eddies, flows, and currents of the life flow we are all part of. Rational binary mind does not embrace this easily, yet the reality is there. Even observing the so-called destiny of another to be described in a certain way does not define them. It is too fluid for that. Choosing to engage a destiny for this sojourn does not mean it is the same for all sojourns, our brother, or the only destiny in one lifetime.

Consider the depth of your desires. Your destiny is the path you choose. The key here is to listen within. The inner and outer life are all one, for they are all life and inspire each other. See destiny with new eyes. Be true to your inspirations. You are the Life that guides you. You are the dog and the tail, metaphorically. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 6, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Why do we exist?

JANU: The subject today is self-realization, understanding that ‘self’ also refers to Life itself. The pursuit to knowledge, consciousness, evolution, creativity, loving, building, relationships, mutual support and service, these elements of life encourage their continuation. The question you raise is “Why? What’s the motivator? What is the purpose of awakening more and more, to what?”

The simple truth, our brother, is that the Source of Life, of which everyone is a part and is patterned from, has an imperative to realize itself through its potential and manifestation for reality exists in even larger ways than this, our brother. Your reality of existence, as you are understanding, is not just as a human being but as a spiritual being, of which there are countless others. But all of this represents collective life, and even it has a source reality that began it all. “Began” not being appropriate here. That is a human term based on time/space. So how does one embrace infinity, eternity, continued reality of that which has no beginning? These movements in consciousness, these imperatives to evolve, to ask questions and seek answers are issues that are larger than finite purposes. Your consciousness is experimenting, it is exploring with incarnate life, but it’s still life, our brother. Micro- and macrocosm are one. Their purpose, their achievements are one. Being in the flow of life speaks to this.

The answer to your questions are larger than the questions, you see, but are inherent in them. The pursuit to understand, experience, and gain wisdom is a manifestation of self-realization, not only for you but for Life itself. Who can answer the questions: What is it? What is all that you can be, and why do you want to know? Why begin the journey? Because you are Life realizing all that it can be, which is an expression of all that it is. The wonders that arise from these pursuits describe the magic of life. What greater journey is there, our brother, than to be one with all that can be? Welcome to who you are. Namaste.
Aug. 25, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Awakening and the flow of life

JANU:   What we have in store for this journey is a remembrance of a time when—time being a limited expression here—you were on a world in some ways like this one. Far more conscious and consciously active in the affairs of that world, in the role of guardian of its so-called secrets, looking for opportunity to share these with others of that world. The dilemma, of course, is how much and when and with whom.

The flow of life in any reality is not the conveyance of all there is to know and be without reservation. By ‘reservation’ we mean being in harmony with destinies, timing, preparation, capabilities, and the many currents of life.

You learned patience on that world, profound caring, and the reality that your contributions to life remain connected with you. There are legacies to your involvement. More than just memories, our brother, but real, active residuals that are not fixed but evolve, as your contributions evolve and expand.

Awakening to and being involved in the larger life is a continuous process, just as life is. Nothing lost; everything gained. Your involvement in the larger life makes your life larger. How can it be otherwise? Your life in this incarnation has become larger, as have your associations.

The theme here this morning is the reality that awakening is the embracing of a continuous movement in the flow of life that evolves and expands endlessly. The brief, limited identity of separation through the veil is very temporary and, in some ways, an illusion. For even under the veil, you become larger. Your life expands, as does your identity and sense of being. The human mind tends to think in terms of steps along the way, fixed plateaus and levels. Life is continuous, our brother. Nothing fixed about it. Even the illusion of physicality, isolated any way from so-called spiritual life, is a reality within a larger one.

So grow more aware of the expansion of your being, your identity, in all of your contemplations, involvements, and commitments. The movement, flow of life is present in every reality. Namaste, our brother.
July 22, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


The Flow of Life

JANU: We are encouraged by the sum of the influences created by the seeds of awakening that have been planted. Whenever life is served in an open way, the benefits continue even when unaware.

The flow of life, in reality, carries with it the contributions made by so many. As in the physical body, it is like the life’s blood of Life, transporting supportive nutritional, if you will, elements to the creations of life. The flow of life to your consciousness, to your destiny, to your vitality is like the blood of the body. Not just understandings but the energy of life, the communication between all elements of life.

Service in this way is grand indeed. Part of the oneness, the connection between everything. We have mentioned the Earth consciousness, its vitality and reality. It exists in this flow as well, our brother, on many levels. Life in motion, eternal in nature, patterns of life moving as one.

Being aware of, in harmony with the flow of life is part of awakening, our brother. The questions arise: Are the principles you hold dear, fundamental truths, flowing with change, evolving, more profound? Are your relationships deepening with new layers of meaning? Are your collaborations serving life in this way? Are your goals sensitive to changes, new opportunities?

Most think every breath is just like every other. It is not, for more than air takes place in this exchange, our brother, energies, vitalities, many physiological responses that are in motion. Nothing is exactly the same as before. True security, as has been said, is moving with the flow of life, whether incarnate or not, whether human or not, whether conscious or not. This flow brings change and opportunities, rejuvenation, evolving direction and perception, and, yes, awakening.

Allow yourself to become aware, to make decisions in harmony with true purpose. When achieving this, you are supported in these with resources beyond your current understanding, for life is aware, too, our brother, of everything. Allow any truth you may find in this understanding to be with you. Namaste.

July 19, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Nature spirits

JANU: We would have you experience the nature creatures of life. Some are small. Some are large. Their existence is more instinctual than self-determined. They exist in your world most everywhere. They are part of the flow of life as a natural element. They draw near even as we speak. Yes, you are sensing their presence as they come and go, and flit about, so to speak. They are calling you to join them, if only for a moment. Being sensitive to their existence yields opportunities to participate in their reality and learn from each other about each other. They are more sensitive to natural energies than most people, for their intimacy and bond with the flow of life is in this way.

Now, nature spirits include those that are much larger and hover in the atmosphere, especially in the upper regions. They participate in storms to draw upon the energies and can be called upon to a degree to manipulate weather. Some of these can change their size at will to bring about changes in perspective. They marvel at your holiday fireworks displays but find them unsettling. They attempt to emulate them but the result is not the same.

These realities of being explore life by mimicking what they experience. They don’t know why. It is like a child mimicking a parent, attempting to discover and become. Taking care of nature as a gardener or just a caring individual attracts their attention and they slowly draw near, to understand and at times participate. As with so much of life, those that live in its realities have their roles to play, sharing purpose and contribution to life. As we said, not always understanding why, for their motivations are instinctual, but they are learning.

These are all part of the Earth’s consciousness, and have a long tradition. There are countless varieties. They’re a part of many realities, contributing to the tapestry of life in so many different ways. Much to learn and become conscious of. A wondrous experience. Namaste, our brother.
July 4, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.



JANU: We are venturing further then into this larger life to explore the reality of existence, not just of beings but of worlds and universes and other structures of life, and the interplay between all of creations and consciousness.

For this morning’s journey, let us experience the creation of a vortex that represents ‘creation in motion.’ Now, in the universe there are vortexes microscopic and cosmic in stature, a vortex being as a thought in the flow of life, circulating around itself, accruing resources for manifestation. Consciousness, you see, is an integral part of creating anything, whether physical or not. The circular swirling motion of a vortex is in keeping with other movements and flows…nebula, clusters, stars, planets…as they coalesce into the focus of the so-called thought, you see, the spark of creation.

Initiating a vortex is part of creation, the original thought and the flow of life in motion. Witness the rotation, spinning if you will, of most celestial bodies, not the cast-offs and results of collisions or explosions, but the original gathering, you see. When entertaining a new understanding, its natural tendency is to circulate through your consciousness, influencing other vortexes, motions, movements in being. So, you see, the function of the spinning is to explore, integrate. Any creation is an accretion of the resource of life itself.

When manifesting by way of intent and focused consciousness, this principle is employed. It is a basic and fundamental reality in manifestation. Witness atomic structure. Everything is spinning, vortexes of association and the ensuing energetic realities of life in motion. This is a basic reality in perceiving elements of life, other creations, and your own thought processes.

Love is not a linear reality but a vortex of life, accruing, radiating, interacting. This is life in motion and a harbinger of change, rejuvenation, reconstruction, and origination. Allow life’s experiences to circulate in your consciousness and bring changes, clarity, rejuvenation, and creations. A fundamental principle of life, our brother. Namaste.
July 1, 2016                                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. 

A much earlier attunement on the concept of a vortex, done for another individual, may be of interest as well.