Freedom in the face of limited identity

JANU: The criteria for the realization of human potential is the freedom to be, based upon clarity of understanding, desire to live it. Processing, observation, and understanding are a constant challenge belonging to the list of objectives delving into the imagination.

These wonderings belong to a series of events rich in dialogue and contradictions. May we say at this time that there belongs to these ownership steeped in traditions that are in lockstep with the past, needing new footings rich in the freedom of adventure and choice. We would have you know at this time that potential for evolution and creativity has always existed, not always expressed. What we encourage at this time is introspection, understanding in depth the challenges to these wonderings and what holds them locked, to a degree, in life patterns. Rich are these in potential if allowed to be free to evolve.

So the tools and the promise of life are inherent in every moment and all of life’s patterns. Decide to be the wonderings that inspire you. Live the opportunities that Life presents. They are the answer to the call of humanity. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly upon the concepts in Helping Humanity to Evolve and Freedom.



JANU:   Systems of life, at times, not understood as the coordination of freedoms to be, to create, to enrich, to fulfill, to realize, to understand, to become. Life has many faces. Which adventure does one choose out of so many? What is the tone of the choice? Is freedom the theme, or part of it? Giving without requiring reward; the joy for another’s joy; the peace that enriches everything; the contentment combined with the desire to explore and understand. What is freedom, then, but these, and more?

One experience is that another’s freedom is their own, for they are one. This kind of freedom, this tone of freedom enriches all of life. To gain without diminishing another but to lift them as well is freedom. We of the Brotherhood grow in this way, with more to understand and become. This is life exploring Life, to sustain and be sustained, to enrich and be enriched, to understand and be understood, the beginning of peace. Namaste.
Aug. 3, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 While there have been many journeys on this topic, some of the more recent ones may be of interest: Freedom to explore,  Helping humanity evolve , Freedom , and Living in the Now with freedom .


Freedom to explore

JANU: Analysis must take on a new name to be released from limited thinking and tradition.  The freedom to be embraces that which comes as intuition, dynamic life, and the promise of freedom. Freedom to be more. Freedom to explore. Conscious oneness.

So what does one explore, in harmony with these opportunities? The meaning of Life? Its potential? Current consciousness? Focused exploration, the pulse of Life and its potential. Life expresses countless forms, compositions, and seeming contradictions. One speaks of ‘isness,’ beingness, the arc of Life. These terms include so much more than ‘conscious of’ or ‘conscious as.’ Incarnate consciousness is consumed with, patterned deeply with the sense of time, sequence of realities, order, patterns, and cadence of life. Simultaneous existence, purposes, opportunities, understandings, consciousnesses, relationships are a step beyond.

As we continue these adventures into the Larger Life, one does not dismiss any of the life leading up to this. The Larger Life is just more inclusive, less restricted, biased, preferred, isolated in any way. Enjoy the freedom of limitlessness in thinking, experiencing, understanding, and service. See all of the vehicles of Life in this way. And, yes, even the physical for the duration of its expression.

Explore wholesomeness, balance, vitality, evolution, presence. Be present in understanding, discovery, engagement, expression. Find peace as a reality. Allow it to be and become. Greet all of Life in this way. It is a foundation for understanding and being the Truth of Life. Namaste.
June 24, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


How to explore more of life

JANU:   Exploring life, drawing to our consciousness understanding. There are many branches of life to explore, any one being connection to another, establishing points of interest along the way. This may seem like a grab bag to some but, with enlightenment and experience, each is a pearl with many opportunities to realize potential. There are no dead ends, you see, only connections and diversity, all of which are evolving. Restorations of the patterns of living. Incarnate life comes to mind.

This seems a departure from common experience. There is a difference between ‘natural’ and ‘common.’ Both exist. The freedom of choice comes with awakening, and the removal of doubt, confusion, preferences that limit, for it matters not to the awakening individual. For awakening has many faces and rests in every part of life.

So open to engage, experience, understand more of life. It does not hide from you. Limitation self-created does the hiding. Let go of borders. Choose freedom. Life is everywhere. Engage it. Namaste.
June 15, 2024                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The purpose of life

JANU:   The purpose of life is to be, to evolve, to realize potential, self-examination to reveal what some would call efficiency and waste. What is waste? The appearances of life expressions have superficial and deeper layers to be understood, engaged, and become what is. Observing that life that your being is one of includes associative reality.

Human consciousness is identified with its current perception. Expanding that reality includes a freedom to have a larger identity, not defined by only part of life. Realizing a larger reality of being includes awakening to the larger reality without the fear of any loss. Reaching a higher rung on the ladder of life does not mean the loss of the last rung of understanding. Life builds and builds and builds as the role of identity evolves. Survival is a function of concern for a limited identity. Allow your consciousness to expand and your sense of identity expands with it. Fears fall away, realizing that, through experience, an evolving identity transcends limitation.

Life is larger than a limited identity. Become that life. It is your destiny. Identify with continuation, evolution, expansion. Experience from this on the move.  Namaste.
Apr. 14, 2024                                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 Like many, I have struggled with this topic over the years, receiving similar but progressive insights. Try The Purpose of Life (2018), Life Purpose (2016),  Meaning and Purpose in Life (2015) or Meaning and Purpose of Life (2014) in whatever order pleases you. 


Bold decisions

JANU:    Happier, then, being at one with understanding and the freedom to choose balance in the pursuit of solutions to challenges. Reorganizing, from time to time, perspective brings about a change from fear of challenges to the love of solutions and the richness of life. Life is filled with answers, and challenges are part of evolution. Moving forward is the result of moving to gain understanding and clarity. Bold decisions and follow through are confidence builders. Life continues, on one level or another, no matter the result. Namaste.
Mar. 28, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Assembled once more an entourage of committed delegates of the Truth of Life we refer to as the Light. These delegates of Light have a collective experience and wisdom of many sojourns, and, yes, from other worlds as well. They have fundamental themes of existence, common in their love of life. They sing a song, so to speak, of the forgiveness of frailty among the steppingstones and stumbling stones on the path of the evolution of consciousness.

Evolution is the theme here. What does it mean to be evolving? Which is the path of reality that always continues. Evolution is the path of life that continues to explore and manifest potential, which is evolving as well. “What is Life’s potential?” you ask. Words cannot contain this, but sense can taste it. It is the freedom to be in motion, discovering, revealing, absorbing complex relationships in the diversity of life.

This delegation is evolving as well and has a relationship by being present, by observing, and by being compatible. Service is a mutual relationship of which they are an example. Service is an exchange, giving and receiving simultaneously in both directions. So, as you touch life, accept life’s touching as well. You speak of conscious union. Its nature is, in part, this form of relationship. Touch and be touched. Love and allow love. Breathe in and breathe out, simultaneously.

The details of existence, of expression, are part of life but not all of it. Allow the sensation of ‘being.’ Life is. Love is. We are. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2023                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



The path of awakening

JANU: ‘The awakening of humanity.’ What is this, then, but the process of life realizing its potential: consciousness in a sublime sense; realization of the Truth of Life on all levels; the systems of life, the reality, the relationships, the potential; exploring opportunities with abandon; the model of life expressions that evolve.

Evolution and de-evolution are references that are the checks and balances of creation. Freedom to choose either and experience the results, the wisdom of the timing of these, and their counterbalancing maturities. When so-called destruction occurs, what is destroyed but the forms of expression? When creativity occurs, life expands. The expansion and contraction of life are its breathing, the transformations of vitality.

Awakening reveals the differences and their function. Both are life, you see, and the elements of its unfoldment and their relationship. We are here not to condemn either but to understand and employ the freedom to choose. One honors life by allowing its beingness.

This is the nature of an explorer. Awakening reveals everything without judgement, but with love and understanding and a lot of allowing. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2023                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There are any number of journeys about this same topic. A conscious path of awakening and  Understanding the path of awakening offer earlier understandings of the concept.


What is journeying?

JANU: Summing up, if you will, a peaceful negotiation to the protocols of harmony, prolonged communication, and our best performance on the quest for the Truth of Life and a destiny of evolving. Let us explore the conditions of life, the flow of life, the nature of everything, and by this we mean the relationships of all things to each other. Life is symmetry and an evolving diversity. Together, it brings about change, the expression of creativity, freedom, organization, limitlessness with patterns, purpose with wonder and amazement.

Being conscious is life in motion. Asking the questions, inquiries, is evidence of this. Insights are the responses. Be open to discovery and understanding. Let us continue in this direction. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2023                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

The topic of Journeying has come up before. The reader may also wish to read those on page Benefits of Journeying for earlier perspectives.


Wise sharing of the Truth of Life

JANU: Summoning up the courage to explore in the face of the challenges of ignorance. Conscious connection with others still exploring the lesser path is a challenge in itself, for the natural urge to serve becomes challenged greatly when attempting to share understanding that has not been embraced yet by others. The tolerance is founded in appreciation of the reality of being on all levels and the freedom of each to choose the steps on their path and their timing. You will discover among them, including yourself, those who hunger for more clarity, who look for solutions and answers to questions, are not so different from your path. What they need is up to them and their own Nature. The timing and depth and scope is theirs. Your challenge is to be what you are more conscious of, even with those whose consciousness has advanced beyond yours.

Choose privacy on your journey, subject to inner promptings to share, and even then, what to share, when to share, and how to share. Beyond just being, walk these steps of awakening slowly, allowing yourself and others their timing, their diversity, their model for living. Allow others and yourself space and time, patience and Life’s loving guidance. Not everything revealed at once. That bypasses the wisdom of experience, that leads to confusion and intimacy not founded in love.

Be patient. Be understanding. And be all you can be. Live your life in this way, and Life will not waste you or those you wish to serve. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross