Integrity in conscious union

JANU:    More than you realize, our brother, we are one. To begin with, your thoughts, desires, behaviors, relationships, and, yes, feelings or emotions are known instantly to the rest of your being. Effective embrace, conscious union  with more and more of your Nature is a recipe for the end of the dominance of human ego and social consciousness, giving way to grander existence.

Evolution in consciousness, our brother, changes everything. It is true, the rungs on the ladder of change need not resemble each other. So making these changes takes courage, integrity  and, yes, faith. Trust in the tapestry of life that is your own.

Integrity is the theme though these changes, the integrity of the being, of the True Nature. Your goal and your guide are the same, so let us bring into focus with greater clarity the true nature of awakening. Remembering more and more in the progression of understanding the intimacy with life as one identifies with it. Persistence will win out. Life itself is testimony to this. Namaste.
Dec 7, 2018                                               Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross



The nature of perpetual existence

JANU: We are enumerating once more the need for collective conditioning of the human psyche for larger explorations of life while involved with the Earth venue. What we promote here is the beginning of transition into something larger than human-centered consciousness, restoring, then, the embrace of larger realities.

So if not human-centered consciousness, our brother, then what? Your interest in exploring other cultures on other worlds is in this direction and we concur. Exploring life beyond current identity is revelatory and proceeds along the lines of an open and fluid identity, allowing for intimacy with more than a limited sense of self. What’s in store for these explorations is a growing confidence in the more eternal nature of life, the ongoingness of life beyond sojourns.

Human consciousness has been, in some ways, imprisoned and obsessed with a smaller world. How can self-esteem be based upon limitation and still evolve and grow? Explore the sense of life within you, unlimited life that reaches into the breadth of its own Nature, which is still growing. Perpetual existence is not in physical form, our brother, but in the collective consciousness of diverse life.

We beseech you then to explore the cultures of other worlds and other realities. We are one in this and will proceed as you wish. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2018                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Larger understanding of individuality

JANU: We are welcoming the opportunity to begin a discourse in a new direction, one of many to come. This direction being the embracing of significant new developments in the progression of sponsored life. Now, by ‘sponsorship’ we mean the integrity and desire of the True Nature. More to be revealed in this direction that accounts for coming changes in the relationships throughout the being.

If you realize the significance of the diversity of the nature of individual existence, this portends an evolution in consciousness as to the diversity of the collective life. So-called individual beings are not completely individual, you see. There is, in a sense, an overseer, a reality of presence that transcends but includes individuality. So it is with each one, you see. This new direction is embracing and relating to this reality, which affords a synergism of the Larger Life in the consciousness of the so-called individual.

Be it known that the Orders of Life will be better understood and related to and engaged. We of the Brotherhood of Light acknowledge this, for it is part of our existence as well. Everyone is related in the Larger Life and is known to each one superconsciously. Allow this reality to reveal itself to you, our brother, and in due course we shall respond as will you. Namaste.
Dec. 5, 2018                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Precipitation and the law of attraction

JANU: Correct and proper is the premise that the law of attraction follows the attention. The one who reaches for their divine nature through the journey of awakening is beset with many blessings. Holding this ideal for self and others is on the one hand the path of enrichment, and on the other the path of service. A coalition of the two encourages enhancement of this direction.

The journey of life reveals potential through creating, not just physically, our brother, but in every way. Creating is a partnership with the flow of life and the creative forces involved with every manifestation, whether physical or not. Life and its creations are always beautiful. How can they not be, when appreciated for their intrinsic qualities and the presence of life they are imbued with?

One grand journey after another awaits the journeyer on this path. The courage and strength to embrace more of the Larger Life comes with the measure of Light that is embraced. If one falters, so to speak, or stumbles or becomes confused, reaffirm, reassert the law of attraction and the ideals desired. Be persistent as life always is. Witness the growing weed in the most barren of places, the harshest of conditions. Even the weed in the garden, our brother, has its beauty by what it represents. So it is with your cherished thoughts and desires, no matter how obscure or alone they may seem. Allow life to flourish in your experiences and embrace their progeny. Namaste.
Dec. 4, 2018                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Freedom from ignorance

JANU:    We are celebrating with you the demise of ignorance. The future of humanity, the future of human potential is a greater freedom from the current limitations and concepts of physical life. Each one will magnify individual discovery, adding to the tapestry of reality that others may peruse. Potential, peace, desire, willingness, freedom, confidence, wisdom gaining are on humanity’s doorstep. They need only walk through any opening that is presented. A love of life and their own True Natures paves the way to success.

Enriching life is the theme, for what isn’t life? So personal enrichment is an element of unlimited enrichment. It is one thing to demonstrate phenomena. It is quite another for each one to experience their own revelation. Ownership comes from experience and understanding, undeniably so. Stepping out of the abyss of ignorance into a greater life, which is the Truth of Life, is everyone’s prerogative.

Be no longer a prisoner of obsessions, misperceptions, and limitation. Be the free spirit you have always been. Rediscover your own nature. This is a journey that you are never alone on, for you coexist with everything and everyone. Namaste.
Dec. 3, 2018 B                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Choosing to remember all that you are

JANU: We are remembering, then, that which promotes and prolongs hesitation upon the consciousness of elements of the Larger Life, including your own. These changes you see in others awakening are yours as well. Remembering is significant in that it is a catalyst for revisiting, or visitation of, the scenarios of living that recall a much larger reality of experience, that reaffirms and refreshes identity beyond the human experience.

What we reach into here, our brother, are the Records of Life of which you are a part. As they say, nothing is lost, but everything is gained. The genius within belongs to everyone, for each has achieved wisdom through experience in the process of evolving.

Choose to remember. Choose to relive. Choose to employ that you are. Choose to know. Choose to connect. Choose to be your potential. The future, our brother, is now. Your potential is now. This they have in common. Life is now. Your true identity is now. Remember all that you are. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Reality beyond the five senses

JANU: One probes the questions: “Is what is imagined real? Is the unseen, from the human perspective, real?”

How does one explore reality beyond the physical senses? You attune to it with an open mind and heart, centered in integrity and peace, with a desire to know. Yes, we are real, our brother, ‘we’ meaning the larger you. Testimony to this is your experience within a human form by a consciousness growing in its awareness of more.

Inner sight, direct knowing of that beyond the five senses, the experiences and abilities of so many awakening, the evidence is growing. Whatever you manage to observe changes with each visit as more is revealed. Not contradicting each other, these visits, but adding to each other. Memories of past existences; spontaneous awarenesses; insights into the well-being of the body and its needs; the healing of the pain or suffering of others, including their choice and concerns; reaching out to the creatures of the Earth and understanding them and their response to your contact. And the list goes on, our brother.

Dwell on your own reality and experience its evolution. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Reality is in the eye of the beholder

JANU:    Reality, then, is definitely in the eyes of the beholder, for each one’s perception is uniquely theirs. Belief systems, memories, histories of experience, awakening to potential, exploring beyond the physical five senses with subtler senses. More unlimited, discovering the richness of life, its incredible diversity, its coexistent realities, and the potential for inclusive consciousness, sorting through wide ranging experiences. Human potential and the Larger Life are one, experiencing potential as a reality that supports creation, manifestation, and the evolution of consciousness.

You ask, “What is practical in the life, gaining such experience and wisdom?” Is it not practical to understand, making decisions based upon potential outcomes, understanding the dynamics of creation, communicating with other intelligences whether on Earth or not, sharing understandings, gaining clarity about everything? No question that can’t be addressed and responded to. The five senses are part of this experience but the potential exceeds them with consciousness yet to be explored.

What does it mean to be a co-creator? Driving a nail in a piece of wood to what end? To fulfill a vision or something to be created? To what purpose and where does the vision come from, our brother, but the inherent creative genius. Nurtured from within, it is at one with the rest of Life. Think and experience a little larger each day. Add to your understanding and experiences. Allow the Tapestry of Life to be a reality for you as you collaborate in the weaving of it. Namaste.
Nov. 29, 2018 B                                                             Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Exploring integrity

JANU: Integrity, the focus you have chosen and are exploring, needs comment on where it touches upon reality and its nature. What is truth? Is there integrity in truth? Yes, even though truth is fluid and evolving, ever changing, inherent integrity abounds. Is there integrity in peace? There is, our brother, but see not integrity as a fixed reality, a constant unchanging nature of everything, but that which evolves as well and adapts to it is a part of.

Integrity is a foundation for exploration, for being, for expression, for creativity, even love. Integrity looms large when examining any principle of life or expression thereof, for where is perception and discernment without it? Integrity keeps the door open to expand understanding and experience and wisdom. Integrity is not a thing. It is a reality of being and allows for variations of expression as life evolves. This includes consciousness, for what is not conscious of the complexity and diversity of the elements of life, their relationships, their interactions, their collaborations, and their seeming conflicts?

You ask to understand pure integrity, its essential nature. Its pattern is a derivative of the nature of Life, always in motion, both practical and elusive. Being at peace, true Peace, reveals integrity without bias or preference or judgment. Continue to explore this, our brother, and we will with you. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Understanding integrity

JANU:    Let us settle on one focus this evening, our brother, that being the convergence of that which holds true in the presence of integrated consciousness of the True Nature.

You speak of integrity and discernment when seeking leadership. All of these begin at home, so to speak. Rich then is the journey of life that includes these principles, and more.

You ask, “What is integrity?” It is the peaceful coexistence of the nature of being, the focus of which is life expression. Reach then into what some would call the abyss of unknowing and choose to know. The light of understanding transcends doubt and confusion. The principle of integrity is life in motion. As with everything that expresses life, it evolves and re-creates itself from potential. Not separate from life, but part of it. So see your integrity as one with the Larger Life, but an integrity that is complex and fundamental.

We have integrity, our brother, re-focused from time to time in the midst of distractions. But exploring life’s possibilities need not be a distraction. With the living, behold the integrity as a principle. Refocusing need not be a duplication but an evolving principle. Life patterns have living expression, fluid, if you will. Integrity is a powerful building block to proceed with any adventure of discovery and service. Strong yet fluid, changing, evolving, Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross