Awakening 52:   Exploring the future

JANU: We are forecasting or foretelling the movement of humanity through the history yet to come some call the future. This movement resembles, to a degree, the path of other worlds, civilization, yet still unique in its own way.

As humanity awakens, society changes. Consciousness changes, as do relationships, and what is important, goals and ideals, and embracing life. Humanity will settle down, so to speak, in its conflicts one with another, seeing greater profit in collaboration with its many differences. Those differences become one in the new consciousness. The wastefulness of competition, to the degree humanity engages in it, will no longer seem profitable, and a distraction from a happier life.

Breakthroughs in understanding, not just in technology, our brother, but in understanding life and many realities, leads to relationships with other worlds. Humanity will realize that its counterparts exist on many other worlds. There will be a bonding of heritages and mutual support in the goals set forth for each. And understanding will be shared, materially and in consciousness, for life is connected one with another on many levels, you see. As one becomes more conscious through awakening these patterns of change are markers, if you will, on this path.

The maladies of ill health will virtually disappear as commonplace.

The lives of those discarnate will become more a conscious mix with incarnate life, for consciousness is consciousness no matter the reality, you see, or form of expression. Becoming more conscious will be a theme for shaping one’s existence.

Life will be understood less as the length of a sojourn but the endurance of consciousness, whether incarnate or not. So many endeavors, whether initiated incarnate or not, will take on larger scope, transcending greatly one sojourn. Endeavors of this nature will be shared on a larger scale with others of different realities, overlapping each other for the benefit of all. One asks, “Why awaken? Why be concerned with this? Why the effort to make such changes in one’s consciousness?” Need we say more?

The future of humanity has always looked bright, our brother, its potential yet to be fully discovered. Find comfort and peace in what is to come, but even more so who you are now.
June 22, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 50: Filling a growing emptiness

JANU:    What looms most in the minds of people is the nature of life, of existing at all, and, for many, when the body dies, what’s left? What is next, if anything? The journey behind the veil has been a long one. It has repatterned human consciousness into considering the reality of oblivion, for their world only includes what they can see with the senses, touch and smell, etc. Awakening, for these, is a distant and a vague possibility, not to be taken seriously. For tomorrow and the next day and the next day do come one after another, as the life they know, the reality, the world that fills their thoughts and experiences. Making this reality work for them, being so-called successful, is an all-consuming challenge, but its successes have an emptiness that require a return to the need to be successful, whatever that means, in the incarnate life. There is nothing wrong with this scenario. It is a common one, and has lasted for a long time. But the growing sense of emptiness and temporary satisfaction in so-called ‘success’ eventually leads to something more.

Now, the larger life, our brother, is more ongoing or eternal in nature. But the experience of it does not stand still. Life is evolving, whether incarnate or not. But the successes in awakening and journeying in a larger reality, more diverse, has a richness to it not found in most incarnate successes—or should we say, unenlightened ones. For how do they connect to anything more than an individual experience, when unaware of something more?

People continue with what they have again and again until something within them says, “I’m not as happy and at peace as I desire. These victories, so-called, have a growing emptiness, and I do not know how to change that. Manifest life does not seem to have these answers, and neither do those I associate with. Where do I begin, to change this?” Happiness is more than comfort, a ‘full belly’ so to speak, or material wealth. The journey into happiness is awakening to who you are beyond these things and the rest of life, associations with those who do know and are growing, finally understanding more and more the nature of incarnate life, why you chose it, why it exists, and its role in a larger truth. No longer a prisoner of any of it but being sovereign in all of your journeys, discoveries, achievements, and, yes, successes.

So fill the growing emptiness and awaken to a richer happiness and peace and success with your desires. You are already much more than you realize. Allow it to fill your consciousness, your heart, your mind, and any emptiness that physical life seems not to fill. Namaste, our brother.
June 20, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 49: The reality of awakening

JANU: Some have considered awakening as entering into a state of bliss, free of concern, quiet peace, trouble-free existence. Awakening reveals many realities, whether physical or not, filled with relationships, endeavors to understand and develop. What some call ‘magic’ is more commonplace and a way of life to varying degrees. The challenges of the physical life in some ways have their counterpart in other realities. We would have you know the so-called limitations of physical life are challenges that are understood in so many different ways when awakening, and give way to a myriad of other concerns that can be common to many worlds and species of consciousness.

Life is full, our brother. There is bliss and there is peacefulness. There is love. There is service and understanding. But these are applied in so many different ways that boredom is not an issue. Being conscious through awakening while incarnate brings into question the wisdom of applying new knowledge and understanding in ways that are harmonious with the normal flow of life, which must be considered.

What we are saying here, our brother, is that awakening exceeds projections of reality by those unaware. Some might say the demands of life are too great to take on more challenges. And for those, our brother, may they find peace in their current circumstance. But for someone who is bedridden, meeting their needs fundamentally, has a world view of their life based on their circumstance. But moving into mobility, as the nature of life beyond their confines, is life changing. Their life is fuller, with different challenges and opportunities and associations and countless discoveries.

Awakening has rewards, responsibilities, capabilities. The decision is to be made, whether to continue as you have or become something more and see everything you have known in a new way. Light-heartedness, commitment, and engagement, confidence, courage, and changes. It is not a journey you take alone. Your True Nature is your anchor, your center, and who you are. Awakening is a larger life, our brother, and includes all you have known and more.

The focus this evening is to grow into the reality of awakening. What this includes is your choice, the choice of all that you are. Namaste, our brother.
June 17, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 47: Angels assisting awakening

JANU: We are assembling then that needed to provoke, if you will, a certain response in the consciousness, triggering the beginnings of awakening. By this we mean, a sensation or signal from within, an angel-like figure, if you will, that touches the mind and the heart and the spirit at the same time. It brings conviction there is life beyond what you have known. This experience is not to startle you but to welcome you.

We are not speaking of full awakening here, but the beginnings of it, to the degree that you are conscious of it. As we have said, this is a process. For some, the process has begun but still unaware, unconscious of it. This experience makes it more real. Your heart and your mind and your spirit consciously become one, nurtured by your True Nature, who you truly are. This call is unbeckoned but given when open to it. This is more real than any distractions of the day. Recognize it when it comes.

Similar experiences occur when thresholds of awakening ensue. When the heart and the spirit and the mind are aligned in this way, a moment of joy, peace, and acceptance of your life as OK occurs. In time, the fruits of this include seeing others in the same way.

Angels have served in this way, always. The relationship between them and your True Nature has always existed. Angels assist you because it is their nature to do so. Not for reward, but for fulfillment of their own being. They know your desire to be free, to love life, and to enrich it. Life takes care of you, our brother, and you are part of that life. Why wouldn’t it? Anticipate those moments of joy, happiness, and freedom. They will surely come. When they do, understand why they’re there. Namaste.
June 16, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 32: Freedom

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the reason to be free. This speaks to awakening and the true lawlessness of life.

The purpose of natural and man-made laws is to organize experiences, expressions, manifestations that unfoldments and developments are understood. Make sense, if you will. But where do these come from, and why do they exist, and why do humans perceive life as only made of these? Maturity of consciousness through awakening can see beyond these, through these, into larger view of life that includes these, understanding their merit, the wisdom of their existence, the nature of their presence. Awakening is not a path to escape them but to own them, not be owned by them. For relationships to work between people, each must understand their relationships, making sense to them, with outcomes that are logical and sensible. Awakening reveals a deeper understanding of these, the layers of reality, the interactions, the currents of life.

Life is as a symphony, our brother, melodies within melodies. Each one is an instrument, orchestration, timing, interplay, with a growing common understanding of the melody of life. Not just for themselves, but others can enjoy as well, adding to their symphony.

And what of life beyond laws and rules and so-called order? Beingness without form or borders. What potential exists or can exist beyond these? Some think it is pure thought, but what’s the nature of the thought? Awakening to the truth of this allows one to be free to observe all creation, all rules and order from any perspective, with unobstructed understanding, and free to engage creation in any way. Not just one point but many simultaneously, in any progression or order desired. Great wisdom comes from this, and peace not found when limited to one truth to the exclusion of others. Find peace when in harmony with all of life. Namaste.
May 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Open to that already known

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional

  1. Is the book HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY…by Tony Nadir essentially true/factual/objective–an expression of the reality captured in the Rig Veda and Vedic Literature? Should I study this book for its potential to aid me in my service to humanity?

Should I study this book to heal myself?

JANU: We have this one you speak of in our focus, in our attention. Her gifts in perception are of note, perception of understandings and the nature and order of manifest reality. Structure and purpose of same are her strengths and in time will serve others greatly, even more than her perceptions of their potential for serving her at this time.

She is one who has come this path before. A great teacher in the past on the inner planes. A record keeper and resource for the many from diverse background and origins. These Vedic principles and presentations, as presented in this book material, are for the most part of substantial authenticity and value in a certain way. This way then to be understood as adjunct from finite culture, philosophy and understanding to the larger, more universal soul awareness memory and record. Enhancements in understanding possessed on record within the being.

The solutions, as you might put them, for those concerns within the developments in the physical body and those perceptions in the main served best by the larger understanding inherent here. These Vedic presentations as reminders and stimulus for the larger understanding which embrace the moment with greater flexibility and adaptiveness to condition. This one wrestles greatly with these many teachings, with valiant and sometimes vain attempt to assimilate and combine into a coherent one. The one, dear friend, is already within you, already combined, already merged into the grander, larger, more universal reality, you see. These Vedic presentations are a wondrous collection of insight and understanding. A worthy study, but not the source of the solutions to your questions and concerns. They are adjunct. They add another perspective of understanding of that already gained in the soul of you that lives on.

These principles come, through seeming magnitude and overwhelming detail and depth, to urge you gently into this larger reality you already possess. The fascination with diverse view, principle, techniques and understanding is a corollary to a reflection of that already gained and possessed within the being. You already own it, dear one. Can you not see this as so? You have many companions here in spirit that would urge you and encourage you to realize your true position in the scheme of things, in the hierarchy of knowledge and consciousness.

Your station from this perspective is grander than your many pursuits in your world. You are as a journeyer, a voyager, an archaeologist, so to speak, uncovering life’s many adventures in pursuits and understanding. But your foundation, your base that you operate from, has been long established as broad in scope and depth. Quality understandings in your world are but a small portion of that already gained within the being. Your fact-finding activity is to gather another tidbit for your vast experience. These tidbits then do not hold for you the deeper, larger solutions you elude to through your questions. As you choose, research, study this material mentioned from the point of view of an archaeologist uncovering the journeys of others to add to a larger repository, you see. There have been lifetimes when you have been conscious of this reality and have explored, studied, analyzed with this larger perspective. Return once again, our dear friend, to this larger view.

The pressures, the discomforts, the struggles within the energy fields of the body speak of this lapse of connectedness. For their balance, their completeness, their harmony will return when you return. Their resolution is in the conscious embrace of that you already are and have achieved. They are parts of your experience, your being in this plane calling for the balance they need for their balanced expression. The memory is there, you see, for this conscious connectedness and through this the natural flow of consciousness through these aspects of imbalance. They are aware of the disconnectedness and encourage your awareness as well, through their signals of uneasiness.

The victories you envision in consciousness do not require, are not fulfilled, by these explorations in Earth cultures and philosophy. Your victories have already been achieved, dear one, and reside within the larger understanding of you.

These pursuits are research for you into the diversity of life. Your mission, your thrust, your pursuit is larger than you currently perceive. The larger you knows this, you see. That gained in these pursuits in this lifetime will still serve the purpose of the thrust for exploration of the larger you. You might enjoy them more, find more peace in these pursuits by including conscious connection and embracing of the larger you. The understanding coming now, instead of later when not incarnated.

Your fascination with this part of the past, Emily Dickenson, is because you are kindred spirits in the sense of your explorations through lifetimes, through worlds and focuses of understanding and pursuit by other groups of beings. You are fellow journeyers, you see. Your poetry a little different in form, that is all, and you know of each other on the inner.

You are well known in spirit and hold the respect of many over what you might call eons of time. You still operate in this way, even though in embodiment. The larger aspects of your being still active, still a resource for many.

We see here the records of many diverse cultures, understandings, philosophies from many worlds. These can be perceived by you and understood, not necessarily through the language or the modes of communication of those cultures but by the communication of spirit through direct understanding and awareness.

This path of yours in this lifetime is a natural course for you. It is your path and it is your plan. The one thing to make it a happier one, even more fulfilling, is connecting with the larger you consciously. You need only desire this be so and let this desire comfortably, gently, and easily permeate your emotions, your thoughts and your choices. We will hold this ideal for you as well. You act as watcher and overseer and record keeper of the flow of creation, its adventures and its journeys.

We are the Brotherhood of Light and are one with your purpose and your journey. Our Brother Janu speaks with us and for us in these many happy opportunities. Namaste.
April 24, 1996                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


Awakening 27: The ‘Now’ consciousness

JANU: We are explaining through experience the ‘Now’ component, being present in the Now, of awakening, as your consciousness opens to the reality of being, not limited to time/space. For the human identity, being present in the Now liberates the consciousness into the freedom of being. The ‘Now’ experience requires no limitations, no boundaries but being completely present in consciousness.

Your consciousness requires less and less the interpreter of the presence of your True Nature. With practice, this becomes more natural to you. Humans do not realize how much their human experience forms their identity and limitations on consciousness. Now, awakening does not mean abandoning the human experience, but being free to explore all possibilities and to move among these at will. Awakening to the larger life once again liberates and reveals what you have always been and what you will be. The ‘Now’ consciousness is a core reality on this journey, moving from questions to choosing to know directly. As we have said before, the past, the present, and the future become one in the ‘Now’ consciousness, for it is their source and their destiny.

In the ‘Now’ reality, one no longer needs to understand the Truth of Life by comparison to the limitations of time/space consciousness and human identity. These things have value while exploring incarnate reality, but they limit you to that reality. But nothing is wasted, our brother. Your True Nature records, so to speak, everything. The ‘Now’ consciousness is normal and natural with the larger you. Moving from limited to limitless being is returning to who you are. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
May 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see category: Awakening: a series.


Journey into the light of who you are

JANU: We are summarizing the advantages of awakening to your True Nature. Let us begin by saying you have always been one but temporarily unconscious of it. As you gain wisdom into the nature of life and your own existence, you begin to perceive the benefits of merging, in consciousness, your incarnate life into the larger life that you are. This journey of awakening carries wisdom within it, taking nothing away from the nature of the human journey.

Now, awakening within incarnate life has its equivalence in the larger life as well. Experiencing the journey while incarnate teaches valuable realities through experience in discovery. This does not end when leaving incarnate life. It is only one step in the larger reality of discovering. Too often, the model of understanding only includes physical life, human identity, and some vague notion of spirituality, spiritual existence. The human experience is one piece of an immense puzzle picture of reality, rich though it may be, valuable though it may be. Awakening puts everything in perspective, gaining the wisdom, the maturity to refine the incarnate life, experience more of it or any other reality of discovery you may embark upon, whether incarnate or not. Even in the incarnate life, with the so-called veil in place, the inner passion and desire to discover more plays its role. For it is a fundamental pattern of life to evolve and expand, include more, have questions and find answers leading to more of the same. Awakening is the path of discovery, no matter where you are in your reality.

You ask, “What of health and well-being and the many deficiencies in this area in the incarnate life?” Awakening reveals to you, through insight and intuition, the cause and effect realities of choices, behavior, emotions, attitude, philosophies, passions, and well-being. How all of these are connected. When one is ill physically, it is more than a physical situation, you see, for the rest of you is connected and involved. Awakening reveals this. Not only the circumstance, the connections, but the resolution of these.

There is always a deeper and larger truth in any reality. Allow yourself to know this and employ it. There are more miracles, miraculous realities in the tapestry of life than you know. Why stumble in darkness when your inner light can show the way? As the website of this content suggests, journey into the light of who you are. Namaste.
Oct. 13, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The path of service

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        I feel that I should be doing more, that I should be more definitely in service to others, but I don’t know what the “more” is. Should I be offering some kind of service, such as teaching or counseling? Or is my “mission” to be a White Magician?

JANU: We hear your searching, your looking, your longing for a focus of direction to install or invest your energies and that you’ve gained into. Your options are many, dear one, and they are options. Even, as you might put it, the most rewarding choice is an option like the rest.

The best service, the most rewarding, is the consciousness that you put into any endeavor to help another, to advance the cause of human understanding and evolvement in consciousness, you see. The richness, the fulfillment and the rewards are born of your own beingness. The form of the expression matters little compared to this. The beauty of the understanding is that any choice can and will be the best choice. And where is it written that only one choice is the best choice, dear one? The adventures you have specified are not exclusive of each other. Nothing is exclusive.

Many ponder this question in dismay for they seldom find the answer posed by the question or intent of same. For they think the answer lies in the chosen path of service. It does not. It lies within you. You bring the life to, the beauty, the wisdom, the unfoldment, to the path choice, you see. You make it magical and rewarding and a blessing to those you serve. Yes, the challenges and opportunities vary from one choice to another. But these differences aren’t the magic, they are only varied opportunities, options. You will bring life to them all. The full force of the support of life is yours in any of your choices. They are not available more in one than another.

The best choice, dear one, is the one in front of you. The one most immediate and at hand. And if others appear in similar fashion they are your choice as well. Not necessarily one at a time. All service, all paths have beauty and support and blessing and enrich both the server and the one served. Have no preference. The preference is a distraction and an illusion, comparing one over another in this way. Structured service in what you call forms or types can be an illusion and a distraction as well, for your greatest service today may be to serve the understanding of another solely through concern and caring and counsel or just lightening the burden a little. But lightening it with wisdom and insight and the benefits of your life’s understanding and experience. Not that they see your enlightenment, dear one, but find joy in the burden lifting that they see more clearly now.

Every day is filled with opportunities of service that do not require the hanging of a shingle, so to speak, the declaration of “I am this or that qualified servant…this is my service,” you see, to be noticed. ‘Tis not the way of the master, dear one. It is and can be a glamour. You understand this, we know. For you are well trained and well versed in these areas of understanding. as the phrase goes, what you do with the little things is the measure of your character and your vision and your service. Be not concerned whether the larger things will be added; they will be. Life is mindful of all of its elements and its realities.

This we have spoken of today you already know. It is only offered as a reminder and encouragement. You have known these things for eons of time. The time has come to see yourself in a larger way. Unlimited in perception, capacity, and the ability to deliver that needed in any situation or opportunity of service. Perceive yourself and embrace your larger reality. Leave behind this old pattern and shell of limitation. Your spirit is grand indeed. Leave behind the old patterns. They serve you no longer. Step into now the light and the grace of your beauty. This done with dignity, humility centered in peace, yes, and even pure being. Attainable, dear one, for these realities you already are and have been ere so long.

Your service will not be pigeon-holed into one form or another. It will not work for you. It is not your nature. It is not your memory or your historical pattern. You are universal being and your service is universally adaptable to the moment. Be an example of this for others as the time arrives for them to leave their limiting patterns behind, the ones they have outgrown. Show them there is a larger way with greater freedom and joy.

We gently enfold you and support this reality for you. Service, yes, dear one, but with new and larger understanding for that is the service that is needed in this time of change, this movement into new ways. Leave behind self doubt. Define and identify limited thought and perception and deal with it successfully. Your victory in this way speaks well of the movement of human consciousness on the path that lies just ahead for humanity. Humility does not mean minimizing the reality of who you are and your contribution to life. Humility speaks more of being in harmony with the flow.

We are the Brotherhood of Light, saluting you and honoring your inquiry and your journey. You are loved without ever a pause. Namaste, dear one. Janu and the Brotherhood of Light speaking as one once again.
May 18, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements 


Awakening 14: Let your life evolve into something larger

JANU: For today’s journey, let us review what is to come. The elements of awakening in this series have to do with a sense of belonging to, being part of, included in the Family of Life. This family is vast and deep, not just in the physical reality with those of similar interest and ability, but in many other realities as well where consciousness exists in harmony with the flow of life. Participating in such a way is not the loss of identity, but the expansion of identity, identifying with more of who and what you are and can be, as well as the essential nature of others and their desire for being part of a larger life.

This pursuit is a course taken for the life that is in you and that you are to grow, expand, and discover. No matter the degree, most everyone wants to understand more, experience more, absorb opportunities, not only enrich their own lives but help enrich the lives of others. Receiving the joys of living and sharing those joys is part of the flow nature of life, you see, the giving and taking. Or should we say: the taking and giving? They are one and the same thing, both sides of the same coin.

The Family of Life does not concern you and your identity. It is more sharing mutual benefit with no loss of integrity. The mystery and the wonder and awe of this is the countless outcomes. What does life turn into? A measure of decision making, choosing this or that, but the outcomes of those choices are still a wonder and a miracle. The Family of Life gives you purpose, a larger identity, and the ability to perceive grand opportunities to even recognize their existence. Enlightened, awakened Family of Life is an experience on the move, renewing, refreshing, and reviewing.

Awakening provides opportunity for incarnate families to grow together in creative ways, with love constantly taking on new meaning. A cooperation of individuality, freedom, but growing together, sharing each other’s strengths, supporting each other’s challenges. Some are fearful of allowing their lives to include others, for the challenges of this are unknown, unpredictable. So build the foundation to proceed on. What are you comfortable with? What is the nature of your relationship with yourself and with others? Be true to that, even if it is evolving as well. As you open to the larger life, allow evolution of consciousness, experience, wisdom, and love. Namaste.
Apr. 27, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings, starting May 1.