
JANU:    Relative existence explores connectivity universally. The more at peace one becomes, the more conscious of relative existence with everything, reaching into the fullness of existence. Life exists in so many ways, in so many realities, in ways unrecognizable to the incarnate mind. But awakening is a revelatory experience and reveals more and more of reality, the nature of everything.

Life has potential, every aspect of it. Exploring one’s own potential is an amazing reality. One’s own potential is connected to relative existence, for everyone’s existence—everything’s existence—is connected through relativity. Patterned as life in motion, for all motion is comprised of relative elements touching each other, influencing each other, evolving connectively. Even thought follows this pattern. Inspirations, insights are connected in this way. Yet each element of life has its own potential and destiny. The combination of uniquenesses is the diversity of life, its power to exist and continue. Direct knowing  is an example of this.

Awakening is a process with many elements of timing. Serendipity is understood in this way. Challenges, opportunities, so-called miracles are the results of this, but life is so diverse, connection can be difficult to perceive. But less and less so, to the awakening consciousness. Relative existence is a vast, changing, expanding world of exploration. Be at peace, and namaste.
July 26, 2021                                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Memories are a form of self-communication

JANU:    Communication interdimensionally includes communicating with yourself through memories and evaluation thereof. There is wisdom to be gained in this, for wisdom comes from experience and understanding. When there are emotions attached to memories, there is opportunity for processing.

Memories are triggered by circumstances. It is natural to review these memories. This is communication with and by who you are and your relationships. Embrace these. They are part of your flow of life. The incarnate journey is full of these. Processing takes advantage of them. One profits from these and the processing shapes future memories and experiences.

Many records exist of these memories, not limited to incarnate consciousness. They can be relived no matter when they were created, wisdoms re-examined and applied to manifestation of potential. Discernment comes from these. Processing brings peace. We are one. Namaste.
July 29, 2021                                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The architect and the architecture of life

JANU:    This evening’s theme is the architect and the architecture of life. The architect is its potential. The architecture is all of its creation, no matter the reality, you see. And yes, Life does want to be understood. ‘Want’ is a human expression but points in the direction of nature, the nature of Life. For understanding and its nature depends upon the manifestation growing into understanding.

Now, understanding does not instantly extend to all of life and all of its potential, but is a process, an evolutionary process by all of Life’s manifestations, realities, and the timing of all interactions relative to interactions, mutual influences, and experience. Life in motion speaks to this, for Life reveals itself to all of its creation through the intimacy, the revelations of interactions and experiences. The opportunity and challenge is to deduce significance, meaning, probabilities, and potential.

Life in motion is the mechanism of the architecture. One understanding and experience always leads to another, and another, for it is all connected in some way. Evolution in consciousness unending. Namaste.
July 20, 2021 B                                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The power of choice

JANU:    The power of choice is a motivator that commands creative energies to pattern the choice into existence. Let there be, then, clearer and clearer choice as one evolves into conscious union  with one’s True Nature. Bringing this about will yield opportunities, along with challenges, to explore potential and the flow of life. Let us become one in this. It honors destiny and service and legacy. Namaste.
July 16, 2021 B                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

  For more information on ‘conscious union’ see More on the nature of conscious union and Awakening to Conscious union.


Creative elements of change

JANU:   Unencumbered by doubt and unfamiliarity, progression has its footprint in the sands of time. Let us be clear: each step on this path is the flow of life. Realization manifests potential, beginning of understanding progresses. Let there be, then, a dynamic of life that represents change. Not just each day, but each moment, when it occurs to your awareness. Let there be understood that your entire being, which is far more than physicality, has a relationship with the creative currents of life. Every choice, every engagement is influenced by and influences these fundamental forces and energies of life. Always present, always responsive, always creative. These patterns of living are always creating, whether conscious of them or not. However, this does not suggest the wisdom for awakening. Namaste.
June 16, 2021 B                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The vital presence of change and life

JANU:   Welcome, then, to that which precedes and proceeds change. The flow of life is always involved before, during, and after change, for change is an element of life that produces expression of potential and the wisdom it brings.

The evolution of life is a given. What does this mean, then, to the individual, as well as the rest of life expressions? It means an intimate relationship with the True Nature, the Nature of everything, for motion reveals life and life is imprinted in every part of your Nature, recognized by unlimited diversity of expression and life in motion. Not just physical life but beingness, understanding coexistence of everything, the experience of being conscious, aware and sensitive to more and more of reality.

Those who ignore these things have chosen ignorance, which is a quality of the freedom of being and is included in the reality of life. “Why?” you ask. Because even the path of denial is experience and wisdom gaining through the results of the denial, you see. Those results are an expression of life and its ongoingness. Even denial cannot escape the presence, the influence of life.

Change brings diversity to vitality and creativity. Namaste.
June 11, 2021                                                              Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


The Brotherhood of Light speaks 

THE BROTHERHOOD OF LIGHT: What pertains to this greeting may have ramifications in the progression of, the instigation of solar peace. By this we mean the attraction of those who serve humanity rests with the integration of human destiny and social norms. This calls for the awakening of human society into the mainstream of potential and those who serve. We of the Brotherhood are determined to inspire these changes into the evolution of human consciousness and its potential.

Let there be, then, a diminishing of uncertainty as to the true nature of the larger Family of Life and humanity’s place in it. We are all connected in ways that matter. A conscious coalition of commitment and contribution, creativity and compassion is useful here. Namaste.
June 3, 2021                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



More reasons to awaken

JANU:    Circumventing change and challenges leads to an accumulation of manifestations of potential unfulfilled. Sensing the flow of life as a natural occurrence is a peaceful relationship with change. Bringing about change has to do with employing potential in the midst of opportunity, also called challenges. Life evolves in this way. It is not punishment for wrong-doing. It is opportunity to evolve, which leads to greater opportunities.

Some challenges are obvious, others more subtle. Awakening broadens and deepens perception, recognition, and understanding. Becoming more conscious in many ways has a vitality that can be addictive. Be observant. Choose to understand what is observed and what is experienced. Namaste.
May 28, 2021 B                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Becoming more conscious – 2

JANU:    So you see, being more conscious includes more conscious of everything. Both sides of duality, the experience, the balance, equilibrium, the positive and the negative. The good and the bad, so to speak, are all part of life. Being more conscious is being more aware of everything, yet still finding purpose, evolution, creativity, realized potential. Moving life forward richer, stronger, and yes, even with beauty, wiser and loving.

Being more conscious has its challenges and opportunities. Being even-minded is the challenge and an opportunity. Grow through the wisdom of your choices. Be at peace. Be an example to others. Walk the quiet path. Choose your steps wisely. Life is in motion. Be conscious of the flow, for what is more dynamic than life itself? Namaste.
Mar. 31, 2021                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Destiny, identity, and reality

JANU:   We are establishing, then, that which proclaims to be destiny, recovering from an absence of coherent understanding as to the nature of larger being. We all proclaim destiny to be the path of enrichment for the evolution of life, for life has a destiny larger than you may know but all-inclusive with seemingly limitless potential. Each one has a portion of this, as part of life in its destiny which is omnipresent and eternal by nature.

So service, you see, is intimately woven into the changing Tapestry of Life, bringing stability, coordination, and expression. When one speaks of love, one must understand that the reality of this is a range of reality words cannot express. The Family of Life is real and renewing itself. So, you see, the faces of reality are in motion. Do not limit identity to any one face, but to the life that’s living it. Namaste.
Mar. 24, 2021 B                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross