JANU: Emergence is that which dominates in the quest of many for a better life, for happiness and peace, for understanding, for enlightenment. The emergence of the True Nature, consciously, into the human experience, otherwise called awakening. Now, the desire for this is not the human ego alone, but the whole Nature. It always has been. Understand that this quest for emergence has always been present, since the beginning.
Loving the experience into the consciousness is a key to realization. Human consciousness tends to perceive their circumstance is initiated, controlled, changed, modified, developed solely by the human ego and consciousness. This is only part of the story, you see. The True Nature is the overseer, the initiator, the realizer, the potential for a structured existence and evolution. Loving your True Nature is loving who you are. And who you are loves the human consciousness as well.
So, awakening, you see, is a normal reality but not common yet. Not to the point of being conscious of it by most. Everything in your existence, your experience, is enhanced by awakening in a manner that goes hand in hand with your particular evolution in consciousness. Allow yourself to perceive life as it is, as it can be, as it was, as clearly and fully as your current perceptions allow.
Add consciousness to your human experience. Love it into ownership. Find peace, wonderment, joy, the thrill of discovery, anticipation of more, the fulfillment of all desire for a fuller life, which includes enriching life. Enrich each other by way of this. Be patient but engaged. Dream always of a larger life, a deeper life, a more meaningful one. Namaste.
Oct. 28, 2019 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross