A Thanksgiving message

JANU:   Seasonally speaking, the requests for enlightenment exist more often at these times for there are many who wish enlightenment for humanity, thinking that a time of thanksgiving is a reminder of what to be thankful for.

Life promises abundance, but only when open to it. And this is what gratitude is for, energetically. Gratitude attracts abundance, for life responds to opportunities to enrich itself. Life invests in all of its creations, and prospers when these creations flourish. Co-create and express life’s potential. So find peace in the promise of life that it will continue, evolve, and cherish its creations. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The confusion of change

JANU: A valid question: the nature of change. The ensuing confusion and uncertainty of  leading the past into a future present. The unknown. Even though accomplished many times, there is still confusion, uncertainty. The peace of mind is disturbed, though temporarily.

What’s called for here is confidence built upon past successes in the field of change. When you see so much confusion in people, life is changing for them and they don’t know where it’s heading or what to make of it. Their foundation of experience and understanding of the present is being shaken. Awakening is a solution to this, for it provides insight, glimpses into the future based upon potential and current values. A step at a time, until clarity replaces confusion. But even after this, more changes for that is the flow of life. And that is its impetus to continue to change, evolving, awakening, continuously changing identity and its expansion.

So how does one find a sense of security and peace when being compelled to adapt to change? The True Nature understands this and is a record of it. That is your anchor to deal with the confusion of change. Namaste.
Oct. 29, 2019                                                                                                copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The conscious emergence of the True Nature

JANU:   Emergence is that which dominates in the quest of many for a better life, for happiness and peace, for understanding, for enlightenment. The emergence of the True Nature, consciously, into the human experience, otherwise called awakening. Now, the desire for this is not the human ego alone, but the whole Nature. It always has been. Understand that this quest for emergence has always been present, since the beginning.

Loving the experience into the consciousness is a key to realization. Human consciousness tends to perceive their circumstance is initiated, controlled, changed, modified, developed solely by the human ego and consciousness. This is only part of the story, you see. The True Nature is the overseer, the initiator, the realizer, the potential for a structured existence and evolution. Loving your True Nature is loving who you are. And who you are loves the human consciousness as well.

So, awakening, you see, is a normal reality but not common yet. Not to the point of being conscious of it by most. Everything in your existence, your experience, is enhanced by awakening in a manner that goes hand in hand with your particular evolution in consciousness. Allow yourself to perceive life as it is, as it can be, as it was, as clearly and fully as your current perceptions allow.

Add consciousness to your human experience. Love it into ownership. Find peace, wonderment, joy, the thrill of discovery, anticipation of more, the fulfillment of all desire for a fuller life, which includes enriching life. Enrich each other by way of this. Be patient but engaged. Dream always of a larger life, a deeper life, a more meaningful one. Namaste.
Oct. 28, 2019                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The what and why of identity 

JANU: The essence of existence portrays life not unlike a hologram. The sense of physicality while incarnate is limited perception, for the true nature of physical existence is patterned energy that belongs to a range of patterns of energy of many other existences, other realities, other dimensions some would call, other parameters of existence. So, what does one identify with? What is the True Nature in the presence of these energy patterns? Is it the consciousness? Is it more than that?

We have long held the perception that the nature of life stirs the pot, so to speak, of the energy of all existence, a coexistent swirl of potential with the ability to co-create throughout that domain. So, once again, what does it mean, what is the reality of identity? This suggests that identity is nebulous. It changes, it evolves, it expands, and at times contracts, yet is flowing. So living in the Now has its appeal. Within the sense of incarnate identity, there are boundaries, time and distance constraints. But that is only part of the perception of identity.

And what does the sense of identity serve? It is a foundation for exploration, comparisons, feedback of expression and experience. As a descriptor for continuation, identity is useful. But do not become contained by the sense of it. Namaste.
Oct. 30, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Living is a partnership with all you are

JANU:   Born again, revisiting. These words are true many times on the path of awakening. Thresholds, realizations, being birthed again and again into the Larger Life. This journey never ends, for life never ends its path of evolution, creativity, change. Revitalization can be measured, in some ways, by the peace and joy found in discovery. Realization of potential is what life is. Being at peace is being in harmony with this reality. Grateful for the moment, anticipate the next, and the pulse of life bestows upon you the next breath.

‘Being in the flow’ is an expression that contains enormous understanding and restitution of seeming losses of integrity. Anticipate the next miracle of understanding, while living in the integrity of what has already been gained. Measure not this journey by physical limitations of time and space, for none of these are absolute. Even the flow of these changes. Living is a partnership with all you are and Life itself. Journey together, as one. Namaste.
Oct. 10, 2019 B                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Larger understanding of the Rapture

JANU: Rapture is a term used by many while describing being risen into what some call heaven. Some forms of this exist but mainly due to preconception and limited understanding. As we journey during these attunements, they are journeys of experiencing the beauty and the peace and the wisdom and the power, the liberation. A completely natural experience, a tradition of varying nuances and experiences best guided by the larger reality of who you are, the Divine Self, so to speak, which includes the consciousness experiencing incarnate life.

This is not a one time event. It is a process of unfoldment into the Larger Life that is always changing, evolving, realizing potential, gaining wisdom and capability to help enrich life. This experience occurs whether incarnate or not, for even in the discarnate existence life is evolving, a reality in motion. While incarnate, these journeys in consciousness bring perspective and wisdom to awareness, dispelling ignorance and limitation. This you have called ‘awakening’ and it is.

All we have spoken of coexists. All one need do is put their attention upon their True Nature and the Larger Life and the connection grows. Love this into being. It is your heritage. It is your destiny. It is who you are. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2019 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The journey of gender

JANU:    The elephant in the room of your thoughts is called gender consciousness. Gender is born of the desire, in a larger life, to experience physical incarnate life and procreate the species through the division of identities being male and female. The physical bodies correspond to this, neither one being who you are but what you are exploring, experimenting with, experiencing, and the means to continue the experience. Let it be known that your True Nature is a harmonious combination, balance, of all of these qualities and far more.

The incarnate experience is an experiment in evolution of consciousness realizing more of life’s potential. The aberrations in this, of gay and lesbian, are a result of an attempt to incarnate as one consciousness again. But the evolution of the species has not caught up with this, but will in time, leading to some model of androgynous existence. The transition from one to another, from conscious union to the physical correspondence, has what some might call disturbances, irregularities. Even the union of races in incarnate existence is a part of this. The desire to re-unite as one complete beingness.

Awakening to the larger reality, the larger life of your own nature, helps reveal this with at larger vision that includes the elements of these realities. This, in the larger sense, is a reunion of the elements of gender into a realization, an expression in this dimension of physicality once again. There are journeys to follow this one, but a distraction at this time to explore. But humanity’s reality is in transition. Much to be experienced and learned along the way, building wisdom, evolving life.

So, in all of your endeavors while incarnate, evolve, grow, explore, continue, realize all potentials. Leave no stone unturned, so to speak. Fulfill your destinies that you have chosen and they will bring you into balance in the larger way in your expressions of life. Namaste.
Oct. 15, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The blessing of awakening

JANU: Performing the tasks one has assigned to themselves in this sojourn bears the responsibility of enhancement as a service. So, how does one then become a focus or a messenger of enhancement into the lives of others and their world? This is due to performance, the qualities of consciousness attained.

What a delicate and intricate nature of life that we all journey in! Everything from the obvious to the most remote nuance, coexisting, intertwined, finding equilibrium so that integrity is maintained in all of these. It begins by performing as life does: allowing ‘isness’, without judgement, condemnation, characterization. Just allowing. But from the allowing comes revelation as to nature, the nature of everything, including one’s own being.

It is interesting to observe when an element enters an arena as a light of reality attempting to perform what it has gained. Those to see, who can see. To leave memories of the performance to be explored another time.

Awakening is. Its diversity of expression, realization is unlimited. The blessing of awakening takes all of this into account. The wisdom of Life itself is the distributor, the caretaker, and the enricher. Namaste.
Sept. 23, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Life is perfect as it is

JANU: Welcome to a meeting of the minds, for we are in agreement that life is perfect as it is. And so are we, as we are. Life has unlimited potential, as do we. Evolving, awakening, creating, re-creating, all of it is life in motion and has been successful. Life has been successful always.

Now, limited consciousness may find fault with this or that, wishing things were different, but that’s a small perspective, very limited. For all of these observations are of elements of life in motion, changing, re-creating, influencing each other, realizing potential, gaining wisdom through it all. There is no fault to be found here. Life is. You are.

Opportunities for experience and wisdom-gaining and service are constant, beyond number. So where does the perception of a missed opportunity play a role in this Larger Life among so many opportunities? Time constraints are a limited point of view, as is the sense of isolation by way of distance. Consciousness is not limited in this way.

All of life is as it is, changing, evolving, filled with a love that perpetuates everything. Every element unique yet all one, for every element of life, every expression, is life. Each uniqueness speaks to the collective strength or presence of life. So, whatever your interests, your focus, your involvement, your concern, choose to see life as the essential nature of it all. Namaste.
Sept. 12, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Oneness and diversity

JANU: Oneness, then, a subject little understood by many. It belongs to the category of being best described as coexistence in the presence of the one Life. Life itself, you see, is an example of this, for all the realities of existence, even beyond the physical life, coexist as one Life but many.

What is oneness, then, but a unified reality of diversity? Diversity of expression, destinies, moment to moment change. Even consciousness is in motion and coexists with all others. Love and compassion cannot exist only in one individual without being part of the potential of life expression in all others.

Many perceive only differences, but not their root cause or being. The awakening process reveals this more and more. The question has been raised before: Awakening to what? The rest of life, to oneness, connection with all of it. One’s purpose or meaning in life is not isolated from another’s.

They’re all part of the puzzle of life, the picture to be seen and understood, contributed to, participated in, and the scene is in motion, always changing, always renewing, always evolving. For all of life has potential, our brother, to be realized. And this is a process, even beyond time/space.

There is no end to the depths to be plumbed in exploring this reality. And isn’t it wonderful that this is so? Be at peace. Be in motion. Be awakening. Be realizing your potential and connecting consciously with whatever interests you. Experience more and more of life and absorb the wisdom that that offers. Namaste.
Sept. 2, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross