The matrix of life

JANU: We are focusing at this time on the negotiations between sentient life and inorganic reality. This subject is due because the interface between the two lacks refinement. We would suggest at this time that this curiosity you have about the matrix of life come into play. This matrix, so to speak, lends itself to resolving these two into a working system which generates more complete life.

We would say at this time that the matrix is both organic and inorganic, physical and non-physical, present and not present in the same sense. The matrix is as a thought in the stream of life, allowing potential to intertwine with itself, to share and merge. For all of life, our brother, has potential of its own making, of its own kind. The matrix of life is like the grid of orientation, the address of everything in every reality. Beginning to appreciate this opens the door, or should we say doors, to so many possibilities. The physical body, our brother, is physical, mechanical, electrical, chemical, energetic, many of the properties, characteristics that you see in inorganic matter. The arrangement is different, the relationships of the elements are different, but the elements are the same.

The matrix is the key to understanding what these differences have in common. The consciousness has the ability to travel the matrix and connect with any configuration. Wisdom is gained. Strength in the relationships of your own bodies with each of their elements is enhanced. ‘Human’ doesn’t begin to embrace the vast miracle of this network of life. We would have you see this, no longer the gulf, division between physical so-called organic life and non-organic and subtle realities. The matrix of life locates everything and everything is accessible. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 11, 2016                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Activation of new DNA

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only in understanding life’s development and progression.

Q: Is having the DNA strands from Sirius and also the Pleaides significant to my being at this time?

JANU: Her inquiry as to DNA strands in the human physical vehicle, whether influenced from Sirius, Pleaides, or anywhere else, is a misinterpretation in the sense that the strands do not come from there at this time. They are in you, dear one, and have been for some time.

Now, as to the manifestation of these and their influence upon the system physical, as support vehicle for the expression of, and demonstration of consciousness advancement. These additions, extensions, or evolutions of this marker system in your genetic code comes to the fore at this time to varying degrees depending upon the presence of the light of consciousness in each. These codes of which you speak are by design at an earlier time. The evolution of your DNA code structure is a design intent of the planners of your world and others, you see. This is a natural and common occurrence in species across the universe. It is not an external introduction to your beingness, although, as you term it, external support may play a role from time to time of encouragement, monitoring, and determinations of outcome. The new codes are yours, dear one, and always have been.

What then to think of and how to respond to these developments might be the question. Each code, each marker, has a correlation to the ability of the physical vehicle to accommodate and distribute finer energies, subtler consciousness, and the increases in energetic flow through the many systems. These code structures will take some time to develop the systems. This is not an overnight process. You will be alerted to their development by the experience of greater capabilities in pursuits already engaged. The improvements or enhancements will be easier to discern when looking backward in comparison to your previous capabilities. Most changes of this nature are gradual. They do not come in a sudden rush, a frenzy of excitement and demonstration. They would be a distraction and a hindrance in that manner of development, you see.

Not the need here for microscopic attention on these developments. Your task and your opportunity is to hold your attention, your desires, and your service to life in constructive direction. These changes take their cue, if you will, from your reaching for and providing assistance to the ongoingness of life.

In your case, dear one, there are three elements of extension or DNA enhancement about to make known to you increased ability for comprehension of subtle reality and the better management of those forces through you. Look for, be alert to, and expect noticeable improvement in consistency of connection, perception, and assimilation–or channeling, if you will–of life forces that consciousness and understanding compel. You will in time find that certain hesitancies, doubts, and confusions about your capabilities, your worth, and expanded involvements in life service will diminish, partly by your willingness to let go of them.

There is much interest in this phenomenon at this time. But once again the emphasis has been placed by many on external forces and external design. The advantages, the openings, of greater abilities are primarily achieved through your own determination. Life assists choices you have already made, commitments you have already engaged, momentums you have already built and are building. It does not determine these for you. It does place opportunities in your path, based on the callings of your heart and your consciousness and your soul.

See these changes in this way, dear one. Allow them in your perception to unfold naturally as they will. Place your attention on the grander opportunities afforded by these. The changes are not the object of your attention, but what they afford is. See this experience as movement in the direction of becoming consciously more complete within your being, free to engage life in any of its realities, not for dependency but to give. You can do this, dear one, and yes, it is your destiny, for you have chosen this. Continue as you have. Find peace in everything you undertake. Namaste.

May 7, 1997                                                       Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other personal inquiries, see also Miscellaneous 

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Instant healing

JANU: You inquire this morning as to the immune system and the nature of instantaneous healing, the forces involved. We would address this in this way, our brother.

First, understand, structure in nature, the existence of the physical body, all of its systems, and the life that supports all of this maintains its integrity and patterns of existence. Every part of the body, every cell, its entire structure exists in more than one reality. The physical part of this system of life is the least causal of its condition. The True Nature of the physical is more etheric, and beyond. The link between these patterns can guide the existence of the physical, can be interfered with or strengthened by consciousness, intent, behavior. The so-called miraculous or instant healing occurs when a loving consciousness embraces these patterns of existence and coordinates them, energizes them, harmonizes them, so that the link between the physical existence and the more subtle patterns of existence become strong, uninterrupted, and balanced. Some call this “the power of love” without understanding its nature.

The love that perpetuates life creates manifestation and your existence is always present, our brother, and can be focused, holding your systems of life in embrace, intensifying their communication with each other, and pattern matching. So, when it appears that one is healing another, it is the presence of love in the nature of your being that is the power that accomplishes this. Intellectual understanding of this reality is not enough but the presence of love is the so-called magic here. Loving yourself, our brother, is not selfish. It is enhancing who you are and your service to life, of which you are a part, can realize its potential, which includes instant healing.

Now, be aware that the beginning of healing is instantaneous. The manifestation of the healing can vary. The process of healing is miraculous, worthy of gratitude and patience. Live your life as if you were well. This opens the pathway for the process of healing and change. Focus your attention upon the victory and live accordingly. Namaste.

Jan. 20, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding limitation and freedom

JANU: The focus this evening grants access to what some might call a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the tapestry of life. There is wisdom in limiting revelation as to the nature of life. This wisdom has support from those who are growing in their understanding of it and its application. The human consciousness at this stage of evolution is ill equipped to handle more, for knowledge is power: the power to create and the power to destroy. But limitation is not meant to be permanent. Qualifying for more understanding is the journey. Many are on this path of revelation and their reluctance to gossip, if you will, is out of respect and a love of life, that all may benefit as they are capable.

Allow your growth, expansion in consciousness, to be in harmony with this wisdom, as so many have. Any understanding has its merit couched, if you will, in the accumulation of other truths. To reach for understanding of one part of life with no consideration for what it touches lacks wisdom. The little picture and the larger are one. When knowledge and wisdom walk together, all of life benefits.

One lifetime does not describe the path of discovery or the wisdom or the benefits. Enjoy the moments of discovery, the thresholds of understanding, and the glorious manifestations that are brought, grateful for it all and the systems of life that support it. Namaste.

Jan. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Humanity as a living system

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us explore the raging that exists in society against inequities. What is common in the social experience demonstrates that the society leaves many behind without the benefit of better ways of understanding and looking at life, their own nature and their own power and their interface with incarnate life, not to mention their True Natures. Anger, frustration, deprivation, futility–they breed change but in a violent way. People who are comfortable in life are not looking for that kind of change. The status quo becomes a very subtle friend.

Thinking more globally, humanity could evolve as a unit, full of diversity but mutually beneficial. Your physical body strives to be healthy and evolve, taking everything into consideration in the system. Humanity being thought of, seen, and dealt with as a living system, and not just individuals, is coming. A system of life as a field for successful exploration of more of life. Seeing collective humanity as a system, as a unit of life, marshalling all of its strengths and adaptability. No one individual possessing a strength and understanding, a faculty, for their own purpose only. A healthy body serves itself and all of its elements, one way or another, as a living system. So serve those who have little. Namaste.

Dec. 21, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Listening is a useful focus. Life is constantly expressing its being, its presence, but in such a way that it is sensitive to, listening to all of its elements. The human being can do the same, being attuned to that presence. When doing so, you have conscious access to its resources. So you see, when you ask a question to understand, to grow and evolve, life hears you and responds, its beingness to yours.

The physical structures of life are interesting to be aware of and understand. How they came to be is another structure and miracle of life. Also applies to your own existence. But the purpose of living can be local as well as universal. Oneness makes this possible.

When one listens to life, no matter the degree or level, you are life listening to itself. You’re part of a system, a family if you will, of living presence in a way not fully understood. When listening to another, you are listening to yourself. Much to learn, experience, and wisdom to be gained.

These principles do not just apply to humanity. We employ them as well. This is how, when you are concerned about anything, we know it. And this works both ways, our brother, when you listen.

Expressing yourself has little to do with words, has everything to do with consciousness, thoughts and feelings, your aura and the patterns of energy that you radiate. There are no secrets, our brother. Life records everything. You’re always welcome in the Family of Life. Your True Nature understands this. Your reason for being is for life to continue and evolve. Spend time in your day being a good listener. Namaste.

Dec. 2, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on Angels

JANU: It is true, our brother. The bright spot of light you saw above the head of one of the group was angelic. Many times angels appear this way to those who can see them. The more you see them, the more you realize they are everywhere, and not always in proximity to a person.

They are a hierarchy of life and Archangel Michael is real. They respond to many types of calls, to thoughts and emotions, moments in consciousness, and not just people. They bring guidance on acute conditions, as well as blessings, encouragement, and healing energy. Servants of life earning gratitude from humanity every day, never requiring it. They can appear in human form when it serves a purpose, as you have seen.

The study of these is a worthy pursuit in raising consciousness and awakening. And yes, communication is possible. They are part of the Hierarchy of Life, having their protocols, orders, traditions, and history.

It is possible to refine the relationship and pattern-match with these. Serving life in harmony with these is an enriching experience. One can add angelic qualities to their own consciousness, becoming partners in life. Much to learn here, and gain. Much to achieve.

Nov. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See “Angels” on page Awakening Nov. 2014


Perspectives on discovery

JANU: We enumerate, if you will, on the subject of past associations. Understand that past is reference to time/space associations. In reality, these experiences continue. Your off-world excursions are still with you and your current journey, from that perspective, is off-world as well, the Earth being one of many.

You have experienced worlds with skies of many different colors. Some were golden hue, others bright blue, others green tint. Cavernous worlds. Unstable worlds, geographically. Worlds that would be poisonous in atmosphere to your current body. And yes, a world like Earth, human-like beings, intelligence level much higher. A world more ethereal than physical. Another co-existing with silicon-based life, some adaptation to co-existence. Many not unlike Earth with societies in many different evolutionary stages.

Grand adventures await humanity, discovering these and interacting. The challenge here is the opportunity to advance cultures through interchange, but also interfere with cultural evolution by these influences. Much wisdom needed here and patience, for there are still many humans who would attempt to use this situation to advance their agendas, power, and wealth, at the expense of both cultures. Life is vast and diverse. The great distances between them has its benefit. This is why we encourage awakening the consciousness to attune to different parts of life, though physically separated. And even this requires maturity and purity of motive. But that is the nature of life: adventure, discovery, mistakes, corrections, wisdom gaining, and service. March on, but as wisely as you may. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of life

JANU: Let there be, then, a noble and defining thought that expresses the will of the being, the entire being, as a single entity in a life of collective consciousness, vast and diverse. And this thought includes the beauty of the system called “life.”

How can such a system of life emerge from the creative spark or thrust of Life? How can a system that works so well, and continues since the beginning, not be a thing of beauty? When viewing life in this way, even as part of it, perspective changes from the smaller reality of human conflicts and some ignorance into the more eternal thoughts of the flow of life and its magic. The potential of any consciousness to be more. Life is a beautiful system that self-regenerates, re-invents, re-models, explores its potential in so many realities. One can begin to grasp the meaning of ‘eternal life’ and what makes it eternal, yet still at one with the minutia of the moment. Oneness is reality and it lives in everything, everyone, every reality.

A growing awareness of connection with all of life is a miracle in itself. A conscious rational mind that incarnate life utilizes is wonderful yet limited. To appreciate and experience the beauty of life in everything one must become more conscious and aware of the totality of their being, and the beauty of being so much more than just human but includes human, which is part of the flow of life. Life is freedom, beyond the constructs humanity imposes on its life. The rules of society, including spirituality, cannot contain the beauty we speak of. See not just the people around you and their lifestyles. Begin to see the beauty in their existence and their potential. Everything makes life richer and becomes your heritage as well.

You talk of peace. It is behind everything. All of it born of love. Namaste.

Oct. 26, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

More on a network of service

JANU: Networking with other so-called Light workers, those involved in serving life and raising the consciousness of humanity, is an old tradition, our brother. Becoming aware of this, you have chosen to experience this, and we extend our journeys to include this network. It is vaster than you know and includes deep commitment and joy and serving. There is an understanding that everyone benefits, even those who have no awareness of such things. Becoming part of this, consciously, broadens perspective and the foundation for understanding and an evolving consciousness. There is all manner of service to life, our brother. Each one is significant, for life is so diverse as are the opportunities for growth. Let us attune to this, then, and begin the journey.

Yes, and this includes other worlds as well, and realities. There have been those in the past who have incarnated without the veil. They are part of the network as well, our brother. There are those who serve life not conscious of this network, but their innate nature tends in this direction. There is much to be aware of to understand this part of life.

To understand this network, incarnate grouping of social consciousness is a limited model. ‘Grouping’ suggests those who belong and those who do not. This network is far more diverse than that. This network is a spectrum of life and, therefore, is one with all service to life, no matter the degree or the form. What we are exploring here is conscious awareness and connection with this reality. It is not a matter of ‘belonging’ and ‘not belonging.’ Service to life is not a membership reality; it is a way of life. Life serving life is what continues life and evolves it, rejuvenates its creations, and brings balance. There is nothing haphazard in the truth of this and its nature is in harmony with Life itself.

These explanations provide a path of understanding to relate to what already is. Networking is a subtle reality. You ask what can you compare this to, for the purpose of understanding its reality? It is a system of life, not unlike your own being, conscious of the life it serves, benefiting from the service, intimately aware of individuals, the collective, and the complex reality of each being. And this is only a beginning. Namaste.

Oct. 26, 2015                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also Network of Service