Exploring & understanding Truth of Life

JANU:    Your request is exploring, perceiving, understanding the Truth of Life. This subject includes layers of reality and their influences on each other. It includes life in motion, ever-changing and evolving, with countless currents. The reality of the perceiver can taint everything. So, to most, the Truth of Life has many faces. Which do you choose? Which do you prefer? Which are you willing to embrace?

Everyone has preferences, biases, circumstances. What is a truthful, clear, and precise observation? It is understanding not colored in any way. Embracing an observation reveals much, depending upon the observer. So how does one develop, mature, refine, and evolve the ability to see truth but by embracing, working with, becoming more familiar with the abilities of the True Nature, which is evolving as well.

The desire to know is the starting point. The patience to experience and understand takes commitment and renewal. The love and respect for life itself, no matter its expression, makes one a partner with the Truth. In large measure, one becomes an expression of the Truth of Life. The desire is continuous. Every moment is engagement. Every opportunity is a challenge. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


A focus for living

JANU:   Residency of incarnation proves useful when approached from the perspective of fulfilling the promise of life,  meaning fulfilling your True Nature and that exploration of life. Becoming one consciously across the seeming barriers of realities, so-called dimensions and their groupings of parameters of existence, supports the systems of life in terms of connection and continuity.

Now this seems quite vague and unrelatable to the incarnate identity. The path to this reality of life is enrichment by the elements and their experience and wisdom. How does one focus, then, only on one element of this, when becoming more conscious of so much more, but by acknowledging the over-reaching reality of life when exploring its elements and opportunities. Conscious union reveals more of  the overview of the larger system of life, but one matures into this through many sojourns, many journeys, and not just the physical.

The True Nature that we are experiences many of these and it continues. So, from one point of view, your journeys are many points of view. Patience, attentiveness, responsive willingness, understanding, and an overreaching love of life and the lives of many are some of the markers. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Elements of a blessing for humanity

JANU:    Assembling the elements of the request for blessing for humanity in the elections, one must assume responsibility for their own contribution. Giving life to these blessings is enhanced by the reality of one’s own concerns for wise outcome. Yet the elements of these blessings are the True Nature’s relationship to each one, each being, each person, for the True Natures are involved with the formation of these blessings. A gathering of the Masters of Life and their collective wisdom.

But one can sense a love for the future in present humanity. This is the true nature of a blessing, for love brings peaceful harmony, coexistence and coordination as well as awakening. Loving change into being inspires these qualities. The words are a beginning, but by no means the ultimate building blocks. A blessing that is real has real love as its source, which is in harmony with love in motion. So, hold humanity in the Light and see it shining in the Natures of each one. Namaste.
June 29, 2024                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Living in the moment

JANU:   Many steps to wisdom, to enlightenment, to understanding. Participation in the evolution of life. Creativity. Service. Living. The intellect seeks out complexity, details, technology. The heart listens for feelings, emotions, a different kind of knowing. The True Nature allows with an intimacy into the nature of being. Coexistence. Past, present, and future and their interactions. Their mutual benefits are in understanding based on simplicity and infinite diversity.

Embracing the moment is a process of unfoldment, allows for peaceful experience. Embrace life as a continuing unfoldment of being. Living in the moment has profound depth. Many live in the past and future and miss many revelations of being. How many are conscious of the fullness of any moment ? Being of timeless consciousness is limitless and in harmony with Life in motion. Namaste.
May 8, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The genius within

JANU:   It is true. There exists within each one the genius of lifetimes and more. Reaching within one’s own being is with a desire to awaken, to become consciously whole again, to endure and master the challenges of life successfully. Experience brings wisdom and each one, in their True Nature, retains such wisdom. Wisdom applied to the moment awakens further insight into reality and its many faces.

Now, understand this: that whether conscious or not of the genius within and the True Nature that retains it, it is there, has always been there, and is available. The challenge and the opportunity exists with each incarnation, each lifetime, each journey into the ‘third’ dimension, of which there are many and to which your True Nature exists. This reality is so close and present that it would astound you how available it has always been. For even if your True Nature has yet to experience a part of life, it has access to it, can attune to it and discover its reality. We have demonstrated that. Any question on any subject with a true desire to know can be responded to with wisdom.

The current conscious awareness does not reveal all that you are. You have a larger life, always have, and always will. Each lifetime physically is temporary but you are not, for life exists ongoing, ever changing, ever evolving, and ever creating. Find fulfillment and freedom in the moment with each revelation and diversity of being.

There are no secrets in the Larger Life. That is an illusion of the limited third dimensional consciousness, for all of life knows all of life. Be the evolving genius that you are with each footstep you take on this path of awakening to the Larger Life. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2023                                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Mastering the many faces of identity

JANU: The focus, mastering the many faces of identity, a profound treatise on a consuming journey of discovery.

The role of identity, for most, is to establish purpose and to master that purpose, to benefit from it, to display and to compare with others. Identity becomes a central focus for most, not seeing it as a transitory reality, temporary but with purpose. Identity becomes the focus for understanding, skill development, personal relationships and alliances. Identity has the scope that results from exploration, experimentation, and discovery. Identity offers peace of mind, to a degree, identifiable traits and development.

Identity gives recognition to individuals, to each other. It’s similar to accepted names, unique to a degree, different enough to reveal diversity. Some identities are cultural—skills, talents, types of personality, racial, gender, performance. They are a limitation as well, for the common roles of each identity have their limit, their range, their inclusion. Some envy or long to be the so-called identity of another, in terms of many things—profession, language, culture, economic, appearance, even ego—not appreciating their identities as limitations.

There are some who explore alternatives to this, learning new professions, new skills and talents, exploring deeper meaning and revelation of their own True Nature, who they are beyond physicality, social norms, nationalities, and, yes, even gender. This is the journey of awakening, of becoming more realized, gaining access to previously achieved understandings and abilities. The challenge is letting go of one to gain something larger that includes some of previous, becoming more a conscious collective of possibilities, creations, experiences, life journeys, with a growing ability to see this in others, whether physical or not. For they realize there is a larger Life than social humanity. It is all around them, all part of the one Life which is ever-changing, evolving, creating.

Identity is temporary, but with purpose and opportunity to focus on a path of exploration, of wisdom-gaining, and of service to life. Understanding such as this opens the door to patience, tolerance, and contribution. Find peace in this and liberation, freedom to be whatever you choose from the opportunities that come your way. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


World conscious of & living its potential

JANU:    As we focus upon the beauty inherent in the potential of life, we notice this manifesting on other worlds, one in particular. No one lives in fear or anger, but has gratitude for the promise of challenges and opportunities. For they are keenly attuned to a life lived in the promise of potential. Their peace is in the form of enthusiasm to discover, evolve, create, connect, and experience and understand love of life. That means each other, for they see each other as life manifest, life in motion. Their existence is joyful, with well-being, filled with vitality. To them, life is a presence, a partnership, responsive, intimate, and revelatory.

Humanity has this potential, with moments of experience, but the plight of many, recounted so often, is discouraging. Therefore the need to discover one’s own True Nature and see beyond the din of anger and frustration. Those consumed with the need for power do not understand True Power. Their power model takes from others, rather than enriching them, for they are isolated in their identity and do not realize the rest of life is their identity. Growing into this understanding is restorative in so many ways.

The Larger Life understands this and assists where and when possible without violating the order of life: its symmetry, its diversity, its potential. Individual realization leads to group realization and the journey into the Larger Life. Be in peace and namaste.
June 25, 2023
Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Being ambulatory in consciousness

JANU: ‘Ambulatory’ comes to mind. Not just in the physical sense, but in consciousness as well. There are correlations in life patterns. All of life is connected. What does ‘ambulatory’ look like in consciousness? It is the freedom to move in any direction, to explore and discover life everywhere. Time and space not an obstacle but an opportunity. Exercising this freedom strengthens it.

Explore your interests with wisdom that the True Nature possesses. Be at peace with the results, and understand them. Explore life’s connections and their contributions. Be sensitive to the ripples and currents of life. What seems like chaos and randomness has purpose, outcomes, consequences, and opportunities. Reach into the fishbowl of life and experience it. Be open to identity that is larger and larger, more inclusive, more ambulatory, more free. Understand challenges and perceived limitations as opportunities.

All of these come into play, and more, when exploring other worlds, other realities, and your own nature. Remember, each one you meet is life in motion. Cherish everyone. Namaste.
June 5, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Individuality and oneness  

JANU: The sense of individuality seems to give purpose to existence. The sense of individuality is part of the incarnate experience due to the veil. The reason for this is focus and the evolution of life itself. The individual, so to speak, is motivated as the driving force for evolving. The True Nature and the monad are the evolving life principle throughout the creations occurring in the realms. The sense of individuality is a healthy vehicle to experience evolution.

The isolation of the veil allows for the assignment of failure and frustration as to the nature and actuality of these outcomes. But this is a limited perception. Allowing reality to unfold in a peaceful but committed manner allows for continuation.

See identity, then, as not so much a separation from the rest of life but as an expression of the Larger Life, the source of being. Namaste.
Mar. 5, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Based on reading of A Textbook of Theosophy by C. W. Leadbeater.


The nature of coexistence

JANU:    Coexistence,  then, the theme of your inquiry, is a subject that is transcended beyond the perceptions of individuality or borders or limitations, yet includes all of these in a symphony of life which, in its way, coexists with realities beyond framework. To be conscious in this way is possible in short glimpses as to the nature of existence. The infinite diversity of life expression is one in the sense of the source of existence, which is not contained in any framework of perception. Coexistence is understood by the reality of consciousness that can exhibit and contain, in a sense, collective reality as a unity of the diversity of life.

So let us proceed with a glimpse of this. Your True Nature has explored this understanding and experience and shares this. In the direction of pure being, to be at-one-with the diversity of Life and its eternal nature in the sense of without beginning or end. It is Pure Being, beyond any limitation or perception of not being. Time is an expression of limited perception, with the purpose of enriching life with a frame of reference for the unfoldment of evolution.

An expression worthy of exploration is: What is essential nature that is not separate from any expression, any reality? One can almost sense the vibrational reality as a tone. It has a ring to it of being life in motion, beyond perception. The source of manifestation in every dimensional reality, beyond any judgement, beyond merit.

This is but a glimpse to remember. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 Another series on the realities of coexistence can be found, more recently, at ” Coexistence and the veil and preceding three journeys.