Make no judgments of worth as all enriches Life

JANU:     People do not realize, whether their identity is incarnate life or beyond, that life is enriched in any case. Being conscious as your True Nature during incarnation is an option in this area. Individually speaking, this is one point of view in a larger consciousness. Humanity is appreciated as a collective, a group with elements of influence and experience, but life is enriched by all of it, each in their own way and as a group. There are collectives other than humanity, some larger, some smaller, and they come and go. But life continues. Any part of collective consciousness can be elevated to a larger consciousness, expanding their perspective on enrichment.

The journey for each collective or individual is known. When one says ‘there are no secrets in the Larger Life,’ does not mean there are not unknowns from one level to another. Base not your observation of merit on differences between groups and individuals. They all enrich life. Be cautious about evaluating worth of one part of life from another. That is a limited point of view. The truth is much larger. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2022                            Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Move beyond limited perceptions of physical differences

JANU:   These differences in human physical appearance and gender ought to be understood from a societal experience but not identified with or judged in any way. Far more important is their True Nature, their spiritual reality that transcends these differences. Choosing to appreciate and understand these in a different context of a more universal reality is available in the psyche. These trends in social structure are part of a new illusion in the human condition.

Any preferences restrict true understanding of the flow of life and its potential. Practice being this freedom, freeing your own consciousness and inspiring others to their freedom as well. There is so much more to life to understand and experience and live than a life with preferences of a restrictive nature. Namaste.
Feb. 9, 2022 B                         Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Identity Expansion

JANU: An interesting point of view. “Welcome, stranger,” one might say as the human consciousness returns to conscious union with the True Nature. Getting to know one’s True Nature once more, while incarnate, is part of the revelation of life to itself, for the incarnate life with its protocols is an exploration and experience adding many perspectives and understandings to the True Nature.

There can be a sense of separation, loss of a larger reality, behind the veil. But that is a perception, not the whole truth. Conscious union is a path of gradual awakening to the larger truth of one’s nature. We are one in this, with the guiding wisdom of management.

Let us assume for the moment, then, awakening is a process of identity expansion beyond being human. The nature of the wonderings within the human identity reveals, as they change, movement on the path of awakening to a larger identity, to a larger life, to a larger truth, to a larger being. Embracing a new insight, making it a part of your consciousness, a new way of perceiving your life and seeing yourself, experiencing the change expands the identity with understanding. Individual identity comes from new experiences that are understood and applied. These new understandings, insights, when embraced and applied, shape the consciousness.

Consider insights thoughtfully, carefully. Explore them. See what they reveal about who you are and more will come as you grow into them. Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


A living tapestry

JANU:     The Dance of Life can also be understood as a living tapestry of life, made up of countless life patterns that are in motion. This tapestry pulsates, moves, evolves, continues, and realizes potential. A living tapestry, beautiful to behold, rich with resources. Loving, understanding, always embracing. This includes all realms.

The True Nature is part of this as a contributor and is never alone for the tapestry and the Nature sustain each other. Sensing its presence replenishes. Mutual absorption has a vitality. Wisdom through experience permeates this and can be drawn upon with integrity. Consciousness expanding; expanding identity realization; endurance; diversity; countless journeys of exploration. Everything changing. Even truth evolves, including love, taking on larger and larger and deeper meaning. Being in harmony with life enriches. Namaste.
Dec. 23, 2021                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Humanity—we are one

JANU: ‘Simpatico’ is this evening’s theme. All of humanity is of the Larger Life. Brothers and sisters all, trying to make sense of what seems unknown, confusing, out of reach, yet hoping for breakthroughs in understanding as to their own true nature and the larger life, called many names. Witness religions, of which there are many, part of the one Life.

This universe is filled with life yet isolated one from another by distance and the veiled consciousness. Much wisdom to be gained and service offered on the journey of awakening. Purpose only beginning to be understood and achieved. True peace opens the way, yet many distractions interfere. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2021 B                                                                                    copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding by examples

JANU: The Dance of Life sometimes perceived as a tangled web, mostly when attempting to perceive all of it at once. Specific meaning becomes hidden in general observation. The Dance of Life describes many foci of life in motion. The journeys of awakening alone can obscure an individual journey. The point here being: each one has their own ‘dance of life,’ with many variations. Obscure tendencies can be explored with focus, but basic principles can be gleaned at the heart of each one’s journey.

A partnership can exist, does exist between the incarnate consciousness and the True Nature. This Dance of Life, this part of awakening, changes and evolves. Identities, from the human perspective, are part of this dance as well. These partnerships have both individual perceptions, identities, yet can be as one. There is a dance here and confusion arises when one or the other attempts to lead. The insight is the True Nature leading innate consciousness as the task of implementation, expression. This model of reality is fluid as well but is revealed in the midst of integrity. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2021 B                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Purpose and process

JANU:    Life systems have a collective consciousness of their own, with identities such as the elements, the collective elements. Interdimensionality is a system of life, and each one is part of that system. Interdimensional consciousness is a vast reality. Being conscious incarnate in such a reality is a goal for the True Nature. The incarnate consciousness can grasp and realize portions of this. Being conscious as this system of interdimensional reality is the cart before the horse, you see. Growing into measures of this or that reality can describe an incarnate sojourn.

There is wisdom in due process, therefore one must maintain balance to incarnate successfully. Listen always, open to natural realities. Allow due process to proceed. Employ wisdom, timing. Reach and allow. A model for exploration and achievement. Namaste.
Sept. 20, 2021 B                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Ripples and connectedness 

JANU: Enriched is a term used when describing the elements of life, the journeys of many, the comings and goings of stellar reality. A grand journey in consciousness is to be aware of the contribution in evolution of all of these elements of life to every portion of life. Individuality identity can isolate one from this reality, but the True Nature consciousness is privy to this. The journey of awakening is grand indeed.

It is possible to feel the connection, individually, to all of life yet maintain integrity, continuity of existence, and enrich life at the same time. Every contribution has a ripple effect, so to speak, and these ripples extend more than one might imagine. So ponder, from time to time, the ripples of one’s contribution. They are observable when attuned to. This helps appreciate the reality of connectedness. Namaste.
Jan. 13, 2021                                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Breaching the veil

JANU:   Breaching the divide produced by the veil is a monumental concern when considering awakening. The consciousness embraced in incarnate life has much to evolve into to breach the veil. It stands to reason that the challenges are many to merge the two in understanding and even-mindedness. ‘Flipping of a switch’ is not realistic. Maintaining perspective that is balanced, healthy, and at peace is crucial. Trust in the wisdom of the True Nature and the Orders of Life is wise. We of the Brotherhood, including our Nature, are united in this. The so-called masses have a tradition in this direction most are unaware of. Fear has no place in this. Choose understanding. Namaste.
Jan. 11, 2021 B                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Ways to explore life

JANU:    Exploring life has different modalities. There is the focused approach on one subject. There is a more general approach becoming aware of larger and larger perspectives, more inclusive, you see. There is more of a wandering approach of finding interest here and there. There is the guided selective approach, building a foundation of understanding for various purposes. There is the service approach for proficiency in service. There is a more casual approach of observing life in motion. One need not be limited to any one approach, but include a variety, the diversity of which has its own benefit.

Let us journey at this time, randomly. This time, the interest of the True Nature holds sway, and that is a variety of cultures.

There are those whose life journeys criss-cross each other in a network pattern, with individual enclosed identities that don’t always perceive the tapestry being woven. Humanity is a lot like this. In this case, on Earth, the tapestry is being woven as a conveyance to manifest a network of conscious creators of destinies. The diversity of experiences and identities in motion are a foundation for this. Wisdom based on experience is the theme, networking on more than one level, to include the True Natures.

A small glimpse. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2020                                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross