Shining light on the unanticipated

JANU:   The Light is a revealer of the Truth of Life. It is not to be manipulated or colored in any way by bias or preference or condemnation. It is to be honored and respected for its nature. And each one’s observation based on their own powers of discernment is the result. So be it. Challenges and opportunities revealed. Solutions revealed. Outcomes owned. Wisdom gained. Experience is the teacher. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Exploring & understanding Truth of Life

JANU:    Your request is exploring, perceiving, understanding the Truth of Life. This subject includes layers of reality and their influences on each other. It includes life in motion, ever-changing and evolving, with countless currents. The reality of the perceiver can taint everything. So, to most, the Truth of Life has many faces. Which do you choose? Which do you prefer? Which are you willing to embrace?

Everyone has preferences, biases, circumstances. What is a truthful, clear, and precise observation? It is understanding not colored in any way. Embracing an observation reveals much, depending upon the observer. So how does one develop, mature, refine, and evolve the ability to see truth but by embracing, working with, becoming more familiar with the abilities of the True Nature, which is evolving as well.

The desire to know is the starting point. The patience to experience and understand takes commitment and renewal. The love and respect for life itself, no matter its expression, makes one a partner with the Truth. In large measure, one becomes an expression of the Truth of Life. The desire is continuous. Every moment is engagement. Every opportunity is a challenge. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


What is awakening?

JANU: Where is the passion, then, to awaken? The joy of discovery, the freedom of understanding, the love of service, the enrichment of life? Awakening is a natural process, available to everyone. “Awakening to what?” many may ask. The Truth of Life, of one’s existence, of relationships, each other and the rest of life.

Awakening brings peace through revelation. It brings harmony to all the systems of life. No longer contradicting each other, but working together in harmony, every one of them evolving. There are systems of life beyond the physical body. Awakening touches them as well. Life without this is like a dream state, full of confusion, contradictions, misrepresentations, misinterpretations. Life can be exhausting, instead of invigorating.

True power is life in motion, evolving. What is the connection, the coexistence of everything? What is the reality? Who are you? What are you? What can you be? Deciding to know is a step on the path of awakening, without preferences in the face of the Truth of Life.

Simple joys, if only for a moment, have far reaching effects. They are a wonderful foundation for awakening. Find them in your own life. Inspire them in others. Namaste.
Sept. 2, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

See also: categories Elements of awakening, Footsteps on the path of Awakening and collections Awakening-a series, The Awakening of Humanity, Awakening into the Larger Life, Awakening and the Human Journey. Or just explore this website!


Serving and being life

JANU:    Service is an opportunity for those who progress along those lines which we have demonstrated. Service is an alignment of, an attunement to, the conditions of reality. Reality for many in this environment of Earth, their confidence or faith in the future—and the future can mean today or tomorrow.

So let us focus on this. Becoming conscious of and experiencing the beauty of the moment of life—its eternal nature, its strength, its depth, its presence, its destiny—brings peace and confidence to those who discover it includes them. So let us inspire a sense of being part of Life itself and all it is and can be. It puts challenges in perspective, realizing they are not all-powerful. They are subject to the power of Life. Cast the Light, the Truth of Life, on all you see. Without judgement, condemnation, or ridicule, but with love.

What is more powerful and omnipresent than Life? There is peace in this. Honor, contribute to, and love Life. It is who and what you are. It is who and what everyone is. Be the Family of Life, with each step. Namaste.
Aug. 28, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Darkness into Light

JANU: Understanding and helping humanity evolve, peace in the face of frustration, is a challenge. Moving in the direction of peace brings clarity and understanding and a vision to evolve. Let us portray what we see and what can be seen.

We see a mixture of struggle, failure, perceived failure, some hopelessness, anger from frustration, brutality from the anger, frustration from lack of solutions, pain and suffering, of regret and losses, ill health and lack of peace and harmony, self-doubt and isolation. The alternatives to these are masked because the Light, the Truth of Life, seems dim and distant.

Alternatives to these in the daily life are moments of kindness, understanding, patience, wisdom, yet certainly recognizable—if even for only a moment—without understanding why. Kindness always brings hope and strong memories. The desire to emulate the joy and enriching the life of another, the increase in self-worth, integrity, and gratitude for living. The desire to terminate life is replaced with the joy of fulfilling it.

Look for examples to manifest. Observe what they build. Continue with these. Namaste.
July 25, 2024                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Freedom to explore

JANU: Analysis must take on a new name to be released from limited thinking and tradition.  The freedom to be embraces that which comes as intuition, dynamic life, and the promise of freedom. Freedom to be more. Freedom to explore. Conscious oneness.

So what does one explore, in harmony with these opportunities? The meaning of Life? Its potential? Current consciousness? Focused exploration, the pulse of Life and its potential. Life expresses countless forms, compositions, and seeming contradictions. One speaks of ‘isness,’ beingness, the arc of Life. These terms include so much more than ‘conscious of’ or ‘conscious as.’ Incarnate consciousness is consumed with, patterned deeply with the sense of time, sequence of realities, order, patterns, and cadence of life. Simultaneous existence, purposes, opportunities, understandings, consciousnesses, relationships are a step beyond.

As we continue these adventures into the Larger Life, one does not dismiss any of the life leading up to this. The Larger Life is just more inclusive, less restricted, biased, preferred, isolated in any way. Enjoy the freedom of limitlessness in thinking, experiencing, understanding, and service. See all of the vehicles of Life in this way. And, yes, even the physical for the duration of its expression.

Explore wholesomeness, balance, vitality, evolution, presence. Be present in understanding, discovery, engagement, expression. Find peace as a reality. Allow it to be and become. Greet all of Life in this way. It is a foundation for understanding and being the Truth of Life. Namaste.
June 24, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The Essential Nature of Life

JANU:   The ‘known address,’ as you might put it, of quantum leaps in understanding is in the heart of the matter that resides in harmony with that which belongs to essential nature. And what is the Essential Nature of everything? That which is Life itself and its nature. We regress into this Essential Nature of Life to understand that any inquiry cannot be made without Essential Nature being influenced by it. This foundation of understanding allows for acceptance of an openness to Life’s response. So, does the dog wag the tail, or does the tail wag the dog? They both wag together as their patterns match and are in harmony.

You request understanding of more of life to explore its reality, its potential, its creation. Your science explores cycles of life, beginnings and endings, transitions, re-formations, restorations, coexistences. The physical universe and its parameters of existence are yet to be fully known or revealed, which is only the doorstep, the stepping stone to other realities. So let us pattern match to the universe. The physical universe is a body of Life, with time and space no longer a limiting point of view.

Is the universe alive? And what does that mean? It’s constantly changing, re-forming, cycles of expression. And what is its source of being, as science explores theoretical beginning and ending? And does this really matter when expressing life, realizing its potential, in whatever cycle it is in?

Exploring life can be a distraction to the moment when one is distracted from being conscious as The NOW.  Essential Nature is a relationship with consciousness and Life, which elongates the Truth of Life into the production, expression of past and future. When contemplating your own existence, what do you discover is its truth? What part of your being can you see as eternal, ever changing?

We explore, in this way, the Larger Life that is one with all of its realities. Being timeless, with no permanent borders, removes frustrations, impatience, attachment, biases, preferences, as your conscious relationship with Life is without struggle. Namaste.
June 18, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of the moment 

JANU:    We are embracing this quality of exploration in understanding the nature of every reality of life. A well-spoken title or focus called “The beauty of the moment” speaks to the nature of all of life, for coexisting with this essential reality is all of life, all of life’s expressions. Letting go of individual identity, any specific identity, one allows a moment of essential truth, without distraction, preference, interpretation. Pure being beyond any identity allows the experience of universal consciousness. Time and space no longer a limitation, but an element of Life among so many. Allow the return to the beauty of the moment. Namaste.
May 25, 2024                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The expression of Truth

JANU:   The Truth comes out, is revealed, manifests, creates along the lines of natural expression. By this we mean: Life is, we are, but the diversity of existence includes relationships that seem otherwise. When making choices in one’s own creativity, imagination and desires at times seem to conflict with observable existence. How does one, then, determine, perceive, understand these diversities in any light available? The successes of creativity, in the form of motion that flows with the ongoingness of Life’s reality, is observable as well and brings about revelations of deeper understanding and creativity.

Life in motion is constantly changing. The experience is a great revealer. Different realities have different paths of existence and revelation. The veil serves a purpose through focus. The existence of diversity with focus is through identity. All of Life realities coexist but their path of evolution and motion can overwhelm the consciousness of each identity’s reality of perception; therefore, the existence of time, relativity, space.

The experience brings understanding but there are processes of assimilation. Impatience is not easy to rein in. Thinking only in terms of one sojourn, one can misunderstand these processes and become impatient. Wisdom breeds patience. A worthy goal, you see, to not only understand Life but gain wisdom of its unfoldment. Namaste.
May 3, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This relates directly to the previous journey and may make more sense if they are read together.


The dynamics of living  

JANU:    The dynamics of life include the confusion of ignorance, the clarity of insight, the challenges—unexpected and expected, the blessings whose source is unknown and whose duration is unknown, the mis-emotions of frustration and anxiety, and others. What then enriches life? What brings about enthusiasm to explore, gratitude for what has been gained?

Being grateful for everything. Faith in the continuation of Life and its evolution. Finding joy in being and that Life is. Discovering what Life is. Witnessing its essential nature and the patience that it demonstrates, the endurance it provides, the rewards as it responds to your existence. The connection it gives you. The Truth it reveals. Namaste.
Mar. 17, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross