Awakening 4: How to begin the journey of awakening

JANU: We are acquiring as we may a conduit if you will of consciousness, of life flow into the awakening of humanity, bridging many obstacles self-imposed by humanity. What seems to be lacking in the human consciousness is any clarity on the power of choice and what to choose. Part of the purpose of these sessions is to answer the “What?” and the possibilities inherent.

How does one choose then something superior to what has been experienced or known, without knowing what that is? Focusing is an element of creating, so let us discuss how to proceed.

Focus, then, our brothers, on the unknown power within you. That presence of life that is your True Nature, in more real ways than you are aware of, is who you are. Not outside of your own true being, your own true identity. Your own repository of the experience and wisdom of lifetimes and the journeys between them. Countless associations. Victories in understanding and service. This and much more is who you are, and aware of options of choice. Seek to be revealed to you the larger life that you are and what you already know.

Have an open mind and heart. Be at peace, knowing with confidence that the answers are there. The only thing between you and those answers, our brothers, is the lack of faith that you can and the confidence to proceed. Let those revelations come to you. They are yours. You need no one’s permission to awaken. It is your birthright, your nature, supported by the love Life has for you. Happiness is a theme on this path. The power to choose is already yours by the authority of who you are. You are a co-creator. Allow yourself to create a larger experience, a richer experience, a life that includes service and the enrichment of others.

Much that seems unknown to you, and to those around you, is known by who you are. And even with this truth, there is much more to know. And with this knowing comes freedom. Choose to know the choices to be made and the power to create them. Love who you are without limit, whether you know who you are or not. The love opens the door that allows your True Nature to bring a light in your life, the Truth of Life. Be patient but full of expectation, yet all so near and has never been far from you. Good journeying and namaste.
Apr. 13, 2016 B                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 3:   Inspiring others to awaken

JANU: Encouraging others to awakening by example has merit as long as the form and title of theirs is shaped by their desire and free will. So the reality of awakening as a theme need not appear as yours does, and connects better if it doesn’t. Life is more diverse than the awakening of one, and there is strength in diversity. Resilience, endurance, unending commitment, and ownership.

So what would inspire another to awaken, our brother, in their own way, in their own time? The peace, the happiness and richness of your own. The love to be seen at the heart of everything, including the overcoming of challenges and the acceptance of them. Generosity in achievements and patience with each other. Encourage people to be hopeful, to cherish new understandings and to expect more. Be pregnant with life, giving birth to life’s enrichments. Confidence that there is a future worthy of endeavor and persistence. Allowing the believing in each other and forgiving, no matter the challenge.

These are basic qualities, fundamentals of ongoing life, and part of the reason that life continues. It is allowed to. It is nourished and encouraged. It is supported. It is embraced. Being guaranteed outcomes of living takes away the wonder, the miracle of discovery, and creative freedom. Characteristics of life, our brother, are ongoing change, creativity, spontaneity, and miracles. The next breath, our brother, is no less a miracle than the birth of another, a breakthrough in understanding.

Everything in your life matters, including you. Awakening is not limited to discovery of other parts of life, but your own True Nature. For without this, our brother, what is awakening and what is the purpose? Who is doing the awakening? And why does the path of awakening even exist? You are more aware, more loving, more capable than your human consciousness currently possesses. And even your True Nature, our brother, is evolving. What better platform and foundation for exploring life and all it can be?

And it is possible to learn of, appreciate, and know the True Nature of another. Collaboration is the mark of the Family of Life. Namaste.
Apr. 13, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 2: We are stronger together

JANU: This second look at the miracles of awakening begins with insight into motivation. For how can you create change in your life if desire is not there, passion, the wonder? The incentive for this, at least in the beginning, is the current conditions of living in the incarnate life. Incarnate life is not inherently a negative experience. It can be quite miraculous, with one breakthrough after another of uplifting experiences.

Challenges and successes, yes, and even failures of a temporary nature can strengthen resolve, teach great lessons, reveal the nature of your life. “But to what end?” you might ask. It is to own these experiences, our brother, to make them viable elements of your lexicon of being, for, when applied to an awakening consciousness, they prepare one for new and more expansive adventures of wisdom and experience.

Repeating elements of life endlessly is an option, but how does that serve you? But for some, that’s what it takes to see the lesson with clarity and embrace change. The range of living experiences, understandings of involvements and evolvements is as fast as human consciousness chooses. For some, it appears to be a straight, linear path to awakening. For others, it seems to run in circles without end. And everything in between. It is all life, our brother. The choice is yours. The lessons are yours. The rewards are yours. Time and space do not cover these, but they are part of them.

Your experiences in life come from your desires, your interests, your passions, and, yes, your fears and apprehensions. Choices have results; awakening brings clarity to the results of choice, the opportunities, the rewards. So, awakening is not just the path to a perfect life, our brother, but to one of clarity for your choices. And what is perfection, then, but life’s ability to be anything and everything? So, you see, our brother, awakening is also the path to freedom, which includes relationships and the freedoms of others in service and example, inspiration.

As with any family, we are stronger together than apart, for we grow with each other, benefiting from everyone’s successes and the wisdom that comes from their challenges. So, welcome to awakening the larger life which is within you. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. Be sure to check out previous postings.


Awakening 1: an unending journey of discovery

JANU: The merits of awakening include solace for those who struggle to make sense of life. Many possibilities are imagined and dwelled upon and examined from many perspectives, but seldom is the focus generated by the True Nature heard. Listening unerringly to the truth that lives within you is to be practiced and allowed to blossom and inspire. Listening without prejudice and at peace with the power of peace calms the turbulence of struggle. The insights of the soul, so to speak, have a beauty and simplicity to them, bringing together the loose ends of consciousness, and imagination and wondering, into a focus that reveals. Patience and struggle and confusion seldom mix to bring clarity.

This quest of yours to explore awakening in a meaningful way, to inspire others into their truth, is founded in love and wisdom and true power. These are qualities of your True Nature. Human social consciousness wanders past these while thinking that the words are understood. Simple truths, our brother, while seeming plain to understand have profound layers of meaning, taking many lifetimes to embrace and manifest through the opportunities of life. Look not for a simple solution without layers of meaning constantly evolving and growing into the larger truth. Part of the reason for the veil is to focus the sojourn experience and not be distracted by unlimited possibilities all at once. Simple yet profound understanding of many realities brings wisdom when patiently applied and lived.

The path of awakening is not meant to bypass anything, but to bring consciousness to everything you consider, desire, and reach for. Love alone, our brother, has unlimited possibilities of meaning and reality. Consider the challenges and opportunities for the human consciousness to master even this one path of discovery. So you see, through the wisdom of the True Nature, one explores life and its realities with patience and commitment and care. Awakening, our brother, is not a destination but a journey of embracing life, who you are, and all you can be, discovering that the Family of Life has always been your family, rich beyond concepts.

This is how we begin, our brother, to engage awakening. Namaste.

Apr. 11, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Awakening: Embracing your True Nature

This is a new series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening.

JANU: We are honoring this request to build an understanding of the path of awakening. This path begins with a growing desire to be more conscious, not only of life but the reality of your own being. “And what does this mean?” you ask. There are so many realities within the True Nature of each one.

  • The natural ability to realize oneness with any part of life.
  • To understand creation, nature.
  • What motivates people on any level.
  • Collaboration.
  • Symbiosis.
  • And even more so, the true nature of love.
  • With increasing insight and vision, perception, the many purposes of life, recognizing opportunities to understand and manifest potential.
  • To embrace the life of everything, whether animate or not.
  • To learn patience, commitment, endurance, and service.
  • The reality of connection with everything and everyone. All of this by way of the presence of your True Nature, who you are and always have been.
  • The memory of countless past associations and the accomplishments of many sojourns, whether on the Earth or not.
  • Maintaining good health, not just physically but emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
  • The challenges and victories of evolving a more cosmic consciousness.
  • Loving yourself and understanding why.
  • Enriching the flow of life by giving away what you have received.
  • The true power of peace and intimacy.
  • Engaging the many realities of life, physical and beyond, and the beings who reside in them, and the elements of your being that reside there as well.
  • The discovery of more and more of life.
  • Answers to unending questions and inquiries.
  • Past, present, and future reside in the Now as one truth.
  • Other worlds, other galaxies, other universes and beyond.
  • True freedom to be.

But the beginning of this is the desire to know who you truly are and the nature of Life. Does your identity include more than the human experience? Do you respect and love who you are? Who is the true ‘you’ asking these questions, and answering them? What is the Family of Life that you are included in?

Let us proceed then from this basic foundation and premise to build an understanding and a growing experience into the grandest journey of all. Namaste.
Apr. 11, 2016                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a new series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. These will be posted one at a time and then gathered together into a ‘book’ as the weeks progress, so that the reader can partake of the series as a whole. Or, the category “Awakening: a series” will lead to all of the topics posted so far.


Why do beings incarnate?

JANU: Many are motivated simply to explore more of life, the wisdom of understanding, the power to engage, the discovery of potential. And, yes, many pursue specific goals. But do not encourage others to do so, for there are many challenges and not all journeys are straightforward, and can run in circles. The lowering of the veil can be problematic; the lifting of said veil requires much for some. The contract made with the self holds fast, but many in what you call the Larger Family of Life assist with the recovery of consciousness. All involved grow from the experience and this is understood before incarnating.

Your particular reason for this journey, our brother, has to do with a so-called ‘fight for life’ in a distant reality, for incarnating can be a far journey. Living is a larger issue than just existing in the physical. The incarnate journey is far larger than physical survival. It is the survival and expansion of consciousness, bringing larger life, more of life, to the realities of the existence. What you struggle for and achieve here and there, seeming to stumble from time to time, is to enrich life incarnate. And make no mistake, our brother. What is gained will serve well on other journeys into life’s potential.

Probe the depths of the mysteries of life. Seek their revelations. And embrace your own nature as you do. The current incarnate experience does not define you, for its full potential is far from realized. And your potential is larger still, whether incarnate or not. Your question is valid, but what answer can contain it all? For it is still being realized. Probe the mysteries of life, whether apparent or not. Ask the questions and listen to life’s answer. Enjoy the journey. Share it as you may. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Human Destiny

JANU: For today’s forecast, let us look beyond and through the difficulties of the moment in human civilization. There is momentum building for more successful relationship with human destiny and realization of potential. One theme of this will be mutual respect and cooperation among humans, their organizations, their nations, their social activities, and their dreams of the future. The thrust will be realizing those dreams in the present, no longer seeing the future as distant. What humanity has yet to realize is the movement in consciousness in this direction, and the manifesting of energy patterns for success is a springboard for ultimate cooperation with the larger life.

Humanity has a grand destiny but many times cannot see this. Witness the performance of a couple working together benevolently, not only for each other but raising a family, building a neighborhood, forming social organizations of assistance, researching better ways of living. Extend this past the capability of two into many thousands. Not all groupings with the same purpose and mission and creativity, but with a diversity that commands respect and admiration with the larger view. Bringing about such a reality can begin with a couple, whether married or not, whether in a family way or not. Two united with open hearts and minds and good will makes the difference.

The same is true in spirit, our brother, among those of us who choose such a path; humanity has benefited greatly over the eons of time by such collaborative efforts, and still does. The models for success in human society have their counterpart in the larger life. We stand in evidence of this and relate to the best efforts of humanity to free themselves from limitation, entering true abundance and the power of peace.

Learn and develop the ability to honor the skills of another, whether they realize them or not. Continue this path, our brother, and we all benefit. Namaste.
Apr. 5, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The Soul, Spirit, and unconditional love

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only

  1. My understanding is that the soul sometimes stays outside the body after trauma. Then how does one rejoin with their soul?
  2. How does Soul and Spirit communicate?
  3. What do you or your dimension know of unconditional love?

JANU: These are heartfelt and loving questions deep within this one, deep within the soul she speaks of. We might begin in this way.

The coming together of the soul and spirit, the soul and the being is accomplished in this way of understanding. Let there be seen between you a bond, a holy bond comprised of the ingredients of love, the thrust of life and the urge to create being in the image and likeness of the creator as you are. This bond is never broken. It is the cohesiveness, the cohesive force that holds life together. As long as you are, this bond is. Not possible to be separated from, for this maintains the existence, you see. The leaving the body you speak of are shifts in consciousness. The body does not own the soul. The soul infuses it with the thrust of life, maintained by the bond we speak of.

Communication, soul and spirit as you put it, is through oneness that we speak of often, connectedness. Communication in oneness is direct knowing, not so much this reality communicating with that reality, you see. The realities are one. The soul is spirit. Truly, our dear friend, what is not? Your communication then with this soul you speak of is the thrust of life returning understanding of experience to its creator, to its source through its continuous connection with that you are.

Unconditional love then allows all of this to be. To study, to know, to embrace any portion of life and its creation is to embrace unconditional love, for this is the field in which all is created. In the fuller understanding of life, there is no such thing as not love, un-love, however you put it. Unconditional love sustains you and allows you to create your adventures without judgment, without condemnation, but allowing in a fullness that transcends the understanding of many, the many who take advantage of it anyway by being, by existing. Unconditional love is understood and known as one embraces that understanding, that position of knowing, that perspective about themselves.

Unconditionally love who you are. And who are you indeed but the cradle of the expression of the first thought of the divine, the source of all life? Think you are not known, cherished, embraced, understood, looked over and cared for? Truly you are the spark in the eye of the creator, the light and the promise. Would that you knew the magnitude and the magnificence of the light and the life that you are. This understanding would cast away all fear, all doubt, all confusion, all limited thinking, limited reality in the experience. You would own your life and everything you survey. You would own every creation and experience and wisdom to be yielded therefrom.

The beauty of this path, the wonder and the magic and the reward is that through this realization, this embracing of the whole of the being, one sees and knows the true beauty of another, unconditionally loves them, supports them in their journey, observes them with care and fondness and compassion for their struggle and their seeming confusion, knowing, even as observed, this is only illusion. There is no power in any creation, save that allowed it, bestowed upon it through the unconditional love of the divine soul and spirit that you are. What is creation made of and what is creation born of? Answer this for yourself in the knowingness of your true being.

Examine your questions then, gently, carefully, deeply from your current perspective, your current identity and ego-personality centering and then gently shift to a new view, a new perspective as an all inclusive, aware, conscious, integrated being of unlimited knowingness and perception. Unconditional love without limit. And see how the questions come together in one simple, beautiful transcendent answer. And the answer is the unconditional love that is the nature of life.

There is no greater joy than realization of wholeness and the observation of the realization in another. It is life’s victory through and over its creations. It is returning home from the journey owning it all.

Your thoughts, your concerns, and your questions are precious indeed. And provide a wonderful opportunity to express this understanding and to convey on this understanding our unconditional love for you. These are simple joys, dear one. Profound beyond measure and go to the heart of your soul. They answer the call to oneness. As you gain this reality, share it with others, inspire it in them. Help them lift their hearts, their spirit and their soul into this wonderful joy.

You are so very near to this understanding, but a breath away. Your questions stand as testimony to this truth. In this state of consciousness, state of being aware, state of ownership of life, everything you perceive in what you do, your surroundings and others will never be seen the same again, for you see with larger understanding, compassion and insight.

We and others await your connection, your awakening into this larger understanding and we will greet you there, dear sister. You will be welcomed into the Brotherhood of Life in such a way that you will know this is real indeed and no illusion. For you will begin to perceive all of life and all of creations for the first time for what they are and you will understand their beauty and their potential for enriching experience. We congratulate you on your journey in this direction of understanding and be aware no one is ever alone in the quest for the truth.
April 13, 1996                                                                                           Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements


Your life path is your choice

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        What is the next step in my spiritual development? Will hands-on healing be involved? Will I teach/share via workshops & seminars?

JANU: This one has a heart center that speaks much of the qualities of the higher orders of life. There are strong patterns of nurturing and compassion. This one would do well, then, to seek after this pattern of beingness that moves with her wherever she goes or journeys in interest or involvement.

A good beginning, dear one, for proceeding in your life quest would be to identify more fully with this living and vibrant heart center within your being. There is your strength, your clarity of right perception of choice and involvement. There is revealed the life at the heart of each choice and each engagement. The workshops and seminars you speak of may be on any subject of interest to you, but the life in them or behind them that will teach or lift or open another is the channeling of life through this center we speak of. Many such opportunities for service have layers or levels of opportunity for those attending, you see. What is advertised on the door is not always the deepest level or the most meaningful.

Discover your layers and levels. The outer interests or interfaces with others, society, circumstance, explorations has behind it the layers and levels of your more core reality, you see. These outer involvements are opportunities or vehicles for the sharing and development of your true being, your core nature. When aligned with or identified with this true reality the wisdom, the vision, the insight for best choices for involvements will become clear.

You speak of laying on of hands, hands-on healing, so to speak. Certainly a grand expression for someone so centered in the heart realities or patterns. Again, dear one, a choice not a requirement. There are no requirements but there are more harmonious opportunities for expression of natural gifts or talents. Identify with that that lives within you, that that is you, and from there perceive opportunities for expression. This is a good way to begin any adventure, you see. What gives you the most joy? What expression sparks a light within you and makes you glow and seems endless in its supply and thrust for expression? Everyone has a core dream, dear one. Some are closer to the surface than others. Live in your dream and express in your world that surrounds you. This is the true marriage of the inner and the outer life, each fulfilling the other.

Approach this not with impatience or frustration but with joy and anticipation for the nature of this assimilation or identification is profound peace, enthusiasm for expression and gratitude for being. You become more complete and steadfast in your knowingness and your resolve and your commitment to carry on that the outer experiences no longer confuse you or dissuade you from your knowingness. They are only challenges and opportunities to continue in your knowingness.

It is time, dear one, for you to embrace you and move into who you are and your opportunities for fullest expression. Remembering always these journeys are never alone and you will find support along the way. For all of life embraces the realization or expansion of the light within each aspect or attribute of life. Enjoy your journey. Allow it to be filled with surprise, delight, adventure, discovery and fulfillment. May your journey always bring these qualities into the lives of others as well. We rejoice in the life that lies before you and encourage your victory. Peace be with you, dear one. Namaste.
July 12, 1996                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

Live in the Now” is another longer personal attunement with a similar message.

More Personal Attunements


Releasing fears

This is a question/These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

Q:        Why do I carry so much fear? How can I release the fear and doubts surrounding my life, my career, my being?

JANU: We have this one you speak of and her residence. Fear has gripped this one as it does so many. An examination of the nature of fear would do well at this time.

This phenomenon, this pattern within the memory and subsequently the emotions, is essentially a mechanism of self-protection from anticipated traumatic or negative experience or involvement, you see. Fears can be precipitated by imagined realities or direct observation or experience. The overcoming of a fear, which can be so general in its influence in your life even though precipitated by a single event, is by understanding it and recognizing these patterns for what they are. In this case, dear one, your fear has roots in early childhood when observing your surroundings or atmosphere for being or presence in a school setting. The threat of or implied threat of negative consequences by authorities for so many warned against patterns of conduct and behavior had an overwhelming effect and suppressed the freedom to be expressive and engaging and allowing and forgiving of oneself. This episode triggered old memories of similar nature from previous existences. The pattern of reinforcement for this condition in this life is sufficient to resolve this issue, you see.

Examine closely from your adult perspective the realities of life around you. The less worldly-wise perspective of a young child thrown in the midst of a controlling environment, which to the child bore or held dire consequences for infraction of the rules. These rules or standards, dear one, are arbitrarily chosen and product of what some term consensus agreement. Not necessarily attuned to the sensitive and open nature of a young one looking to life around them as example or model for their identity and worth. This pattern, then, is reinforced in society at large by the impositions of authority and consensus rules for living because the pattern invites it to continue.

There comes a time in the life, dear one, when the wisdom of the soul says “Enough. It is time to move from this imposed pattern of intimidation and suppression of divine right for free expression.” You must make this decision and know that the authority for the choice is larger than these social impositions, you see. These impositions are based upon a lack of awareness of the reality and strength of the wisdom of the inner divine understanding for harmonious behavior and conducting of life. They are formed insensitive to this to large degree and therefore risk the suppression of the inner wisdom for right choice. You must command this once more in your life, dear one, and you have the support of your own true nature and the rest of creation that honors this. Standing, then, in your truth with confidence and connection you become a light of wisdom, balance, and support for others in fear of intimidation by the rules of living, someone disconnected from this larger understanding, you see.

The issue then, dear one, is not the career or the circumstances around you or the impositions of others or the norms of society. The authority for living and expression and successful interaction with life is within you. Let your inner authority and the successful expression of this be an example and an encouragement to those around you. There may be times when some difficulty in interpretation or application due to the diversions or distortions of previous training or conditioning by society brings results you would prefer to be different. No matter, dear one. Continue to move on and make improvements in your interpretation, your understanding of the inner authority for living and its wisdom. It is the correct and natural process towards full self-realization.

An unreasoning fear has no positive place in the experience, dear one. Avoidance of undesirable circumstance and conditions is prudent. Accurate assessment of the potentials for outcome through choices and involvements is wise. But all of these observations are best made from your central authority and the wisdom of your true nature. Take any one incident or pattern in your life that speaks of unreasoning fear and re-examine it from this true perspective within you. Practice this over and over, dear one. It will build in the strength of its presence through application again and again and again. Get your subtler bodies, emotions, and, yes, the memory of the physical as well, for it is recorded there too, used to this new pattern of authority so that these elements of your being no longer look to external authority as their primary guide for being and expression.

The steps in this new direction, in time, will become so automatic and natural for you, you will no longer need to ponder this choice at length with each challenge in life. Apply this procedure as any old fear patterns arise. Let none escape to continue their influence in your life. Be patient with this and tolerant of the self, encouraging the aspects of your being that all will be well and life will be much happier and fulfilling. For you will come in to, as a whole being, your true authority, your divine sovereignty and realize your full capacity to love all life and yourself. Consider the wonderful prospects, dear one, of being an example of this for others within confusion and lack of true authority in their lives. We encourage you and support you for this is the true path of life and fulfillment. We enjoin you to proceed.

We are the Brotherhood of Light and wish you profound happiness and success. Namaste.
August 17, 1996       Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

More Personal Attunements