Exploring life: Symmetry and chaos

JANU:    Reaching again into the Archive of Life, we find a group of beings dedicated to music, the rhythms of life, patterns of harmony and creativity. These beings, incarnate at various times, desire to bring the magic and beauty of music into the farthest reaches of life. Some have incarnated on Earth and occasionally remember this agreement. Many of the significant changes in music are inspired from this source. Understand this, our brother, the experience of music, whether performing or listening, provides direct communication with the larger life.

As you are learning, the incarnate and discarnate life overlap in many ways, sharing their realities. Not as separate as some might think. So much more to life than many are conscious of.

By observing the arts and the truth behind them, symmetry and chaos two sides of the same coin. One representing balance and form and beauty. The other the freedom to re-create, begin anew, and change. Both are necessary. Even on your journey exploring life, our brother, your thoughts and feelings share these patterns of life and behind the social confusions and upheavals with people. Not unique to the Earth, but part of life. This helps to understand the nature of things. Namaste.

Dec. 5, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring life: other worlds

JANU: We are bringing to your consciousness more of the breadth of life, stimulating the greater awakening of the consciousness. Let us reach, then, again into the Archives of Life and see what we find.

At first we find many different worlds, many cultures, technologies, philosophies, relationships, societies, and beings, physical, ethereal, and beyond. Some of these exist within the influence of Earth, but most unknown to humanity.

You ask, “What do we have in common with other worlds?” Survival, of course. Love for progeny. Desire for well-being. And, for many, a common appearance. Great differences in the age of civilizations. Great variations in enlightenment.

Many have chosen spiritual understanding beyond what humans would call ‘religion.’ Many have mastered wellness and balance. Many communicate non-verbally and record their history permanently with universal access. There are many consciousnesses that behave as biological computers with infinite storage capacity that is instantaneous, for the storage is not mechanical but bio-dynamic with structure that regenerates as there is more to be stored. The collective consciousness has immediate access to all of it. There are worlds where individual secrets are of the past and no longer restrict understanding and communication. Worlds where the children do not forget who they are.   Worlds that are genderless, free of the confusion that brings. Androgynous worlds. Worlds where people communicate with color. Their thoughts generate these colors and are perceived by others with direct inner vision. Communication is instantaneous, without deception. There are worlds, our brother, just beginning to awaken and the human societies of Earth would seem advanced. Water worlds, where life is still under the sea but intelligent.

The opportunities of exploration can seem unlimited. So much of life to relate to and learn from and be in harmony with. And yes, the angels are emissaries to assist communication and a co-existence. So, let us embrace the larger life, its meaning and purpose. Namaste.

Dec. 3, 2015 B                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on Angels

JANU: It is true, our brother. The bright spot of light you saw above the head of one of the group was angelic. Many times angels appear this way to those who can see them. The more you see them, the more you realize they are everywhere, and not always in proximity to a person.

They are a hierarchy of life and Archangel Michael is real. They respond to many types of calls, to thoughts and emotions, moments in consciousness, and not just people. They bring guidance on acute conditions, as well as blessings, encouragement, and healing energy. Servants of life earning gratitude from humanity every day, never requiring it. They can appear in human form when it serves a purpose, as you have seen.

The study of these is a worthy pursuit in raising consciousness and awakening. And yes, communication is possible. They are part of the Hierarchy of Life, having their protocols, orders, traditions, and history.

It is possible to refine the relationship and pattern-match with these. Serving life in harmony with these is an enriching experience. One can add angelic qualities to their own consciousness, becoming partners in life. Much to learn here, and gain. Much to achieve.

Nov. 23, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See “Angels” on page Awakening Nov. 2014


Are humans missing opportunities for co-existence?

JANU:  Yes, it is true. Many opportunities for growth in evolution, in consciousness and experience, have occurred for humanity and the animal world co-existing on the Earth. As you have intuited, some Native American traditions recognized this and embraced it. They recognized certain skills possessed by the animals that they did not have and sought to honor all life and not only learn but develop sensitivities and understandings, seeing parallels in their own lives. Physical survival and families were strong motivations. These sensitivities are not totally lost, but individuals embrace them as well at this time, but could go much further. And some have.

The co-existence of animals and humans, and other life forms as well, is not an accident. Humanity has favored intellectuality, technology, and is slowly beginning to realize the significance of the extinction of a species. Animals have a consciousness, intuition, and communication not well understood. These abilities could enhance human communication and relationships if understood. There are differences between species and much to understand. See them not only as resource for nutrition and labor. Far more involved than that, our brother. Thank you, and namaste.

Nov. 18, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing the Now

JANU: We are continuing on with the exploration of life, experiencing the Now. It is a zero point in the adventure of time/space. The single point co-existence of past, present, and future. A singularity. One does not experience the moment linearly. Live the reality free of evaluation, worth, judgement. A sense of pure being without unique definition, without life-defining dichotomies, but the truth and honesty of the moment revealed. A oneness consciousness without manipulation. When you consider another, or a circumstance, it is as if you are meeting it for the first time, undefined by their history.

Nov. 27, 2015 B                                              Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Color: An introduction

JANU: With color being the focus for this journey, let us return to a more scientific approach to discovery, bringing forward more of how life works.

The main ingredient of color is interpretation, with the influence of color on the person determined by the make up of that individual. Now, the oneness factor and common DNA leads to common experiences. The publication of these interpretations of experience contributes a more common interpretation. The perception of the color can be in part by the color of light and the color of reflection, which amounts to the same thing, our brother. Now, light contains all colors and different materials tend towards one color reflection, as do light filters. Remembering that light is all colors at the same time, when unaltered. As to vibratory rate, it identifies one color or combination thereof. Everything has vibration, including light, and these vibrations can be modifiers of each other. So this extends past visual interpretation, which is by no means uniform, evidenced by variations in colorblindness.

These vibratory influences, modifications, have wide range, not just on the physical body but on each other. You ask, “Can someone in blindness experience the vibratory rates of colors?” The answer is yes, but with different interpretation and sensitivities, different modalities. And, yes, this does come under the understanding of oneness and connectivity.

So, once again, one asks, “What is color? Is there such a thing as no color?” Color is a visual interpretation of energy, but this same energy specific in its way exists whether visually interpreted or not. It influences creation according to the sensitivities of that being influenced. The same energy can have its vibration out of the visual light spectrum, as well, still the same energy, of different pattern. So one must unlimit the mind to interpreting color as only visual.

The color light spectrum is different for different creatures. Many creatures have different light sensitivity. Witness the nocturnal creatures. Their color range is different, as is their sensitivity, and the sensitivity is not linearly applied over the range of color perception. This is true with humans as well. So, seen in a larger way, the reality of colored light can provide a map to understand the nature of everything it touches.

And this world of reality extends outside the physical as well, a vast study of many levels of reality. To be continued, our brother. Namaste.

Nov. 16, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: The journey at this time focuses upon the variations on theme of communications with individuals here and there around the world, many of which are not based upon verbal communication.

For many, a deep sense of knowing, sensing the presence of intuition, interpretation of movements, flows in life.

For many, sensitivity to auras, both visual and physical—or should we say energetic? The five senses are not always included.

For many, it’s color and a sense of meaning for each color.

As with you, for some it is yeses and nos in the form of physical responses to inner knowing.

For a few, it’s full visual.

For some, it is numbers and their relationships.

For others, it is sensing the life of nature.

Yes, and for some, it is bi-location.

Whatever the modality, our brother, intimacy with life is conscious awakening. For those who insist upon proof of reality outside of the five senses, their time will come, for their True Nature exists in this way. Some are opened to subtler realities through music and art. And make no mistake, attuning to the rich diversity of incarnate life is no small journey. Much to be accomplished in mastering, learning from, and serving the incarnate life as well. The rest will come in time, and more. From a profound sense, all realities are one and connected. So the quest for awakening to subtler realities does not take the place of mastering the moment of the one you are traveling in.

Nov. 22, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Ice Age

JANU: This morning’s addition to our knowledge base has to do with the snow events unfolding for the Earth. Another ice age is returning to the polar regions of the Earth. The next few hundred years will see a fairly steady change in world temperatures, brought on by cumulative effects, including the human pollution of the Earth. But this would occur in any case.

In this instance, there will be some low level mountain peaks nearly inundated. It will force major changes in human priorities involving Earth resources for survival. There will be a development of undersea complexes for survival. A major reduction in atmospheric pollution. The Earth will recycle and rejuvenate itself, to begin anew.

Yes, there will be colonies on Mars and other locations, but difficult to support. They will be designed for self-sufficiency.

This ice age will be a few degrees colder than in the past. Many species will not survive. In comparison, the current global warming will be brief. This occurs in advance of an ice age.

Community and national interactions will be affected by surface conditions. There will be attempts to tap into geothermal resources. Food production seriously curtailed but life will continue. New technologies, more efficient use of resources.

Nov. 27, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Sanity in the midst of confusing changes

JANU: The at-one experience is begun in small ways, for the revelations of understanding and experience can overwhelm the human consciousness, but it does change perspective on the Order of Life as a system. For some, the embrace of a larger identity that includes the human experience is feared as a loss of certainty as to who they are, for they cherish what they know and are uncertain about anything else. For the awakening person, the identity is already shifting and they are more comfortable with the change, but also impatient and a bit unwise in their zeal.

The larger life is always there. Time does not diminish this reality. There are thresholds of awakening and when each is neared there can be an underlying anticipation of this and the human can feel a growing sense of urgency to fully realize the threshold. The guidance of your True Nature is particularly useful at this stage. Evolution in consciousness can be a bumpy road with confusions and challenges to what you’re used to in ways of thinking and perceiving. Old capabilities being changed by new ones.

So what do you center on, hang on to, our brother? Confidence that the Truth is, and is at the heart of it all and the flow of life. Desiring the best for others and a willingness to serve and uplift brings sanity to confusion, remembering that they have their path as well. Inspiring without interference is an interesting balance. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross