Some benefits of awakening

JANU:   The benefits of awakening to the Larger Life, and the Light we call the Truth of Life, can be overwhelming, for it forecasts expansion of consciousness, depth of understanding, transcendent experience, and intimacy on a scale without end. The benefits keep giving as your perceived needs evolve, your understanding expands, and your faculty to embrace the larger truth deepens. Asking any question within and a wise response in many forms ensues, strengthened by wisdom, commitment, love, and intimate embrace that proves itself again and again. To understand and sense the needs of another, their confusions, their victories, their compassion for life, their integrity, and their nature is rewarding, to say the least, to both of you. It enriches the integrity of life expressions, creations, and their potentials.

Life is in motion constantly, often without understanding the path, the direction, and even the outcomes, endless repetition of life patterns without seeming resolution. Confusion opens the door to suffering, misinterpretation, denial of reality, and even hate and greed. Awakening brings clarity that grows in penetration and scope.

Awakening brings peace and symmetry and beauty to one’s evolution. The Light shines in every corner, revealing shadows for what they are. Light brings healing from confusion and unwise choices. The system of being is healthiest when all of that system lives harmoniously. It is the strongest then and continues to evolve. Awakening reveals the endless beauty of life itself, and its patterns of expression. Awakening inspires the realization of dreams, potential, passions, creativity, and generosity. Awakening stimulates confidence that there is a guiding force in life that embodies the virtues of being, of one’s value to life.

These are some of the benefits of awakening. There are many more. Namaste.

Nov. 14, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There may be some interest in the related topic of Benefits of Journeying.


Enriching life

JANU:   Enriching life has possibilities within and beyond imagination. True Peace is one. What does that mean? How is that expressed? Touching life in meaningful ways.

A lot of resentment exists in society at this time, for many reasons. Fame, fortune, power, wisdom, opportunities, influence, economics and health, achievements or the lack thereof. True Peace contains gratitude for what has been achieved and what can be achieved. Wandering through the corridors of one’s existence, one’s life path, being grateful for any achievement, no matter to what degree, opens the door of opportunities to add to and magnify these, not based upon the path of others. Being an inspiration for the achievements of others is being grateful for their achievements. For the path of peace is connected to all paths of peace. So gratitude is a unifier and enriches life by way of past achievements through opportunities that are mutually beneficial.

So, how does one enrich life? By being inspired and inspiring. By discovering realization and understanding. Revealing others has opportunity to enrich life in some way. Bringing light where there is darkness. Revealing the Truth of Life. Expressing conscious union by being it. Union with your True Nature is a path to union with more and more of life, a growing confidence in the beauty, the magic, the potential, the nature of life.

True power is in harmony with the flow of life, which is part of everything, being in wonder of it all and loving it. Namaste.

Nov. 13, 2023                                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Allow the Larger Life to reveal itself

JANU:   Exploring the coexistence of realities is similar to the reality of attuning the consciousness and the experience to a larger relationship with life. The perception that a reality, a dimension, is some distant thing perpetuates the perception of separation, of isolation from coexisting realities. These journeys are movement in the direction of conscious union with all of life, but some limitations remain in the longstanding perception of separation.

Allow, then, a reality to reveal itself to you. It’s in its nature to do so, but perceptions long held can block this, you see. Allow yourself to be conscious as all that you are. Not just human ego, personality, but including that as well. Conscious union is more than just the expansion of individuality, but becoming conscious as more and more of life.

Now the human consciousness can move in this direction, but it is a process, while conscious as a human, of adjustment. Getting used to, being comfortable with, feeling natural as the awakening proceeds. Not to shock the consciousness into awakening, but to merge in a healthy manner with more and more. The ‘we’ we speak of is all that you are, and as one becomes consciously united with the Larger Life, the ‘we’ expands to mean all beings.

Individuality coexists with union. The rest of life mutually enriching, surviving and thriving as a diversity of expression. Your so-called neighbor in a physical dimension you coexist with more apparent as the veil diminishes. No longer the need for privacy, for what is there to protect from? The more one becomes aware of reality, the more the reality of integrity becomes identified with, and the integrity of others as well.  This is true coexistence, and so it is with dimensions and other reality.

You speak of exploration. Life is unlimited exploration and is growing. Allow the truth of these perceptions to reveal themselves in their own way. Be more alive than you imagine. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Challenges and solutions

JANU: As requested, the focus is ‘challenges and solutions.’ Often, the challenges superficially are more readily apparent than the solutions. But not all challenges are physically obvious. Life is more diverse than that and all realities are connected.

So it is with solutions. Not all solutions are physical in their natures, but some more so than others. Rearranging relationships while being attuned to the flows of life allows solutions to flow as well, for the challenge and the solution are one. As stated earlier, look at the heart of any challenge and there lies the solution.

Accomplishing this is aided by a growing conscious union with the larger nature of your own being. Beyond the veil of forgetfulness, one is still connected. The desire to know and to be acts as a key to unlock the path to knowingness, to conscious union, which strengthens with each achievement.

See not challenges as unknowable in their solution. You are one with all of life. Explore it. Grow in your understanding of it and your relationship with it. Challenges and solutions coexist. All of life coexists. Be an explorer, a discoverer, a revealer, and employ what life offers. The tools of life are vast and evolving. What greater challenge and opportunity for an explorer than a life reality ever-changing, evolving, creating, and responding? Challenges are not obstacles to avoid or ignore. They are part of the evolution of life. The solutions bring confidence in the magic and continuation of Life itself. Namaste.

Nov. 7, 2023                                                                             Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


How to love yourself and others

JANU:    When observing oneself and others, the merit of an individual is their potential, their evolution, their peace, maturing creativity, their Nature, their consciousness, their relationships with life and circumstances and others. What we look for here: a growing symmetry of balance and harmony throughout the systems of being, a growing capacity to understand themselves and each other, empathy, tolerance, and loving service. Growing into these is a path with challenges, opportunities, solutions, creativity, wisdom.

Potential is rich with opportunities and the challenges we create. There seem to be more challenges than opportunities, but they both are one.  Balance between the two is the wisdom that comes from experience and commitment to evolve. One is the challenge to love oneself and then another. Finding fault with one’s own experiences in life is not productive. It only condemns. Seeing your life as life in motion, constantly changing and evolving, speaks of freedom of becoming what you desire. Claim your power from within to awaken. The larger your consciousness, the wiser your choices.

You ask, “What is the foundation for loving oneself, a justification, a basis?” The basis is a growing awareness of the magic and beauty of life in motion, of potential, of manifestation. It is everywhere, if you would see. And each one is an expression of this in the making. Become aware of the beauty within and, through this, recognize the beauty in others, realizing that together you are the process of Life becoming. Choose to perceive this. Claim your inner power to do so, for that power shines light as far and as wide as you desire.  Namaste.
July 22, 2023                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Mutual enrichment

JANU:   Mutual enrichment is the theme here, the alternative to wars, violent conflict, partisan politics at the expense of the community, of the people. Mutual enrichment belongs to a path of life discovered on other worlds that benefits everyone and reinforces resilience to the challenges of life. Many do not feel resilient or see a path to this. What they see is chaos, disorder, conflicts of interest, and certainly not peace or harmony among the systems of life.

Mutual enrichment includes all of the systems of life, in one form or another. Enrichment is not limited to physicality but to consciousness on all levels. Mutual enrichment comes from a different perspective, a different attitude about the reason for living, the opportunity of living, the destiny of living. Overcoming challenges strengthens the reality of this. Resources for enrichment are depleted in the presence of conflict, violence, struggles for individual power.

Life is rich with opportunity. Inner wisdom is a profound resource not consciously embraced by most. Because of this fragility a few can take advantage of the many, not realizing how they diminish true enrichment. Life is sustainable when being in harmony with it, for nature has its own integrity of existence.

Israel and Palestine are an example to learn from. Surviving with others paying the price is not success, but wasteful of opportunity. Focusing on mutual enrichment brings revelation into these elements of success, when this takes place.

Being on the path of mutual enrichment enriches everyone’s harmony of their systems of life. Namaste.

Nov. 6, 2023                                           Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Being all you have gained

JANU: Incurring responsibility takes many forms. Many forms are needed for the needs are diverse and many. Service to life takes many forms as well and many are needed. One not greater than another, but different enough to fulfill the most needs. Your confusion in this area is due to awakening to the different forms of service and ability to respond.

What we see in this is the power and effectiveness of being. Not just words and ideas but presence, qualities, potential. Consciousness and vitality, the presence of Life, go hand in hand. Holding the need of another into the Light, the Truth of Life, is a subtle doorway of Light to be shined upon the need of another. Their consciousness, their desire to know, to be and understand, is their key to unlock opportunity, insight, and potential.

Do not underestimate the universal continuous presence of Life and its vitality. Being this is significant, reinforcing, bringing into clearer consciousness what has been gained. Build the stronger foundation for that yet to be gained in beingness. Embrace this with clarity that grows. Not just an idea, you see, or philosophy, but an actual presence, a part of life and its universality, its oneness, its connectedness with everything. Reinforce this foundation with this in mind, of becoming more fulfilled and fulfilling. Namaste.
Oct. 26, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The genius within

JANU:   It is true. There exists within each one the genius of lifetimes and more. Reaching within one’s own being is with a desire to awaken, to become consciously whole again, to endure and master the challenges of life successfully. Experience brings wisdom and each one, in their True Nature, retains such wisdom. Wisdom applied to the moment awakens further insight into reality and its many faces.

Now, understand this: that whether conscious or not of the genius within and the True Nature that retains it, it is there, has always been there, and is available. The challenge and the opportunity exists with each incarnation, each lifetime, each journey into the ‘third’ dimension, of which there are many and to which your True Nature exists. This reality is so close and present that it would astound you how available it has always been. For even if your True Nature has yet to experience a part of life, it has access to it, can attune to it and discover its reality. We have demonstrated that. Any question on any subject with a true desire to know can be responded to with wisdom.

The current conscious awareness does not reveal all that you are. You have a larger life, always have, and always will. Each lifetime physically is temporary but you are not, for life exists ongoing, ever changing, ever evolving, and ever creating. Find fulfillment and freedom in the moment with each revelation and diversity of being.

There are no secrets in the Larger Life. That is an illusion of the limited third dimensional consciousness, for all of life knows all of life. Be the evolving genius that you are with each footstep you take on this path of awakening to the Larger Life. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2023                                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union & power of singularity

JANU:    Identity shifting for the purpose of conscious union is a reality of inclusion. Less a separate identity but more a presence, unique in wisdom, memories, evolution, perspective, but with isolation and borders of separation as well as with an ease of inclusion, natural connection and effortlessness, coexisting interests, revelations, understandings, intimacies, and giving and receiving.

Yes, singularities in consciousness exist, the nature of consciousness and the nature of life itself and its expressions, creations. The power of a singularity in consciousness reveals coexistence of beginning and all expression and the timelessness of this reality. So, when pursuing an awareness, employ this perspective and there are no secrets, only limited consciousness that is temporary.

Employing singularity reality in the pursuit of understanding and engagement reveals the looping reality of life and its infinite possibilities. Continue with this and master it. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2023                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Exploring the Earth

JANU:   Exploring the Earth, as you put it, is a task that can consume many sojourns. Earth is a consciousness beyond current human understanding; humans tend to perceive based only on their current knowledge and experience. They are their role model for appreciating counterparts to their existence. Consider the Earth as made up of water, atmosphere, firmament, systems, countless expressions of life and is evolving, for the life forms are evolving. And they and the Earth are one, co-dependent, mutually influential, and mutually challenging.

How does one model the consumption of resources while all life involved benefits? Survival drives much of human consciousness, as with other life forms as well. But consumption not governed with wisdom can lead to self-destruction. There are those of human existence who have striven to return balance in the presence of consumption, for sustainability of the evolution of life. It involves some sacrifice, some limitation, and sensitivity to conditions. They respect life and honor its fragility, and embrace adaptability to changes. This is true for many worlds. Some relationships more successful than others. A growing sensitivity and awareness of reality supports survival for the purpose of creation and evolution.

The forms of life are not permanent. They are in motion, as is the human form as well. Physicality can take many forms. It has, and will continue to. Physicality is evolving, as is consciousness. One can get obsessed with mastering elements of these changes and lose sight of a larger, more complex reality that is fundamental to continuation; therefore, succumbing to an isolated identity serves refinement of a focus. But with this perspective of interactions and the results of these in the Larger Life, there are those who master identity, not to the exclusion of refinement of each focus. Their consciousness is open to an expanding life in motion. They are explorers leading the way. Everyone’s destiny has a wide range of potential. Each one chooses and then changes their choice, as conditions and opportunities warrant. Understanding the Earth includes all of this, and so much more. Namaste.
Oct. 29, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

This broadens the ideas presented in previous journey on self-governing