A foundation for exploring more of Life

JANU:    Exploring the Larger Life, as has been requested, includes exploring one’s identity. In other words, who or what is doing the exploring? This says a great deal as to what can be explored. Our collective wisdom conditions our explorations in this way. It calls for patience and patience varies as well, according to the moment and the capabilities.

Our combined reality includes associations with many different types of wisdom; therefore, our exposure to these is wisdom gained from the Larger Life and others. So, you see, our journey together in this direction includes the wisdom of many. We do not evolve in isolation. This explains, in part, the desire to share, for we benefit from the sharing of others and all of life benefits. The effectiveness of sharing is guided by the wisdom, wisdom from experience and observation. Your incarnate brothers and sisters apply in this way, so see them in this way and with the respect due.

There is wisdom everywhere, on every level, to one degree or another, in one form or another. Exploring the Larger Life includes exploring a larger vision, a larger wisdom, a larger consciousness. Share with others in both directions. Consider this with wisdom. Namaste
June 5, 2024                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Exploring more of life

JANU: Prolonged absence from conscious connection with the Larger Life, larger than the incarnate life—and by ‘larger’ we mean more complete, more layered, more diverse—leads to dissolution or lack of clear answers, as one wonders about ‘why?’

There are processes within quiet memory of experience prior to the incarnation that brought wisdom—and still doto the True Nature. That flow of experience and awakening seems dormant, but it is not. One of the joys of awakening to who you are becomes a journey that never ends, whether incarnate or not.

You request exploring more of life. There is much to explore on your current incarnation. The physical life is a pattern of existence that coexists with the rest of life. Explore your current sojourn in coexisting relationship with the so-called Larger Life. See them as one, intertwined, mutually influencing and benefiting from each other.

So, you see, exploring Larger Life includes the physical life as well. No part of life is excluded when exploring life. They are all connected. Awakening to these connections enhances the journey. Wisdom has its niche everywhere. The journey you seek, the revelation, the wisdom, the understanding, is all inclusive. Namaste.
June 1, 2024                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

A series of journeys on this topic was begun in 2020 but was very short-lived. This is a new start in a better direction so it seemed pertinent to continue in the same category.  


The journey of awakening

JANU:    The potential of Life is enormous. Being conscious as more and more of Life is part of the process of awakening. In the current incarnate condition of consciousness, for most, the direct experience of life is perceived as physical life. Lip service is paid to the unknowns of being. Many religions try to describe this, but there’s a vagueness about it.

On our journeys, the word ‘our’ refers to the human consciousness and identity as well as the True Nature, the True Nature being the so-called soul or larger being that survives incarnations and is conscious of more of life than the human personality. Conscious union, individually, has its unique life patterns as part of the process of desire by the incarnate consciousness to reunite or become one with the larger identity. The process is described as that which affords continuity and non-interference with a wise and loving pattern of awakening. Integrating a larger consciousness with the incarnate life patterns unfolds in a way that brings enlightenment to both incarnate and spiritual elements of being. Both evolving together in the direction of oneness, fulfilling opportunities of potential; therefore evolving in harmony with life.

Patience means moving in harmony with the natural order which takes all the patterns of life, of all of life, into consideration, so that Life benefits on its path of realization of potential. So, movement takes place from individual identity towards unlimited identity, or universal consciousness. Not to be rushed by unwise desires, uncontrolled desires, but allowed to unfold with patience, confidence, faith in reality, and a love of Life. So, walk the journey of being conscious as more and more of life. Namaste.
May 29, 2024                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 As this is the basic premise of all I have presented on this website, there are lots of background sources to investigate, if you choose, in whatever fashion suits you. An identically named journey from 2019 offers a slightly different take on the idea, as does Progress on the human journey of awakening  from 2015. For further background, the reader may also wish to check out the page entitled Awakening to the Larger Life, which consists of various links to collections of journeys having to do with awakening.


The beauty of the moment 

JANU:    We are embracing this quality of exploration in understanding the nature of every reality of life. A well-spoken title or focus called “The beauty of the moment” speaks to the nature of all of life, for coexisting with this essential reality is all of life, all of life’s expressions. Letting go of individual identity, any specific identity, one allows a moment of essential truth, without distraction, preference, interpretation. Pure being beyond any identity allows the experience of universal consciousness. Time and space no longer a limitation, but an element of Life among so many. Allow the return to the beauty of the moment. Namaste.
May 25, 2024                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life challenges and solutions coexisting

JANU:     Solutions to challenges is the state of presence of mind. And what is ‘presence’ but an interface, a coexisting of consciousness reality and potential. With these in communication, in harmony, the Breath of Life speaks to challenges in a way that finds growth and benefit in that process. Challenges and solutions are elements of the one Life, along with many others. They have Life in common and Life is in constant motion and evolution. And Life evolves through all these processes, so evolve with Life and incorporate these elements into your process of living and awakening: challenges, solutions, open-mindedness, confidence, willingness, connection, and ownership through experience and understanding. Namaste.
May 20, 2024                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The face of aggression in the Larger Life

JANU:   The face of aggression in the Larger Life is the face of commitment, momentum, service, enlightenment, willingness, acceptance, initiative, which brings joy through revelation and experience. Being aggressive in this manner revitalizes, invigorates, sustains the flow of opportunity and challenge. The commitment to peace, change, and opportunity with something to connect with, find expression, and evolve. Embracing life in this way is fulfilling to the individual and the being, and inspires others with its magic. Retreat from life is not the same. Everyone on their path embraces hope, longs for fulfillment, finds joy in service and uplifting others. Understand that True Natures share, understand these things, and support them. As you grow, do your respect. Admire and experience your own. See others in the same way, as Life evolves and becomes more. Namaste.
Apr. 27, 2024                                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Elaborating on the destiny of humanity

JANU: Once more, it is time to elaborate upon the destiny of the evolution of humanity and the Earth. This would be understood more clearly with conscious awareness of other civilizations on other worlds, for there are patterns here of similarity. But humanity is not there yet, for this kind of exploration. Here and there, journeys of this nature are taking place, but not publicly. The paths are not identical, but the outcomes relate. But Life is Life, no matter the coloration or the moment. We all have life in common and it is our medium, our commonality of communication and destiny. But the goal in life is not sameness. It is fulfillment of potential, of diversity, with the commonality of life. One Life, countless faces.

Exploring the search of humanity for life elsewhere in this so-called universe is part of looking for fulfillment and destiny, for that is part of it. But there is so much more to become conscious of and as. A mixture of teamwork, cooperation, and individuality and diversity, mixed together as part of the symphony of Life.

Taking your cue from intuition. Being inspired and then processing opportunities to find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Always evolving, always growing, always in motion. Fulfilling time into timelessness (LINK to what is discarnate life like? posted 28 June 24). Identity expansion into patience and commitment. Appreciating the limitations of identity into a single sojourn. Becoming ‘conscious as’  reality beyond this. Finding peace in the midst of exploration and new thresholds. Owning that identity is temporary, serving a limited purpose but ready to allow it to expand into something more. Entering thresholds of discovery, exploring them, mastering them, and moving on, all at the same time. Namaste.
May 14, 2024                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 To fully explore the concepts here, check categories Other Worlds and Destiny. Also, Destiny of Humanity compiles many of the early journeys on the subject.


A commitment to Life

JANU:   Encompassing possibilities in awakening, in engagement, in outcomes at many times feels like wondering about not only potential but today. Let us assume, then, that as potentials they are real and Life is the source of them all. So, how does one then engage any one of these and bring about a clear understanding as to their nature, availability, and status?

It is done so by a commitment to Life and to its fulfillment. The chips will fall and be fertilized by these commitments. And, of course, opportunities engaged in sprout new ones and life goes on. But its portrait evolves as Life renews and the opportunities flow. Committing to Life dissipates fears, distrust, anxieties, doubts. The focus is commitment to Life’s unfoldment and enrichment. It fills the empty spaces.

So, make a commitment to knowing, to discovering, to overcoming, to growing, to expanding, to succeeding, and to wisdom. Love it all into your life, now.  Namaste.
May 15, 2024                                                                        Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


More on the purpose of life

JANU:   Hearing the call, no matter where it seems to come from, to return to, to know, to understand, to remember your own True Nature is not always understood for what it is, what it means, and who you are. A confusing journey of what to let go of and what to embrace. Identity is in one instance an obstacle, and another an open door. The weight of verification is based upon experimentation, trust, the integrity of experience, and wisdom.

Life seems to have so many faces, each calling in different directions. Determining each one’s source is a challenge. How do you recognize what you are and what you are not, in the midst of all this clamor? It comes to choices, commitments, and discernment. The phrase “love into your life”  is Truth, which your True Nature will reveal. A process of discernment and awakening, verified through application and direct knowing.

We have explored the purpose of life, which is to be. And that is evolving as well, always in motion. Life is not an end point but a journey of being. One miracle of Light among many. Philosophy is one thing. Realization, understanding and wisdom, and creativity is another. Everyone has a friend they can trust: their own True Nature, which is Life in motion. Allow your beingness. Awaken to the truth. Create in harmony with Life. Fulfill its reason for being. Namaste.
May 12, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The expression of Truth

JANU:   The Truth comes out, is revealed, manifests, creates along the lines of natural expression. By this we mean: Life is, we are, but the diversity of existence includes relationships that seem otherwise. When making choices in one’s own creativity, imagination and desires at times seem to conflict with observable existence. How does one, then, determine, perceive, understand these diversities in any light available? The successes of creativity, in the form of motion that flows with the ongoingness of Life’s reality, is observable as well and brings about revelations of deeper understanding and creativity.

Life in motion is constantly changing. The experience is a great revealer. Different realities have different paths of existence and revelation. The veil serves a purpose through focus. The existence of diversity with focus is through identity. All of Life realities coexist but their path of evolution and motion can overwhelm the consciousness of each identity’s reality of perception; therefore, the existence of time, relativity, space.

The experience brings understanding but there are processes of assimilation. Impatience is not easy to rein in. Thinking only in terms of one sojourn, one can misunderstand these processes and become impatient. Wisdom breeds patience. A worthy goal, you see, to not only understand Life but gain wisdom of its unfoldment. Namaste.
May 3, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This relates directly to the previous journey and may make more sense if they are read together.