The Now: The Source of Life

JANU:     We are exploring the Now, its nature. We are speaking here of life patterns of the past, life patterns to be, and the source of them. Enriching life comes through living it and its many realities. The past, to some measure, is known. The future is anticipated, based upon these and intuition of potential. The NOW reality is the eternal presence of life as a creator. Identifying with the past or the future is a limitation, with purpose. The Now reality in consciousness is freer than this. It is flowing with life in its motion of expression.

There is life more basic than past and future. It is more causal than even present. Source is a better word than Now. The physical universe has a source reality that transcends past and future, more causal. The past and future are expressions of it. Thinking of exploring the reality of the coexistence of the past and the future liberates one from identity with either. They are creations continuing to create.

What is their nature? What continues their reality? What is the source of their vitality? Including your own True Nature. Lingering in this perspective of inquiry awakens consciousness to Source of Life, yet it is omnipresent in all life patterns in motion. It is pure being and it is not well described as “it” for ‘its success’ suggests boundaries and limitations. What is there, we ask, that is not the Source of Life or part of it?

A life expression being conscious as the Source of Life is challenged by identity with any one expression from it. The purpose of the veil, you see, among others. Being conscious as Now liberates. Namaste.
Sept. 4, 2024                                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Loving the moment

JANU: We are holding sway once more for the benefit of life itself, all of life. We embark once more on this endless journey, discovering the nature of life and all that it brings, appreciating what is, what has been, and what will be. Every understanding can be extended, enriched, and become a blessing. Life is loved, appreciated, enjoyed, valued no matter the degree or focus or contribution. Living in the moment is the richest of all. Everything else is supportive, but the moment is the proof, is what continues, is what expands, what feeds everything. The realization of potential is the mystery, the source of wonder, the magic. Wisdom from experience brings peace and foundation, the substance of being, conscious union, fulfillment, the preparation for the next adventure beyond imagination.

Cycles of life that transcend each other inform a meaning in nature, the vehicles of expression that relate to new realities. Time and distance take on new meaning. Even joy evolves, even the meaning of life. Frailties are transitory and are replaced by new strengths with new purpose.  Namaste.
Feb. 19, 2024                                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 This is an encapsulation of the concept of the The NOW.  


Understanding life in motion 

JANU: Salient point to be made: The Now is connected, is at one with all of life. Peace is the joiner of the elements of life. We are the servants of life. We exist to perpetuate life. We are one in the truth of life. We are the moment, the Now. Let us serve.

The climate change of the Earth influences everything. The creatures, nature, humanity, and the Earth: everything in motion through cycles of expression, balancing and re-balancing. The oceans as well. The core of the Earth and the surface weather are inseparable currents of life. The dynamics of these relationships are part of change. Life in motion.

These life cycles and expressions have been in motion since the beginning of Earth’s journey. Even subtle patterns exist throughout the solar system and with other systems as well. Even consciousness evolves, as does the True Nature of humanity. These attunements as well. Live in the moment and all of its potential. Namaste.
Oct. 18, 2021 B                                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Fulfillment is purpose of each moment

JANU:    Fulfillment is the purpose of the moment. Fulfillment of the promise of being, of incarnating, of engaging, of evolving, of fulfilling potential in the moment. Each building one stone at a time. You search for purpose in the building when the purpose is in the stone, for the stone reveals the building. Each moment, and ultimately, the stone of the moment is rapture, becoming more conscious, the process of awakening, embracing more of life, the joy and peace it brings no matter the circumstance. Inspire each moment, for yourself and others, with an experience of peace and joy, not complexity of understanding but simplicity of just being. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2021                      Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Remembering the future

JANU:    The subject is ‘remembering the future.’ “How can this be?” you might ask. If the past, present, and future are present in the Now, so is the potential and, in that reality, potential reflects the future and vice versa. The practical side of this is ‘the future is this potential.’ The present is there to realize and experience the future. The Now is the source of all; therefore, embrace it.

The NOW reality takes the confusion, the doubt, the blindness out of the future. And building the present into a future reality opens possibilities of exploration and efficiency that can’t be matched behind the veil of separation and limited identity. So, putting one’s attention upon the future is valid, has merit, and gives foundation, direction, integrity to the present. Consider this, and namaste.
July 17, 2020                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


More on experiencing the Now

JANU: The Now experience that you seek comes on the heels of the transition from predetermination perception to the natural flow of life progression. As revealed previously, past, present, and future are elemental realities tied to the Now. But the human societal consciousness, so conditioned to these elementals and perception of reality, is conditioned by those life patterns without a frame of reference for the reality experience of the Now. But it is possible, through focus and integrity, to move beyond those limitations.

Letting go of what is familiar to that which is not takes courage, faith, peace, and commitment. The Now reality includes everything, so identity must let go of limitation but perceive elemental realities as life patterns not identity. One’s own memories of these limited life patterns can be seen in this same way. Not as identity but as limited experiences from an identity of freedom, peace, and pure being. Not to be owned by those experiences. Even karmic attachment is a limited perception. These relationships hold sway when identity is limited to these for the conscious connection perpetuates them long past their creation.

Being in The NOW consciousness, all is observed as to its nature while at peace and truly free. We will continue with this, as desired. Namaste.
July 8, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The Now has no beginning

JANU:    A fine point to be made is that all of life is essential. Forms change, patterns change, but life evolves. Some of your thoughts have been: What is the origin of life? Was there a beginning?

Forms have a beginning. They evolve, modify, recycle, change completely. Life continues. Connecting with the beginning of life speaks of limitation. Life is unlimited. Now, the question is: What is Life? ‘Life is’ is not a satisfying answer to the human consciousness. But to the larger consciousness, Life always will be and always is. Life cannot be put in a box, for the box is Life, you see. Attempting to wrap limited mind around unlimited reality is an expression of insanity. For what does it profit?

Living in the Now is without limit. What more could you desire? Let us find peace in being one with limitlessness. Life without borders is rewarding without limit. The True Nature and the Now are one. Namaste.
June 11, 2020 B                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Living in the freedom of Now

JANU:   Renewal, then. Let’s look at this from the perspective of shaking off old patterns, creating new ones, expanding into patterns of the Larger Life consciously. The human identity syndrome, if you will, mostly lives in the past of old patterns. New ones are tied to the old ones, the result of the veil and limited identity. Identity is a limitation to begin with, for that means you are one thing and not another. In the Larger Life, which is your Nature, beingness is unlimited but evolves, expands. So, if you must use the word identity, or the concept, have one that is ever-changing, expanding and becoming. That is part of the flow of life.

Living in the so-called Now is unlimited being. Living in the present is truly the source of past and future, not defined by what has been or what will be. But living in the present is freedom to choose your experience, what your consciousness is connected to. The reality of The NOW is a tradition, if you will, a reality woven in time/space, past/future. It is the source of these but supports these journeys. Choose freedom to be. Namaste.
May 26, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life is ‘NOW’

JANU:   Paranormal is an interesting term. One side of it, in the common understanding, is a bit vague, meaning that which parallels the common experience and perception. In a more enlightened view, paranormal is the awakened state of consciousness, of which the common view is a limited understanding and by no means ‘normal.’

A valid question is “Why the difference in perspective, in consciousness?” It is useful to a point in exploration of physical life. It brings focus and identification with the physical human experience, but brings ignorance of the Larger Life, to be rediscovered through experience and the wisdom gained.

So, you see, there is no wrongness in any state of awakening. It is a process with a destiny of its own. Find no fault with limited understanding. It is life unfolding in a natural way, not controlled by perceptions of time. Guided by the freedom to be, it is a journey of enriching and serving life.

Miss not its opportunities through impatience. Reach not only for the stars, but everything in between. Dwelling in the past and the future can miss the richness of the moment. Life is Now. Namaste.
May 7, 2020 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The source of true power

JANU:   Remembering, when so-called catastrophe strikes, there seems to be a recalcitrance to the former confidence in the future. Confidence is fueled by a clarity of vision and experience in the moment. Second-guessing the future based upon past challenges keeps the consciousness swinging between the two. Neither one is what is being dealt with in the moment and that is where the power is. The power to create, to manifest, to modify, to refine is in the moment. Progressions add depth to understanding the reality of the moment. Understanding supports confidence, for it is the platform for planning and structuring response.

The so-called Now reality is part of this. Living in the moment does not ignore the reality of past and future, but owns them. It is the source of that reality. They draw their power to exist from this central reality of being. True power is without limit when engaged in this way. The true source of miracles, you see. Namaste.
Apr. 29, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross