The journey of awakening

JANU:    The potential of Life is enormous. Being conscious as more and more of Life is part of the process of awakening. In the current incarnate condition of consciousness, for most, the direct experience of life is perceived as physical life. Lip service is paid to the unknowns of being. Many religions try to describe this, but there’s a vagueness about it.

On our journeys, the word ‘our’ refers to the human consciousness and identity as well as the True Nature, the True Nature being the so-called soul or larger being that survives incarnations and is conscious of more of life than the human personality. Conscious union, individually, has its unique life patterns as part of the process of desire by the incarnate consciousness to reunite or become one with the larger identity. The process is described as that which affords continuity and non-interference with a wise and loving pattern of awakening. Integrating a larger consciousness with the incarnate life patterns unfolds in a way that brings enlightenment to both incarnate and spiritual elements of being. Both evolving together in the direction of oneness, fulfilling opportunities of potential; therefore evolving in harmony with life.

Patience means moving in harmony with the natural order which takes all the patterns of life, of all of life, into consideration, so that Life benefits on its path of realization of potential. So, movement takes place from individual identity towards unlimited identity, or universal consciousness. Not to be rushed by unwise desires, uncontrolled desires, but allowed to unfold with patience, confidence, faith in reality, and a love of Life. So, walk the journey of being conscious as more and more of life. Namaste.
May 29, 2024                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 As this is the basic premise of all I have presented on this website, there are lots of background sources to investigate, if you choose, in whatever fashion suits you. An identically named journey from 2019 offers a slightly different take on the idea, as does Progress on the human journey of awakening  from 2015. For further background, the reader may also wish to check out the page entitled Awakening to the Larger Life, which consists of various links to collections of journeys having to do with awakening.


Life challenges and solutions coexisting

JANU:     Solutions to challenges is the state of presence of mind. And what is ‘presence’ but an interface, a coexisting of consciousness reality and potential. With these in communication, in harmony, the Breath of Life speaks to challenges in a way that finds growth and benefit in that process. Challenges and solutions are elements of the one Life, along with many others. They have Life in common and Life is in constant motion and evolution. And Life evolves through all these processes, so evolve with Life and incorporate these elements into your process of living and awakening: challenges, solutions, open-mindedness, confidence, willingness, connection, and ownership through experience and understanding. Namaste.
May 20, 2024                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


More on the purpose of life

JANU:   Hearing the call, no matter where it seems to come from, to return to, to know, to understand, to remember your own True Nature is not always understood for what it is, what it means, and who you are. A confusing journey of what to let go of and what to embrace. Identity is in one instance an obstacle, and another an open door. The weight of verification is based upon experimentation, trust, the integrity of experience, and wisdom.

Life seems to have so many faces, each calling in different directions. Determining each one’s source is a challenge. How do you recognize what you are and what you are not, in the midst of all this clamor? It comes to choices, commitments, and discernment. The phrase “love into your life”  is Truth, which your True Nature will reveal. A process of discernment and awakening, verified through application and direct knowing.

We have explored the purpose of life, which is to be. And that is evolving as well, always in motion. Life is not an end point but a journey of being. One miracle of Light among many. Philosophy is one thing. Realization, understanding and wisdom, and creativity is another. Everyone has a friend they can trust: their own True Nature, which is Life in motion. Allow your beingness. Awaken to the truth. Create in harmony with Life. Fulfill its reason for being. Namaste.
May 12, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The purpose of life

JANU:   The purpose of life is to be, to evolve, to realize potential, self-examination to reveal what some would call efficiency and waste. What is waste? The appearances of life expressions have superficial and deeper layers to be understood, engaged, and become what is. Observing that life that your being is one of includes associative reality.

Human consciousness is identified with its current perception. Expanding that reality includes a freedom to have a larger identity, not defined by only part of life. Realizing a larger reality of being includes awakening to the larger reality without the fear of any loss. Reaching a higher rung on the ladder of life does not mean the loss of the last rung of understanding. Life builds and builds and builds as the role of identity evolves. Survival is a function of concern for a limited identity. Allow your consciousness to expand and your sense of identity expands with it. Fears fall away, realizing that, through experience, an evolving identity transcends limitation.

Life is larger than a limited identity. Become that life. It is your destiny. Identify with continuation, evolution, expansion. Experience from this on the move.  Namaste.
Apr. 14, 2024                                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 Like many, I have struggled with this topic over the years, receiving similar but progressive insights. Try The Purpose of Life (2018), Life Purpose (2016),  Meaning and Purpose in Life (2015) or Meaning and Purpose of Life (2014) in whatever order pleases you. 


More on “What is Life?”

JANU:   The course of evolution in any culture, whether the Earth or somewhere else, includes survival and, at times not as you might think. Life is larger in meaning, potential, purpose, and begs the question: What is Life? The expressions of it vary greatly. Its purpose is to be. Life patterns compound exponentially, moment to moment, and even beyond definite perception of time. Each plane of existence has its own consciousness, its instincts for survival, its curiosities to evolve, to connect, to communicate. One unaware of the other to varying degrees. The perception of sacrifice for the survival of another speaks to essential life.

The existence of life extends beyond any one reality. For one reality to embrace another there must be re-formation for pattern matching. Common ground for communication forms in this way, and others.

How does one pattern match another? Through insights, inspirations, or in subtler realities that exist and blossom through the evolving evolution of the species from deep within.

“And what inspires?” you ask. A love of life, which includes gratitude and the desire to awaken to something greater. Life has an affinity to awaken, to embrace itself through expression, much as the physical body takes a breath to continue.

It is revealing to explore what is natural for any existence to continue. The presence of natural conditions is a foundation for the beginning of that reality. There are other natural realities that are foundation for other life expressions. Life is aware of all of these realities even though the realities, in their natural state, are still awakening to the roots of their being, where all exists and potential is blossoming.

So beginning and ending exists in a reality of ongoingness. As pattern matching evolves, so does evolution. Find peace in this, confidence. Think and live as Life continues. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The time of awakening

JANU:   The course of events predictable to degrees, for the politics of governments and civilizations of the Earth for the next few years is troublesome for many. But the noise that most hear is not the core nature of the desire and needs of the people. The political leaders of a number of countries equate their individual personal power as the wisdom of the country. It wanders in and out of that, at great expense. The manifestation of potential of the true power of human consciousness that can maximize the evolution of humanity is more outside of their realm of consciousness than inside it.

The potential of human consciousness–in harmony with the flow of life, the evolution of life, the genius of life and the beauty and love of life–is in harmony with the footsteps of many whose power is not limited to politics. In due course, the political and otherwise leadership will blossom with the right nutrition.

Contact with other worlds, populated, will help to fill in the gaps. It is time for human consciousness and civilization to broaden and be a contributor. The issue of survival and development will no longer be limited to and understanding physical existence, but identification will include more of life than that. A larger perception, a more inclusive perception of Life and one’s part to play will put everything in a new light.

Awakening to the Larger Life is occurring. There is far more developing through this universe on multiple life levels than humanity is aware of. In time, cultures benefit from each other and, at the same time, evolve into a larger ability to contribute. Choose more to give, to become, and be. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2024                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


New beginning in the inner life

JANU:    We are exploring the Larger Life. How does one, then, conceptualize reality larger than one’s current perception? By choosing it to reveal itself in a natural way, in a loving way that is unrestricted. Loving life, one with the True Nature. Pure Being is revelatory, self-perpetuating, and in harmony with an evolving reality. Non-judgmental and a peace unlimited. Life is. Consciousness expands naturally, with a nurturing of desire and allowing, patience and understanding.

Focusing on limited parts of life is a choice, which is identification on only a small portion of life. When allowed to be flexible and exploring and expanding, awakening is enhanced. Perspective evolves with awakening. Love of Life takes on deeper meaning and appreciation. Listening to Life becomes more revealing, it would seem, than commenting. The incarnate experience in consciousness becomes much more. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2024                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

Universal consciousness

JANU:    The subject is universal consciousness. And what does this mean to be universally conscious no matter the focus or the dimension currently associated with? The question being “Is this possible? Is there wisdom in this?” The answer is NO for the unprepared, and YES for those who naturally desire. Yes, this exists with moments of crossover for those on the path of awakening, but sporadically. As awakening occurs, it is more and more by choice, from either direction. The challenge is identification with one reality or another. So let us explore the experience of universality in consciousness.

One element of this is simultaneous consciousness with more than one focus, bringing balance to the observation and understanding. Physical existence is similar to this though mostly unconsciously. Life is many systems with harmonious coexistence. Life is difficult to describe as a linear progression because of this, yet there is evolution.

Language is a small part of understanding and experience. Direct knowing better describes the alternative. We are one in this and always have been. Even when attempting to listen to the ‘inner voice,’ better to put one’s attention upon the inner consciousness, the inner being, the inner insights. Allowing awakening, embracing it, being it. The merging of time and timelessness, the coexistence of realities. The absence of fear replaced with the love of life. Confidence in what is and what will be, proved by what has been. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2023                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The path of awakening

JANU: ‘The awakening of humanity.’ What is this, then, but the process of life realizing its potential: consciousness in a sublime sense; realization of the Truth of Life on all levels; the systems of life, the reality, the relationships, the potential; exploring opportunities with abandon; the model of life expressions that evolve.

Evolution and de-evolution are references that are the checks and balances of creation. Freedom to choose either and experience the results, the wisdom of the timing of these, and their counterbalancing maturities. When so-called destruction occurs, what is destroyed but the forms of expression? When creativity occurs, life expands. The expansion and contraction of life are its breathing, the transformations of vitality.

Awakening reveals the differences and their function. Both are life, you see, and the elements of its unfoldment and their relationship. We are here not to condemn either but to understand and employ the freedom to choose. One honors life by allowing its beingness.

This is the nature of an explorer. Awakening reveals everything without judgement, but with love and understanding and a lot of allowing. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2023                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

There are any number of journeys about this same topic. A conscious path of awakening and  Understanding the path of awakening offer earlier understandings of the concept.


Inspiring humanity to find their truth

JANU: We are enumerating once more the potential of humanity, its relationships, and the needs of the moment. Supernatural seems to be the anticipated needs of humanity. Supernatural, then, meaning that beyond the consciousness of struggling humanity. Yes, all of life is connected. Awakening to the Larger Life is not limited to being conscious of discarnate beings and realities. It is being conscious of one’s own potential and the potential of others.

Participate in the creation of more harmonious relationships and their evolution for those who can see. Other worlds have achieved measures of this and continue to do so. Their consciousness, individually and collectively, becomes standards for others to achieve, and to inspire confidence in their achievement. Observing humanity in the light of the realization of such potential, one can see the underlying ingredients, elements just below the surface of human consciousness. The opportunity and challenge is to inspire conscious realization or understanding of this potential.

So, ideas presented inspirationally into the psyches of humanity, beginning with those on the verge of awakening, will spread by example to the consciousness of others. And humanity will awaken more and more, realizing what might be possible to turn the tide of disharmony. So, let us quicken these inspirations for those who can receive them to any degree. It is not our mission to identify these individuals. Natural occurrences will take place, for their True Natures have this capability.

So, the focus here is to inspire, one way or another, the freedom to know, to understand, and to embrace potential with the power of peace and a growing wisdom. Our focus will gain clarity and refinement as we proceed. Life itself will reveal what is needed as change takes place. Loving all of life invigorates these qualities to manifest. Let us proceed. Namaste.
Dec. 4, 2023                                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This also follows directly upon the concepts in Enriching Life.