Best career path for healing service

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        How can I best help folks who are on their path to healing? Is my best work to do counseling, biofeedback, energy work or something completely different?

JANU:     What best serves, dear one, when serving another in the area of healing, as you have specified, is the truth. The truth at the heart of any modality is the best service. When seen in this way, when motivated in this way, one engages any modality with effectiveness. We could examine this from your point of view as specializing in one modality. But this would be a limited presentation if we did. Our interest is to support and encourage in you the widest of possible “best service” for another.

The modality is not the magic and it is not the power that heals. It is not the power that inspires another into their freedom and understanding. The truth does this, dear one. And what is this truth we speak of? It is the reality of the circumstance of the one in need and the one who serves. The truth is the wisdom behind the modality. It is the consciousness. It is that which connects all life to all life. It is the common thread that can be found in any service or modality.

This presence we speak of is best realized when one holds another in pure love. This reality makes possible harmonious connection with all aspects of each one’s realities. When you observe or consider a modality that might best support the needs of another, or series of modalities, it is best not to see the modality as the source of that needed for that one, but as a vehicle for focusing your truth for another. Counseling is always advisable, for understanding is a powerful tool in the release of limitation and the embrace of freedom.

Be that server who has no preference for any one modality, but who is familiar with and capable in any that may seem appropriate. What you specialize in, dear one, is your conscious and intimate relationship with your truth and, through this, the truth in another. The support you would gain from the rest of life, including others in spirit, is through your truth, through your beingness, through your vital bodies, through your consciousness, not through technologies. For they are not sentient, dear one; they are tools, much as a hammer or some other device.

The greatest response and receptivity in another you would serve is their sense, their connection with this vital truth that lives within you, with your vitality, your compassion and your ability to touch where they live, to understand as they understand and then to bring to them an expanded understanding. In this way, dear one, both grow at the same time.

Learn these modalities very well indeed. But your wisdom of the moment does not lie in these. The spirit moves through you, dear one. You are surrounded by those who may see modalities as the real power in healing. Do not let this confuse you in your clarity of perception. Understand this, dear one, that in time, through the intimacy of awareness of a modality or of a technology, the results and position of these can be duplicated at will in your consciousness and in that of another. These modalities serve your growth in this way.

Do you see the picture here? Not the specializing in one thing or another, but the embracing of it all, centered, rooted, in the truth within you, the truth of your beingness. Where do you think these modalities came from in the first place? They are born of the truth of individuals to carry out in their limited way and understanding a process. So, when you study and become proficient in any modality, what is happening as well is the expansion of your consciousness in this area, shaping it to be capable of that modality independent, if desired, of the outer forms or devices. So these externals serve a purpose.

Move from focusing on one aspect or modality of service or healing into the direction of completeness of understanding, completeness of ability, and completeness of whole service. For the being you would assist is a whole being and is complete. Follow your joy in your choices, for there will you find your genius to comprehend and implement the fullest support of life and the fullest response in another. And if you find joy in one or more modalities, that does not mean you cannot find joy in others, as your interest finds its way there, as well. Be unlimited in your embrace of the truth of your being and the unlimited possibilities for expression. Do not take on one understanding to the exclusion of all others. Your worth, your identity, your acceptance of yourself, your fullest potential is not limited to one understanding.

We encourage you in this way, for this is the way of life, dear one, and the way of mastership, and the way of freedom. Namaste.

Oct. 11, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements (link)

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

Communicating while at peace

JANU: Softly spoken, in harmony with consciousness that attunes to the realms, the communication we enjoy and that serves is a peaceful one. The nature of the natural cycles of life, that include disintegration and re-creation, originate in peace. Our repeating theme of peaceful preparation for these communications befits what is accomplished. You begin to understand the service of the Entourage of Peace and the organization spoken of arriving this Fall.

Violence seems powerful but not to those who understand peace, which is far more powerful but in a different way. It is almost as if the communication that is enjoyed invites the participant because the consciousness of that participant is in harmony. Approach and understand the Truth of Life in this way and all is revealed.

True power is not taken but offered to the peaceful consciousness. When you communicate with another in this way, the barriers melt away. The guard is lowered in the presence of harmlessness. There is a genius in the reality of peace. One at peace is not seeking advantage, but allowing their true Being to merge with their consciousness and find freedom. Be patient, as only peace can bring. Namaste.

Feb. 24, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the previous two posts for further context for this.


A new group coming in the Fall

JANU: We are pleased to announce that, coming this Fall, there will be an organization that requires persistence in a demarcation to ascend from darkness into the Light. No longer the affairs of humanity left to the wind.

Now, this organization is made up of humans who have come to realize that there are opportunities coming to humanity that will call upon human potential to take a stand. These thresholds on the human journey arrive from time to time and play a role in making choices. Wisdom indicates that humanity has a destiny and peace is the theme. Not defined by the absence of wars and conflict but by cooperation, mutual support, realization of ideals, and benefit of one kind or another for everyone. It is going to take the combined consciousness of a more enlightened humanity to embrace these opportunities that will enrich their lives.

This does not mean the loss of free will to choose, but a greater clarity of the choices. Be alert to movement in this direction. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 23, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The Entourage of Peace

JANU: We have before us an entourage, if you will, destined to be part of the journey of humanity. Destined in the sense that their contribution is in harmony with that needed, soon to come in the affairs of human consciousness. This entourage comes from another reality in this galaxy, not limited to a world, you see.

What they bring is an understanding of a greater peace in the affairs of humans, in their relations, in their dealings with not only physical life but non-physical life. This entourage commands well its service. Their influence at this time best described as a faint hint of such things. The degree of their contribution will be controlled by the readiness of human consciousness to move forward. Any transition from one perspective to another is sustained by a delicate balance between the two, for confidence and uncertainty are at issue. Let us see, then, our contribution and that of others honor this balance as we enrich human understanding.

The entourage needs no name to be of service, but it is the Entourage of Peace. Some influences, our brother, in the movements of life are the most profound and therefore need to be the most thoughtful and well-balanced. Let us honor their contribution by serving it. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 22, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Choosing best relationships

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:   Have I met my best mate yet, best for both of us and for our service to the planet? How could ** and I best be connected? Just friends, or a committed husband/wife relationship. I am 23 years older and we are very close but also some conflicts.

JANU: As we examine the relationships issue with you, please seek to resolve within yourself: intimate relationship with another as an integrated component in the structure of your life, how best does this kind of relationship facilitate your hopes and dreams for life fulfillment? And do these dreams include the hopes and dreams of another? This one of whom you speak in this first part of your question has a channel or course or path in his life stream that is active yet turbulent, not mastered yet by him, making it difficult for him to answer the question we posed to you. We would see much discussion between you, in an open and honest way, of life path dreams and commitments and see if each other’s interests the other, you see.

Even when two seemingly share the same direction of life interest or vision, there are differences significant enough to create conflicts where the understanding and commitment to caring for another’s dream or vision is not strong in the relationship, you see. Even without clear vision on both parties’ part, clear understanding and commitment to these dynamics of relationship will carry you through, so to speak. We see no direct conflicts at this time, but the need for good communication. Test these dynamics before commitments are made of a lifelong intimate relationship. Your service to each other and the world will take care of itself when the foundation is laid that can be built upon. For your service and services can adapt according to your foundation, as the needs for service are varied indeed and developing.

Q:   Any enlightenment on my connection with ***, very close friend over the phone (spiritual friend and co-worker)? What can I do to better prepare myself for a long term relationship that is balanced on all levels (and inspiring and creative)?

JANU: Yes, we have this one of whom you speak, ***. What we see here is one who comes to his ownership, to his presence in the flow of life, through self aggrandizement at times. Seeing opportunities for self fulfillment rather than the fulfillment of the opportunity, you see, including the opportunities of others.             What we would suggest here, dear one, is the benefit of the long distance connection. There will be times when you will be sorely pressed to hold your course of focus on enriching life rather than being enriched in this relationship, and in so doing provide opportunity for him to understand this different perspective and its benefit to the rest of life.

As to your preparation for a balanced, creative life and development of your preparation for long term relationship, we would see it in this manner. Cohabitate with yourself in the sense of good communication, support and comfort, clear understanding, and, yes, even love for yourself within your own heart of your true being. Many look for these things through the presence of another in their life. The best relationship, dear one, is when another encourages you to find these things within yourself, and you the same for them. Connect with and understand these strengths in the nature of your being and this prepares you for encouraging this in another who would share your life path, and you theirs.

As this process begins, life will find another so prepared and you will recognize the crossing of your paths because of this preparation, you see. Know that this is so and proceed in that way. You will not have to endlessly analyze the merits of another when this crossing takes place. You will feel the connection with the strengths of the true being by which you have formed your identity, you see. Have faith in the power of life to fulfill.

May 26, 1997                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other questions from this individual see Feb. 16th posting and Miscellaneous attunement.

More   Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Pure Beingness

JANU: Beingness, an understanding of reality that transcends time and space, transcends concepts, perceptions, interpretations, and illusions. Beingness remains to be seen, for what is doing the seeing, our brother, but the elements of being finding their way in the reality of being.

Now, what does this mean? It means that your True Nature is a being in the sense that all that you experience in any reality is the essence of your True Nature. You are the life you live, and the lives you meet. For beingness, our brother, is a connection with life in whatever manner it is. Allowing your awareness, your consciousness to embrace your reality on this foundation of understanding, without effort, reveals your beingness that includes everything. How can it not be so? What is oneness, if not this?

Beingness has no borders, no real and not real, no life and not life. This flies in the face of human perception of individuality, separation from other realities. Uniqueness, yes. Separation identity, very limited, and does not relate to Pure Being. How can you be part of Life and not the rest of it? Universal and unlimited consciousness, the true freedom to be, limited by nothing yet at one with everything.

You ask, “How does one function in incarnate life on this basis?” Because consciousness, our brother, and beingness is not ‘one thing and not another.’ It is incarnate life, in every respect, and the rest of life as well. It is completely inclusive, eternal. Time and space are only elements of the larger life. No secrets. Unlimited consciousness. No ‘not attunement and attunement,’ you see, for in beingness one has always been connected.

This is the focus we encourage for understanding and service to Life. Namaste.

Feb. 29, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the previous three posts, as well.


Difference between individuality & uniqueness

JANU: Exploring and engaging the larger life is a significant threshold in the evolution of consciousness. Becoming aware of this means becoming aware as this, no longer identified just as an incarnate human but not eliminating it, either. When one is conscious as a provincial community member and then begins to travel the world, their perspective changes. Their former identity takes its place in the larger reality. And the larger reality is a larger identity, our brother.

So, as we move these journeys into the larger life, allow the natural transition of identity, sense of being, your role in life to evolve. You touch life and life touches you in new ways. Much of this you have done before. So much is memory re-awakening, but not limited to this. You will become aware of many you have known, and know you. There is both a personal and a universal reality here, co-existing. The need for privacy to survive the incarnate life, the human experience, becomes irrelevant.

There is a difference between individuality and uniqueness. Uniqueness does not mean ‘separate from’ but ‘one with, uniquely.’ Your hand is unique to the body but one with it. Living the incarnate life uniquely can be seen in the same way, for the truth of who you are is one with all of life. So, your place in life is unique and that uniqueness is part of the richness of life, as is everyone else’s. This understanding translates well into successful incarnate life, or any life, our brother.

So, you see, the larger life is far more than a phrase. It is a fuller and richer experience than individuality. Allow this into your thinking and your experience. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 25, 2016                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding more of your complete being

JANU: We are summarizing, if you will, that which portends to be an alliance within the True Nature of the elements of consciousness. These elements we speak of are the foci for the realities of being that you are. These alliances are powerful indeed, for they bring about, they bring to the fore neutral power. Not power in the human sense of a force for control, but power in the sense of harmony, cooperation, manifestation, creativity, and a more complete consciousness. The human ego is allowing the manifestation of the True Nature, a loving relationship in a reality of oneness. The incarnate life takes on deeper meaning and purpose, the destiny of everyone, in their own way, in their own time, in their own choosing.

The expansion of consciousness is not separate from you. It is you. What do you know of your being before incarnating, you see, and between sojourns? It still is, whether incarnate or not, waking to the fuller truth and reality of who you are. Some may prefer ignorance rather than the responsibility and the true power of knowing, and that is their choice. But the freedom of wisdom is wonderful indeed.

These are journeys, our brother, into a larger life, and they serve well. Namaste.

Feb. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Description of your complete being

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. However, it is so pertinent to each of us and my own current journeys that it bears presenting for all. Note that this was given 20 years ago. Time means nothing to Spirit and they will continue to repeat themselves until we get it!

Q:        When I am talking to my body, when I am talking to my guides, when I am talking to my soul, who am “I”?

JANU: This inquiry, heartfelt by this one, rings in the heart. Her knowingness of the self is not removed from, or separate from, the talking to these aspects of reality. Who are you indeed, dear one, who asks the profound question? You are grand being. You are one born of the light of knowingness. You are one created of pure thought and pure love. The character, the qualities, the substance, the consciousness diversity is the fruit of your choices in the interplay of life’s many journeys. You are pure being with added experiences that shape your next journeys. To say, then, you are not your journeys is true to a limited degree. But in the larger reality, you are everything. You are the journeyer and the journey. You are the record of the journey in your being. You are the wisdom and the experience of it. These journeys are part of your knowingness. At times when asking such a question, you are the reason for the journey asking the question, you see.

You are life, dear one. You are the one experience. The creations and the potentials of the one. When you talk to your body, you are the co-creator of that body. You are its master, its lover, and its reason for being. When you speak to your guides, you are companion, brother and sister, co-worker, fellow journeyer, cherished friend, and one loved. When you speak to your soul, you are home, dear one. You are master of your life and your wisdom and your being. You are complete and you are the love that gave birth to the creation of the Creator, the source of it all.

Know who you are, dear one. Claim your birthright from the beginning. You are life’s lover in the purest sense. You are all your journeys, all your experiences and yes, all your friends and loved ones in spirit and in your outer world. You are divine being that ranges the breadth of creation. Know this with a certainty, a profound, deep acceptance. You are one with the power, the wisdom, and the love of all life. From this understanding and perspective, perceive everything you choose in your experience. See with these eyes, feel with this heart, hear the understandings and life experience of another from this perspective. For doing this in this way reveals the divinity of another to themselves.

This is a simple reality not embraced through clever analysis and critical examination. It is embraced through simple acceptance and love for life. The only limits in your experience, in your awareness, are those you impose yourself. There are no others. Believe in the grandness of your being without limit. The proof comes in the experience, our sister and our friend. The proof does not come without it. The only proof that matters is in the being of that desired.

Your question is born of the latent but growing memory of who you are. It is almost as if your soul in its beauty touches your heart and asks the question “Who are we?” to include you in your separated experience in the full reality of the soul, its being and its connection with the outer life. What is redemption, then, but the return to oneness? And the question “Who am I?” heralds this return.

Soul union is not the end of the journey, dear one, but a threshold of unimagined beauty and aliveness, vitality and consciousness, conscious union with life. There are countless wonders to be realized even beyond this miracle. For the path of redemption of the spirit is the path of miracles, you see. The path of beauty and wonder that cannot be embraced fully. It must be grown into. Ask your question, dear one, and in the asking, embrace the answer. It lives within you and always has, for the answer is how you came to be.

This is a most beautiful and loving inquiry. We thank you for your question. For its answer is the answer to so many others, you see. Diverse confusion, diverse inquiry is usually resolved in the simplest but most powerful understanding. We salute you and welcome the joining and your miracle of union, truly born again. Namaste.

May 10, 1996                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Why the great pyramid at Giza was built

JANU: At first, our brother, the pyramid at Giza was built to represent an archaic principle of the foundation of the law of a sun god or deity by an ancient civilization not of the Earth. It is a leftover, carryover of an ancient culture and philosophy from another world. This culture identified itself as the ‘Bizzareen.’ Each representative of that culture that came to Earth was adept at this kind of construction and its purpose. Each block was formed according to a pattern that existed from previous constructions. The ability to manifest constructions from available material, not by mechanical means, is an art not possessed by native culture.

Four sided pyramids were not the only construction model. The number of sides varied, according to its purpose. You have been told there was another one like this on another world. There are a number of these, for that culture visited many worlds, and still exists on a few.

The so-called ‘laws’ of their sun deity had to do with the art of the ability to create, and not just pyramids, you see. But these skills were represented in the pyramid configurations internally. These beings would create an energetic reality exactly duplicating the assembled patterns for construction, and material was altered and re-assembled in that location through consciousness of high precision. This structure, when engaged in consciousness, allowed precise configuration of consciousness to manipulate energy, dematerialize and materialize.

So, you see, our brother, your earlier insight into its construction of being from the top down in fire, or what appeared to be, is explained. Thus the name ‘pyramid,’ you see.

Many accomplishments of creation were accomplished by way of this structure. The formation of the Earth, energetically, was aided. Other worlds have had this assistance. This structure is older than human knowledge. No equipment was used in its construction. It is far more than the physical construction. It is home to many types of energy which are linked to other worlds. Linking of consciousnesses involved in its creation is beyond human understanding. It was built to serve the Earth longer than humanity will have need of it. It is true that it was never designed to be entered physically, only in consciousness. Created by ‘fire’ from the top down, only not fire as most understand it. That was the appearance. You ask if it is still in use as originally designed. It hasn’t been, our brother, for some time. It could be re-built if needed.

There is much more to understand. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 4, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross