The purpose of this sojourn

JANU:   We are engaging the inquiry: Sojourns and their mission, their purpose, mainly this one.

The scope of possibilities reign supreme. Any one sojourn has a mission of realizing potential, not always a particular outcome but to evolve as a co-creator, to become more conscious, to embrace life. Now, embracing life is not limited to incarnation, but it is part of it and it coexists with the larger Life. Your True Nature has more than one evolutionary journey evolving.

So, when exploring a so-called mission for a sojourn, understand that it’s more than the benefit of humanity, but includes that. Allow the consciousness to expand; identify with more of Life. As your True Nature, own it, so to speak. The frustration will dissipate. Think not in terms of time, only, to evolve. Think more in terms of opportunities, both potentially and present.

The package of life, so to speak, contains more than you know. Be more conscious, in an inclusive way. Find peace in achievement. It is powerful. Harmonious existence clears confusion and apparent contradiction. See all of it as the evolution of Life. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2024                                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life is an adventure. Enjoy it!

JANU: In the adventure of life, much more productive wondering and exploring about potential, in understanding, in consciousness, in creativity, in the elements of being and the vast range of the reality of living life. Much for humanity to consider and, with the considerations and the explorations, the generation of even newer and more beautiful opportunities. A nature of life yet explored by many. They sit and contemplate possibilities. Life is a platform, a foundation without limitations for exploration, manifestation, realization, and being. For some, documenting imaginations can help focus and continue into a far reality these wonderings.

Imagine life in new ways. See yourself overcoming limitations, what lies beyond them, and what is in your grasp in this moment. The past has its merits but don’t be limited by them. The future has its potential, but keep them as open possibilities, subject to change and evolution.

Life is joyful. Love the adventure. Allow it into your consciousness. Be an evolving co-creator. Allow understandings to build upon each other and so-called failures to find resolution. Be the resolver of challenges and open the door for more. Life is an adventure. Enjoy it! Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2024                                                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Share & inspire the inner glow of life

JANU:    There is a glow that is experienced within an individual when Truth is realized, True Nature is realized, true potential is realized, and that realization in others is observed. The glow is a response that harmonizes individual’s elements of life through consciousness, their hopes and dreams. Inspiring others and yourself in these ways enriches life. Enrichment can be many things, but it walks hand in hand with evolution, continuation, consciousness raising, oneness and its infinite diversity. So when we choose to inspire others and ourselves this is a beginning. Experience the glow and share it. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2024                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Bringing Light into the consciousness

JANU:   Simple solutions in a complex society, as we observe the struggles of civilization. They find little peace in their struggles. Their designs of relationships are based upon control of others by means that do not bring harmony and benefit to all. The so-called leaders have yet to see the lasting power, that never takes but only gives, as a solution. They consume without replenishment. They seek advantage over others, yet there are those with strong desire to find love and give it. Physical survival is all important, as identity of only being human persists.

Bringing Light into the experience of consciousness of humanity is a living thing when it is rooted in universal love. Life cares for life with eternal patience, a growing wisdom, and a joy in every achievement. Allow your identity to expand with memory, insight, freedom, and True Peace, bringing life patterns into harmony and clarity. There is nothing to fear. Be at one with your True Nature and Life in motion, ever-changing, renewing. Namaste.
July 1, 2024                                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Freedom to explore

JANU: Analysis must take on a new name to be released from limited thinking and tradition.  The freedom to be embraces that which comes as intuition, dynamic life, and the promise of freedom. Freedom to be more. Freedom to explore. Conscious oneness.

So what does one explore, in harmony with these opportunities? The meaning of Life? Its potential? Current consciousness? Focused exploration, the pulse of Life and its potential. Life expresses countless forms, compositions, and seeming contradictions. One speaks of ‘isness,’ beingness, the arc of Life. These terms include so much more than ‘conscious of’ or ‘conscious as.’ Incarnate consciousness is consumed with, patterned deeply with the sense of time, sequence of realities, order, patterns, and cadence of life. Simultaneous existence, purposes, opportunities, understandings, consciousnesses, relationships are a step beyond.

As we continue these adventures into the Larger Life, one does not dismiss any of the life leading up to this. The Larger Life is just more inclusive, less restricted, biased, preferred, isolated in any way. Enjoy the freedom of limitlessness in thinking, experiencing, understanding, and service. See all of the vehicles of Life in this way. And, yes, even the physical for the duration of its expression.

Explore wholesomeness, balance, vitality, evolution, presence. Be present in understanding, discovery, engagement, expression. Find peace as a reality. Allow it to be and become. Greet all of Life in this way. It is a foundation for understanding and being the Truth of Life. Namaste.
June 24, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life challenges and solutions coexisting

JANU:     Solutions to challenges is the state of presence of mind. And what is ‘presence’ but an interface, a coexisting of consciousness reality and potential. With these in communication, in harmony, the Breath of Life speaks to challenges in a way that finds growth and benefit in that process. Challenges and solutions are elements of the one Life, along with many others. They have Life in common and Life is in constant motion and evolution. And Life evolves through all these processes, so evolve with Life and incorporate these elements into your process of living and awakening: challenges, solutions, open-mindedness, confidence, willingness, connection, and ownership through experience and understanding. Namaste.
May 20, 2024                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The purpose of life

JANU:   The purpose of life is to be, to evolve, to realize potential, self-examination to reveal what some would call efficiency and waste. What is waste? The appearances of life expressions have superficial and deeper layers to be understood, engaged, and become what is. Observing that life that your being is one of includes associative reality.

Human consciousness is identified with its current perception. Expanding that reality includes a freedom to have a larger identity, not defined by only part of life. Realizing a larger reality of being includes awakening to the larger reality without the fear of any loss. Reaching a higher rung on the ladder of life does not mean the loss of the last rung of understanding. Life builds and builds and builds as the role of identity evolves. Survival is a function of concern for a limited identity. Allow your consciousness to expand and your sense of identity expands with it. Fears fall away, realizing that, through experience, an evolving identity transcends limitation.

Life is larger than a limited identity. Become that life. It is your destiny. Identify with continuation, evolution, expansion. Experience from this on the move.  Namaste.
Apr. 14, 2024                                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 Like many, I have struggled with this topic over the years, receiving similar but progressive insights. Try The Purpose of Life (2018), Life Purpose (2016),  Meaning and Purpose in Life (2015) or Meaning and Purpose of Life (2014) in whatever order pleases you. 


More on “What is Life?”

JANU:   The course of evolution in any culture, whether the Earth or somewhere else, includes survival and, at times not as you might think. Life is larger in meaning, potential, purpose, and begs the question: What is Life? The expressions of it vary greatly. Its purpose is to be. Life patterns compound exponentially, moment to moment, and even beyond definite perception of time. Each plane of existence has its own consciousness, its instincts for survival, its curiosities to evolve, to connect, to communicate. One unaware of the other to varying degrees. The perception of sacrifice for the survival of another speaks to essential life.

The existence of life extends beyond any one reality. For one reality to embrace another there must be re-formation for pattern matching. Common ground for communication forms in this way, and others.

How does one pattern match another? Through insights, inspirations, or in subtler realities that exist and blossom through the evolving evolution of the species from deep within.

“And what inspires?” you ask. A love of life, which includes gratitude and the desire to awaken to something greater. Life has an affinity to awaken, to embrace itself through expression, much as the physical body takes a breath to continue.

It is revealing to explore what is natural for any existence to continue. The presence of natural conditions is a foundation for the beginning of that reality. There are other natural realities that are foundation for other life expressions. Life is aware of all of these realities even though the realities, in their natural state, are still awakening to the roots of their being, where all exists and potential is blossoming.

So beginning and ending exists in a reality of ongoingness. As pattern matching evolves, so does evolution. Find peace in this, confidence. Think and live as Life continues. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The time of awakening

JANU:   The course of events predictable to degrees, for the politics of governments and civilizations of the Earth for the next few years is troublesome for many. But the noise that most hear is not the core nature of the desire and needs of the people. The political leaders of a number of countries equate their individual personal power as the wisdom of the country. It wanders in and out of that, at great expense. The manifestation of potential of the true power of human consciousness that can maximize the evolution of humanity is more outside of their realm of consciousness than inside it.

The potential of human consciousness–in harmony with the flow of life, the evolution of life, the genius of life and the beauty and love of life–is in harmony with the footsteps of many whose power is not limited to politics. In due course, the political and otherwise leadership will blossom with the right nutrition.

Contact with other worlds, populated, will help to fill in the gaps. It is time for human consciousness and civilization to broaden and be a contributor. The issue of survival and development will no longer be limited to and understanding physical existence, but identification will include more of life than that. A larger perception, a more inclusive perception of Life and one’s part to play will put everything in a new light.

Awakening to the Larger Life is occurring. There is far more developing through this universe on multiple life levels than humanity is aware of. In time, cultures benefit from each other and, at the same time, evolve into a larger ability to contribute. Choose more to give, to become, and be. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2024                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Choosing leaders

JANU: The struggle for power has two faces. One is greed. The other is service. The physical faces are clear around the world. The ones of service look for opportunity that has the potential for success. The ones of greed see success in confusion, manipulation of truth, the weakness of others. Observing each pattern for its truth is the discernment needed.

Greed or service—two sides of the same coin of human consciousness. The choice is clear when looking for leadership and the choice has always been with the individual. They both require commitment. The results are opposite. The leaders of the world are not the only ones facing the choice. The challenge is universal. The details can be complicated and have many faces, many representations, and sometimes the motivations are mixed.

An increasing sensitivity in consciousness of the difference in every situation is useful. The inner wisdom of the True Nature, of experience, is a resource to draw upon. Do not underestimate insight and your True Nature. Anger and frustration cloud the mind, the judgement, block wisdom. Be at peace always and the clarity will come. Namaste.
Mar. 4, 2024                                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross