Life exploring and evolving itself

JANU: “Manifesting Light” is an appropriate focus for individual and group work. Building an understanding of this concept of manifesting the Truth of Life: discovering it, understanding it, being it. And in such a way that another can achieve this in their own way and find inspiration in your journey as well. Manifesting Light has the diversity to be a product of everyone’s existence, for it is as diverse as the potential for Life itself. And the beauty of this endeavor is every aspect of it is connected, mutually supported, and evolutionary.

“Life” a word used by many with limited understanding, unconscious of true meaning of depth and breadth and potential. Good question: What is the history of Life? What has it accomplished? What can it be?

Exploration is an important aspect of evolution.  The desire to know, discover, and become is magical. Life exploring life is a reality, an understanding that opens doors unimagined yet.  Both an individual and collective pursuit.

Every journey begins with initiative and a first step. So, allow your desire to begin and Life will guide you. Namaste.
Mar. 30, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Bold decisions

JANU:    Happier, then, being at one with understanding and the freedom to choose balance in the pursuit of solutions to challenges. Reorganizing, from time to time, perspective brings about a change from fear of challenges to the love of solutions and the richness of life. Life is filled with answers, and challenges are part of evolution. Moving forward is the result of moving to gain understanding and clarity. Bold decisions and follow through are confidence builders. Life continues, on one level or another, no matter the result. Namaste.
Mar. 28, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The dynamics of living  

JANU:    The dynamics of life include the confusion of ignorance, the clarity of insight, the challenges—unexpected and expected, the blessings whose source is unknown and whose duration is unknown, the mis-emotions of frustration and anxiety, and others. What then enriches life? What brings about enthusiasm to explore, gratitude for what has been gained?

Being grateful for everything. Faith in the continuation of Life and its evolution. Finding joy in being and that Life is. Discovering what Life is. Witnessing its essential nature and the patience that it demonstrates, the endurance it provides, the rewards as it responds to your existence. The connection it gives you. The Truth it reveals. Namaste.
Mar. 17, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Redundancy has two faces. Both are illusions. One face is repetition, duplication. The other is approximation. When in reality both are a limited perception. Every moment in life is essentially new. When perceived in this way, there is a freshness to the experience, for no two moments are identical. Life is forever in motion, changing, presenting a unique face. When life seems repetitious and ‘old hat’ so to speak, one is being not alert to the movements, to the changes. For no matter how subtle, each moment is unique.

The windows of opportunity and perception to the bored mind are invisible. The living desire to explore, to evolve, to contribute, to become is the fire within. There is wisdom to explore, evaluate one’s own foundation of the desire to embrace life. Life becomes more invigorating, more sustaining, more rejuvenating, more gratifying, more illuminating, and more facilitating, and more healing and inspiring by example to others. Your light becomes more radiant and attracts other lights. Your being unites more consciously. You communicate with life more fully, in more ways.

Become more alive with each moment. You have the capacity to be this way, whether incarnate or not. So be it.
Mar. 24, 2024                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Once again, we journey into the Larger Life, portraying life as it is and as it can be. The subject this time is ‘Nurturing.” And what does that mean, in today’s stage of evolution?  It varies greatly, depending upon maturity of consciousness. At times, an element of nurturing is patience or the natural development and expression of the steps chosen by the journeyer.

It is tempting to let ego motivate one’s response to the condition of another, wishing to demonstrate advantage over another, not considering one’s own difference is no wiser than that of another. The wisdom of understanding and judgement has many faces. One does not take the place of another, and at times can confuse the other in their own natural awakening. The healthy alternative is allowing one’s own insight to see the merit of another. Many times wisdom is to say nothing, or be an example.

The cumulative wisdom of the many experiences of others is quite vast. When counseling or evaluating or judging the merit of what you observe, this is the time to draw more and more deeply on your own evolution and inspiration. Also true, when dissatisfied with one’s own judgement. Life is larger than you know, in any circumstance. Part of listening to your own comments and point of view is to hear yourself as an observer of your own processes, being open to clarity. Be patient with yourself, forgiving and encouraging. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The time of awakening

JANU:   The course of events predictable to degrees, for the politics of governments and civilizations of the Earth for the next few years is troublesome for many. But the noise that most hear is not the core nature of the desire and needs of the people. The political leaders of a number of countries equate their individual personal power as the wisdom of the country. It wanders in and out of that, at great expense. The manifestation of potential of the true power of human consciousness that can maximize the evolution of humanity is more outside of their realm of consciousness than inside it.

The potential of human consciousness–in harmony with the flow of life, the evolution of life, the genius of life and the beauty and love of life–is in harmony with the footsteps of many whose power is not limited to politics. In due course, the political and otherwise leadership will blossom with the right nutrition.

Contact with other worlds, populated, will help to fill in the gaps. It is time for human consciousness and civilization to broaden and be a contributor. The issue of survival and development will no longer be limited to and understanding physical existence, but identification will include more of life than that. A larger perception, a more inclusive perception of Life and one’s part to play will put everything in a new light.

Awakening to the Larger Life is occurring. There is far more developing through this universe on multiple life levels than humanity is aware of. In time, cultures benefit from each other and, at the same time, evolve into a larger ability to contribute. Choose more to give, to become, and be. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2024                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Choosing selfishness or giving can enlighten

JANU:    The model for living that you seek to understand does exist and not as rare as you might think. The Earth society is in its early stages. It is the choice of rapid evolution by comparison. It is by choice but the model society lives in, self-created, can obscure its alternative.

What does it take, then, to see through this fog of misunderstood survival motivations? Loving insight is a key. It is choice that needs confidence and transforming current challenges. Pain and suffering seem louder than true peace, joy and beauty. Different forms of power through choice. One seems easier than the other, but each other’s existence is challenged by each other.

Clear understanding of choice bears close examination. The simple exercise  at break of day: Choose either choice for that day. It takes focus, commitment, and dedication. Be attentive to every nuance and what it creates. Be attached to neither and learn through experience.

Choose. Be honest with the results. Life reveals itself. Little steps. Evolve through process. Namaste.
Jan. 6, 2024                                                                                             Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This journey follows closely on the ideas presented in Happiness, posted April 19th.


Worthy of the love Life has for you

JANU: At the moment unencumbered by the protocols of incarnation, let us embrace our freedom to be all that we are, all that we can be. Such is the atmosphere potential for others as well. Humans have accomplished much in their current state of consciousness. In this testimony, definitions of success in each one’s consciousness are the similarities and differences.

What is success, then, in the life but the continuation, the rich opportunities being engaged, new ideas forming, new experimentation and its successes and failures, embrace of challenges that enhance the platform of life to take on new ones, to evolve. The evolution of life, the universal standard, involves a failure, so to speak, that is understood, a portion of success. It is feedback in the adventure of living on the journey of success. That’s what understanding accomplishes. A challenge that repeats has its positivity as well in the form of unfinished business or its messages find another path or doorway to new understanding.

That experimentation is a worthy freedom. Life fundamentally survives, one way or another. Moments of joy, peace of mind, enrichment are elements of success. Refinements physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually sweeten life. Defeatism contradicts and will eventually close doors of opportunity but does not end them. The more life self-perpetuates, be a partner with life. Choose to grow, endure, understand, gain wisdom, apply opportunities, and share in harmony with the natures of others.

Patience, endurance, and a loving perspective are powerful. Know that, fundamentally, you are worthy of these things, capable of them, and supported in them. Be true to your own nature and the love that life has for you. Live this life to help pave the way for others. Namaste.
Jan. 26, 2024                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Universal consciousness

JANU:    The subject is universal consciousness. And what does this mean to be universally conscious no matter the focus or the dimension currently associated with? The question being “Is this possible? Is there wisdom in this?” The answer is NO for the unprepared, and YES for those who naturally desire. Yes, this exists with moments of crossover for those on the path of awakening, but sporadically. As awakening occurs, it is more and more by choice, from either direction. The challenge is identification with one reality or another. So let us explore the experience of universality in consciousness.

One element of this is simultaneous consciousness with more than one focus, bringing balance to the observation and understanding. Physical existence is similar to this though mostly unconsciously. Life is many systems with harmonious coexistence. Life is difficult to describe as a linear progression because of this, yet there is evolution.

Language is a small part of understanding and experience. Direct knowing better describes the alternative. We are one in this and always have been. Even when attempting to listen to the ‘inner voice,’ better to put one’s attention upon the inner consciousness, the inner being, the inner insights. Allowing awakening, embracing it, being it. The merging of time and timelessness, the coexistence of realities. The absence of fear replaced with the love of life. Confidence in what is and what will be, proved by what has been. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2023                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The power of choice

JANU:   There are those who speak of peace and say they are against warring, violence, hatred, cruelty. It has been said that challenge is an opportunity to become stronger through choice, through evolving in consciousness, through caring for others. Well, if evil (so-called) challenges peace, then where, without evil, is the challenge to evolve, to gain wisdom, and create more wisely?

The challenge is to discover and understand more of the creativity of life that is harmonious, masters challenges, and understands the dynamics of living, creating, and loving. Life is so much more than destruction, cruelty, and warring. Wasting opportunities, resources, can seem wasteful when trying to discover more of life. There is much wisdom to be gained in exploring these dynamics and more, which allows for wiser choices, the paths to achievement, the nurturing of resources in consciousness collectively speaking.

What is peace, then? The harmonious relationship with life and all of its systems, including your own. How many have been lost with warring, starvation, disease, deprivation, suicide? Why does Life permit such behavior? Because evolution in consciousness comes from choice, creators of our own destiny. Which do you choose? Can you understand your choices and their outcomes before they are made?

Being grateful for every moment of life opens the door to more. Choices breed outcome. Choosing wisely is a challenge and an opportunity. Ponder this and your True Nature will help guide you. Namaste.
Dec. 16, 2023                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly from the concepts of Enriching Life.