Darkness into Light

JANU: Understanding and helping humanity evolve, peace in the face of frustration, is a challenge. Moving in the direction of peace brings clarity and understanding and a vision to evolve. Let us portray what we see and what can be seen.

We see a mixture of struggle, failure, perceived failure, some hopelessness, anger from frustration, brutality from the anger, frustration from lack of solutions, pain and suffering, of regret and losses, ill health and lack of peace and harmony, self-doubt and isolation. The alternatives to these are masked because the Light, the Truth of Life, seems dim and distant.

Alternatives to these in the daily life are moments of kindness, understanding, patience, wisdom, yet certainly recognizable—if even for only a moment—without understanding why. Kindness always brings hope and strong memories. The desire to emulate the joy and enriching the life of another, the increase in self-worth, integrity, and gratitude for living. The desire to terminate life is replaced with the joy of fulfilling it.

Look for examples to manifest. Observe what they build. Continue with these. Namaste.
July 25, 2024                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Living peacefully, with love and light

JANU:    The basic nature of life includes all forms of love and light. Love such as kindness, generosity, forgiveness, peace, patience, tolerance. Light such as understanding, insight, Truth of Life. Harmonious existence, beingness, and expression to inspire self-redemption for everyone. Clarity of perception, discernment, being true to one’s self and each other, integrity, mutual benefit, nurturing. One does not create these qualities. One allows being these. With generosity, these all exist in a form of potential manifestation, through desire.

 Love and understanding derive their power from the True Nature of Life. They give but not take from. They receive from their own kind in the True Nature of Life. The archetype of peace: a harmonious relationship between all the systems of life. A foundation to embrace life’s opportunities, the results of which meet all challenges to evolution. Living peacefully brings enrichment and new opportunities for their involvement. Being at peace. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Allow the Larger Life to reveal itself

JANU:   Exploring the coexistence of realities is similar to the reality of attuning the consciousness and the experience to a larger relationship with life. The perception that a reality, a dimension, is some distant thing perpetuates the perception of separation, of isolation from coexisting realities. These journeys are movement in the direction of conscious union with all of life, but some limitations remain in the longstanding perception of separation.

Allow, then, a reality to reveal itself to you. It’s in its nature to do so, but perceptions long held can block this, you see. Allow yourself to be conscious as all that you are. Not just human ego, personality, but including that as well. Conscious union is more than just the expansion of individuality, but becoming conscious as more and more of life.

Now the human consciousness can move in this direction, but it is a process, while conscious as a human, of adjustment. Getting used to, being comfortable with, feeling natural as the awakening proceeds. Not to shock the consciousness into awakening, but to merge in a healthy manner with more and more. The ‘we’ we speak of is all that you are, and as one becomes consciously united with the Larger Life, the ‘we’ expands to mean all beings.

Individuality coexists with union. The rest of life mutually enriching, surviving and thriving as a diversity of expression. Your so-called neighbor in a physical dimension you coexist with more apparent as the veil diminishes. No longer the need for privacy, for what is there to protect from? The more one becomes aware of reality, the more the reality of integrity becomes identified with, and the integrity of others as well.  This is true coexistence, and so it is with dimensions and other reality.

You speak of exploration. Life is unlimited exploration and is growing. Allow the truth of these perceptions to reveal themselves in their own way. Be more alive than you imagine. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


We are here and now

JANU:   Preliminary approaches to synthesizing larger amounts of understandings, one must attempt to be solid in the sense of integrity, openness, and freedom to be more conscious. To this end, we assume a measure of this with a respect for what has been gained. Let us proceed.

Self consciousness is key to appreciating and allowing its expansion. It is necessary for self-identity to be as liberated. So then, what are we, to explore the Larger Life and reveal its truth? We are that Life, exploring its own reality and manifesting and enriching its potential. What that means is: we are intrinsically becoming more conscious of our identity as our Nature being that Life. Any sense of separation fades in the presence of self-realization. Being in the Now of such reality is a natural relationship.

Move beyond words to direct and intimate understanding. Be what you already are. No need to create that reality. Thinking the need to do so is separation. Allow being more conscious of what already is. We are here and now. Namaste.
July 10, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Life in motion

JANU:    Summarizing encounters, their progress towards conclusions as to the nature of significance and understanding, compounded by the seeming frailties of expressions of creation. Let us assume that there is an integrity of life that transcends fragility and confusions. So what does one hang their hat on, so to speak, to rely on, to fall back on, to start over from, and to build on? The nature of existence varies according to the existence, for how does one understand, relate to, and grasp life essence that has such potential. Other worlds and civilizations, other systems and subtler realities find the support they need to not only exist but continue.  Many search for cause for everything. The question being: What is the nature of every thing, every world, every reality?

Expressions of oneness exhibit infinite diversity. It appears to some that the Nature of Life and the creations are only connected beyond understanding. A limited point of view from a physical life. What we are suggesting here is the vision, a perception of the worlds being explored that what is sustained isn’t just the expression of creation but life in motion, no matter the form or the expression. Even understanding is not fixed, for Life is in motion and understanding must be as well.

So, when observing a society or a natural expression of life, think not in terms of only longevity and permanence and origination, but see Life itself in motion no matter the expression. For one’s consciousness to evolve, as well as understanding and wisdom and contribution to life, this perception we refer to contributes greatly to your own being in motion. So even sojourns that come and go are only the beginning and modifications of expressions of life in motion. Be not attached to these, or identified with them, but allow them their life and contribution. Ponder this. Namaste.
May 29, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


More on conscious of and conscious as

JANU:    The theme today being conscious of and conscious as intimacy of life. Being conscious has at least two dimensions of which we speak. Study, research, observation are the beginnings of understanding. Being more and more conscious of life and its expressions, its creations, its relationships, and its potential can take lifetimes of pursuit and discovery. Carried to the next stage is to be more and more conscious as whatever your interests, pursuits, even conscious as who you are in your totality.

Bringing these two together causes an evolution, not only in perception but in being. Simultaneous realities overlap and are synergistic. Conscious of and conscious as are the keys. Simultaneous existences united as one, diverse and one, open the identity which has been one-pointed, locked in place, irrefutable, which is an illusion in the face of the Larger Life.

Identity shifting is a freedom of being that allows for exploration and intimacy with the rest of life. Identity fixation becomes the norm for those unable to be conscious as. It is a survival tool in an isolated consciousness. Exploring other worlds, other cultures, other species, other platforms of life takes on an intimacy of experience and understanding when identity can shift with being conscious as. The integrity of being is broader than one identity. Coexistence is a reality, more of a profound exploration. Co-identities as well.

Being unlocked from one perception of life inspires harmony among the systems of life, which is a peace not unlike life itself, with its diversities of expression, of coexistence and omnipresence. Expand being conscious of more and more of life and your own Nature and, at the same time, expand being conscious as the life that you are and can be. We are one and namaste.
June 26, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Finding joy in the evolution of others

JANU: Being in joy is not necessarily a function of surroundings, relationships, economies, technology, but one more of at peace with intimacy with the True Nature and the Larger Life. Now, the incarnate experience is part of that life. Perceiving it in this way in your consciousness opens the door to appreciate and perceive the elements of peace and the Larger Life. The incarnate life on this world represents struggles in evolution, struggles in perception, trial and error so to speak. It is life realizing the full range of expression and wisdom.

So look for endeavors of so many to improve their lives, to understand it more, to express their best qualities, to be kind to each other, to sacrifice, to give, and to enrich. These elements exist continuously. Look for these things and cherish them. They are more evident observing people than circumstances. The news media is biased, but contains some of them. Their proportion does not represent general reality.

Be sensitive to elements of goodness and integrity in the individuals. Allow blessings to support these qualities. That is a service, to bless goodness and desires to be free. Become sensitive to perceptions of struggles to evolve. Namaste.
June 18, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Forgiveness and loving bring freedom

JANU:    Enormous, then, are the opportunities to serve life, which you are, which we are. What isn’t life? Even the most outrageous human expression is life. Understanding this brings about a pause in emotional judgement and condemnation. Opening to a consciousness of understanding that realizes this is another step on the path of freedom. Forgiveness with understanding does nothing to perpetuate negative emotions, judgements, frustrations, and persecutions. Regardless of frailties of the body as it endeavors to maintain integrity and support the journey of exploring life, be responsible for any negativity or unwise behavior that impedes its integrity.

Forgiveness and loving is freedom. Love your vehicle of expression, whether physical or not. It is Life manifesting itself as it gains wisdom and the realization of potential. Find joy in the journeying. It is Life in motion. Feel the harmony in association with it. Allow the body its harmony with Life. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2023                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Welcome to the Larger Life

JANU:    Enormous opportunities, then, in sense of the common experience, prevail when the door of acceptance is opened. Reaching into a realm of opportunities is a dynamic in life that transcends the mundane, which serves its purpose in life’s richness as well. Opening to the current opportunity that has been mentioned recently explores this well of opportunities, which is vibrant, alive, diverse in its complexity, and life in full motion. So let us move with the flow.

Welcome to the flow of life. We are many and ‘we’ includes you. Opportunities are created and presented and simultaneously engaged. First, be conscious of their presence, their tradition of creativity, of change, of evolution, of interaction, of omnipresence. Each of these are associated with countless consciousnesses, beings, of all kinds. The human consciousness is but one of countless.

Open your consciousness to this diversity of the life presences, each with their own parameters of existence, experiences, and perceptions. Honoring each with integrity is part of the harmonious approach to conscious engagement. Experience the dynamics, the potentials, the richness of life. Be conscious without borders, without limitation, with timelessness. Exchange greetings, familiarities, with peace that is vibrant, dynamic, and universal. Welcome and namaste.
Jan. 5, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Larger perspective on creation and choices

JANU:   Coming to terms with the nature, the true nature, of all of creation, one must assume a growing awareness of the diversity of life expression, so-called life patterns and surmise one’s own preference of the circumstances of their own existence, their relationship with life. Part of the foundation for this is experience with that diversity of which there are examples that are compatible with one’s Nature and ideals. What they would call successful living. Always open to opportunities to develop and mature with the growing wisdom, coordinated with others to mutual benefit and creating life patterns.

Being mindful, then, there are still opportunities not chosen or not aware of that can test and strengthen, enrich, ideals for living. A growing depth of understanding. A broad tolerance for diversity. A growing integrity of one’s Nature. Allowing discoveries due process for evaluation of merit and potential.  Processing without judgement, condemnation, or putting limits on the processing of others on their journeys. Timelessness plays its role in patience and wisdom. Namaste.
Aug. 1, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross