A vision for human civilization

JANU: Recovering principles once established takes a willingness to change, to let go of the distractions called ‘power,’ personal aggrandizement, conflicting ideologies that separate rather than unite. Fundamental principles and philosophies, whether in government, commerce, religion, the arts, divide rather than coordinate capabilities, wisdom, intelligence, and caring.

There are geniuses and wisdoms, experiences, motivations for excellence scattered throughout humanity. Supporting and encouraging each other, let each skill support each other bringing about opportunities not anticipated or envisioned.  Competition to exceed, to excel, must be perceived in a different light, with a fundamental motivation to advance individual and collective civilization. Each one’s dreams can contribute to opportunity.

Let this be a driving force and watch hunger, deprivation, disease, hopelessness, frustration, self-condemnation fall by the wayside. Hope and opportunity must be real and understood more and more by those in all walks of life, in all degrees of achievement, in countless dreams and visions. This direction of thinking and being and expressing is a new path and adventure for many but it is within them to achieve. All of life supports this. All of life benefits. Begin today. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2023                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross



Exploring memory 

JANU:    We are prepared, if you will, for today’s journey, as you have stated or requested, the creation of and access to memory. This begins with embracing the faculty as something to be valued, desired, embraced, assimilated, and nurtured. Become one with this. Reach into it. It is Life attracting to itself.

Explore the value of recall. What value understanding with no memory of it? What value relationships with no record? What value communication without memory?

Equally important is the integrity of its creation. What value misrepresentation of the Truth of Life? Accurate memory is a sign of wisdom, service, integrity.

Practice the creation and recall of specific memory.  Exercise this faculty. Allow it to become integrated consciously with your incarnate life. Explore memory not limited to this sojourn or any other and, when mature enough, the memory of others and beyond.  But begin with your own, even today’s. Practice, understand, be there in value. Allow it to be practical and enrich the life. Namaste.
Feb. 26, 2023                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The gift of peace

JANU:     Evolution in consciousness through experience and wisdom gaining is simultaneous journey of many different directions, for they are all part of the mix, the foundation building. So open the mind to the multi-path, the simultaneous motion of life. Interests in everything, in a natural way. Life is everywhere and no two parts of life are identical. The beauty of being is its pureness, its essential nature that touches everything, without preference or discrimination but with profound concern and interest.

Patience, persistence, the commitment, and love. Peace you bring to the world makes possible clarity of perception, process, understanding, and engagement. Witness the confusion in the news broadcasts. Namaste.
Feb. 15, 2023                                                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Balance of conscious of & conscious as

JANU:    Understanding through experience brings wisdom. The journey in your world brings about such changes. The incarnate life is to be experienced as it is to be understood. The wisdom gained broadens the embrace of life in such a way as to inspire it. The elements of wisdom gained elevate the base of understanding, enriching the path of awakening and enlightenment.

All of life draws upon this and is enriched, not just individuals but the framework of existence. All enlightenment is embraced by life. The power of peace is deepened. Understanding through experience awakens perception into reality and this, in turn, awakens the consciousness to an appreciation of all life and all it can be. Being conscious beyond the limits of individuality of the finite being, any reality in that is an instrument to explore life, to touch as much of it as possible.

So touch everything available in an enlightened way. It does not mean succumbing to anything detrimental but finding a balance between conscious of and conscious as.  There is vitality in this. The spark of life is a direct experience of awakening. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2023                                                                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the Larger Life

JANU:    Living in the moment  is a prerequisite for manifesting the determination to awaken to the Larger Life, for that is the central reality to the journey of life. Past and future are the radiations of the moment. The reality of time tends to encourage past and future and present as unique realities. They are, within their domain, but there is more to this. These are elements of a larger oneness where reality is a more profound understanding.

Cycles of life relate to these. ‘Life’ is a limited expression.*  The word contains perceptions of beginnings and ends. It describes the cycles. Identifying with any of these is limitation, which is useful for exploration of these, but a limitation with a purpose. To be conscious in this larger way removes what might be called borders that describe ‘this and not that.’ Identifying with these is a limitation. But the perception of the elements of these brings wisdom through experience and enriches Life and fulfills it. Wisdom brings peace through balance and harmony to diversity. Let us enrich each other through this process, and this unites us in our perceptions. Patience is a powerful tool to explore all of this. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2023                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 *This concept was introduced in “Understanding the True Nature and the Incarnate Life.”


Life owns you and you own life

JANU:    Life is a jewel with many facets, each of which is unique yet together they are one, rich in their contribution to life and each other. Live life as a jewel, a facet that enriches life and inspires where it may. Each facet is an evolving jewel, constantly changing and in motion, drawing essence and vitality from the richness of life. Not in competition for anything, but filled with evolving opportunities from the same source.

There is Larger Life that includes this larger life. Open the mind to consider reality larger than time and physicality. All that you are evolving, in motion, yet peaceful. In this stillness, find understanding, experience, and wisdom. Life owns you and you own life. Find freedom in the oneness. Namaste.
Dec. 20, 2022                                              Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Embracing the Larger Life

JANU:    Embracing the Larger Life is embracing who you are, your potential and all you have become. Awakening to this reveals this. The incarnate experience and the veil makes this seem far away, distant and almost unreachable. This is an illusion, which is a property of current human existence.

You ask, “What does it take to remember what seems so elusive?” It takes loving it as your own, identity shifting, letting go of limitation, the so-called common experience of so many. Embrace the vision of the larger you, experience it and the memories return. Identify with it and it becomes your countenance, which enriches life and serves so many. Love it into your life, into your being, into your experience, moment by moment.

Embrace the wisdom behind this and the patience to realize it. Find fulfillment in ongoing evolutionary experience. All of this in good time. Namaste.
Dec. 26, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The path of evolving wisdom

JANU: Numerous events will occur as each so-called threshold is crossed in the evolution of consciousness, human behavior, social responsibility, and creative genius. The wisdom behind all of this is an evolving constant through the progress of time. Reach into the depths of memory, desire, experience, and embraced opportunities to see more clearly the dynamics of evolution.

We say these things to bring forth awareness of momentum, wisdom-gaining reversals, and victories. It is a composite of the realities of life. Everything is an opportunity to grow. Remember, wisdom evolves through all of this. It is a shining light in the darkness of the veil. Desiring presence of wisdom in your determinations, in your desires, and in your deeds will always serve you on these journeys. Growing within your being, your consciousness, are elements of wisdom to be applied to your processes of overcoming limitation. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


What is Life?

JANU: Ranging, then, in overview of the persistence of Life itself, let’s explore motivation, ongoingness, evolution, and even purpose.

The first question: “What is Life?” To humanity, it is the tangible. To other realities, it is energetic. To others, it is possibilities. To others, it is universal and cosmic existence. To Life itself, it is movement, beingness. It is all that there is and all that can be. The manifest consciousness is still discovering this and will always be.

Existence without beginning or end is beyond the scope of perception. Beginning or ending is a limited point of view and a small possibility within Life and its expressions. The purpose of life is to be. “Being what?” is a limited perception but worthy of exploration, for all of this enriches Life and opens opportunities yet to be explored.

Incarnate life self-imposes the veil, so to speak, for the purpose of focus to fulfill the potential of experience, evolution, wisdom, and the cycles of life. The concept of self-destruction is limited to the consciousness that entertains beginning and end. Identity is a limited concept in a life with no beginning or end. It is transient, determined by interest and engagement of opportunities. Namaste.
Nov. 17, 2022                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
This question was first posed in May of 2017. The reader may wish to read that initial answer on page 106 of Awakening II .


Larger Life–coexistence of all realities

JANU: Presence of mind, where focused and receptive, is attention that responds well to the promptings of life. The desire to know benefits this and prolongs intimacy. We are richer in this than when we began. Processing, inspiration, intuition, enlightenment, experience. The Light is a continuing reality throughout the awakening experience and the ensuing service. Wisdom guides the journeyer to be at peace while progressing. Patience, persistence, commitment, harmonious flow are part of the foundation on this journey.

The Larger Life is a coexistence of all realities. Allow awareness of the subtleties of existence, the language of Life. Nuances are revealing. Namaste.
Sept. 18, 2022                                                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross