Understanding the life of other worlds

JANU:   When one considers that other worlds are at great distance, we must realize that, in other realities, they are not. The differences have more to say than distances.

Understanding other worlds is served by understanding your own. For most of humanity, the Earth is an unknown world, when observing its many realities, for the Earth is more than a physical world, a physical planet. It is a world of energies moving on many realities, many levels with many characteristics and functions. Not to mention lifeforms. If a world were only physical, could such lifeforms exist and flourish? A parallel question is: Can one dimension exist without the rest? There is a hierarchy of life co-existing, interdependent, and mutual supporting.

Other worlds have co-dependencies as well, co-existences, the realities of life. The planets are a manifestation of these many realities and life exists as a complete system of life; therefore, a better understanding of these questions is based upon exploring this system of life: how it functions, re-creates itself, and its systemic  condition. So then, exploring other worlds is exploring this system of life, and, when doing so, you begin to understand your own system of life and the scope of its reality.

Now, there are balances of relationships in motion, changing, flowing, resulting in, among other things, worlds, lifeforms, the destinies of life. Building a foundation of understanding on this nature, when networking with another world, brings understanding to its diversity and the roots of its existence.  

So, how does one network with the Earth, when most of its reality is not understood? By observing it as a lifeform, complex, vibrant, vulnerable, changing its own self-perception, yet more aware of its enduring existence, and all that that includes, than its inhabitants. The Earth has memories that are accessible and are active and part of its presence in life. When have you considered the memories of another world that are vibrant as it processes its own existence in the life that it is?

So, you see, networking with other worlds is to network with the memories and the presence and the life that those worlds are, including your own. The Wheeyah Code helps prepare for this by learning the language of worlds, no longer isolated to your personal perceptions of life. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2013                                            Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The nature of coexistence

JANU:    Coexistence,  then, the theme of your inquiry, is a subject that is transcended beyond the perceptions of individuality or borders or limitations, yet includes all of these in a symphony of life which, in its way, coexists with realities beyond framework. To be conscious in this way is possible in short glimpses as to the nature of existence. The infinite diversity of life expression is one in the sense of the source of existence, which is not contained in any framework of perception. Coexistence is understood by the reality of consciousness that can exhibit and contain, in a sense, collective reality as a unity of the diversity of life.

So let us proceed with a glimpse of this. Your True Nature has explored this understanding and experience and shares this. In the direction of pure being, to be at-one-with the diversity of Life and its eternal nature in the sense of without beginning or end. It is Pure Being, beyond any limitation or perception of not being. Time is an expression of limited perception, with the purpose of enriching life with a frame of reference for the unfoldment of evolution.

An expression worthy of exploration is: What is essential nature that is not separate from any expression, any reality? One can almost sense the vibrational reality as a tone. It has a ring to it of being life in motion, beyond perception. The source of manifestation in every dimensional reality, beyond any judgement, beyond merit.

This is but a glimpse to remember. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 Another series on the realities of coexistence can be found, more recently, at ” Coexistence and the veil and preceding three journeys.


Finding joy in living

JANU: When one experiences the diversity of life, what is there to enjoy, to find joy in, considering the seeming dichotomies? The joy is that life exists and allows the freedom to experience its diversity. The choices to be made are fueled by the desires to discover meaning, solutions: to understand, discover; to gain wisdom; to endure an enriched life; to find peace in the midst of challenge; to awaken to more of life; to find symmetry coexisting with diversity; to live in the moment, the source of everything; to find peace in the Now; to awaken to your Nature; to inspire others by example; to love all of life, including yourself.

Do not identify with challenges, or so-called failures. Let them come and go, and learn from them. Do not get stuck with one footstep on the path. Anticipate the next with wisdom that has been gained. Be the richness of life. Exist to inspire the lifting of consciousness, an opportunity for everyone.  Namaste.
Dec.19, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

More information on the concept of dichotomies is available, albeit from early in my explorations.


Understanding & experiencing beingness

JANU:    We are shedding more light on the diversity of life as pertains to awakening into the Light of one’s own truth of being, individual and collective light. Let us begin in this way.

What is being? Being is an isness, a reality amongst realities. Its nature is to develop and enrich life through the engagement. Life’s potential of diversity provides opportunity for countless possibilities of development. The natural path of these speaks to what to some might be enormous richness but, as one awakens, one realizes that the micro and the macro are one. Each coexists in the Now. The illusion of separateness, borders, if you will, of expressions of life are a matter of limited perception for the purpose of understanding and exploration. Consciousness and the Truth of Life are partners on the journey of being.

Life itself has potential through expression, engagement, interplay, and evolution. Life in motion is evolving, all of life. No two paths are the same. Diversity is its richness. Every expression makes contribution.

Isness is the key to understanding essential nature of being. So allow your beingness to be, which means to express, to engage, to become one with, to become more conscious. Consciousness of leads to consciousness as, which is a springboard to more. Be life in motion, ever changing. Namaste.
Dec. 7, 2022                                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Identity and universal consciousness

JANU: The subject is the range of knowing and not knowing. Not knowing with doubt, confusion, frustration, unfulfilled desire. Knowing with fulfillment, imagination, creation, possibilities, understanding, desire to explore and grow, to fulfill existence. Both exist in a single point called transition. Choosing transition is to move from one to the other. Consciousness makes the transition. First conscious of and then, through connection and engagement, conscious as. Knowing of moves to knowing as. One is observation. The other is intimacy.

Intellectuality is knowing of. Intimate embrace is knowing as. The challenge is identity shifting. Most identify with the transition into knowing of. It is with a perception of separation, something outside yourself, a thing, a fact of existence. The other a transition into universal consciousness, embracing more and more of life, becoming one with.

How does one transition from identity to universal consciousness? The question is “Can they coexist?” The answer is “They can.” For universal consciousness embraces everything, but not owned by any one of them. So in a sense, identifying with everything through coexistence. Otherwise, it’s an identity of ‘this and not that,’ instead of ‘this and that.’ Choose wisely what you hang onto in the direction of separation. Evidence of this is the reality that we are one. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2022                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 A beginning discussion of this can be read at “Shifting from conscious of to conscious as.”


Living in the Now – 2

JANU: The concept of time is worthy of exploration. The social understanding, and scientific as well, has integrated the perception into so much of life experience.

So what is time, then, but that which proceeds? Time is used to measure the speed of progression, the history and the future of progression, but it is imprecise, subject to interpretation and shifting points of reference. Even time, understood in this way, is fluid.

Without a reference, what is time? And if there is a reference, it is also in motion and fluid in its foundation of existence. How does one perceive progression without reference? Life in motion is the reality, but time is part of life as well and is in motion. So it is a temporary frame of perception, to give the illusion of stability, regularity, repeatability, so-called measurement.

Being in the Now resolves the issue of time, for past, present, and future, so to speak, are one. The perceptions exist but simultaneously in the Now. The division of the Now into these three terms of reference, one loses the coexistence of these three and their relationship in the Now. There is a tendency to dwell in one of the three to the point of frustration, lack of control, and futility. The nature in each one to explore and discover feeds progression. So, you see, there is the Now of the future, the Now of the present, and the Now of the past. And each of these three find common ground in the Now.

What is peace, then, but the harmonious relationship between all of the elements of life, of consciousness. These three find peace as their nature is included in the all-encompassing Now. So be at peace in the moment. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2022                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Change and evolution of everything

JANU:   We are experiencing evolution and change. All perceptions, all values, all relationships, all understandings, and all truths are changing, which is the process of evolution. Open perception to include everything about your life and your self-awareness, your identity. It is changing, evolving, expanding, growing. It is gaining wisdom, understanding, compassion, balance, and newness. Limited by none of it, enriched by all of it.

We are life realizing its potential through the process of experience and wisdom gaining. Feel the freedom. Own change, expansion, and expanding identity. Experience the freedom of it to be a growing, enriching life. Oneness and connection and uniqueness coexisting as one. Namaste.
Nov. 8, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Larger Life–coexistence of all realities

JANU: Presence of mind, where focused and receptive, is attention that responds well to the promptings of life. The desire to know benefits this and prolongs intimacy. We are richer in this than when we began. Processing, inspiration, intuition, enlightenment, experience. The Light is a continuing reality throughout the awakening experience and the ensuing service. Wisdom guides the journeyer to be at peace while progressing. Patience, persistence, commitment, harmonious flow are part of the foundation on this journey.

The Larger Life is a coexistence of all realities. Allow awareness of the subtleties of existence, the language of Life. Nuances are revealing. Namaste.
Sept. 18, 2022                                                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing coexistence

JANU:   Yes, there is Light in everyone. Each one expresses it differently, for life has unlimited expression, creativity, and potential. All coexisting. The expressions of life evolve, enriching everything. Life is enriched by all expressions, all life patterns.

True peace is in harmony with all of life. “Is-ness” is experienced. ‘Right and wrong’ is a limitation. The Truth of Life, the Light, includes everything. Experience coexistence intimately. Namaste.
Sept. 10, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Can a creation know its creator? 

JANU: The subject is: Can a creation know its creator? The answer is “Yes,” according to the parameters of its existence. At a minimum, it can express the nature of the creator’s intent. It depends upon what the creation is endowed with. Is it sentient to any degree? Is it self-aware? Does it function by design? All of these determine responsiveness to being.

In terms of the human consciousness and physical reality, desire and attention begin the journey of reunion. Doubt sets the pace. Revelations spur the confidence to continue. The creator is continually aware of the journey.

Life is filled with creators and creations evolving, coexisting, with mutual benefit. Journeys are similar but not the same. The diversity of these enriches Life. The potential for all of this evolves as well, the looping reality of Life. All of life is connected, even though unique expressions are the reality of being. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2022 B                                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross