The nature of all realities is energy

JANU:    The fundamental of coexistence is energy. Energy with many patterns of coexistence, the physical being one but only one. So any existing behind the veil to consciousness perceive the physical life as solid and material. This is a property of the energy essence of physicality, a parameter of existence. It is not its nature. Its nature is energetic, as are all of the subtle bodies, coexisting, interrelating, mutually influential.

Conditions in the physical are no more permanent than in any other reality. All of life is subject to change, manipulation, co-creation. So are the energies of physical existence. Disturbances in the physical are energetic disturbances. They can be brought into balance, re-energized, rejuvenated. Diseases are energetic and have their own relative existence and can be focused, redirected so that the integrities of individual expressions of reality in the physical can be maintained and they can fulfill their destinies and potentials.

No longer see maladies as permanent or inalterable. Neither is the lack of perception behind the veil. All of these are energetic in nature, subject to change, redirection. Everything is possible, under the right conditions. Choose to grow in this direction with wisdom, guidance from your True Nature, and a growing conscious relationship with true peace. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The joy of exploring the Larger Life

JANU: This life you have reviewed, of the one called Shivapuri Baba,* is a wonderful example of being at peace and growing in consciousness, absorbing wisdom beyond one lifetime, but also serving humanity by giving counsel to others from around the world who visited his hovel in India. Still vital and relevant and conscious at 117 years old. A life committed to, dedicated to expanding his consciousness in the direction of his potential and the Larger Life. Journeyed on foot for thousands of miles to visit leaders in different countries, obtaining private counsel time where others were not invited.

Each one has the potential for wondrous journeys. Choice, commitment, dedication, sincerity, and the joy of discovery and sharing with others is available to everyone. Life is rich beyond imagination, just waiting to be explored. Time and space is not a limitation to journeys in consciousness and direct experience, although time and space are part of the larger reality of life.

Follow no one. Learn from each other. And choose the direct path within to explore all of life. Find peace in this, not understood by many or experienced but, more than this, embrace the wonders life offers. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

*For more information see the book Long Pilgrimage by John G. Bennett


Enriching life with our life patterns

JANU:    We are one. The True Nature is not separate from any of its facets, its elements of reality. It is many of these, and it is one. The human experience is portion of the totality of being. The assumed identities and role playing of the veiled incarnate life are a challenge and an opportunity to mature the consciousness, evolve the spirit, and serve life in the process. Enriching each other’s lives, inspiring and encouraging your potentials, enriching life.

“How does one enrich life?” you ask. “In what way, what manner?” By co-creating with it life patterns that contain within them revelation, understanding, wisdom, love, peace, creativity, insight, patience.

“What is a life pattern?” you ask. It is a creation made of patterns of energy, consciousness, life force, being initiative with every thought, action, experience, hope and desire. The corresponding ripples radiate throughout reality during the creation of a life pattern, where everything coexists. Contributions to life are more far ranging than most realize, for when one entertains an idea, a possibility, their consciousness touches and is touched by corresponding patterns that coexist everywhere, always.

An ocean has many drops of water, yet the ocean is all of these and they are one. Each with their own patterns, but they are one. So it is with the consciousnesses of individuals. They are one life, enriched by many, all coexisting. Each one’s life patterns are valid and in motion, as is the flow of life. So each one matters, creates, contributes, discovers, and evolves.

Share your patterns with others, as inspiration not requirement, as opportunity for new ideas and expansion of choices. Always free to choose and encouraged to do so. Even though a limited identity makes one seem alone and private, this is an illusion. So benefit each other with openness, honesty, integrity, clarity, patience, and respect, and yes, love. Namaste.
Aug. 5, 2019                                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


True Peace is accepting all of life as it is

JANU: It is true, the nature of peace is being at one with everything as it is. And its “isness” is dynamic, ever changing, ever creating, ever re-creating. The nature of love includes this as well. Be at peace with everything, all of life, as it is. In this perspective, in this reality, all can be known and experienced without judgement, condemnation, or interference. Appreciate every part of life for what it is. It is being what it chooses, and that is changing.

Appreciate others, and by ‘appreciate’ we mean observe, understand, and love them as they are. Not too many role models in your experience for this perspective. Life does not find fault with you. Why would you with it? This is True Peace, a powerful reality for it reveals the depth and breadth of everything. Live this way. A powerful way to live life. Namaste.
Sept. 11, 2019                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Freedom to choose

JANU:   Choice, then, aptly stated is a driving force in the fulfillment of destiny for anyone’s journey through life. The power of choice is insurmountable, but the questions arise: Where is the wisdom in making a choice? What are the motivators? What are the possibilities of outcome? And what other choices are triggered by any choice?

Decision-making is based upon available information and understanding but shaped by emotions, preferences, life patterns, foundation building on perception, perspective. How does one move through these, beyond this, to enhance choice making? Desires play a role here, but preferring the truth to self-deception and denial, choosing integrity or the honesty to see more clearly, the freedom of perception unbiased, open-mindedness and a love for freedom to fulfill potential. Many reasons direct choice unconsciously.

Sanity enters the picture. How sane are your choices? Are they in harmony with anything? Does experience enhance discernment? And, does one listen for the truth within from a consciousness of their True Nature? Yes, one considers the lives, the experiences of those around them, but they are not the final choice-maker.

No matter the choice made, learn from the experience. See it for what it is. Grow wiser. Understand the process. Have confidence that life continues, no matter the choices. Always another opportunity to choose again, on some level. Always having freedom to choose. Namaste.
Aug. 13, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Each one is precious as they are

JANU: People are precious as they are. They are an expression of life. They hold a potential and are on their journey, their path in life. Coping as they may, desiring more, groping for meaning and a glimmer of purpose, experimenting with possibilities. Wondering about Spirit, about Deity, about their own nature and reason for being. They represent life in motion. Not limited to a timetable, they are precious as they are.

See each one this way. Help them believe they are such. They are worthy of everything life has to offer. They are evolving, whether perceived or not. They are life in motion and deserve respect, love, and patience. This applies to the self, as well, and all who are incarnate and who are not.

Explore this perception and see how it changes you and opens the doors of understanding, insight into each one and yourself. Namaste.
Aug. 2, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Loving yourself and being loved by larger You

JANU:    An interesting theme at this time is: Do you love yourself and are you loved by who you are?

What this means is: the sense of aloneness in the veiled incarnate existence is overcome by loving yourself enough to experience being loved by who you are. Conscious reunion is a liberating experience from an identity of isolation and limitation. Time/space thinking is limited thinking. Useful for exploring time/space life, but limiting discernment, the scope of understanding and experience, and the love of your consciousness, of your awareness to those limitations.

Now, the deity created by the consciousness of individuals and collectives is to replace what has been lost by the veil experience, and that is: the conscious reunion with your own divine nature and attempt to return to experience before incarnation. Now, the veil is neither bad nor good. It serves a purpose, but that purpose is experienced through the limitations of that scenario of life.

So loving yourself is the journey of expansion beyond the veil, realizing that this expansion is into the totality of your being, which contains the wisdom of lifetimes and journeying between them, the love that is at one with the Larger Life, Life itself and beyond. Even this universe, physically, is one of countless other universes that exist within the reality we call ‘the body of Life’ and that is not the end of it. There is more.

The physically oriented, identified mind is unaware of these things. But the total You, the complete You, is at one with this and can explore any of it and bring it to the experience of the opening, awakening incarnate consciousness. How many experience, and own the experience, of loving who they are and being loved by all that they are? A worthy journey on the path of awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 1, 2019                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


More on the nature of existence

JANU:    Let us examine the nature of existence, to include the physical existence. For most, the nature of life is a physical reality, due in part to the veil which each one employed with their own choice. And, yes, it is a protocol for incarnation in this particular Earth venue. The nature of existence is life expression, realization of potential of all of collective life. Now, expression of life exists more than just physically, some have said the densest of realities although this is a limited point of view.

Eventually, the question arises: “What is life itself? What are all of these expressions an expression of?” As we reach for an understandable answer to the question, we realize that the human consciousness has not evolved to the point of comprehending the simple reality of this. The nature of all of life expression is beyond the ken, for it requires an opening to reality that contains all realities, or should we say, initiates them. For one’s human perception of physicality is vastness, unlimited diversity, complexity and simplicity combined to create a reality, when the nature is life is not described in space/time. The Source of Life is unrecognizable to those oriented to space/time reality, or even subtle dimensions beyond them. Yes, in the larger understanding, the deeper understanding, life has beginning, but the beginning is beyond life, more primal, more causal. The verification of its reality is all the expression you see and are.

So the nature of existence is not contained within the ken of most. There have been those who’ve had glimpses of this, but even those glimpses are superficial. Knowing there is a nature to reality, to existence, serves the purpose of confidence in the ongoingness of life, purpose, destiny, realization, which extends to your own existence, you see, as the nature of life continues its journey of expression, evolution, realization, beingness.

A worthy subject to consider with an opening mind, deepening perception, and conscious union with life itself. A calming, stabilizing, and unifying consciousness development. Find peace in this, and namaste.
July 1, 2019                                                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Being an explorer

JANU:    Exploring these things, then—such as procreation, the nature of the genders, the pre-programming, the purpose, the depth, the richness of all of this—pertains to the Larger Life as well. For where do you think this came from, its origins, its design? And continues to serve Life’s expansion, co-creation.

An awakening co-creator is what is explored here. What does that mean, exactly? A co-creator gaining wisdom through experience, through the process of creating and experiencing and wisdom-gaining and re-creating, re-experiencing, and gaining deeper wisdom. Many times, in variations that are inspired by the wisdom gained. Life maturing, evolving, fulfilling its potential and destiny.

We are all part of this. Physical procreation is only one part of the larger reality of life. There are many realities that counterpart other realities. Explore manifestations, patterns, elements of consciousness, cycles, the essence of everything, interactions, seeming collaborations and oppositions. Where does this lead you, but into an appreciation and experience with a life that is larger than you currently know.

Humans tend to see life through human eyes and perceptions. What of other species on other worlds? How do they see life? What are their perceptions? What about those on other worlds, who have experienced other species on other worlds? Has their outlook matured, deepened, become more complex and wiser? Of course it has.

Humanity is awakening. Early on its path compared to what lies ahead. And humanity is not the first species to go through this, to continue to go through this. Now, the scientific community limits these excursions into the Larger Life, physically, with time and space perceptions. But your True Nature is far more capable and can be anywhere, anytime, and demonstrates this in small ways in daily living without you understanding what is taking place.

The Larger Life is never far away. It coexists with every reality. So where does that so-called ‘first step’ come from? Yes, it comes from the True Nature. Sneaks in, so to speak, to the consciousness of the moment with an insight, a seed thought, a wondering fed by a desire to know.

Yes, an explorer, a discoverer, a finder, but the quest never ends for there is always more to understand, experience. A grand adventure into the nature of everything. Namaste.
Aug. 8, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Research and exploration

JANU:    Research, then, is the theme, exploration. And what is the catalyst for research and exploring? It is a curiosity of wondering: What about? What if? How does this work? What is the connection? Where is life heading? What are the venues of understanding that flourish? What correlations exist between discoveries and realities? How do different parts of life influence each other? What controls are in place that the flows of life are not interfered with but play out? What levels of reality coexist with the physical body with results that communicate relationships, health and well-being, disturbances, and the flow of life force?

Research usually has a theme or focus. What do you wonder about, with commitment? And how open-minded are you, that allows something new into your consciousness, into your experience? What preferences and prejudices are behind the question or interest? What are your motivations? What is the character and nature of your current identity likely to do with new information, new capabilities, new faculties? Do you respect the life flows of others’ inquiries, existence, life journeys, and needs to understand, explore and evolve? How well do you understand and accept the oneness of everything and everyone, that everything is connected, influencing and being influenced?

Many issues arise in the field of research and exploration. One is never truly alone. Many beings hear your requests and monitor your explorations. Life is aware of everything. There are no secrets. So, ask your questions. Do your research. Awaken with concern and a sense of responsibility for the role you play in the flow of life. Namaste.
July 31, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross