Allow the Larger Life to reveal itself

JANU:   Exploring the coexistence of realities is similar to the reality of attuning the consciousness and the experience to a larger relationship with life. The perception that a reality, a dimension, is some distant thing perpetuates the perception of separation, of isolation from coexisting realities. These journeys are movement in the direction of conscious union with all of life, but some limitations remain in the longstanding perception of separation.

Allow, then, a reality to reveal itself to you. It’s in its nature to do so, but perceptions long held can block this, you see. Allow yourself to be conscious as all that you are. Not just human ego, personality, but including that as well. Conscious union is more than just the expansion of individuality, but becoming conscious as more and more of life.

Now the human consciousness can move in this direction, but it is a process, while conscious as a human, of adjustment. Getting used to, being comfortable with, feeling natural as the awakening proceeds. Not to shock the consciousness into awakening, but to merge in a healthy manner with more and more. The ‘we’ we speak of is all that you are, and as one becomes consciously united with the Larger Life, the ‘we’ expands to mean all beings.

Individuality coexists with union. The rest of life mutually enriching, surviving and thriving as a diversity of expression. Your so-called neighbor in a physical dimension you coexist with more apparent as the veil diminishes. No longer the need for privacy, for what is there to protect from? The more one becomes aware of reality, the more the reality of integrity becomes identified with, and the integrity of others as well.  This is true coexistence, and so it is with dimensions and other reality.

You speak of exploration. Life is unlimited exploration and is growing. Allow the truth of these perceptions to reveal themselves in their own way. Be more alive than you imagine. Namaste.

Nov. 8, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Conscious union & power of singularity

JANU:    Identity shifting for the purpose of conscious union is a reality of inclusion. Less a separate identity but more a presence, unique in wisdom, memories, evolution, perspective, but with isolation and borders of separation as well as with an ease of inclusion, natural connection and effortlessness, coexisting interests, revelations, understandings, intimacies, and giving and receiving.

Yes, singularities in consciousness exist, the nature of consciousness and the nature of life itself and its expressions, creations. The power of a singularity in consciousness reveals coexistence of beginning and all expression and the timelessness of this reality. So, when pursuing an awareness, employ this perspective and there are no secrets, only limited consciousness that is temporary.

Employing singularity reality in the pursuit of understanding and engagement reveals the looping reality of life and its infinite possibilities. Continue with this and master it. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2023                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


What is life?

JANU: We are responding to the request: The nature of life and not life. The imagination wanders along paths of inquiry to discover, understand, and relate to many realities. This morning’s journey includes such.

What is life, then? It is pure being with many characteristics, potentials, opportunities, co-creation, and alternatives. Reality devoid of this consumes nothing but is the potential for life. So what is ‘non-being’? It is no time/space or manifestations. It is not even an ‘isness.’ It is no thing.

So where does potential come from? What is it? What does it constitute? Is it a reality?

What benefit to explore non-existence? Life is larger than any description: Unlimited potential and realization. Energetic yet beyond energy. Vitality. Coexistence beyond description. Aspects beyond number. As present in the moment as in timelessness. Uniqueness and oneness. Beginning and end. Seeming contradictions. Infinitesimal and infinite. Illusion and reality. Freedom to be limitation and limitlessness. Use any of the descriptors of life from the micro to the macro. It includes it all. Namaste.
Oct. 21, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 This question has been posed previously. As the answers match my development and understanding it may be of interest to the reader to see prior answers


Elements of successful coexistence

JANU:    Understanding the nature of life expression, no matter the reality, includes coexistence. And the nature of coexistence is the expressions of life, mutually beneficial. Now, in the midst of this, the times change, evolution appears to evolve through the dissolution of certain expressions for the purpose of re-creation in new ways. A limited view is that this is destruction, but in the larger view, it is change, creativity through reassignment of resources. The building of a building in its materials involves consuming resources to create something new. This is Life in motion and existence is re-created to evolve into new expressions with diverse potentials and opportunities for their realizations. And the march goes on. From limited perceptions, it is a challenge to perceive this dance of life as positive. Coexistence does not mean status quo. It means the evidence of life expression evolving simultaneously.

Human consciousness has a tendency to want to hold on to these expressions of life for stability, predictability. This is an illusion. Adapting to change and evolution is a powerful way to coexist. So, self-examination is worth while. Adaptability to change is security for ongoingness. Successful change is a continuation of creative expression and adaptability. All of the elements of coexistence are in motion. Be open to the coexistence of an individual adaptation on each one’s unique journey. Be attuned to collective reality, including your own. Namaste.
Oct. 13, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Self-governing—collective social gov’t

JANU: Self-governing for a society entails a measure of awakening through conscious union. It can begin with a desire to find common ground with others. What do you have in common as a foundation for mutual benefit? Reaching into the vast possibilities, embrace a model that evolves, changes, grows, realizing a greater and greater potential. What relationships and structures can benefit everyone, appropriate to each one’s potential? Discovering the reality of mutual connection, perceiving with a perspective of understanding coexistence of individuality and common good or benefit.

The imposition of laws and regulations imposed by a few does not carry the insight of collective consciousness, integration, and the wisdom each one possesses from within. In a world of many creatures, “nature” if you will, the benefit in productive consciousness effects all nature, for it is all connected. Even the behaviors of creatures of the world will evolve. Humanity will come to realize these many levels of contribution to the rest of nature. The direction this takes is a choice. Humanity unawakened does not realize it is not alone in this. All of life is in motion, attempting to realize its potential and evolve into new possibilities, new achievements which set the foundation for even more.

Self-governing is much more than current politics and legalities. Everyone is involved, learning, growing, understanding, and awakening to a larger life. By any comparison, many are still in slumber. The veil is not fixed or permanent. It is temporary. Self-determination and awakening move beyond any limitation, based in a growing wisdom as to the nature of Life. Each one has a legacy of insightful wisdom, of experience, memories. This of course takes initiative, assumption of responsibility, standing in your truth, and exploring it. This is government by the people who have common ground in their True Natures. Namaste.
Oct. 12, 2023                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Savoring the richness of life

JANU: Savoring the richness of life is a peaceful journey through its creations. Its diversity and its evolution are unlimited. Exploring other worlds is part of this, but not all of it. There are thoughts of cause, results, origins, purpose, reason, potential, timing, connectivity, relationships, timelessness, cycles, and pure being. These—and many more avenues of discovery, exploration, understanding—go hand in hand with exploring any part of life.

So whatever is explored, have a foundation of a larger reality of which the exploration is a part. Even perspective is evolving. The elements of life are evolving. The descriptors are evolving. Much to be learned from exploring worlds, for they reflect on your own and your journeys. A grand perspective to achieve is the reality that everything is connected in countless ways. And everyone, as well. Diversity and oneness coexisting in a symphony of Life and Light. Namaste.
May 27, 2023                                                   Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


More on conscious of and conscious as

JANU:    The theme today being conscious of and conscious as intimacy of life. Being conscious has at least two dimensions of which we speak. Study, research, observation are the beginnings of understanding. Being more and more conscious of life and its expressions, its creations, its relationships, and its potential can take lifetimes of pursuit and discovery. Carried to the next stage is to be more and more conscious as whatever your interests, pursuits, even conscious as who you are in your totality.

Bringing these two together causes an evolution, not only in perception but in being. Simultaneous realities overlap and are synergistic. Conscious of and conscious as are the keys. Simultaneous existences united as one, diverse and one, open the identity which has been one-pointed, locked in place, irrefutable, which is an illusion in the face of the Larger Life.

Identity shifting is a freedom of being that allows for exploration and intimacy with the rest of life. Identity fixation becomes the norm for those unable to be conscious as. It is a survival tool in an isolated consciousness. Exploring other worlds, other cultures, other species, other platforms of life takes on an intimacy of experience and understanding when identity can shift with being conscious as. The integrity of being is broader than one identity. Coexistence is a reality, more of a profound exploration. Co-identities as well.

Being unlocked from one perception of life inspires harmony among the systems of life, which is a peace not unlike life itself, with its diversities of expression, of coexistence and omnipresence. Expand being conscious of more and more of life and your own Nature and, at the same time, expand being conscious as the life that you are and can be. We are one and namaste.
June 26, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Love the Larger Life into consciousness

JANU:   We are loving the Larger Life into our consciousness. In the light of this, the darker areas of confusion, doubt, frustration, ignorance become gently filled with light, which is the Truth of Life. Once again, one feels or experiences potential and fulfillment coexisting. The preference of the Larger Life is who you are, as who you are, who we are. No limitations, ongoingness of life in eternal motion. Namaste.
June 17, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross



JANU:   Let us begin this morning with a journey or adventure into the unknown realm of coexistence. There are worlds, that coexist and there are many attributes to this coexistence. Let us begin with those that combine energies.

Now, physically speaking, from your perspective, they do not coexist physically, but they do coexist dimensionally, energetically, ideologically, and scientifically, philosophically, as well. They are known to each other by the form they take on with each other, in the sense of combined interest, inspiration, and a delicate balance of the nuances of influence. These worlds began this journey of coexistence in their early formation because of their affinities for, a grasp of, a larger life, a universe filled with life. Travel to other worlds was not an option but connecting in other ways was. This relationship became a way of life so completely that life without it is incomprehensible. Peace between these worlds was never lost, for the element in your world of direct physical contact or conflict did not exist. So relationships were negotiated through more intimate understanding and knowledge of each other. And yes, there are those worlds that coexist with more than one other. And they enjoy networking in a more profound way.

Let us see then into one of these relationships, that begins with two worlds within your galaxy. A star cluster known by them but nameless. The code or method of communication from one to another is through what you would call a binary principle, that is absolute in detail of identification, for these binary patterns superimpose on one another and recognition is instant, as is communication. Their coded life relationships afford them an intimacy in life that brings about a connection or oneness that exists throughout their reality. You might try to describe this in mathematical terms, but they do not apply. Their coded references to each other communicate harmony, well-being, and integrity to each other that one may not fall from these balances of life without being restored by the others.

Their success of this breeds interest from other worlds not so inclined, but their relationship is so profoundly intertwined that it is not understood by others to emulate.  These occurrences in life go unnoticed by many, are imagined by others but are seen as requiring too much to give up to enter into.

These beings are non-corporeal but they are conscious. Viable lifeforms, societies, structures are not all just physical, you see. There are worlds and realms vital, rich, and diverse you do not yet perceive. These coexisting worlds are not limited in form or relationship to the two we mention at this time. These are but one example.  Namaste.
April 6, 2012                                                                                  Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the life of other worlds

JANU:   When one considers that other worlds are at great distance, we must realize that, in other realities, they are not. The differences have more to say than distances.

Understanding other worlds is served by understanding your own. For most of humanity, the Earth is an unknown world, when observing its many realities, for the Earth is more than a physical world, a physical planet. It is a world of energies moving on many realities, many levels with many characteristics and functions. Not to mention lifeforms. If a world were only physical, could such lifeforms exist and flourish? A parallel question is: Can one dimension exist without the rest? There is a hierarchy of life co-existing, interdependent, and mutual supporting.

Other worlds have co-dependencies as well, co-existences, the realities of life. The planets are a manifestation of these many realities and life exists as a complete system of life; therefore, a better understanding of these questions is based upon exploring this system of life: how it functions, re-creates itself, and its systemic  condition. So then, exploring other worlds is exploring this system of life, and, when doing so, you begin to understand your own system of life and the scope of its reality.

Now, there are balances of relationships in motion, changing, flowing, resulting in, among other things, worlds, lifeforms, the destinies of life. Building a foundation of understanding on this nature, when networking with another world, brings understanding to its diversity and the roots of its existence.  

So, how does one network with the Earth, when most of its reality is not understood? By observing it as a lifeform, complex, vibrant, vulnerable, changing its own self-perception, yet more aware of its enduring existence, and all that that includes, than its inhabitants. The Earth has memories that are accessible and are active and part of its presence in life. When have you considered the memories of another world that are vibrant as it processes its own existence in the life that it is?

So, you see, networking with other worlds is to network with the memories and the presence and the life that those worlds are, including your own. The Wheeyah Code helps prepare for this by learning the language of worlds, no longer isolated to your personal perceptions of life. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2013                                            Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross